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Three groups of alluvial terraces together with the modern floodplain mark the Postglacial development of the middle part of the Dane Valley, Cheshire. These are a High terrace group of late Pleistocene age, a Middle terrace group of late Pleistocene to early Holocene age, a Low terrace of mid–late Holocene age, and a modern (post ca. 1840 AD) floodplain. A chronology of erosion, deposition, and landform development since mid-Holocene times is established in this paper on the basis of terrace morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, soil analysis, magnetic mineral analysis, and four radiocarbon dates. After dissection of the Middle terrace during the early to mid-Holocene, a long period of lateral activity by the river was followed by a major aggradation phase, which formed the Low terrace surface. This was followed by dissection during the last ca. 300 years and the development of the modern floodplain since ca. 1840 AD. Various explanations for the changes during the Holocene are considered; the Low terrace aggradation appears to be related to a major phase of mediaeval soil erosion.  相似文献   

The age of a large alluvial fan debouching onto the valley floor of the River Tweed, in southern Scotland, and the sequence of events relating to this, are investigated using geomorphological, sedimentological, palynological, archaeological and radiocarbon dating evidence. Prior to fan deposition, the Tweed valley floor seems to have been covered by a wooded peat at a time of low fluvial activity. The fan commenced deposition in the 11th century AD, and appears to have been a local event, the Tweed showing no response to this accelerated sedimentation. Later, perhaps 200 years later, the Tweed commenced overbank deposition of the only Flandrian terrace preserved. Local proxy data are examined in order to define the causes of these events, but difficulties in temporal correlation, despite the good resolution of the radiocarbon chronology, mean that the causes of these events remain unknown.  相似文献   

Alluvial fan development in Alpine areas is often affected by catastrophic sedimentary processes associated with extreme ?oods events, causing serious risks for people living on the fans. Hazard assessment in these areas depends on proper identi?cation of the dominant sedimentary processes on the fans. Data from a set of 209 alluvial fans from the central Alps of Italy are presented in this paper and analysed with the help of various statistical techniques (linear regression, principal components analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and logistic regression). First, we used modern sedimentary facies and historical records (?ood events since 15th century), to distinguish between the two dominant sedimentary processes on alluvial fans: debris ?ows and stream?ows. Then, in order to analyse the main controls on past and present fan processes, 36 morphological, geological and land‐use variables were analysed. As with observations for arid‐environment fans, catchment morphology is the most in?uential factor in the study area, whereas geology and land use are minor controls. The role of climatic change and landsliding within the catchments also seems to be very important and is discussed. Statistical techniques also help in differentiating groups of alluvial fans by sets of controlling factors, including stage and type of evolution. Finally, by using discriminant analysis and logistic regression, we classi?ed alluvial fans according to the dominant sedimentary process, with a success rate ranging between 75 and 92 per cent. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Differences in lithologic erodibility and sediment storage within a drainage basin affect the relationship between alluvial fan area and drainage basin area along the western White Mountains. Large fans are produced by basins underlain by resistant rocks, which have steep and narrow trunk stream canyons with little sediment in storage. Small fans are produced by basins composed of erodible lithologic units, which have wider valley floors, lower valley-side slopes, and considerably more sediment stored along trunk stream canyons than is the case in basins underlain by resistant rocks.  相似文献   

During the 1974 rainy season gullies of the order of 150–300 m long were active on the flanks of fixed Pleistocene dunes in the vicinity of Janjari, central Niger. The gullies terminate on small (0.5–1 × 104m2) alluvial fans, where sand deposition had occurred below the intersection point. Gully activity was probably the result of a particularly severe storm. Comparison between fixed dunes subject to differing climatic conditions suggests that gullying and alluvial fan formation may be characteristic of a restricted morphoclimatic zone.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments, recent paleoenvironmental analyses of rock varnish, and surface exposure dating of geomorphic units have led to new insights into the process of entrenchment and segmentation of alluvial fans, and into the history of Quaternary sedimentation in Death Valley. Entrenchment begins at the fanhead. As the trench deepens, its down-slope end migrates down-fan, taking several tens of thousands of years to reach lower parts of the fan. Laboratory experiments suggest, however, that a new segment begins to grow at the toe long before the trench reaches this part of the fan. Furthermore, the initial slope of the segment is not the equilibrium slope. Field evidence supports this model. The tectonic tilting that caused entrenchment and segmentation in Death Valley may have been triggered by loading of the valley with water. Sedimentation on the salt pan in southern Death Valley is not, at present, in equilibrium with that on the fans. Rather, it seems to be adjusting to an increase in the amount of fine material reaching the playa, due in part to breaching of the outlet of Lake Tecopa somewhat after 600 ka BP, and in part to subsidence of different parts of the valley at different rates. Failure to recognize this disequilibrium resulted in errors in earlier estimates of the age of the segmentation events.  相似文献   

At least 15 explosive eruptions from the Katmai cluster of volcanoes and another nine from other volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula are preserved as tephra layers in syn- and post-glacial (Last Glacial Maximum) loess and soil sections in Katmai National Park, AK. About 400 tephra samples from 150 measured sections have been collected between Kaguyak volcano and Mount Martin and from Shelikof Strait to Bristol Bay (∼8,500 km2). Five tephra layers are distinctive and widespread enough to be used as marker horizons in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes area, and 140 radiocarbon dates on enclosing soils have established a time framework for entire soil–tephra sections to 10 ka; the white rhyolitic ash from the 1912 plinian eruption of Novarupta caps almost all sections. Stratigraphy, distribution and tephra characteristics have been combined with microprobe analyses of glass and Fe–Ti oxide minerals to correlate ash layers with their source vents. Microprobe analyses (typically 20–50 analyses per glass or oxide sample) commonly show oxide compositions to be more definitive than glass in distinguishing one tephra from another; oxides from the Kaguyak caldera-forming event are so compositionally coherent that they have been used as internal standards throughout this study. Other than the Novarupta and Trident eruptions of the last century, the youngest locally derived tephra is associated with emplacement of the Snowy Mountain summit dome (<250 14C years B.P.). East Mageik has erupted most frequently during Holocene time with seven explosive events (9,400 to 2,400 14C years B.P.) preserved as tephra layers. Mount Martin erupted entirely during the Holocene, with lava coulees (>6 ka), two tephras (∼3,700 and ∼2,700 14C years B.P.), and a summit scoria cone with a crater still steaming today. Mount Katmai has three times produced very large explosive plinian to sub-plinian events (in 1912; 12–16 ka; and 23 ka) and many smaller pyroclastic deposits show that explosive activity has long been common there. Mount Griggs, fumarolically active and moderately productive during postglacial time (mostly andesitic lavas), has three nested summit craters, two of which are on top of a Holocene central cone. Only one ash has been found that is (tentatively) correlated with the most recent eruptive activity on Griggs (<3,460 14C years B.P.). Eruptions from other volcanoes NE and SW beyond the Katmai cluster represented in this area include: (1) coignimbrite ash from Kaguyak’s caldera-forming event (5,800 14C years B.P.); (2) the climactic event from Fisher caldera (∼9,100 14C years B.P.—tentatively correlated); (3) at least three eruptions most likely from Mount Peulik (∼700, ∼7,700 and ∼8,500 14C years B.P.); and (4) a phreatic fallout most likely from the Gas Rocks (∼2,300 14C years B.P.). Most of the radiocarbon dating has been done on loess, soil and peat enclosing this tephra. Ash correlations supported by stratigraphy and microprobe data are combined with radiocarbon dating to show that variably organics-bearing substrates can provide reliable limiting ages for ash layers, especially when data for several sites is available.  相似文献   

John Houston 《水文研究》2002,16(15):3019-3035
The Chacarilla fan in the Atacama Desert is one of several formed in the Late Miocene at the foot of the Pre‐Andean Cordillera overlying the large, complex, Pampa Tamarugal aquifer contained in the continental clastic sediments of the fore‐arc basin. The Pampa Tamarugal aquifer is a strategic source of water for northern Chile but there is continuing doubt over the resource magnitude and recharge. During January 2000 a 1 in 4 year storm in the Andes delivered a 34 million m3 flash flood to the fan apex where c. 70% percolated to the underlying aquifers. Groundwater recharge through the fan is calculated to be a minimum of 200 l/s or 6% of the long‐term catchment rainfall. These figures are supported by hydrochemical data that suggest that recharge may be 9% of long‐term rainfall. Isotopic data suggest groundwater less than 50 years old is transmitted westward through the permeable sheetflood sediments of the fan overlying the main aquifer. Analysis of this and other events shows that the hydrological system is non‐linear with positive feedback. The magnitude of groundwater recharge is dependent on climatic variations, antecedent soil moisture storage and changes in channel characteristics. Long‐term declines in groundwater level may partly result from climatic fluctuations and the causes of such fluctuations are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A growing body of research suggests that the marine environments of south Florida provide a critical link between the tropical and high-latitude Atlantic. Changes in the characteristics of water masses off south Florida may therefore have important implications for our understanding of climatic and oceanographic variability over a broad spatial scale; however, the sources of variability within this oceanic corridor remain poorly understood. Measurements of ΔR, the local offset of the radiocarbon reservoir age, from shallow-water marine environments can serve as a powerful tracer of water-mass sources that can be used to reconstruct variability in local-to regional-scale oceanography and hydrology. We combined radiocarbon and U-series measurements of Holocene-aged corals from the shallow-water environments of the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT) with robust statistical modeling to quantify the millennial-scale variability in ΔR at locations with (“nearshore”) and without (“open ocean”) substantial terrestrial influence. Our reconstructions demonstrate that there was significant spatial and temporal variability in ΔR on the FKRT during the Holocene. Whereas ΔR was similar throughout the region after ∼4000 years ago, nearshore ΔR was significantly higher than in the open ocean during the middle Holocene. We suggest that the elevated nearshore ΔR from ∼8000 to 5000 years ago was most likely the result of greater groundwater influence associated with lower sea level at this time. In the open ocean, which would have been isolated from the influence of groundwater, ΔR was lowest ∼7000 years ago, and was highest ∼3000 years ago. We evaluated our open-ocean model of ΔR variability against records of local-to regional-scale oceanography and conclude that local upwelling was not a significant driver of open-ocean radiocarbon variability in this region. Instead, the millennial-scale trends in open-ocean ΔR were more likely a result of broader-scale changes in western Atlantic circulation associated with an increase in the supply of equatorial South Atlantic water to the Caribbean and shifts in the character of South Atlantic waters resulting from variation in the intensity of upwelling off the southwest coast of Africa. Because accurate estimates of ΔR are critical to precise calibrations of radiocarbon dates from marine samples, we also developed models of nearshore and open-ocean ΔR versus conventional 14C ages that can be used for regional radiocarbon calibrations for the Holocene. Our study provides new insights into the patterns and drivers of oceanographic and hydrologic variability in the Straits of Florida and highlights the value of the paleoceanographic records from south Florida to our understanding of Holocene changes in climate and ocean circulation throughout the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Pelado, Guespalapa, and Chichinautzin monogenetic scoria cones located within the Sierra del Chichinautzin Volcanic Field (SCVF) at the southern margin of Mexico City were dated by the radiocarbon method at 10,000, 2,800–4,700, and 1,835 years b.p., respectively. Most previous research in this area was concentrated on Xitle scoria cone, whose lavas destroyed and buried the pre-Hispanic town of Cuicuilco around 1,665±35 years b.p. The new dates indicate that the recurrence interval for monogenetic eruptions in the central part of the SCVF and close to the vicinity of Mexico City is <2,500 years. If the entire SCVF is considered, the recurrence interval is <1,700 years. Based on fieldwork and Landsat imagery interpretation a geologic map was produced, morphometric parameters characterizing the cones and lava flows determined, and the areal extent and volumes of erupted products estimated. The longest lava flow was produced by Guespalapa and reached 24 km from its source; total areas covered by lava flows from each eruption range between 54 (Chichinautzin) and 80 km2 (Pelado); and total erupted volumes range between 1 and 2 km3/cone. An average eruption rate for the entire SCVF was estimated at 0.6 km3/1,000 years. These findings are of importance for archaeological as well as volcanic hazards studies in this heavily populated region.Editorial responsibility: J. Gilbert  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand chronology of alluvial episodes in Cuyama Valley in the western Transverse Ranges of California, USA, we employed optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and cosmogenic radionuclide surface exposure dating methods. Twenty-one optical dates ranging from 0.01 to 27 ka were obtained from exposures of late-Holocene axial-fluvial deposits, Pleistocene–Holocene alluvial-fan deposits, and axial-fluvial sands interbedded within a late Pleistocene alluvial fan. These were cross-checked with 37 AMS radiocarbon dates from charcoal and wood from within a and five 10Be surface exposure dates from boulders on alluvial-fan surfaces. The OSL results show generally good stratigraphic consistency, logical comparison with the radiocarbon and cosmogenic data, and appear to be the best method for accurate dating within deposits of this nature because suitable material is fairly easy to find in these environments. The radiocarbon data contained numerous “detrital ages”, but well-bedded lenses of apparently in situ or minimally transported charcoal provide reliable age estimates for the associated alluvium. Radiocarbon dating of detrital charcoal in the older alluvial fan deposits was problematic. Our cosmogenic surface-exposure dating was consistent stratigraphically and with our other data, but we were unable to determine its accuracy due to the limited number of samples and the possibility of inherited radionuclides and post-depositional erosion. In light of our results, we suggest that OSL dating using the latest analytical techniques combined with rigorous methods for estimation of paleodase is reliable and of increasing utility in otherwise difficult-to-date coarse alluvial environments in the southwestern United States and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Previous work on stream channels in upland areas of Britain has demonstrated a close control over channel morphology and stability by the rate of coarse sediment supply from the hillslopes of the catchment. Streams fed by large amounts of coarse sediment develop unstable, wide, often braided channels, whereas those with limited coarse sediment supply develop stable, much narrower, often meandering channels. The sediment supply from hillslopes is controlled by thresholds of hillslope stability, storm event frequency, and the coupling between the hillslopes and the channel. Climatically-induced changes in any of these three factors may have implications for channel morphology and stability. This paper examines these implications in British upland fluvial systems, with particular reference to the Howgill Fells, Cumbria, in the contexts of the adjustment of stream channels to sediment supply from erosional gully systems, and their response to and recovery from major flood events.  相似文献   

Climate variability during the Mid‐Late Holocene has influenced the activity of geomorphic processes in the current periglacial belt of the Sierra Nevada. We studied two types of sedimentary records that reveal a synchronous timing for slope instability in this high semi‐arid massif: solifluction landforms and mountain lake sediments. Lithological and sedimentological properties of both records have recorded numerous cycles of different magnitude of slope processes in the massif. Solifluction deposits record seven phases of solifluction activity and soil development during the last 7 ka bp and lake sediments show evidence of eight periods with increased geomorphic activity in the catchments over the last 6 ka bp . Although present‐day climate conditions do not promote active solifluction processes in the Sierra Nevada, colder and wetter periods during the Holocene triggered solifluction and transported coarse‐grained sediments into the lakes. By contrast, warm phases favoured soil formation and spread an incipient vegetation cover over the headwaters of the highest valleys, diminishing the grain size of the particles reaching the lakes. Lake sediments record an aridification trend in the massif intensifying since 4·2 ka bp that has conditioned solifluction activity to shift gradually to higher elevations. During major cooler phases such as the Little Ice Age active solifluction was recorded back down to 2500 m altitude. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is increasingly used to estimate the age of fluvial deposits. A significant limitation, however, has been that conventional techniques of sampling and dose rate estimation are suitable only for thick (>60 cm) layers consisting of sand size or finer grains. Application of OSL dating to deposits lacking such layers remains a significant challenge. Alluvial fans along the western front of the Lost River Range in east-central Idaho, USA are one example. Deposits are typically pebble to cobble sheetflood gravels with a sandy matrix but thin to absent sand lenses. As a result, the majority of samples for this project were collected by excavating matrix material from gravelly deposits under light-safe tarps or at night. To examine the contributions of different grain-size fractions to calculated dose-rates, multiple grain-size fractions were analyzed using ICP–MS, high resolution gamma spectrometry and XRF. Dose rates from bulk sediment samples were 0.4–40% (mean of 18%) lower than dose-rate estimates from the sand-size fractions alone, illustrating the importance of representative sampling for dose rate determination. We attribute the difference to the low dose-rate contribution from radio-nuclide poor carbonate pebbles and cobbles that occur disproportionately in clast sizes larger than sand. Where possible, dose rates were based on bulk sediment samples since they integrate the dose-rate contribution from all grain sizes. Equivalent dose distributions showed little evidence for partial bleaching. However, many samples had significant kurtosis and/or overdispersion, possibly due to grain-size related microdosimetry effects, accumulation of pedogenic carbonate or post-depositional sediment mixing. Our OSL age estimates range from 4 to 120 ka, preserve stratigraphic and geomorphic order, and show good agreement with independent ages from tephra correlation and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate. Furthermore, multiple samples from the same deposit produced ages in good agreement. This study demonstrates that with modified sampling methods and careful consideration of the dose rate, OSL dating can be successfully applied to coarse-grained deposits of climatic and tectonic significance that may be difficult to date by other methods.  相似文献   

Dells in the New Forest are described as amphitheatre-shaped hollows, perched on valley sides, sometimes singly, in other places in groups tributary to small dry valleys. They have steep rear walls and sides, flatfish floors, and convex lips, usually without any water-worn channels. The slopes on which they occur, cut in Eocene sands and clays, have been subjected to solifluction, and this has produced wide gently sloping terraces at the foot of the hillside. Superficial deposits within the New Forest dells are divided into two groups by process: a lower head of fragmented flints in a sandy or clayey matrix, assigned to Zone III; overlying colluvial deposits including slumped material and slope wash, dated by reference to a buried soil to Zone VIIa. Although scoured by solifluction, other processes probably account for the initial formation of the hollows, and nivation is suggested. The dells are compared with the chalk coombes of southern England and the dellen of European and other writers. A possible chronology is suggested for the New Forest dells.  相似文献   

The Wadi Araba Valley is a morphotectonic depression along part of theDead Sea Transform (DST) plate boundary that separates the Arabian plateon the east from the Sinai subplate on the west. The Wadi Araba fault(WAF) is the main strike-slip faults one of between the Gulf of Aqaba and the E-Wtrending Khunayzira (Amatzayahu) fault that bounds the southern end ofthe Dead Sea. Just south of the Dead Sea, the WAF cuts across severalgenerations of alluvial fans that formed on tributaries to the Wadi Dahalafter the regression of Late Pleistocene Lake Lisan ca. 15 ka. Geomorphicand stratigraphic evidence of active faulting, including left-laterally offsetstream channels and alluvial-fan surfaces, yielded fault slip-rate data for thenorthern segment of WAF. Typical cumulative displacements of 54 m,39 m, and 22.5 m of stream channels and alluvial-fan surfaces acrossthe fault were measured from detailed geologic and topographic mapping.The 54 m offset of the oldest alluvial-fan surface (Q f1 ) occurredafter the final lowering of Lake Lisan (16–15 ka) and before 11 ka yieldinga slip-rate range of 3.4 mm/yr to 4.9 mm/yr. Based on radiocarbonages of charcoal and landsnail shell samples from the buried Q f2 alluvial-fan deposits exposed in trenches excavated across the fault, the39 m and 22.5 m offsets occurred after 9 ka and 5.8 ka, respectively. These data yield a slip-rate range between 3.9 mm/yr and 6.0 mm/yr.The small variability in these slip-rate estimates for different time periodssuggests that the northern Wadi Araba fault has maintained a relativelyconstant slip rate in the past 15 ka. We calculate an average slip rate of 4.7± 1.3 mm/yr since 15 ka based on the three separate displacementsand age estimates. Five separate offsets of 3 m were measured from gullybends and the offset of small fault-scarp alluvial fans. These displacementdata suggest a coseismic slip of 3 m in the last earthquake, or acumulative slip of 3 m in the past few earthquakes. A maximum slip of3 m correspond to a Mw 7 earthquake that ruptures about 49 km offault length. Using an average slip rate of 4.7 ± 1.3 mm/yr togetherwith a 3-m slip-per-event suggests a maximum earthquake recurrence intervalof this fault segment of 500 to 885 years.  相似文献   

Sedimentary deposits in the foreland basin of the northeastern Qilian Mountains are crucial documents recording tectonic activity and climate changes on the Tibetan Plateau. In this study, luminescence dating was used to date alluvial conglomerates and fluvial terrace sediments collected from the Beida River in the Jiuquan Basin, a foreland basin in the Hexi Corridor, northeastern Qilian Mountains. Detailed sedimentology and luminescence ages reveal that alluvial conglomerates accumulated from before 620 ka to 12 ka and that sediment accumulation rates increased at ∼330 ka and ∼35 ka, coinciding with the dates of two tectonic events (∼350 and ∼50 ka) and followed by climate cooling (from marine isotope stage (MIS) 9 to MIS 8 and from MIS 3 to MIS 2). This reveals that variations in the sediment accumulation rates are controlled by the coupling of tectonic uplift and climate cooling. The highest terrace (T7) that developed on the alluvial conglomerate base formed at ∼ 12 ka. The incision rate in the early Holocene was ∼2.1 mm/yr and increased to ∼14.6 mm/yr during the middle and late Holocene. The variations in the river incision rate provide geomorphic evidence for Holocene climate patterns in arid and semiarid areas. Luminescence dating offers a credible temporal framework for the deposits and reveals climate and tectonic effects on the evolution of the foreland basin, northeastern Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

Little is known about Holocene river terrace development in upland Scottish valleys. Interpretation of many of the terrace sequences, previously suggested to have been formed by meltwaters either from the last Scottish ice sheet or the Loch Lomond Advance, has generally been based on morphological data. In this paper an alternative approach to the traditional height-based method of terrace correlation and dating is presented using data from Glen Feshie, western Cairngorms. Terrace fragments are numerically classified and objectively grouped using quantitative soil-stratigraphic data. Principal Components Analysis is used to both quantify pedological data and separate temporal trends in the data from variance due to local site factors. The scores on the temporal component are used to derive soil-stratigraphic units developed on the surficial sediments of the Glen Feshie terraces by grouping soil sites using a hierarchical clustering technique. This provides evidence for at least five soil-stratigraphic units developed on the fluvial surfaces. Various methods of absolute dating control permits association of these surfaces with five phases of terrace development. These are placed tentatively at 13 000, 10 000, 3600, 1000, and 80 radiocarbon years B.P., suggesting at least three phases of valley floor incision in Glen Feshie during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

The Ko-g and Ma-f~j tephras are two key isochronous marker layers in northern Japan, which are from the largest Plinian eruptions of Komagatake volcano (VEI = 5) and Mashu caldera (VEI = 6), respectively. Despite extensive radiocarbon studies associated with the two tephras, individual calibrated results show considerable variations and thus accurate ages of these important eruptions remain controversial. Bayesian statistical approaches to calibrating radiocarbon determinations have proven successful in increasing accuracy and sometimes precision for dating tephras, which is achieved through the incorporation of additional stratigraphic information and the combination of evidence from multiple records. Here we use Bayesian approaches to analyse the proximal and distal information associated with the two tephra markers. Through establishing phase and deposition models, we have taken into account all of the currently available stratigraphic and chronological information. The cross-referencing of phase models with the deposition model allows the refinement of eruption ages and the deposition model itself. Using this we are able to provide the most robust current age estimates for the two tephra layers. The Ko-g and Ma-f~j tephras are hereby dated to 6657-6505 (95.4%; 6586±40, μ±σ) cal yr BP, and 7670-7395 (95.4%; 7532±72, μ±σ) cal yr BP, respectively. These updated age determinations underpin the reported East Asian Holocene tephrostratigraphic framework, and allow sites where the tephra layers are present to be dated more precisely and accurately. Our results encourage further applications of Bayesian modelling techniques in the volcanically active East Asian region.  相似文献   

The dynamics and the surface evolution of a post‐LGM debris‐flow‐dominated alluvial fan (Tartano alluvial fan), which lies on the floor of an alpine valley (Valtellina, Northern Italy), have been investigated by means of an integrated study comprising geomorphological field work, a sedimentological study, photointerpretation, quantitative geomorphology, analysis of ancient to modern cartography and consultation of historical documents and records. The fan catchment meteoclimatic, geological and geomorphological characteristics result in fast rates of geomorphic reorganization of the fan surface (2 km2). The dynamics of the fan are determined by the alternation of low‐return period catastrophic alluvial events dominated by non‐cohesive debris flows triggered by extreme rainstorms which caused aggradation and steepening of the fan and avulsion of its main channel, with periods of low to moderate streamflow discharge punctuated by low‐ to intermediate‐magnitude flood events, causing slower but steady topographic reworking. The most ancient parts of the fan surface date back at least to the first half of the 19th century, but most of the fan surface has been restructured after 1911, mainly during the debris‐flow‐dominated events of 1911 and 1987. Phases of rapid fan toe incision and fan degradation have been recognized; since the 1930s or 1940s, the Tartano fan has been subjected to a state of deep entrenchment and narrowing of the main trunk channel and distributary area. Post‐Little Ice Age climate change and present‐day surface uplift rates have been considered as possible explanations for the observed geomorphic evolution, but tectonic or climatic controls cannot account for the order of magnitude of the erosional pace. Anthropogenic controls plausibly override the natural ones: in particular, the building of a dam in the late 1920s, about 2 km upstream of the fan, seems to have triggered fan dissection, having altered the sediment discharge through sediment retention. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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