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We present 7 mm and 3.5 cm wavelength continuum observations towards the Herbig AeBe star HD169142 performed with the Very Large Array (VLA) with an angular resolution of ≃1 arcsec. We find that this object exhibits strong (≃4.4 mJy), unresolved (≲1 arcsec) 7 mm continuum emission, being one of the brightest isolated Herbig AeBe stars ever detected with the VLA at this wavelength. No emission is detected at 3.5 cm continuum, with a 3σ upper limit of ≃0.08 mJy. From these values, we obtain a spectral index α≳ 2.5 in the 3.5 cm to 7 mm wavelength range, indicating that the observed flux density at 7 mm is most likely dominated by thermal dust emission coming from a circumstellar disc. We use available photometric data from the literature to model the spectral energy distribution (SED) of this object from radio to near-ultraviolet frequencies. The observed SED can be understood in terms of an irradiated accretion disc with low mass accretion rate,     , surrounding a star with an age of ≃10 Myr. We infer that the mass of the disc is ≃0.04 M, and is populated by dust grains that have grown to a maximum size of 1 mm everywhere, consistent with the lack of silicate 10 μm emission. These features, as well as indications of settling in the wall at the dust destruction radius, led us to speculate that the disc of HD169142 is in an advanced stage of dust evolution, particularly in its inner regions.  相似文献   

The evolved star HD 179821 continues to be the subject of much debate as to whether it is a nearby     post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) star or a distant     high initial mass     post-red supergiant. We have mapped the OH maser emission around HD 179821 in the 1612- and 1667-MHz lines with the MERLIN interferometer array at a resolution of 0.4 arcsec and 0.35 km s−1. The OH emission lies in a thick shell with inner and outer radii of 1.3 and         and expansion velocity of 30 km s−1. Although we find some evidence for acceleration and for deviations from spherical symmetry, the bulk of the maser emission is consistent with a constant-velocity spherical shell. The extent of the shell agrees with H2O and OH dissociation models and supports a distance estimate of 6 kpc. However, the shell is incomplete and appears to have been disrupted by more recent collimated outflow activity within the last 1500 yr. We suggest that this activity is also responsible for the active envelope chemistry (in particular the presence of HCO+) and for the apparent offset of the star from the centre of the shell. The luminous yellow hypergiant star IRC +10420 also shows signs of recent outflows, and HD 179821 may be at a similar, perhaps slightly earlier, phase of evolution. We suggest that the SiO thermal emission arises from the same detached envelope as the OH maser emission as in IRC +10420. If so then this would strengthen the connection between these two stars and probably rule out a post-AGB status for HD 179821.  相似文献   

We present the first radio observations of a sample of 13 optically and IR-bright Southern hemisphere classical Be stars made from the Australian Telescope Compact Array at 3.5 and 6.3 cm simultaneously. One star, δ Cen, was detected at 3.5 cm, and a second, μ Cen, was also thought to have been detected; further observations of this source are required to confirm this detection. No sources were detected at 6.3 cm, although δ Cen was previously detected at this wavelength by other observers at a higher flux than our detection limit. The radio observations show that the spectral energy distribution undergoes a turnover between the far-IR and radio wavelengths, as was seen in previous studies. Likewise we find no simple correlation between far-IR and radio flux. Lower limits to the outer disc radius were found to be of the order of a few hundred solar radii i.e. of the order of those found previously by Taylor et al.  相似文献   

We have constructed models of axisymmetric, circumstellar envelopes for Be star discs by successfully combining two numerical codes: a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative transfer code which calculates the level populations and disc temperature distribution self-consistently, and a hydrodynamical code. The output of one code is used as input to the other code, and hence evolving density and thermal structures may be examined. The temperatures, disc density and velocity distribution are used to investigate the outflowing viscous disc model for Be stars. We find that these simulations place constraints on the power-law density decrease in the disc with increasing distance from the star. We find that the power-law index for the line-forming region of the disc lies between 3 and 3.5 with a small dispersion.  相似文献   

Asteroseismology of pre-main-sequence δ Scuti stars has the potential not only to provide unprecedented constraints on models of these stars, but also to allow for the possibility of detecting evolutionary period changes, thus providing a direct measure of the pre-main-sequence evolutionary time-scale. In the last two years, the published number of such stars known has doubled from four to eight. Searches are now being conducted amongst the Herbig Ae stars, which are considered to be excellent candidates. We announce the discovery of δ Scuti pulsation in one Herbig Ae star, HD 142666, which lies within Marconi & Palla's theoretically predicted instability strip for pre-main-sequence stars, making this the ninth known pre-main-sequence δ Scuti star. We also demonstrate a lack of δ Scuti pulsation in another such star, HD 142527.  相似文献   

We have calculated the total flux emitted in H α , P α and Br α by the circumstellar envelope of both an early Be star, γ Cas, and a late Be star, 1 Delphini, assuming the central star is the only source of energy input into the circumstellar envelope. These estimates are based on the Be-star models of Millar & Marlborough which have self-consistent temperature distributions determined by equating the local rates of energy gain and energy loss in the envelopes. We find that an additional source of ionizing photons, as argued by Apparao, is not necessary to account for the observed emission.  相似文献   

One-armed oscillation modes in the circumstellar discs of Be stars may explain the cyclical variations in their emission lines. We show that a 3D effect, involving vertical motion and neglected in previous treatments, profoundly influences the dynamics. Using a secular theory of eccentric discs that reduces the problem to a second-order differential equation, we show that confined prograde modes are obtained for all reasonable disc temperatures and stellar rotation rates. We confirm these results using a numerical analysis of the full set of linearized equations for 3D isothermal discs including viscous terms that couple the horizontal motions at different altitudes. In order to make these modes grow, viscous damping must be overcome by an excitation mechanism such as viscous overstability.  相似文献   

We present spectropolarimetric observations, obtained at H α , of the Herbig Ae star AB Aurigae. Changes in linear polarization across the H α line probe structure in the immediate circumstellar environment of the central star, down to scales of the order of one to a few stellar radii. In the case of AB Aurigae the observed polarimetric signature is complex. After applying a correction for foreground continuum polarization, we find that there is a linear-polarized H α emission component intrinsic to the source. Rotation of the angle of polarization through the emission-line profile suggests scattering in a rotating circumstellar disc. The magnetic accretor model commonly applied to T Tauri stars shows promise of explaining these data.  相似文献   

We have used the Ultra-High-Resolution Facility (UHRF) at the AAT, operating at a resolution of 0.35 km s−1 (FWHM), to observe K  i and C2 absorption lines arising in the circumstellar environment of the post-AGB star HD 56126. We find three narrow circumstellar absorption components in K  i , two of which are also present in C2. We attribute this velocity structure to discrete shells resulting from multiple mass-loss events from the star. The very high spectral resolution has enabled us to resolve the intrinsic linewidths of these narrow lines for the first time, and we obtain velocity dispersions ( b -values) of 0.2–0.3 km s−1 for the K  i components, and 0.54±0.03 km s−1 for the strongest (and best defined) C2 component. These correspond to rigorous kinetic temperature upper limits of 211 K for K  i and 420 K for C2, although the b -value ratio implies that these two species do not co-exist spatially. The observed degree of rotational excitation of C2 implies low kinetic temperatures ( T k≈10 K) and high densities ( n ≈106 to 107 cm−3) within the shell responsible for the main C2 component. Given this low temperature, the line profiles then imply either mildly supersonic turbulence or an unresolved velocity gradient through the shell.  相似文献   

We present the results from a 28-day IUE time-series campaign monitoring the stellar wind of the O5-type giant HD 93843. The principal aim was to study variability in the wind of a star with a normal projected rotation velocity. Systematic changes are identified, amidst continuous line-profile variability, in the absorption troughs of the Si  iv and N  v resonance lines. The patterns observed have characteristic time-scales of several days and are mimicked by fluctuations (of several 100 km s−1) in the blue wings of the saturated C  iv P Cygni profile.   Fourier analysis provides support for the repeatability of wind structures in HD 93843 on a 7.1-d 'period'. Power at this frequency is evident only at intermediate and high velocities (i.e., above ∼0.3 of the terminal velocity). The long modulation time-scale suggests that changes in the star itself probably provide the physical source for triggering the onset of wind structure. Unfortunately the rotational, photometric, pulsational and magnetic properties of HD 93843 are too poorly constrained or known to permit a more detailed interpretation of the 7.1-d wind modulation in terms of potential inhomogeneities at the stellar surface. Nevertheless, our study demonstrates that the incidence of cyclic, possibly regular, stellar-wind variability is not restricted to rapid rotators. Comparisons with other OB stars which have exhibited repetitive wind changes on 'periods' of several days suggest that the time-dependent UV properties of HD 93843 are more akin to those of the O4-type supergiant ζ Puppis.  相似文献   

We report the results of our study of magnetic fields in a sample of 15 Be stars using spectropolarimetric data obtained at the European Southern Observatory with the multi-mode instrument FORS 1 installed at the 8m Kueyen telescope. We detect weak photospheric magnetic fields in four stars, HD56014, HD148184, HD155806, and HD181615. We note that for HD181615 the evolutionary status is not obvious due to the fact that it is a binary system currently observed in the initial rapid phase of mass exchange between the two components. Further, we notify the possible presence of distinct circular polarisation features in the circumstellar components of Ca II H&K in three stars, HD58011, HD117357, and HD181615, hinting at a probable presence of magnetic fields in the circumstellar mass loss disks of these stars. We emphasize the need for future spectropolarimetric observations of Be stars with detected magnetic fields to study the temporal evolution of their magnetic fields and the correlation of magnetic field properties with dynamical phenomena taking place in the gaseous circumstellar disks of these stars. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present optical spectra of four intermediate-mass candidate young stellar objects that have often been classified as Herbig Ae/Be stars. Typical Herbig Ae/Be emission features are not present in the spectra of these stars. Three of them, HD 36917, HD 36982 and HD 37062, are members of the young Orion nebula cluster (ONC). This association constrains their ages to be ≲1 Myr. The lack of appreciable near-infrared excess in them suggests the absence of hot dust close to the central star. However, they do possess significant amounts of cold and extended dust as revealed by the large excess emission observed at far-infrared wavelengths. The fractional infrared luminosities  ( L ir/ L )  and the dust masses computed from IRAS fluxes are systematically lower than those found for Herbig Ae/Be stars but higher than those for Vega-like stars. These stars may thus represent the youngest examples of the Vega phenomenon known so far. In contrast, the other star in our sample, HD 58647, is more likely to be a classical Be star, as is evident from the low   L ir/ L   , the scarcity of circumstellar dust, the low polarization, the presence of H α emission and near-infrared excess, and the far-infrared spectral energy distribution consistent with free–free emission similar to other well-known classical Be stars.  相似文献   

We present Hα spectropolarimetry observations of a sample of 23 Herbig Ae/Be stars. A change in the linear polarization across Hα is detected in a large fraction of the objects, which indicates that the regions around Herbig stars are flattened (disc-like) on small scales. A second outcome of our study is that the spectropolarimetric signatures for the Ae stars differ from those of the Herbig Be stars, with characteristics changing from depolarization across Hα in the Herbig Be stars, to line polarizations in the Ae group. The frequency of depolarizations detected in the Herbig Be stars (seven out of 12) is particularly interesting as, by analogy with classical Be stars, it may be the best evidence to date that the higher-mass Herbig stars are surrounded by flattened structures. For the Herbig Ae stars, nine out of 11 show a line polarization effect that can be understood in terms of a compact Hα emission that is itself polarized by a rotating disc-like circumstellar medium. The spectropolarimetric difference between the Herbig Be and Ae stars may be the first indication that there is a transition in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram from magnetic accretion at spectral type A to disc accretion at spectral type B. Alternatively, the interior polarized line emission apparent in the Ae stars may be masked in the Herbig Be stars owing to their higher levels of Hα emission.  相似文献   

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