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17 mmu u uma uu 1976. anua 5 ¶rt;numu mauumu u¶rt;a mu u m na Pn, Pg, Sn u Sg. u¶rt; numm muam u mum ma¶rt;am¶rt;a ¶rt; uu mmu n¶rt;naam nu m m uamm aumm. ¶rt;am nu m mmu maua.  相似文献   

aam, m ¶rt;-mau ¶rt;uu a ma au am m¶rt; ma m unmuu m m. ¶rt;a, u a u unmuu annuuam, m am n una u 0,1 u a u ammuuu ¶rt;mau aa m m.  相似文献   

Summary In the experiment described, we test the possibility of utilizing forecasts of the pressure field, contained in GRID reports, to solve the problem of horizontal boundary conditions of a local model of short-range forecast of meteorological elements. We prove that the assumption of a linear tendency of the prognostic variables in the boundary region yields good results, using the Perkey-Kreitzberg method[1], even if applied to period T=24 hrs. In the Perkey-Kreitzberg method the effect of the horizontal diffusion in the boundary region is suppressed[2]. However, considering the diffusive term apart from the procedure of the method mentioned proves detrimental to the forecast.
nua num n m unau n n ¶rt;au, ¶rt;au ¶rt; ¶rt; u numaau u a ¶rt;u am na muu m. aam, m n¶rt;nu u m¶rt;uu nmuu n au amu nu unauu m¶rt;a u- [1] ¶rt;am u mam ¶rt;a nu nuuu nu¶rt; T=24 a. m¶rt; u- nu¶rt;um n¶rt;au uuuma ¶rt;uuu au amu[2]. ama ¶rt;u a n¶rt; nu¶rt; m¶rt;a nu¶rt;um, ¶rt;a, ¶rt;u n.

Summary The structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is investigated theoretically in a kinematic approximation under frozen-in conditions in the solar wind and non-stationary boundary conditions. As an example, a time-dependent model of the IMF, created in the case of a change of the general magnetic field of the Sun represented by the dipole term, is analyzed. Very simple assumptions as to the field of velocities in the solar wind are made. The results show the formation of zero IMF points of two types(O, X). Points of theO-type are formed and move radially in the equatorial plane. They are surrounded by magnetic clouds with loops of lines of force. Points of theX-type are formed and move radially above the poles.
muu u¶rt;aa mma nam aum n() uamu nuuuu nu uu mu m u mauaau uu. am nua ama ¶rt; , ua nu uuu aum n a, n¶rt;ma ¶rt;un , auu m u. mum n m m ¶rt;a nmu n¶rt;nu. mam naam aau m ¶rt; mun(O, X). uO-muna uam u ¶rt;um a¶rt;ua amua nmu. u aumu aau nmu u uu. uX-muna uam u ¶rt;um a¶rt;ua a¶rt; nau.

¶rt;m n¶rt;u nu nm n m . m¶rt; n¶rt;am nuuu am uma au muna (6) u (10). amua aumnu m m nn unam u u, m nmu ama mm (u. 2). uu nu nm ¶rt;u am mu n¶rt; uua 15mu anau u mu u nn uua mu anau. u unauu m nn ¶rt;u am mu n¶rt; uua ¶rt; 21 anau.

Dedicated to 90th Birthday of Professor Frantiek Fiala  相似文献   

a mmuu ¶rt; ¶rt;au nm u , a auauu ma mu au u. aamuam m¶rt; a, ma u mua mu ¶rt;au u ¶rt;aa u uma a; m a mu ¶rt;auu m ¶rt;muam 10% m ¶rt;au, a u nuuau m .  相似文献   

am amu ¶rt; ¶rt; mnu annu u u, a maua m umu mna n nnmam. a auu uu naa, m uau anu m anuu amua muna u am am u n ummamuu anu uu nmu nnmama. auum m¶rt;uauu ¶rt;mu ¶rt;mu mau anu, ammu: a) ¶rt;mu um numa amu umua mna; ) m uu uu nm aa u u u nu uuu aa nuu a nmu u; ) aau amuau anu ammuu aau, m m nm u¶rt; n u amumu um mu am.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of inverting the geopotential series with respect to the geoid radius has been solved. A linearization of the radius powers, making use of a reference surface, has been applied. The body given by the Bruns' formula has been chosen as the reference surface. Corrections to the Bruns' formula in an analytical explicit form have been derived. An internal linearization accuracy of the order of 1 mm has been achieved. The geoid radius coefficients for the GEM-L2 model have been evaluated numerically. The corrections have been found to range from –90 to 90 cm.
m¶rt; uauauu ¶rt; aaumuu u ¶rt; ama a¶rt;ua — ma, m una uum au aumau n u u naam unu¶rt;a. u u¶rt; una um uum u nmuaa u uum au a¶rt;ua — ma. ¶rt;a¶rt;amua ua, aa uauau, n¶rt;a 1 . u¶rt; u am ¶rt; ¶rt;uaumau n GEM-L2. au na nm mm m am nu annuauuu¶rt;a, a a m a, n¶rt;a ± 90 .

¶rt;am m unau a¶rt;umaua m nu ma a u mum u au. am a uu u ma a a umaua nmua mmu ¶rt; u mu m uauu.

Presented at the Meeting SSG 5.49 of the IAG, Uppsala, August 7, 1978.  相似文献   

Summary Spatial and temporal variability of natural ELF-VLF phenomena field intensity has been studied using data from Interkosmos satellites with apogees below 2000 km. The results show a distinct dependence of the diurnal variation and latitudinal intensity distribution on the magnetic activity. The L-value at which the maximum of plasmaspheric noise occurs, e.g., correlates better with the Dst-index than with other indicies.
mama u a auau anmu n mm - u a ua a uu ¶rt;a uu m an u 2000 . mam naam m auum m ¶rt;a u um an¶rt;u uu m aum amumu. uua L-naama, a m nm au naa uu, um Dst-u¶rt; ¶rt;uu u¶rt;auaum amumu.

Summary The magnetovariational data of 143 stations distributed over the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, over the Brunovistulicum and the West Carpathian sector were analysed to obtain transfer functions of the geomagnetic field. Methods of multivariate coherence analysis (spectral domain approach) and of impulse response (time domain approach) were employed. Complex induction vectors were estimated and contour maps of transfer functions were computer generated. Analysing their spatial distribution, we mapped the zones of anomalous induction and interpreted them in terms of electrical conductivity structure with its tectonic implications.
azumauau ¶rt;a 143 n mau an n amu m au z aua, az a umua u ana anam auma n¶rt;am uu zazumz n m¶rt;au zz zmz aaua (nma n¶rt;¶rt;) u unz mua um ( n¶rt;¶rt;). mu mama n u¶rt;u ma u nm am uuu n¶rt;am u. au nmamz an¶rt;u mu aamumu m aa u¶rt;uu, ¶rt; mm ¶rt;uu u n¶rt;a u zz-zuua umnmau.

Contribution No. 105/90, Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague.  相似文献   

n¶rt;m mu ¶rt; mu uau aumma. mu aum u mu u m u mu auauu m¶rt;a. u¶rt;m u naam nm nmmuna uau aumma.  相似文献   

Summary The magnetic moments of Uranus and Neptune have been predicted using different scaling laws of planetary magnetism. The predictions for Uranus cover a broad band of values from very weak magnetic fields (tidal relations) to moderate fields (thermal convection hypothesis). Therefore, the direct measurements of this field by Voyager 2 (January 1986) will be very important for testing the individual hapotheses.
a m ama a ¶rt; amua nam ¶rt;a n aum m nam a a nm. aa n¶rt;nmu nuu mu, ¶rt;m u¶rt;am a aum n a nmu aa u u a nmu nma.

Presented at the Fifth Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Prague 1985.  相似文献   

Summary Topographic effects on tidal strains and tilts are studied using a homogeneous elastic spherical model. Expressions for local perturbing strains and tilts are derive das functions of the physical and geometrical parameters of the model. It is demonstrated that tidal tilts are affected more by the topography than tidal strains.
n ¶rt;¶rt; n u ¶rt;u u¶rt;a uu a mmu a nuu ¶rt;auu u a. ¶rt; au, nuau a uau nuu ¶rt;au u a auumu m uuu umuu naam ¶rt;u. aa, m uau nuu a uau nuu ¶rt;au.

Summary The changes in the anisotropy of initial susceptibility of haematite ores, induced by a D.C. magnetic field are studied. After applying stronger magnetic fields, the changes in the anisotropy parameters are considerable and depend on the manner in which the basal planes of the haematite grains are arranged in the samples. The experimental results are interpreted on the basis of the single-domain theory. The proposed simple model of induced anisotropy is based on the relation between the directional susceptibility of the sample and the preferred orientation of the magnetic moments of the grains in polycrystalline haematite.
am uu aumnuu aa nuuumuamum ¶rt;, a nm aum n. nuu u aum n uu aumnuu aam u aum m na n¶rt;u nmamum aa. numa. ¶rt;a umnmua unau ¶rt;¶rt; muu. ¶rt;a nma ¶rt; a aumnuu aa a auumu u nuuumu m umauu aum m nuumauamum.

Presented at the 5th Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Prague 1985.  相似文献   

Summary Some of the properties are discussed of local nets derived from measurements of angles by forward intersection. Their functionals and stochastic model indicate the way the effect of the initial data, of the model of determining refraction conditions can be taken into account, and the possibility of gradually obtaining the individual estimates of the coordinates of the points being determined.
u¶rt; m ma a m, nm a auu nmam n au. a ua u mamu ¶rt;u mu m naam uu u¶rt; ¶rt;a, uu u n¶rt;u mua auu u m nmnz, m¶rt;z auau ¶rt;uam n¶rt; nm.

Summary The new for measuring the electrical conductivity of rocks and minerals developed in the Geophysical Institute is briefly discussed. Unlike the earlier method it uses a PMD-85-1 microcomputer and related equipment (all of CMEA production), which enable the automatic control of the experiment, collection, evaluation, graphic display and storage of the results. This method is verified by measuring the electrical conductivities of granitoids.
am nua m¶rt; uu mn¶rt;mu n¶rt; u ua ¶rt;a uu umumm . muuu m n¶rt;u¶rt; m¶rt;a unm unmPMD-85-1 u nua¶rt;au nuuu ( nu¶rt;ma ), m nm mm amamu nau numa, , am,au uau u anu mam uu. mm m¶rt; nm n uu mn¶rt;muaumu¶rt;.

Summary Localization errors made by approximating a given medium by a homogeneous rectangular block model and due to the approximative solution of two-point ray tracing are estimated for four different structures. The separate influence of the individual characteristics of the medium is discussed. The iterative Geiger method supplemented by a generalized inversion of the damped least-squares and Marquardt algorithm is used for localizating five hypothetical hypocentres using 9 stations. Travel times in the original structures, used as input data for localization, are calculated using a special ray tracing system.
am uu auauu a annuau a ¶rt; ¶rt; ma u ma ¶rt;¶rt; u annuau m a ¶rt; munau nuuum .

Summary The CHMI LAOFM is used in the daily routine of the Central Forecasting Office of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and some special results are transmitted to the regional offices. The model works in the region of Europe and the North Atlantic, uses conservative finite difference schemes and two types of semi-implicit schemes that allow effective model structurization in terms of programming language. The basic philosophy of the model is described.
¶rt; a zau mumuu unm zumzu umumm () ¶rt; z uz nza. m mam ¶rt;a zu nzam am amuu. z amam amu n u amu mamuz aa, un am , a a aa au. ama aum mu auau z n- , ma cam m nm a auuam mmauau nza. mam nuaa u u auauu.

Summary The complex of phenomena which arise simultaneously with microseismic vibrations embraces the three spheres of the Earth. In the atmosphere there arise infrasound waves, whereas hydroacoustic and microseismic waves propagate in the water and Earth's crust. In several cases the originating of intensive microseisms is connected with the generation of great and rather great magnetic storms. Such a relation was observed between microseismic vibrations recorded by seismic station Perth (Australia) and magnetic storms recorded by the Irkutsk observatory. When the rate of amplitude and period variations reached a definite value: A/t>0.15 and T/t>0.12, the magnetic storms in Irkutsk arised definitely.Directional radiation characteristic of an area of standing sea waves of limited dimensions into water and air are determined. For radiation into water a sharply directed vertical characteristic is valid. For radiation into atmosphere by coherent sources the directional characteristic is sinusoidal: zero radiation in the normal direction to the sea surface and maximum radiation in the plane of the aquatorium.
uu , , . , , . . , () , . : />0.15 />0.15, . . . , , : .

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