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Flash floods are the highest sediment transporting agent,but are inaccessible for in-situ sampling and have rarely been analyzed by remote sensing technology.Laboratory and field experiments were done to develop linear spectral unmixing(LSU) remote sensing model and evaluate its performance in simulating the suspended sediment concentration(SSC) in flash floods.The models were developed from continuous monitoring in the laboratory and the onsite spectral signature of river bed sediment deposits and flash floods in the Tekeze River and in its tributary,the Tsirare River.The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the variability of correlations between reflectance and SSCs.The coefficient of determination(R2) and root mean square of error(RMSE) were used to evaluate the performance of the generated models.The results found that the Pearson correlation coefficient between SSCs and reflectance varied based on the level of the SSCs,geological colors,and grain sizes.The performance of the LSU model and empirical remote sensing approaches were computed to be R2=0.92,and RMSE=±0.76 g/1 in the Tsirare River and R2=0.91,and RMSE=±0.73 g/1 in the Tekeze River and R2=0.81,RMSE=±2.65 g/l in the Tsirare river and R2=0.76,RMSE=±10.87 g/l in the Tekeze River,respectively.Hence,the LSU approach of remote sensing was found to be relatively accurate in monitoring and modeling the variability of SSCs that could be applied to the upper Tekeze River basin.  相似文献   

Observations are reported of the dynamics of suspended sediment transport in the meltstream of Storbreen in the Jotunheimen. Fine sediment is transferred from the subglacial to the proglacial environment during low flow (meltdominated) periods, and then removed from the catchment during high flow (rainfall-controlled) events. Both diurnal and storm period sediment load-discharge relationships involve clockwise hysteresis, but separate multivariate rating curves define variations of load with streamflow according to (1) the relative importance of meltwater and rainfall runoff, and (2) changes in the sediment source areas contributing to the stream at different times. Particle size variations in the suspended sediment also reflect varying source area influences.  相似文献   

Pollen and spores form a significant part of the suspended organic load of a New Forest stream. Flood concentrations reach 230 grains ml?1 while baseflow carries under one grain ml?1. Hydrographs from different seasons show differing hysteretic loops for pollen and spore concentrations against discharge and suspended sediment. These variations reflect not only factors of production, but the type and distance of the contributing sources. This investigation suggests that variations in flood pollen and spore concentrations may be used to trace such suspended sediment sources as: eroding bedrock, channel banks, or hillslopes under specific vegetation covers.  相似文献   

The suspended sediment concentration response of three small streams draining quartzites and quartz-schists in southwestern Nigeria to storms of varying magnitude are presented. A total of 1468 water samples from 62 storm responses with peak stream discharge values ranging from 80 to 120 l s?2 were analysed and storm and suspended sediment concentration hydrographs and hysteresis loops were used to depict the response patterns. The six different types of responses identified include the single and multiple discharge peak rises with sediment lead and lag and also the mixed response patterns. Both valley slope and channel erosion constituted important sources of suspended sediment. However, sediment availability, exhaustion, and flushing effects determined the variation in the different response types.  相似文献   

The macro-tidal Gulf of Kachchh, covering nearly 7000 km(2), is located about 150 km south of the Indus River mouth. In spite of semi-arid climate and lack of major rivers flowing into it, the Gulf is highly turbid with suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) during October-November 2002 ranging between 0.5 and 674 mgl(-1). Highly turbid waters are observed towards the northern portion of the mouth of the Gulf, at the head of the Gulf and adjacent to the numerous shoals present within the Gulf. Perennial high SSC in the Gulf is due to resuspension of sediments by strong tidal currents, shallow bathymetry and presence of fine-grained sediments on the sea floor. Numerical model studies show that there is a dynamic barrier in the central Gulf, which prevents the exchange of water and suspended sediments between the outer and inner Gulf. This dynamic barrier associated with strong east-west tidal currents restricts the turbid waters mainly to the northern Gulf, resulting in relatively clear waters (SSC<10 mgl(-1)) in the southern and central portions of the Gulf. Laser particle size distribution, clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the suspended matter show that the main source of sediments to the Gulf of Kachchh is the Indus River. Although the Indus discharge has been severely curtailed in the recent decades due to construction of numerous dams and barrages, the Gulf of Kachchh continues to receive resuspended sediments from the numerous meso and macro-tidal creeks of the Indus delta. The sediments at the head of the Gulf appear to be a mixture of sediments derived from the Indus as well as the numerous seasonal rivers draining the Rann of Kachchh.  相似文献   

C. R. Fenn  B. Gomez 《水文研究》1989,3(2):123-135
Hourly, at-a-point samples of suspended sediment taken from the outflow stream of Glacier de Tsidjiore Nouve, Switzerland, over a 60 day sampling period (n = 1440) are shown to be dominantly composed of silt-sized particles. Particle size, SEM, and XRD analyses indicate a subglacial provenance for the suspended sediment. Temporal variations in particle size and sorting correspond poorly to fluctuations in water discharge, being dominated by erratic hour-to-hour fluctuations and clockwise hysteresis over diurnal flow events. Examination of grain size and sorting dynamics over snowmelt- and icemelt-related ablation events, during precipitation events, and during glacier drainage events enables some inferences to be drawn regarding sediment source areas and supply regimes. We conclude that although the bulk of the suspended sediment in the proglacial stream of Glacier de Tsidjiore Nouve is derived directly from subglacial sources (with occasional contributions from the valley train during rapid snowmelt and heavy rainfall periods), a portion of the suspended load undergoes intermittent ‘flush-fall’ transfer through the proglacial zone, which acts as a sediment source during rising flows and as a sink during periods of waning flow.  相似文献   

Tracing suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus sources in catchments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Information on suspended sediment and particulate P (PP) sources is an important requirement in many catchment-based diffuse source pollution studies, in order to assist with model validation and to provide information to support the development of effective sediment and phosphorus control strategies. Such information is, however, frequently unavailable or difficult to assemble. In the study reported, source fingerprinting procedures were successfully used to assemble this information for seven sub-catchments in the Hampshire Avon catchment and five sub-catchments in the Middle Herefordshire Wye catchment. The results provide important new information on the relative importance of the contributions from surface and channel/subsurface sources to the suspended sediment and PP fluxes from the catchments. In the Wye sub-catchments channel/subsurface sources contributed 40–55% of the overall suspended sediment flux and 21–43% of the PP flux from the catchments. Equivalent values for the Avon were 1–41% and 1–54%, respectively. Combination of the information on the relative importance of surface and channel/subsurface sources with measured suspended sediment fluxes has provided the first estimates of the specific fluxes of sediment and PP attributable to channel/subsurface sources for UK catchments. The former are as high as 15–20 t km−2 year−1 in some of the Wye sub-catchments, whereas the latter exceeded 0.1 kgP ha−1 year−1 in the same sub-catchments. The results emphasize the need to take account of potential contributions from channel/subsurface sources when using measured suspended sediment and PP flux data to validate predictions derived from models incorporating only surface contributions.  相似文献   

Sediment yield is a complex function of many environmental factors including climate,hydrology,vegetation,basin topography,soil types,and land cover.We present a new semi-physical watershed sediment yield model for the estimation of suspended sediment in loess region.This model is composed by three modules in slope,gully,and stream phases.For slope sediment yield,a balance equation is established based on the concept of hydraulic erosion capacity and soil erosion resistance capacity.According to the statistical analysis of watershed characteristics,we use an exponential curve to approximately describe the spatial variability of watershed soil erosion resistance capacity.In gully phase,the relationship between gully sediment concentration and flow velocity is established based on the Bagnold'stream power function.In the stream phase,we assume a linear dependence of the sediment volume in the reach on the weighted sediment input and output.The proposed sediment yield model is operated in conjunction with a conceptual hydrologic model,and is tested over 16 regions including testing grounds,and small,medium and large watersheds in the loess plateau region in the mid-reach of Yellow River.Our results indicate that the model is reasonable in structure and is able to provide a good simulation of sediment generation and transportation processes at both flood event scale and inter-annual time scale.The proposed model is generally applicable to the watersheds with soil texture similar to that of the loess plateau region in the Yellow River basin in China.  相似文献   

Based on the power function of velocity and the friction velocity,a velocity profile is obtained.By solving the Schmidt’s diffusion equation,an equilibrium suspended sediment concentration profile is further deduced.The profiles of velocity and suspended sediment concentration agree well with the field data,and the profile of suspended sediment concentration avoids the unreasonableness of the classical Rouse profile such as a zero value at the water surface.According to these profiles,an expression which is easy to use for calculating the suspended sediment transport rate is derived.  相似文献   

This paper investigates suspended sediment transport and dynamics of two nested agricultural lowland Mediterranean catchments with a difference of two orders of magnitude in the surface area (i.e., 1 and 264 km2). The effects of the drainage catchment area over the specific suspended sediment yield are assessed by using the nested approach over various timeframes. A detailed analysis of the rainfall–runoff–sediment transport relationships during the 2‐year study period shows that the hydrological and sedimentological responses were extremely variable for both catchments. Very low or no correlations were observed between the rainfall intensity and the selected hydrological variables and sediment loads. However, remarkable or high correlations were obtained between the rainfall intensity and the maximum and average suspended sediment concentrations, indicating that rainfall per unit time has little control on the hydrological response, but that, simultaneously, its high‐erosive power triggers sediment production, increasing the sedimentary response of the catchments. This study also illustrates how sediment is mainly transported during floods, producing predominantly clockwise hysteretic loops. Moreover, the small headwater catchment exerts a reduced (or even negligible) effect over the hydro‐sedimentary response of the larger downstream catchment, caused by the reduced sediment availability in a landscape with an inherent disconnection of the sediment pathways.  相似文献   


The results are described of 16 years operation of a measuring station for the automatic recording of water discharge, bed load and suspended sediment transport in the Rio Cordon catchment, a small alpine basin (5 km2) located in northeastern Italy. Hillslope erosion processes were investigated by surveying individual sediment sources repeatedly. Annual and seasonal variations of suspended sediment load during the period 1986–2001 are analysed along with their contribution to the total sediment yield. The results show that suspended load accounted for 76% of total load and that most of the suspended sediment transport occurred during two flood events: an extreme summer flash flood in September 1994 (27% of the 16-years total suspended load) and a snowmelt-induced event in May 2001 accompanied by a mud flow which fed the stream with sediments. The role of active sediment source areas is discussed in relation to the changes in flood peak—suspended load trends which became apparent after both the 1994 and the 2001 events.  相似文献   

The new concept presented for forecasting the rate of accumulation of suspended sediment in reservoir water in the bottom sediment allows reasonable estimates of the siltation process globally, regionally, or locally, to be obtained without the need for costly research. The method draws on three key parameters, i.e., the concentration of suspended sediments (SS), and its organic matter (OMSS) content, as well as the storage capacity (VR) (i.e., the water storage in the reservoir). All of these parameters easy to determine, with information on them, in fact, made widely available by most agencies managing reservoirs in different parts of the world. In practice, the proposed method can represent a missing link in the precise determination of a reservoirs rate of siltation (and hence, losses of storage capacity).  相似文献   

In spite of the important relationship between sediment particle size and the transport/deposition of adsorbed pollutants in fluvial systems, little information regarding the size characteristics of suspended sediment transported by southern Ontario Great Lakes tributaries is currently available. This paper examines long-term sediment and hydrometric data collected by the Water Resources Branch of Environment Canada in order to provide information on (1) typical particle size distributions of suspended sediment, (2) relationships between source material and particle size characteristics of suspended sediment, and (3) temporal variation in the particle size characteristics of suspended sediment from six southern Ontario rivers. Results illustrate the complex behaviour and variability of sediment particle size transport in these rivers and demonstrate the need for a better understanding of seasonal effects on sediment availability and conveyance processes in fluvial systems.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the spatial and temporal patterns of drivers for sediment dynamics in coastal areas. The basic assumption is that local processes are dominating. The focus is put on the bed shear stress in the southern part of North Sea giving the basic control for deposition–sedimentation and resuspension–erosion. The wave-induced bed shear stress is formulated using a model based on the concept that the turbulent kinetic energy associated with surface waves is a function of orbital velocity, the latter depending on the wave height and period, as well as on the water depth. Parameters of surface waves are taken from simulations with the wave spectrum model WAM (wave model). Bed shear stress associated with currents is simulated with a 3D primitive equation model, Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model. Significant wave height, bed shear stress due to waves and currents, is subjected to empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) analysis. It has been found that the EOF-1 of significant wave height represents the decrease of significant wave height over the shallows and, due to fetch limitation, along the coastlines. Higher order modes are seesaw-like and, in combination, display a basin-scale rotational pattern centred approximately in the middle of the basin. Similar types of variability is also observed in the second and third EOF of bed shear stress. Surface concentrations of suspended matter derived from MERIS satellite data are analysed and compared against statistical characteristics of bed shear stress. The results show convincingly that the horizontal distribution of sediment can, to a larger extent, be explained by the local shear stress. However, availability of resuspendable sediments on the bottom is quite important in some areas like the Dogger Bank.  相似文献   

A method for collecting suspended sediment samples has been developed that pumps a discharge-weighted volume of water from fixed depths at four to 40 locations across a river and separates the suspended sediment in the sample using a continuous-flow centrifuge. The efficacy of the method is evaluated by comparing the particle size distributions of sediment collected by the discharge-weighted pumping method with the particle size distributions of sediment collected by depth integration and separated by gravitational settling. The pumping method was found to undersample the suspended sand sized particles (> 63 μm) but to collect a representative sample of the suspended silt and clay sized particles (< 63 μm). The centrifuge separated the silt and clay sized particles (< 63 μm) into three fractions. Based on the average results of processing 17 samples from the Mississippi River and several of its large tributaries in 1990, about 10% of the silt and clay sized material was trapped in a centrifuge bowl-bottom sealing unit containing the nozzle and consisted of mostly medium and coarse silt from 16 to 63 μm. About 74% was retained on a Teflon liner in the centrifuge bowl and consisted of sizes from 0–1 to 63 μm. About 9% was discharged from the centrifuge in the effluent and was finer than 0–1 μm. About 7% was lost during the processes of removing the wet sediment fractions from the centrifuge, drying and weighing. The success of the discharge-weighted pumping method depends on how homogeneously the silt and clay sized particles (< 63 μm) are distributed in the vertical direction in the river. The degree of homogeneity depends on the composition and degree of aggregation of the suspended sediment particles.  相似文献   

Flow records, rising‐stage sediment samplers, and a sand suspension model are used to examine suspended sediment concentrations during major floods caused by tropical cyclones TC Joni and TC Kina in the Rewa River, Fiji. The highest concentrations of total suspended solids were measured during the early stages of TC Kina. The suspension model predicts higher sand concentrations for TC Kina compared with TC Joni because of the larger slope and higher shear stresses during Kina. Extremely high wash load concentrations early in TC Kina are at least partly due to remobilization of fine sediment deposited during the earlier TC Joni flood. Samples from the TC Kina had volumetric concentrations larger than 5%, indicating hyperconcentrated streamflows. Mass‐density shear stresses in the hyperconcentrated flows are up 1·6 times larger than clear‐water shear stresses, but they occur early during low stages of the flood and probably do not result in severe bed erosion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Six stations along the Upper Rhone River above Lake Geneva were sampled by continuous flow centrifuge for recovery of suspended sediment. The samples were taken four times, once in 1982 and three times in 1983. In addition the mouth of the river was sampled in a like manner every two weeks during 1982 until August 1983. Samples were analysed for the major elements SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, MgO, Na2O, CaO, and Fe2O3; for trace elements, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, and Cr; for Org. C and Kjeldahl N; and the forms of phosphorus bound as Organic P (OP), Apatite P (AP), and Non Apatite Inorganic P (NAIP). The major elements and trace metals confirmed that there is virtually no change in the major geochemical characteristics of the suspended solids in the Rhone, spatially or temporally, indicating that this river is a well-mixed sedimentary system. AP also remained consistent in concentration throughout the year. Sediment recovered during the winter low flow, low turbidity period has been designated SED 1 whereas sediment from the high flow, high turbidity summer condition of the river has been designated SED 2. Org C, OP, and NAIP show a dramatic decrease in concentration from SED 1 to SED 2. The decline is ascribed to dilution of a relatively constant supply of organic matter and phosphorus derived mainly from point source sewage treatment plants to the Rhone. This results in variable partitioning of the OP/NAIP and Org C under the different turbidity condition in the river between winter and summer. This interpretation is confirmed by a low and consistent C-N ratio which except for March remains below 10. Higher values in March may be indicative of soil erosion during spring melt in the agricultural lands of the Rhone Valley. The estimated proportion of particulate bio-available phosphorus is 14 per cent for SED 1 and 7 per cent for SED 2. These low values would suggest that there would be no observable direct effect on the primary production of the receiving waters of Lake Geneva, which would thus respond only to the cumulative loading of phosphorus from the Rhone River.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, the influence of inflow and outflow sequences on the behavior of fine sedi-ment was investigated. The experimental set-up consisted of two interconnected rectangular basins, between which water was moved back and forth. Suspended sediment concentration in the main basin as well as the sediment exchange rates were derived from turbidity measurements.The suspended sediment ratio, SSR, and sediment exchange rates (influx sediment rate, ISR, and evacuated sediment rate, ESR) were measured. In twenty test runs, a parametric study on the magnitude and frequency of inflow and outflow cycles, the relative duration between inflow and outflow sequences, the initial sediment concentration, and the intake position was done. An initial test with stagnant water described the set-tling behavior of fine sediment and served as a reference scenario.The test results show that settling of fine particles near the intake/outlet structure can be considerably reduced by the nature of the inflow and outflow sequences. High cycle magnitude and frequency lead to maximum suspended sediment ratio in the system. For low discharges, the evolution of suspended sediment concentration cannot be directly correlated to the inflow and outflow cycles. However, compared to"no operation"conditions, the suspended sediment ratio could be increased by 10%to 40%locally. For high discharge, the evolution of suspended sediment concentration correlated with discharge cycles and suspended sediment ratios between 50%and 80%higher than for stagnant water could be achieved. Similar ratios could be obtained when the intake is located closer to the bottom or to the free water surface.Meanwhile, the overall sediment balance remained in equilibrium over the test period, indicating that the influx and evacuated sediment rates are not significantly influenced by the inflow and outflow cycles.  相似文献   

Turbidity is used as a surrogate for suspended sediment concentration (SSC), and as a regulatory tool for indicating land use disturbance and environmental protection. Turbidity relates linearly to suspended material, however, can show non-linear responses to particulate organic matter (POM), concomitant with changes in particle size distribution (PSD). In the paper the influence of ultra-fine particulate matter (UFPM) on specific turbidity and its association with POM in suspended sediment are shown for alpine rivers in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. The approach was two-fold: a field-based investigation of the relations between SSC, POM, and turbidity sampled during event flow; and experimental work on hydrodynamic particle size effects on SSC, POM, PSD, and turbidity. Specific turbidity changes over event flow and are sensitive to increasing proportional amounts of sand, UFPM, and POM in suspension. Furthermore, the UFPM is the size fraction (<6 μm) where POM increases. The implications of the current study are that the slopes of turbidity-SSC relations are undesirable in locations that may be dominated by cyclic release of POM or distinct pulses of fine-grained material. At locations where the turbidity-SSC slopes approximate 2, the POM proportion is usually <10% of the total suspended load. However, when turbidity-SSC slopes are <1 this is likely caused by high amounts of side-scatter from UFPM concomitant with higher proportions of POM. Thus, the use of turbidity as a proxy for determining SSC may have serious consequences for the measurement of representative suspended sediment data, particularly in locations where POM may be a significant contributor to overall suspended load.  相似文献   

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