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洪友 崇  郭新荣 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):188-194
1996 年,张海春发表《新疆准噶尔盆地中生代直脉科(昆虫纲)昆虫化石》一文[古生物学报,35(4):442-494],共有5个新种和5个老种,其中1个老种定为Mesopanorpa obscura(Martynov, 1927),包含3 个标本:① NIGP126378(92-T-22/K1),② NIGP126377(58SK15/K3),③ NIGP126376(92-T-22/K3)。另1个标本NIGP126379(93-HE-2K1,2)定为Protorthophlebia latipennis Tillyard, 1933。笔者在研究长翅目化石的过程中,发现张的4个标本系异物同名,前3 个标本即:① NIGP126378号标本勉强修订为1个近似种P. (Protorthophlebia) aff. obscura (Martynov,1925) Martynov,1927;② NIGP126377号标本修订为新名种Protorthophlebia(Protorthophlebia) badouwanica nom. nov.;③ NIGP126376号标本, 由于这个标本脉序结构与副蝎蛉科 Parachoristidae Tillyard, 1937的脉序特征相同,已被修订为另一个属、种Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong, 2009[13],已转移归入该科。④另1个标本NIGP126379号标本被修订为新名种 P.(Protorthophlebia) karamayiensis nom. nov.。上述被修订后的新名属、种在本文中作了必要的重新描述。修订的标本,都根据张海春论文中原标本照片显示的脉纹特征和文字描述。所修订学名的原标本均按原文的记录保存在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所。  相似文献   

洪友 崇  郭新荣 《地质通报》2010,29(203):188-194
1996 年,张海春发表《新疆准噶尔盆地中生代直脉科(昆虫纲)昆虫化石》一文[古生物学报,35(4):442-494],共有5个新种和5个老种,其中1个老种定为Mesopanorpa obscura(Martynov, 1927),包含3 个标本:① NIGP126378(92-T-22/K1),② NIGP126377(58SK15/K3),③ NIGP126376(92-T-22/K3)。另1个标本NIGP126379(93-HE-2K1,2)定为Protorthophlebia latipennis Tillyard, 1933。笔者在研究长翅目化石的过程中,发现张的4个标本系异物同名,前3 个标本即:① NIGP126378号标本勉强修订为1个近似种P. (Protorthophlebia) aff. obscura (Martynov,1925) Martynov,1927;② NIGP126377号标本修订为新名种Protorthophlebia(Protorthophlebia) badouwanica nom. nov.;③ NIGP126376号标本, 由于这个标本脉序结构与副蝎蛉科 Parachoristidae Tillyard, 1937的脉序特征相同,已被修订为另一个属、种Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong, 2009[13],已转移归入该科。④另1个标本NIGP126379号标本被修订为新名种 P.(Protorthophlebia) karamayiensis nom. nov.。上述被修订后的新名属、种在本文中作了必要的重新描述。修订的标本,都根据张海春论文中原标本照片显示的脉纹特征和文字描述。所修订学名的原标本均按原文的记录保存在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所。  相似文献   

1996年,张海春发表<新疆准噶尔盆地中生代直脉科(昆虫纲)昆虫化石>一文[古生物学报,35(4):442-494],共有5个新种和5个老种,其中1个老种定为Mesopanorpa obscura(Martynov,1927),包含3个标本:①NIGP126378(92-T-22/K1),②NIGP126377(58SKl5/K3),③NIGPl26376(92-T-Z2/K3).另1个标本NIGPl26379(93-HE-2K1,2)定为Protorthophlebia latipennis Tillyard,1933.笔者在研究长翅目化石的过程中,发现张的4个标本系异物同名,前3个标本即:①NIGP126378号标本勉强修订为1个近似种P(Protorthophlebia)aft.obscura(Martynov,1925)Martynov,1927;②NIGP126377号标本修订为新名种Protorthophlebia(Protorthophlebia)badouwanica nom.nov.;③NIGP126376号标本,由于这个标本脉序结构与副蝎蛉科Parachoristidae Tillyard,1937的脉序特征相同,已被修订为另一个属、种Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong,2009~([13]),已转移归入该科.④另1个标本NIGP126379号标本被修订为新名种P.(Protonhoptdebia)karamayiensis nom.nov..上述被修订后的新名属、种在本文中作为必要的重新描述.修订的标本,都根据张海春论文中原标本照片显示的脉纹特征和文字描述.所修订学名的原标本均按原文的记录保存在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所.  相似文献   

洪友崇  李镇宇 《地质通报》2012,31(5):647-652
The fossil specimens discussed in this paper were collected from the grayish green mudstone and shale in the upper part of Lower Member of Middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation (T2t) in Shaanxi Province, China. Venationary feature correlation with old families and taxonomic discussion show that, among them, one specimen can be assigned to a new family - Sunopteridae fam. nov., which includes a new genus and species and can be referred to Order Protorthoptera Handlirsch, 1906 in taxonomic position, thus belonging to a new member of the Tongchuan Entomoassemblage of Shaanxi Entomofauna (belonging to Shaanxi Biota). The discovery of the new family and its new genus and species has certain reference values as follows: ① The discovery of the new family and its new genus and species fills firstly the vacancy in the protorthopterous field of China; ② In the meantime, it fills also the gaps of the valuable Middle Triassic protorthopterous fossil specimens between Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic Epochs in the world; ③ Judging from venationary features and taxonomic position, especially in the course of the formation of the merged vein of M and Cu, it formed a new unique and particular style of merged vein M+Cu. It not only is unique and simple, but also can be distinguished from the above mentioned 10 old families, thus providing important taxonomic evidence.  相似文献   

洪友崇 《地质通报》2009,28(1):11-15
小翅目化石是一个绝灭目,分布于德国(C2)和捷克、中亚、俄罗斯、美国(P),但在中国从来未曾发现过这个目的化石。2000年,笔者等在中国陕西铜川地区中三叠统铜川组下段上部灰绿色泥页岩中首次采到了小翅目昆虫化石。根据世界历史的参考文献,小翅目化石被发现的很少,已知报道的共有3科10属。此次所发现的有1新属和1新种Triasomiomopteris oblongata gen. et sp. nov.。属种不多,但很珍贵,有一定的重要意义,首先填补了中国小翅目化石这个领域的空白,也填补了世界中三叠世这个时代的空白,同时也打破了小翅目昆虫化石仅产于古生代晚期的说法,从而对于研究小翅目昆虫化石从二叠纪到中生代早期的演化关系有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper two new species of fossil Pseudopolycentropus Handlirsch, 1906 are described: Pseudopolycentropus janeannae sp. nov. and P. novokshonovi, sp. nov. All of them were recovered from the Middle Jurassic non-marine sedimentary strata of northeastern China. The new material from China reveals that the early diversification of pseudopolycentropodids was well underway by the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Platycteniopus diversoculatus is described from the Lower Cretaceous (Yixian Formation, Laoning, China). The new genus belongs to the tribe Cteniopodini as shown by six visible abdominal ventrites (ventrite 6 is sternite VIII), in comparison with other Alleculinae which have five abdominal ventrites; epistomal canthus of eyes not emarginate; anterior margin of first abdominal ventrite not bordered. On the other hand, Platycteniopus diversoculatus has some characters not typical for Cteniopodini: bifid mandibles and serrate antennae. The oldest representative of the tribe has combination of characters of tribes Alleculini and Cteniopodini. Recent representatives of Cteniopodini are associated with flowers of angiosperms, while other groups of Alleculinae, especially Gonoderini and Alleculini are mainly saprophagous and lichenophagous. Age of Platycteniopus finding coincides with the beginning of the angiosperms heyday.  相似文献   

常建平  孙忠实 《世界地质》2005,24(2):105-111
本文描述了热河生物群中2个水虿新种:Gomphus? biconuexus sp.nov,和Aeschna?acrodonta sp.nov.,它们分别属于Gomphidae科和Aeshnidae科。化石采自辽西北票黄半吉沟义县组下部(晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期)。  相似文献   

常建平  孙忠实 《世界地质》2006,25(2):105-112
描述了箭蜓科(Gomphidae)一新属种—宽翅辽宁澜箭蜓(Liaoninglanthus latusgen.et sp.nov.)及新属一未定种(Liaoninglanthus.sp.),还对义县光箭蜓(Liogomphus yixianensisRen et Gao,1996)进行了补充描述。化石全部采自辽西北票黄半吉沟义县组下部(晚侏罗世晚期—早白垩世)。  相似文献   

The Eomeropidae is a species-poor family with only 11 known fossil species from the Early Jurassic to Palaeogene. A new species of fossil eomeropid, Tsuchingothauma gongi sp. nov., is described based on a well-preserved wing from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou deposits of Inner Mongolia, China. Our new species is distinguished from the type species T. shihi mainly in having very numerous crossveins and cells; more longitudinal veins: 13 and 11 terminal branches in radial sector and medial field, CuA with 3 terminal branches and A with 7 terminal branches.  相似文献   

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