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A study carried out on Carboniferous limestone in the north and west of Ireland supports the idea that rock substrate is removed by the direct mechanical action of lichens. An experiment in which the lichen Collema auriforma was subjected to a number of wetting-drying cycles, showed, using scanning electron microscopy, that contraction of the lichen thallus during the drying phase plucked rock fragments from the substrate surface. This process could contribute to the formation of karstic features including solution basins.  相似文献   

A model is developed that unifies vigorous hotspots with global-scale mantle convection and plate tectonics. The convection dynamics are assumed to generate flow patterns that emerge as closely packed polygonal cells in approaching the asthenosphere, and whose geometry is completely determined by a defining set of vigorous hotspots. Overlying viscously coupled rigid plates are driven with unique velocities (Euler vectors) at which the area integral of the shear forces is zero; these velocities are dynamically stable. The computed plate velocities, resulting from convection based on 15 hotspots, are compared with the velocities of plate motion models AM1-2 (Minster andJordan, 1978) and HS-NUVEL1 (Gripp andGordon, 1990), which combine transform fault geometries, magnetic anomalies and seismic data. The comparison shows a striking agreement for a majority of the plates. Geophysical implications of this numerical exercise are discussed.  相似文献   

Geophysical arguments against plate tectonics in a hotter Earth, based on buoyancy considerations, require an alternative means of cooling the planet from its original hot state to the present situation. Such an alternative could be extensive flood volcanism in a more stagnant-lid like setting. Starting from the notion that all heat output of the Earth is through its surface, we have constructed two parametric models to evaluate the cooling characteristics of these two mechanisms: plate tectonics and basalt extrusion/flood volcanism. Our model results show that for a steadily (exponentially) cooling Earth, plate tectonics is capable of removing all the required heat at a rate of operation comparable to or even lower than its current rate of operation, contrary to earlier speculations. The extrusion mechanism may have been an important cooling agent in the early Earth, but requires global eruption rates two orders of magnitude greater than those of known Phanerozoic flood basalt provinces. This may not be a problem, since geological observations indicate that flood volcanism was both stronger and more ubiquitous in the early Earth. Because of its smaller size, Mars is capable of cooling conductively through its lithosphere at significant rates, and as a result may have cooled without an additional cooling mechanism. Venus, on the other hand, has required the operation of an additional cooling agent for probably every cooling phase of its possibly episodic history, with rates of activity comparable to those of the Earth.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2001,240(3-4):206-224
A new model of the early evolution of limestone karst aquifers in the dimensions of length and depth is presented. In its initial state the aquifer consists of a rock massive with evenly spaced fractures of about 50 μm aperture widths with an hydraulic conductivity of 10−7 ms−1. In addition to this a coarser network of prominent fractures with aperture widths of several 100 μm is also present. Boundary conditions of constant recharge 450 mm/year, or constant head from the input of allogenic streams are imposed. First the position of the water table in the aquifer is calculated, then dissolutional widening during a time step in all the fractures below the water table is found by use of the well-known nonlinear dissolution kinetics of limestone. This is iterated and the position of the water table as well as the fracture widths are found as a function of time. In the case of constant recharge to a karst plateau, the water table in any case drops to base level and conduits there propagate from the spring headwards. If constant head conditions are valid the position of the water table remains almost stable and conduits propagate along the water table from the input towards the spring. There is competition between conduit evolution along prominent fractures and along tight fissures close to the water table. In any case under constant head conditions one of these pathways wins, and early karst evolution is terminated by a breakthrough event with an explosive increase of the flow through the aquifer until constant head conditions break down. Depending on the boundary conditions of constant head or constant recharge or a combination of both it is possible to describe models of cave genesis, which have been derived from field evidence, such as the water table models of Swinnerton and Rhoades as well as the four-state model by Ford and Ewers (Can. J. Earth Sci., 15 (1978) 1783).  相似文献   

Uranium-series ages have been obtained for 87 speleothems collected from nine major cave systems in the Craven district of northern England. Large systems such as Ease Gill Caverns, the West Kingsdale caves, and Gaping Gill-Ingleborough Cave, which contain relict high-level tunnels, are found to be older than 350,000 years (the limit of the 230Th/234U dating method). There is little evidence to indicate a significant enlargement of these passages since this time. Estimates of the age of Victoria Cave from 234U/238U isotopic ratios suggest that the cave has been fully relict for more than 500,000 years. Ages of in situ speleothems immediately adjacent to local base level cave streams show that mean maximum downcutting rates in limestone channels are about 2 to 5 cm 1000 yr. These rates are significantly lower than those obtained from direct measurements on limestone bedrock in stream channels but are comparable to areal denudation rates based on solute budgets. Using the present elevation of caves with respect to adjacent valley floor levels, mean maximum valley entrenchment rates are found to range between 5 cm/ky and < 20cm/ky, which corresponds to 6 m to < 24 m of lowering per glacial/interglacial cycle. These rates suggest that upper beds of the limestone were incised to form the Yorkshire Dales between 1 and 2 million years ago. The results indicate that the erosional effects of individual glaciations are not as severe as previously proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the poly-phase salt tectonics and its relation to the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Tarim superimposed basin. Several salt sequences are developed in the Tarim basin, they are: (1) the Mid-Early Cambrian salt sequence, mainly distributed in the west part of the north Tarim uplift and Keping uplift; (2) the Early Carboniferous salt sequence, mainly distributed in the south slope of the north Tarim uplift; (3) the Paleogene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the mid-west part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt and north Tarim uplift; and (4) the Miocene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the east part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt. The salt sequences deposited in the tectonically calm scenario, while the salt layers deformed during the period of intense tectonism. Although the salt sequences are characteristic of plastic flow, the differences of salt deformation styles exist in the different salt sequences because of the different deformation mechanism. It is attractive that the distribution of the large oil-gas fields or pools has a bearing upon the salt sequences and salt structures, such as the Tahe oilfield related to the Lower Carboniferous salt sequence and laterally facies changed mudstone, the Kela No.2 gas field to the Paleogene salt structures, and the Dina gas field to the Miocene salt structures. It is indicated that the large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation is controlled by the poly-phase salt sequences and structures. The deep analysis of the poly-phase salt tectonics is helpful to understanding the characteristics of the structural deformation and oil-gas accumulation of the Tarim basin.  相似文献   

This study revisits the kinematics and tectonics of Central America subduction, synthesizing observations of marine bathymetry, high-resolution land topography, current plate motions, and the recent seismotectonic and magmatic history in this region. The inferred tectonic history implies that the Guatemala–El Salvador and Nicaraguan segments of this volcanic arc have been a region of significant arc tectonic extension; extension arising from the interplay between subduction roll-back of the Cocos Plate and the ~ 10–15mm/yr slower westward drift of the Caribbean plate relative to the North American Plate. The ages of belts of magmatic rocks paralleling both sides of the current Nicaraguan arc are consistent with long-term arc-normal extension in Nicaragua at the rate of ~ 5–10mm/yr, in agreement with rates predicted by plate kinematics. Significant arc-normal extension can ‘hide’ a very large intrusive arc-magma flux; we suggest that Nicaragua is, in fact, the most magmatically robust section of the Central American arc, and that the volume of intrusive volcanism here has been previously greatly underestimated. Yet, this flux is hidden by the persistent extension and sediment infill of the rifting basin in which the current arc sits. Observed geochemical differences between the Nicaraguan arc and its neighbors which suggest that Nicaragua has a higher rate of arc-magmatism are consistent with this interpretation. Smaller-amplitude, but similar systematic geochemical correlations between arc-chemistry and arc-extension in Guatemala show the same pattern as the even larger variations between the Nicaragua arc and its neighbors.  相似文献   

The term glaciokarst describes a landscape where both glacial and karstic processes have contributed to geomorphological evolution and has been applied to a range of environments from the high arctic to the alpine Mediterranean. Nevertheless, glaciokarstic environments globally often exhibit significant variation in geomorphological processes and landforms due to these geographical differences. The Burren, County Clare, Republic of Ireland, is often quoted as a quintessential glaciokarstic landscape. However, the Burren and other similar environments would appear to lean towards one end of the glaciokarst spectrum, where solutional and biological processes have been dominant throughout the Holocene, in contrast to ice‐dominated glaciokarsts where karstic and biokarstic processes are temperature‐limited and cryospheric processes remain the principal geomorphological agents. Holocene landscape evolution and the development of a range of meso‐, micro‐ and nano‐scale karren features on limestone surfaces appears to be largely biokarstic in origin. Karstification of many glacially scoured limestone pavements would have begun under acidic soil cover, with biological soil processes contributing to smooth, rounded cryptokarstic surface forms. Holocene soil erosion is attributed to anthropogenic activity, climatic fluctuations and the evolution of the karstic groundwater system leading to vertical soil loss through widening grikes. Exposed limestone pavements subject to subaerial conditions often exhibit extensive lichen colonization which has been shown to influence the overall rate of karstification and contribute to the development of micro‐ and meso‐scale bioweathering features. Where cryptokarstic features have been exhumed from beneath soil cover, their evolution under subaerial conditions leads to intermediate, polygenetic karren features. In light of our current understanding of the Burren landscape, it is proposed that the term glaciobiokarstic may be a better expression to encompass the biological processes that have played a fundamental role in the evolution of the Burren and similar landscapes, without neglecting the contribution of glacial and inorganic karstic processes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

川西地区小震重新定位及其活动构造意义   总被引:59,自引:18,他引:59       下载免费PDF全文
使用双差地震定位法对川西地区1992~2002年的13367个小震进行重新定位, 初步分析了地震活动性与地表活动构造的关系及其揭示的构造信息. 重新定位后,地震活动沿活动断裂成线(带)状分布现象非常突出,呈现出与地表活动构造的密切关系:结构简单的单一走滑断层具有上宽下陡的花状结构特征,拉分盆地与逆断裂具有线性而发散的分布式结构特征,逆断裂之下还存在缺震层. 此外,沿活动断裂带地震活动还具有空间分段性,揭示出局部地段存在着隐伏活动断裂和可圈定为地震危险区的地震空区. 震源深度分布显示,川西高原在15~20km的深度范围内普遍存在厚度约5km的缺震层,以高温高压实验结果为基础,通过计算川西地区地壳强度表明,大约14~19km的深度范围花岗岩处于塑性流变状态,说明缺震层的出现具有地壳物质塑性变形基础.  相似文献   

Thrust and nappe tectonics have affected the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, the easternmost terminal of the Sulu Ultra-high Pressure Metamorphic Belt. Four nappes have been mapped, named respectively the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mishan and Mouping nappes. The methods used included multi-scale struc- tural analysis and structural chronology analysis. These nappes define four deep level slip-thrust shear zones that were mainly active in the Mesozoic. The amount of ductile deformation decreases from the Shidao to Rongcheng to Mouping to Mishan shear zones, and shows an inverse relationship with temperature. 40Ar/39Ar chronological analysis and the chronological results of former workers reveal four movement steps defined by the development of thrusts and nappes in the late Triassic (210-180 Ma), extensional movement from the Jurassic to early Cretaceous (180-130 Ma), slip-thrust movement in the Early Cretaceous (130-120 Ma), and extensional movement since the Late Cretaceous (120 Ma). The order of boundary shear zone motion in the period of slip-thrust movement during the Early Cre- taceous (130-120 Ma) was along the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mouping and finally the Mishan shear zone. This resulted in clockwise rotation of the nappes relative to block west to the Tan-Lu Faults. Because of the similar evolutionary history of the Tan-Lu Faults and the thrust and nappe structure in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, slip dislocation along the Tan-Lu Faults might have been absorbed by thrust and nappe tectonics in the Jiaodong area in the Mesozoic era, resulting in much less dislocation on the Tan-Lu faults in North Eastern China than that in south along the Jiaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   

The M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake in 2005 was a mid-strong one, stronger than expected to occur in the region. This paper discusses the neo-tectonic settings of this earthquake, and it is thought that the earthquake region is located in the transitional belt, a potential area inducing weak to moderately strong earthquakes, between two large different tectonic units. The results of the reconnaissance work and on-the-spot investigation after earthquake indicate that the occurrence of the M5.7 Jiujiang earth- quake is closely related with the NE-trending fault on the western margin of Ruichang Basin. From its controlling to the landforms and Quaternary depositions, geological profiles, ESR dating, etc., the ac- tivity of the Dingjiashan-Langjunshan fault bounding the basin is discussed. It suggests that this fault displays an active one in Middle Pleistocene by the outcrop. Based on the activity of the fault, and the direction and location of the ground fissures, the isoseismal lines and the nodal plane of the focal mechanism solution, it is inferred that the Dingjiashan-Langjunshan fault is the seismogenic tectonics of the M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake, and the intersection point between this fault and the active NW ones is the possible origin of location of this earthquake. Our study shows that this earthquake is not an event exceeding expectation, and that the active and invisible characteristics of the causative fault are typical in the eastern area of China.  相似文献   

The Edwards artesian aquifer occurs in cavernous limestones of Cretaceous (Albian) age within the Balcones fault zone in south-central Texas. The major recharge and discharge zones of the aquifer are contained within the upper reaches of three river systems: the Nueces, the San Antonio, and the Guadalupe. Within these watersheds, recharge dominates in the semiarid Nueces basin to the west while most discharge occurs farther east from wells in the subhumid San Antonio basin and from springs in the subhumid Guadalupe basin. This long-distance transfer of ground water (up to 240 km) is a result of several factors: depositional and early diagenetic history of the limestone host rock, geometry and magnitudes of fault displacement, and physiographic responses to faulting. The loci of greatest discharge from the aquifer occur in an area that was exposed subaerially with concomitant porosity enhancement due to dissolution of limestone during late Early Cretaceous time. This area also was subjected to the greatest fault displacement during Miocene time. Thus, faults and associated joints superimposed additional avenues for porosity and permeability development onto an area that already had considerable secondary porosity. Further determinants on aquifer properties resulted from late Tertiary and Quaternary drainage evolution in response to faulting along the Balcones trend. The strike of the fault zone lay at acute angles to the courses of the main trunk streams in the ancestral Guadalupe and San Antonio River systems, whereas in the Nueces basin the trend of the fault zone was normal to the courses of the main streams. Thus, as a fault-line scarp began to form in the eatern basins, scarp-normal streams were incised rapidly into northwest-trending canyons. These steep-gradient streams captured the eastward-flowing major streams in the easten watersheds. These pirate streams incised into the aquifer at the lowest topographic levels within the region because of: 1. The sudden acquisition of extensive catchment areas in a subhumid area; and 2. Steep stream gradients that reflected the larger fault displacement in the east. The low topographic points of discharge became the loci of major springs. Recharge is dominant in the Nueces basin mainly because streams cross permeable limestone units at higher topographic levels than in the San Antonio and Guadalupe basins. The topographic characteristics of the Nueces watershed resulted from a combination of diverse factors: lesser fault displacement, no major stream piracy, and less vigorous erosion because of a semiarid climate.  相似文献   

The M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake in 2005 was a mid-strong one, stronger than expected to occur in the region. This paper discusses the neo-tectonic settings of this earthquake, and it is thought that the earthquake region is located in the transitional belt, a potential area inducing weak to moderately strong earthquakes, between two large different tectonic units. The results of the reconnaissance work and on-the-spot investigation after earthquake indicate that the occurrence of the M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake is closely related with the NE-trending fault on the western margin of Ruichang Basin. From its controlling to the landforms and Quaternary depositions, geological profiles, ESR dating, etc., the activity of the Dingjiashan-Langjunshan fault bounding the basin is discussed. It suggests that this fault displays an active one in Middle Pleistocene by the outcrop. Based on the activity of the fault, and the direction and location of the ground fissures, the isoseismal lines and the nodal plane of the focal mechanism solution, it is inferred that the Dingjiashan-Langjunshan fault is the seismogenic tectonics of the M5.7 Jiujiang earthquake, and the intersection point between this fault and the active NW ones is the possible origin of location of this earthquake. Our study shows that this earthquake is not an event exceeding expectation, and that the active and invisible characteristics of the causative fault are typical in the eastern area of China. Supported by the National Development and Reform Commission (Grant No. 20041138) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40602019)  相似文献   

Knowledge and understanding of shore platform erosion and tidal notch development in the tropics and subtropics relies mainly on short‐term studies conducted on recently deposited carbonate rocks, predominantly Holocene and Quaternary reef limestones and aeolianites. This paper presents erosion rates, measured over a 10 year period on notches and platforms developed on the Permian, Ratburi limestone at Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. In so doing it contributes to informing a particular knowledge gap in our understanding of the erosion dynamics of shore platform and tidal notch development in the tropics and subtropics – notch erosion rates on relatively hard, ancient limestones measured directly on the rock surface using a micro‐erosion meter (MEM) over time periods of a decade or more. The average intertidal erosion rate of 0.231 mm/yr is lower than erosion rates measured over 2–3 years on recent, weaker carbonate rocks. Average erosion rates at Phang Nga vary according to location and site and are, in rank order from highest to lowest: Mid‐platform (0.324 mm/yr) > Notch floor (0.289 mm/yr) > Rear notch wall (0.228 mm/yr) > Lower platform (0.140 mm/yr) > Notch roof (0.107 mm/yr) and Supratidal (0.095 mm/yr). The micro‐relief of the eroding rock surfaces in each of these positions exhibits marked differences that are seemingly associated with differences in dominant physical and bio‐erosion processes. The results begin to help inform knowledge of longer term shore platform erosion dynamics, models of marine notch development and have implications for the use of marine notches as indicators of changes in sea level and the duration of past sea levels. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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