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The Asian dust Aerosol Model 2 (ADAM2) with the MM5 meteorological model has been employed to study long-range transport process of Asian dust and to estimate dust emission, deposition (wet and dry) and concentration over the Asian dust source region and the downwind regions for dust events observed in Korea during the period of 20–29 December 2009, which is one of the dust events chosen by the 3rd Meeting of Working Group for Joint Research on Dust Sand Storm among Mongolia, China, Japan and Korea to study intensively for the development of an early warning system in Asia. It is found that the model simulates quite well the starting and ending times of dust events and the peak dust concentrations with their occurrence times both in the source region and downwind regions. The dust emission in the dust source region is found to be associated with a developing synoptic weather system accompanied with strong surface winds over the source region that usually travels east to southeastward across the source region and then turns to move northeastward toward the north western Pacific Ocean. The dust emitted in the source region is found to be split into two parts: one is transported southeastward to the East China Sea in front of the surface high pressure system and experiencing enhanced deposition due to the sinking motion induced by the southeastward traveling the surface high pressure system whereas, the other moves northeastward toward the surface low pressure system and then lifted upward to form a upper-level high dust concentration layer that results in a favorable condition for the long-range transport of dust. It is also found that the maximum ten-day total dust emission of about 23 t km?2 occurs in the domain Northwestern China (NWC). However, the maximum ten-day total dust deposition of 21 t km?2 with the maximum mean surface concentration of 555 μg m?3 and the column integrated mean concentration of 2.9 g m?2 occurs in the domain Central-northern China (CNC). The column-integrated PM10 concentration is found to increase toward northeastward especially in the domain North northeastern China (NNEC) due to the upper-level transported high PM10 concentration. The ten-day total dust deposition, mean surface PM10 and column integrated PM10 concentrations in the downwind domains are found to decrease away from the source region from 2.44 t km?2, 112 μg m?3 and 1.68 g m?2, respectively in the domain YES to 0.06 t km?2, 2.1 μg m?3 and 0.4 g m?2, respectively in the domain Northwestern Pacific 1 (NWP1). Much of the total dust deposition is largely contributed by wet deposition in the far downwind region of the seas while that is contributed by dry deposition in the source region.  相似文献   

An uni-modal Lagrangian Dust Model (LDM) was developed to simulate the dust concentrations and source-receptor (SR) relationships for recent Asian dust events that occurred over the Korean Peninsula. The following dust sources were used for the S-R calculation in this study: S-I) Gurbantunggut desert, S-II) Taklamakan desert, S-III) Tibetan Plateau, S-IV) Mu Us Desert, S-V) Manchuria, and S-VI) Nei Mongol and Gobi Desert. The following two 8-day dust simulation periods were selected for two case studies: (Period A) March 15–22, 2011, and (Period B) April 27–May 4, 2011. During two periods there were highly dense dust onsets observed over a wide area in Korea. Meteorological fields were generated using the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) meteorological model, and Lagrangian turbulent properties and dust emission were estimated using FLEXPART model and ADAM2 (Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2), respectively. The simulated dust concentrations are compared with point measurements and Eulerian model outputs. Statistical techniques were also employed to determine the accuracy and uncertainty associated with the model results. The results showed that the LDM compared favorably well with observations for some sites; however, for most sites the model overestimated the observations. Analysis of S-R relationships showed that 38–50% of dust particles originated from Nei Mongol and the Gobi Desert, and 16–25% of dust particles originated from Manchuria, accounting for most of the dust particles in Korea. Because there is no nudging or other artificial forcing included in the LDM, higher error indicators (e.g., root mean square error, absolute gross error) were found for some sites. However, the LDM was able to satisfactorily simulate the maximum timing and starting time of dust events for most sites. Compared with the Eulerian model, ADAM2, the results of LDM found pattern correlations (PCs) equal to 0.78-0.83 and indices of agreement (IOAs) greater than 0.6, suggesting that LDM is capable of estimation of dust concentrations with the quantitative information on the S-R relationships that can be easily obtained by LDM.  相似文献   

Asian dust events occurred in Asia during March 2010 were simulated using the Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2 (ADAM2). The performance of the model for simulations of surface dust concentrations and dust event occurrences was tested at several monitoring sites located in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. The observed and modeled dust event occurrences at each monitoring site were defined with the hourly observed and modeled dust concentrations that were used to evaluate the performance of the model by constructing a contingency table for the dust event occurrence. It was found that the model simulated quite well the starting and ending times of dust events with their peak dust concentrations for most dust events occurred both in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. However, the model failed to simulate a few dust events observed in both regions mainly due to the inaccurate simulations of the meteorological fields. Inaccurate simulations of wind speeds have caused for the model to simulate dust events poorly in the dust source region whereas poor simulations of precipitation of the fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) model have led to miss dust events in the downstream region of Korea. The contingency table made with the hourly data for the dust event occurrence made it possible to evaluate the ADAM2 model for the simulation of the dust event occurrence. It was found that the model has the probabilistic simulation capability for dust events of about 78% with the hit rate of more than 83% and the false alarm rate of about 27% for the dust events occurred during March in 2010. The probabilistic capability of the model could be much improved by improving the meteorological model (MM5 model).  相似文献   

Summary The study on the characteristics of aerosol in Seoul during springtime from 1998 to 2003 is performed by the size-resolved number concentrations of aerosol. Asian dust events occur in spring most frequently, but it has been often observed in wintertime since 1999. Since 2000, the number of Asian dust days has been increasing, and the intensity has been more severe until 2002. However, there were only 3 dust days in Seoul during the spring of 2003, since the synoptic cyclone was relatively not intense enough to rise and transport dust to Korean peninsula, and the air stream was usually tiled to north of Korean peninsula. In addition, the precipitation was relatively plentiful and the air temperature was cold enough not to keep dry soil condition.Haze is the suspended particles in the air, reducing visibility by scattering light, and it is often a mixture of aerosols and photochemical smog. Dry particles with diameters of the order of 0.1µm, are small enough to scatter short wavelengths of light. Haze occurs well in winter and spring, and severe haze is observed in the afternoon. The occurrence frequency of haze has been decreasing since 2000 except in May of 2003.During Asian dust events from 1998 to 2003, the number concentration of aerosol with diameters from 0.3µm to 0.5µm decreases notably, but that larger than 1µm increases rapidly. On the other hand, for the haze events the number concentration from 0.3µm to 0.5µm increases notably, but that larger than 1µm decreases.  相似文献   

This study identifies potential predictors for seasonal forecast of dust storm frequency for the Inner Mongolia region of China. Regionally averaged antecedent annual precipitation anomaly has a significant influence on spring dust storm frequency. It is strongly linked to the frequency of severe dust storms that produce strong impact on the downstream Beijing-Tianjin area. A hindcast that uses precipitation anomaly to predict dust storm frequency in the following spring significantly outperforms climatologic forecast. Limited soil moisture observations indicate that an abundant annual precipitation increases the soil moisture of subsurface layer in the subsequent spring, which in turn improves vegetation growth that could lead to a reduction in the frequency of dust storms.  相似文献   

采用SLIMCAT化学传输模式以及再分析资料,对比分析了1997和2011年北极地区平流层臭氧异常偏低事件及其成因。结果表明,1997和2011年3月北极地区大气臭氧柱总量(TCO)异常值都达到了约-80 DU,并且在30-200 hPa(中下平流层)区域的大气臭氧柱总量异常约占整层大气臭氧柱总量异常的80%。分析表明发生在这两年的极端臭氧偏低事件均可能是由于上一年冬季的拉尼娜事件导致上传的行星波减少,使得北极极涡加强,平流层温度异常偏低,生成了更多极地云,引起更强的臭氧化学损耗导致的。对比这两年的大气臭氧柱总量变化发现,2011年的柱总量减少得更快。2011年北极地区上对流层下平流层(UTLS)区域臭氧下降要明显强于1997年,其主要原因应该是2010-2011冬季的拉尼娜活动更强,北太平洋海温更高,进一步减弱阿留申低压和平流层波活动。这导致2011年极涡温度异常偏低更强烈,形成了更多的极地平流层云甚至出现了第二类极地平流层云,最终加速该年春季的臭氧化学损耗引起的。  相似文献   

This study investigated meteorological, physical, and chemical characteristics of 2 severe Hwangsa (Asian dust, maximum average of PM10 above 1000 μg m?3) observed in Seoul, the capital city of Korea, during 30~31st May, 2008 (DSS2008) and 25~26th December, 2009 (DSS2009). DSS2008 and DSS2009 had a same source region and route. However, they have different meteorological conditions. DSS2009 had a shorter travel time from the source region to Korea and shorter duration time in Korea than DSS2008 due to a strong winter Siberian anticyclone. One of DSS2008 sample was affected by not only Asian dust but also a long-range transported haze due to consecutive influx after low pressure passed while DSS2009 sample collected only dust aerosol. For both cases, the mass concentration of coarse particles (PM10-1) increased by 3~14 times compared to that during non Asian dust period, however, that of fine particles (PM1) increased only in DSS2008. For DSS2008 water-soluble ion balance between anions and cations in fine mode was close to 1:1 while cations were higher than anions in coarse mode. NH4 + and Ca2+ were found to be the main contributing factors for the neutralization. Cl? loss was observed about 60% indicating an active interaction of Na+ with pollutants. Reconstruction of chemical compositions showed relatively high concentrations of secondary pollutants (NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4), CaCO3, and Ca(NO3)2 compared to that during non Asian dust period. DSS2009 exhibited the typical characteristics of Asian dust having a high concentration of Ca2+ with higher equivalent concentration of cations than anions in all size bins. Cl? loss was hardly observed. The secondary pollutants were lower than that of non Asian dust cases. The result of reconstruction of ionic components indicated the CaCO3 derived from soil particle, CaSO4, and Ca (NO3)2 were dominant in DSS2009.  相似文献   

MJO对中国春季降水影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白旭旭  李崇银  李琳 《气象学报》2012,70(5):986-1003
利用IAP-AGCM4.0模式,通过多初值集合数值模拟研究了赤道附近的大气季节内振荡(MJO)传播的两个关键位相期对中国东部春季降水的影响.当在赤道中东印度洋及赤道西太平洋引进异常非绝热加热(强MJO活动)强迫时,模式很好地模拟出了中国东部地区春季降水的异常形势,模式模拟与先期所作的诊断分析结果极为相似,即在MJO的第2-3(6-7)位相,中国长江中下游地区多雨(中国东部大部分地区降水偏少).对模式输出的高度场、风场、散度和涡度场以及水汽输送场的分析表明,中国春季降水异常的发生分别与异常非绝热加热在东亚/西北太平洋地区所造成的异常大气环流形势密切相关.对逐日响应场的分析表明,就MJO活动影响中国春季降水的可能物理过程及机制进行的讨论表明,赤道附近的异常对流加热不仅可以在赤道附近激发产生大气的罗斯贝波和开尔文波型响应,而且,还会在大气中激发产生从热带到中高纬度的罗斯贝波列遥响应.但是,由于异常对流加热发生的地区不同,大气遥响应场的形势也会十分不同,它所导致的影响也就很不一样.当异常对流加热发生在赤道中东印度洋(对应MJO的第2-3位相)时,大气的罗斯贝波列遥响应将在东亚/西太平洋地区形成有利于中国东部(尤其是长江中下游地区)春季降水偏多的形势;当异常对流加热发生在赤道西太平洋(对应MJO的第6-7位相)时,大气的罗斯贝波列遥响应将在东亚/西太平洋地区形成不利于中国东部春季降水的形势.  相似文献   

利用吉林省业务运行的中尺度数值模式WRF3.3.1,分析了2016年4月12日吉林省一次春季降水过程的人工增雨潜力,选取比湿、上升气流、K指数、冰面过饱和度、云水厚度共5种与人工增雨潜力密切相关的指标,作为吉林省春季人工增雨潜力判别的因子。结果表明:吉林省春季850 hPa比湿和K指数与降水量存在相关关系,比湿小于2.9 g·kg-1几乎不产生降水,产生2 mm以上的降水比湿几乎均大于4.5 g·kg-1,K指数大于22℃。将850 hPa比湿大于4.5 g·kg-1K指数大于22℃、积分云水含量大于0.2 mm、高层冰面过饱和度大于0和低层垂直速度大于0.4 m·s-1作为强增雨潜力区的指标,并利用春季其他个例对该指标进行检验,发现该指标基本能够表征云内的动力、热力和微物理条件,可以作为人工增雨潜力区的判别指标。  相似文献   

用60 a Hadley气候中心的月平均海温资料,用EOF分析重构了4月份印度洋海温的一致变化型异常,并以此驱动IAP9层大气环流模式,分别研究了海温异常初期适应阶段、异常当月和气候平均夏季3种时间尺度下大气高度场响应的传播和分布特征.研究发现,初期适应阶段,高度场响应的垂直传播约需4d,且受控于整层无辐散约束;冷暖位相高度响应的水平传播路径差异较大,表现出明显的非对称性.海温异常当月,冷位相会激发出全球纬向Rossby波;而暖位相则激发出两半球洋面上2个大圆波列,且均有显著正压性.对气候平均夏季的北半球冷相位,高度响应表现为太平洋上空的3条异常纬带;对暖相位则表现为太平洋和大西洋上空的2个大圆波列.而南半球的高度场对冷位相响应主要表现为2波结构的绕极驻波,暖相位激发出环球的同心异常纬带.  相似文献   

针对受高空低槽影响的内蒙古东部地区的一次降水过程,利用中尺度数值模式MM5对此次降水过程进行了模拟与验证,检验分析了降水量、可降水量和云系的垂直结构特征,模式较好地预报出了此次降水过程,帮助提升内蒙古地区降水的预报能力。模式在云系垂直结构、降水落区和雨量等方面的预报效果较好;模式预报的可降水量产品能够把握住可降水量的大值区和高值中心等;而云水含量的预报能给出不同高度层上的变化情况;而模式预报内蒙古东部地区降水量级和范围与观测结果还有一定差距,其原因可能与模式的初始场和边界条件的处理有关,以及与所用资料的精度也是有一定联系。  相似文献   

采用1950-2000年逐月观测的不同海域(全球、热带外、热带、热带印度洋-太平洋、热带印度洋及热带太平洋)海表温度分别驱动NCAR CAM3全球大气环流模式,进行了多组长时间积分试验,对比ERA-40和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,讨论了这些海域海表温度异常对东亚夏季风年代际变化的影响。数值试验结果表明:全球、热带、热带印度洋-太平洋和热带太平洋海表温度变化对东亚夏季风的年代际变化具有重要作用,均模拟出了东亚夏季风在20世纪70年代中后期发生的年代际减弱现象,以及强、弱夏季风年代夏季大气环流异常分布的显著不同,这与观测结果较一致,表明热带太平洋是影响东亚夏季风此次年代际变化的关键海区;利用热带印度洋海表温度驱动模式模拟出的东亚夏季风在20世纪70年代中后期发生年代际增强现象,即当热带印度洋海表温度年代际偏暖(冷)时,东亚夏季风年代际增强(减弱),与热带太平洋海表温度变化对东亚夏季风年代际变化的影响相反;热带太平洋海表温度年代际背景的变化对东亚夏季风在20世纪70年代中后期的年代际减弱有重要作用。  相似文献   

2021年春季中国北方地区共出现了4次沙尘暴或强沙尘暴,2022年同期仅出现1次沙尘暴。基于2015—2022年空气质量和多源气象数据,利用Lamb-Jenkinson分型法与Mann-Whitney U检验法开展了2021年和2022年春季沙尘源地条件和气象因素异同分析,得到以下结论:中国北方沙尘天气多发型分为NW-N型(气旋型)和E-NE型(高压型),NW-N型造成的PM10极值更高、高浓度范围更广。气象因素而言,2022年春季有利于沙尘的天气型活动更频繁,与2021年春季沙尘日PM10浓度差异主要集中在NW-N型,两段时期NW-N型活动频数、气旋强度接近,有利于沙尘天气的动力抬升条件接近。从沙源地条件而言,2021年前冬蒙古沙源地土壤温度“前冷后暖”导致融雪等水量峰值早至,加之大面积降水负距平且3月蒙古沙源地气旋偏强,干燥、稀松的沙源致使春季沙尘多发;2022年前冬蒙古沙源地土壤气温“前暖后冷”导致融雪期等水量、土壤含水量峰值晚至,深厚湿润的土壤条件不利于起沙。故蒙古沙源地条件差异是两个时期沙尘差异显著的主要原因。  相似文献   

The physical processes of the feedback mechanism of direct shortwave radiative forcing of the Asian dust aerosol on dust emission has been examined using simulated results with the coupled (with dust shortwave radiative forcing) and the non-coupled model (without dust shortwave radiative forcing) based on the MM5 model and the Asian Dust Aerosol Model on 19 March 2002. The results indicate that a significant dust emission reduction occurs in the high dust concentration (HDC) region of the dust source region whereas an enhanced dust emission appears in the downstream of the dust source region. It is found that Asian dust aerosols raised during the daytime by the strong surface wind cause negative shortwave radiative flux near the surface, which in turn reduces the sensible heat flux causing the cooling of the air, thereby enhancing stable stratification. The dynamic adjustment of the negative radiative flux of the dust induces a positive pressure anomaly over the HDC region and a negative pressure anomaly toward the synoptic low pressure center, resulting in a dipole shape of pressure anomaly field near the surface. The associated secondary circulation of this pressure anomaly together with the reduction of turbulent intensity due to the reduced sensible heat flux reduces the low-level wind speed thereby reducing dust emission in the upstream of the HDC region of the dust source region (Region I), while enhancing the low-level wind speed in the downstream region (Region II), which in turn enhances dust emission. This enhanced dust emission is smaller than the emission reduction in the upstream, resulting in overall dust emission reduction during the daytime.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and possible sources of spring dust particles over Beijing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A severe Asian Dust Storm (ADS) event occurred on 16-17 April 2006 in northern China. The mineral compositions of dust samples were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicated that dust particles of the "17 April 2006" dust storm were dominated by quartz (37.4%) and clay (32.9%), followed by plagioclase (13.7%), with small amounts of calcite, K-feldspar, dolomite, hornblende and gypsum (all less than 10%). The clay fractions with diameter less than 2 μm were separated from the dust storm particles by centrifuging and were further analyzed by XRD. The results revealed that the clay species were mainly illite/smectite mixed layers (I/S) (49%) and illite (34%), with small amount of kaolinite (8%) and chlorite (9%).
In order to evaluate the feasibility of using the mineralogy to trace the sources of dust particles, the XRD results of the "17 April 2006" dustfall particles were compared with the dust particles over past years. The results confirmed that the finer dust particles represented by the ADS PM10 displayed a smaller quartz/clay ratio than the dustfall particles. The dust storm particles, either from the ADS PM10 or from the "17 April 2006" dustfall, showed a lower level of dolomite contents and lower dolomite/clay ratios compared with the non-dust storm dustfall particles. This implies that dolomite could be used to distinguish between the dust contributions from local and non-local sources. Similar trends were found for the gypsum and the gypsum/clay ratio. Moreover, the two dustfall samples had a lower level of illite/smectite mixed layers and a higher level of illite than airborne PM10, implying that the dustfall particles tend to be enriched with illite in its clay fraction.  相似文献   

河南省两次春季暴雨过程的对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用常规观测资料和NCEP1°×1°再分析资料对2008和2009年春季河南出现的两次区域暴雨过程进行了诊断对比分析。结果表明:500 hPa低槽、中低空切变、地面气旋是这两次过程共同的影响系统。Q矢量辐合和上升运动为两次春季暴雨的发生提供了有利的动力条件。两次过程的水汽均集中在800 hPa以下,主要是低层和边界层的水汽辐合,强的水汽输送和水汽辐合对暴雨的产生有非常重要的贡献。两次过程的大气层结均表现为对流稳定,这点与夏季暴雨有明显的区别。  相似文献   

Summary ?Over large parts of the Northern Hemisphere’s continents temperature has been increasing during the last century. Particularly minimum temperatures show a more pronounced increase than maximum temperatures. Not only the phenological seasons, but also the potentially plant damaging late frost events are governed by the atmosphere. In case of a rise of minimum temperatures one would expect phenological phases and spring late frost events to occur earlier. In this work the question is elucidated whether plant phenology shifts at a higher or lower rate towards earlier occurrences than potential plant damaging events, like spring late frost events. Frost events based on the last occurrence of daily minimum temperatures below a certain threshold have been moving faster to earlier occurrence dates than phenological phases during the last decades at 50 climate stations in Central Europe. Trend values of frost time series range around −0.2 days/year and of phenological time series are between −0.2 and 0.0 days/year over the period from 1951–1997. ‘Corylus avellana beginning of pollination’ is the only one of the 13 phases considered here with a lower trend value of −0.28 days/year. Early phases are more adapted to below zero temperatures and therefore follow more closely the temperature variability. Later phases seem to have more reason to be concerned about possible late frost events and react more cautiously towards higher spring temperatures and earlier last frost dates. The risk of late frost damage for plants should have been lower during the last decade as compared to the previous decades. Received June 28, 2002; accepted July 18, 2002  相似文献   

南京北郊2011年春季气溶胶粒子的散射特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用南京北郊2011年春季积分浊度仪的观测资料,结合PM2.5质量浓度、能见度和常规气象资料,分析了南京北郊春季气溶胶散射系数的变化特征、散射系数与PM2.5质量浓度和能见度的关系。结果表明,观测期间气溶胶散射系数平均值为311.5±173.3 Mm-1,小时平均值出现频率最高的区间为100~200 Mm-1;散射系数的日变化特征明显,总体为早晚大,中午及午后小。散射系数与PM2.5质量浓度的变化趋势基本一致,但与能见度呈负相关关系。霾天气期间散射系数日平均值为700.5±341.4 Mm-1,最高值达到近1 900 Mm-1;结合地面观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和后向轨迹模式分析显示,霾期间气块主要来自南京南部和东南方向。  相似文献   

2011年长春市一次持续浮尘天气成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用气象探测资料和环境监测数据,采用统计分析、环流演变分析、物理量诊断以及后向轨迹法分析了长春市浮尘发生气候特征和2011年5月12日长春市出现的一次持续时间较长、污染程度较重的浮尘天气过程。结果表明:长春地区浮尘天气整体上呈波动性减少趋势,3-5月是主要发生时期;本次浮尘天气过程沙源来自蒙古国中部和内蒙古中东部,并随高空急流的输送影响东北地区,本地沙源没有补充;高空急流明显、地面风速较小、温度露点差较大、内蒙古东部辽宁省北部存在弱风区、整层大气稳定是该区域未出现沙尘暴而出现浮尘的主要原因。  相似文献   

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