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The study shows that the regional differentiation of Hong Kong direct investment (HKDI) in China was enlarged in the 1980s and has been reducing since 1991. The concentration of HKDI in the southern China and the coast has been replaced by the trend of moving northwards and inlandwards after 1989. But in terms of manufacturing sectors this trend has not clearly appeared until now. Those changing patterns are clearly related to the behaviour of Hong Kong industrial investors. The survey results suggest that “enjoying lower production cost” is the most important motive for their investment in China. In consequence, “close to Hong Kong”, “cheaper labour” and “favourable policy” are major factors for determining the investment locations. This behaviour, together with the lack of comparison study in location selection among most investors, explains that Guangdong absorbed most Hong Kong investment in the 1980s. As the production costs have been increasing in Guangdong, some companies have started to invest in non-Guangdong locations since the end of the 1980s. From the mental map of Hong Kong investors, however, only some of the non-Guangdong locations are practically attractive. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the University Graduates Association (Hong Kong). The author gratefully acknowledges the help from Professors Kam-hon Lee and Yue-man Yeung and Dr. David Chu at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Chai-ming Mak at Electricity Advisory Services Limited (HK) during the early stage of the study.  相似文献   

Hong Kong has undergone substantial economic transformations and developed into a sophisticated business and financial center in the Asia-Pacific region,since the return of sovereignty to China as a Special Administrative Region under the One Country Two Systems (OCTS) in 1997.This paper discusses and analyzes the industrial structural changes of Hong Kong in recent decades as well as its future challenges and opportunities.The data and finding reveal that even though Hong Kong will face fierce competition from the Mainland’s cities as the rise of China,the important role as a bridge between China and the rest of the world will brace Hong Kong itself under the OCTS for developing into a service hub for business and trade in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The growth of peripheral ports to dominant hubs has been well documented in North America and Europe,and has led to the elaboration of several theoretical models.However,although changes in containerization growth have been taking place in the South and East Asia in recent years,particularly in China,only a few studies have fo-cused on this region.The Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta(PRD) has a typical port system with hub and peripheral ports,and provides an excellent case for studying the Peripheral Challenge.This paper introduces the theoretical evidence of the Hayuth model and analyzes the evolution of the container port system in the PRD with five phases:1) phase I:preconditions for change and phase II:initial container port development in the 1970s and early 1980s;2) phase III:diffusion,consolidation,and port concentration in the middle and late 1980s;3) phase IV:the load center in the 1990s;and(4) phase V:the Peripheral Challenge since the late 1990s.The results illustrate that the Shenzhen port presents mounting challenges to the Hong Kong port,descending from a transshipment hub of China to a regional load center of Southeast China.Furthermore,this paper explores five points that have led to the evolution of the port system in the PRD:1) competition in the regional port systems;2) different interested parties;3) shift of investment strategies of in-ternational terminal operators;4) integration of shipping networks and reorganization of carriers;and 5) cost-based competition.  相似文献   

Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Hong Kong has a long historical record of harmful algal blooms (HABs). In the 1980s–1990s, HABs were mainly pollution-related and most of the events...  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to introduce the concept of the Global TransPark (GTP). It is a critical time to develop air logistics infrastructure in the New Economy. The paper also presents a brief review of the air cargo industry in the Asian-Pacific region and China, in particular China‘s development in the industry as its economy has grown rapidly and globalized in the past two decades. The paper argues that China needs to develop a GTP to support its future growth, and explains why the Pearl River Delta-Hong Kong-Macao city-region or Extended Metropolitan Region (EMR) is the best location. Finally, it proposes that Zhuhai Airport, one of the five airports in the EMR, is thebest site for the GTP. New policies from Chinese government as well as close cooperation between local governmentsof Guangdong and the two Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao will be needed to make the establishment of the GTP possible.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is a hyper-dense city with 7×106 people living in an area of 1100km2. One way to improve the livability of compacted and congested cities like Hong Kong is through the provision of urban parks, an aspect that has largely been under-researched. This study focuses on how users perceive and utilize various facilities in the Kowloon Park. The findings revealed that the Kowloon Park is one of the most preferred parks in Hong Kong for both local residents and tourists. Users were quite satisfied with the park’s facilities. Notably, the most important component of an urban park is its greenery. This is followed by water elements, seating places, and facilities for various recreational activities. The improvements users would like to see in urban parks include good design and management, meeting users’ needs, overcoming barriers to use, and providing a high quality and varied experience for different groups in the community. The findings of this study provide a good basis to address park management issues from the users’ perspective. In particular, parks should provide easy access, encourage optimum usage and enable complimentary improvements to the environment. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Germany-Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme (No.GER/99-00/01) and the Faculty Research Grant of the Hong Kong Baptist University (No.FRG/00-01/I-38) Biography: WONG Koon-kwai (1950—), male, a native of Guangdong Province, Ph.D., associate professor, specialized in the analysis of human-environment interaction. E-mail: kenwong@hkbu.edu.hk  相似文献   

Seagrass research in China is still in its infancy. Even though there has been progress recently, there is still a great deal of research needed to gain a better understanding of seagrass. In this article we review and discuss the advances in seagrass research in China from two aspects: (1) seagrass species and their distribution; (2) seagrass research in China, including studies on their taxonomy, ecology, photosynthesis, applications in aquaculture, salt-tolerance mechanisms and other research topics. A total of 18 seagrass species belonging to 8 genera are distributed in nine provinces and regions in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), as well as the Xisha and Nansha Archipelagos. They can be divided into two groups: a North China Group and a South China Group. Based on the seagrass distribution, the Chinese mainland coast can be divided into three sections: North China Seagrass Coast, Middle China Seagrass Coast, and South China Seagrass Coast. Ecological studies include research on seagrass communities, nutrient cycling in seagrass ecosystems, genetic diversity, pollution ecology and research in the key regions of Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan. Seagrass species and their locations, community structure, ecological evaluation, epiphytes, ecological functions and threats in the key regions are also summarized. Other studies have focused on remote sensing of seagrass, threatened seagrass species of China, and pollen morphology of Halophila ovalis.  相似文献   

THELANDRESOURCEANDLANDUSEOFHONGKONG①YeShunzan(叶舜赞)InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100101,P.R.China(Re...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn1995,theamountofFDIinChina(mainland)wasUS$37.81bilionthatwasfrommorethan170countriesandregions.Thenearregions...  相似文献   

海洋经济在粤、港、澳经济中具有十分重要的地位,港、澳回归以后,三地海洋事业合作的内在需求得到充分表达。CEPA破除地方贸易保护和改进贸易合作创造了新机遇。建议以8个重点领域的海洋合作作为CEPA扩展的内容。  相似文献   

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