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多波束回波强度信息与海底底质类型具有较强的相关性,通过海底声纳图像能够实现底质类型的划分.为提高海底底质分类质量,依托SonarWiz的智能底质分类优势,在海底声纳图像纹理特征自动分类基础上,引入地形属性信息修正分类结果.以三亚崖州湾附近海域为例,基于实测海底地形数据和海底表面声纳图像,利用数据处理技术和图像分类方法,...  相似文献   

MultiBeam echosounder data were collected during a surface-ship survey of the 22/4b well site in the North Sea in September 2011 using a Teledyne-Reson 7125. Modern multibeam echosounders are instrumental in providing detection and accurate localization of weak to strong bubble plumes. Two survey profiles effectively insonified the bubble plumes rising from the main crater at the well site, providing snapshot data of bubble plume processes. Additionally, three profiles insonified bubble plumes rising from, in, and to the south of a secondary crater, 1.2 km southeast of the main crater. Data processing included a simple algorithm that muted mislocated echoes from incomplete sidelobe suppression. The data processing produced a Cartesian volume of echo intensity from the water column and seabed.Plume geometry was analyzed to investigate a number of important large-scale plume processes, including plume bubble detrainment due to currents and stratification, downwelling flows, sea surface interaction, plume heterogeneity, and other fluid transport processes. The data showed strong upwelling flows, with bubble vertical motions generally much faster than currents. One important finding was that megaplumes create intrusions above the general thermocline, in part because their extensive upwelling flow lifts the thermocline locally. As a result, the intrusion layer deposits dissolved gases in the upper wave-mixed layer of the water column where it is not isolated from the atmosphere, unlike dissolved gases in the lower water column.The analysis shows that high fidelity multibeam echosounder data can provide a wealth of remote sensing information on bubble plume characteristics and processes, with important applications, including blowout monitoring and response, better understanding of megaplumes such as used in lake destratification, and improved characterization of natural seep emission processes.  相似文献   

Processing and analysis of Simrad multibeam sonar data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The common approach to analysing data collected with multibeam and sidescan sonars is to visually interpret charts of contoured bathymetry and mosaics of seabed images. However, some of the information content is lost by processing the data into charts because this involves some averaging; the analysis might uncover more information if done on the data at an earlier stage in the processing. Motivated by this potential, I have created a software system which can be used to analyse data collected with Simrad EM1000 (shallow water) and EM12 (deep water) multibeam sonars, as well as to generate bathymetry contour charts and backscatter mosaics. The system includes data preprocessing, such as navigation filtering, depth filtering (removal of outlying values), and amplitude mapping using the multibeam bathymetry to correctly position image pixels across the swath. The data attributes that can be analysed include the orientation and slope of the seafloor, and the mean signal strength for each sounding. To determine bathymetry attributes such as slope, the soundings across a number of beams and across a series of pings are grouped and a least-squares plane fitted to them. Bathymetric curvature is obtained by detrending the grouped data using the least-squares plane and fitting a paraboloid to the residuals. The magnitudes and signs of the paraboloid's coefficients reveal depressions and hills and their orientations. Furthermore, the seafloor geology can be classified using a simple combination of these attributes. For example, flat-lying sediments can be classified where the backscatter, slope and curvature fall below specified values.  相似文献   

为了改善现有的反向散射强度传播损失改正方法在混浊水域适应性较弱的问题,提出了混浊水域声传播损失计算模型。首先利用不同深度的海洋环境参数构建声波吸收系数剖面,然后基于声速,沿波束传播路径,对每个波束分层计算传播损失。实验分析表明,本方法传播损失改正效果最佳,其Spearman等级相关系数绝对值仅为0.04,远小于传统模型和TVG改正,大大减弱了混浊水域情况下多波束回波强度与传播距离的相关性,有效改善了多波束声呐图像的质量。  相似文献   

针对海洋石油管线探测多波束剖面声纳的高速、大容量的实时信号处理任务,以及声纳系统进一步扩展的需求,设计并实现了一种基于IP网络互连的、以并行DSP为处理节点的多波束剖面声纳系统.该系统应用于海底石油管线探测与定位,系统中的每个处理节点与数据采集转换部分采用TCP/IP网络连接,可以通过物理上添加一个或多个处理节点成倍的提高系统的信号处理能力,而在软件上无须大的改动.通过电联调与水槽试验,验证了系统的可行性和稳定性,该设计为高速水声阵列信号实时处理系统提供了一种全新的解决思路.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential for remote classification of seafloor terrains using a combination of quantitative acoustic backscatter measurements and high resolution bathymetry derived from two classes of sonar systems currently used by the marine research community: multibeam echo-sounders and bathymetric sidescans sonar systems. The high-resolution bathymetry is important, not only to determine the topography of the area surveyed, but to provide accurate bottom slope corrections needed to convert the arrival angles of the seafloor echoes received by the sonars into true angles of incidence. An angular dependence of seafloor acoustic backscatter can then be derived for each region surveyed, making it possible to construct maps of acoustic backscattering strength in geographic coordinates over the areas of interest. Such maps, when combined with the high-resolution bathymetric maps normally compiled from the data output by the above sonar systems, could be very effective tools to quantify bottom types on a regional basis, and to develop automatic seafloor classification routines.  相似文献   

通过分析GeoAcoustics公司的GeoSwath相干多波束系统的二进制原始文件结构,使用VC 6.0设计出各传感器字段的数据结构,并编程实现相干多波束数据的提取和图形可视化。该技术方法对于GeoSwath系统多波束数据的提取和分析处理有参考意义。  相似文献   

基于Contourlet变换的海底声纳图像特征提取与分类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李庆武  石丹  霍冠英 《海洋学报》2011,33(5):163-168

Marine Geophysical Research - Coastal dynamics are the result of several processes controlling the balance between sediment input and output over time. The beach system is not always able to...  相似文献   

多波束声呐图像是进行海底底质分类的主要数据源之一,由于受海洋噪声、声波散射和混响、仪器设备等因素影响,其经各项常规改正后仍存在明显残差,突出表现在中央波束区和条带重叠区,难以形成高质量的声呐图像。文中分析了多波束声呐图像残差的成因及影响,提出了一种基于多条带最小二乘拟合的多波束声呐图像残差处理方法。首先,得到相邻声脉冲(ping)信号中央区域、重叠区域以及整体趋势的拟合函数;然后,通过拟合函数计算得到中央和重叠区域的残差改正系数;最后,通过改正系数进行残差改正。实验分析表明,该方法在保留原始细节的基础上,有效削弱了残差对声呐图像的影响,对多波束声呐图像处理具有参考和应用价值。  相似文献   

Seafloor photography from three cruises is combined with multibeam sonar imagery to characterize benthic substrates and associated fauna of Santa Monica Bay, California. The multibeam EM1000 imagery was collected in 1996. Two sampling cruises (in 1998 and 1999) provided photographs at 142 sites throughout the Bay; a final cruise (in 2000) collected still photographs and continuous video along nine transects on the mainland shelf from Pt. Dume to the Palos Verdes peninsula. Muddy substrates (typically low backscatter) were the predominant habitat throughout the Santa Monica Bay, from the 20 m isobath to the adjacent Santa Monica basin floor (780 m). Bioturbation was pervasive as evidenced by abundant open burrows, mounds, and faunal tracks and trails. Sandy substrates (typically intermediate to high backscatter) were restricted to the innermost mainland shelf and a narrow outer shelf band north of Santa Monica Canyon. Cobble and gravel substrates (high backscatter) were restricted to the innermost shelf south of El Segundo and limited parts of the shelf edge. Rocky substrates (high backscatter) with interspersed patches of sand and gravel occurred on the high-relief marginal plateau and along parts of the shelf break offshore of Malibu.  相似文献   

An experiment aboard the Scripps Institution of Oceanography's RV Thomas Washington has demonstrated the seafloor mapping advantages to be derived from combining the high-resolution bathymetry of a multibeam echo-sounder with the sidescan acoustic imaging plus wide-swath bathymetry of a shallow-towed bathymetric sidescan sonar. To a void acoustic interference between the ship's 12-kHz Sea Beam multibeam echo-sounder and the 11-12-kHz SeaMARC II bathymetric sidescan sonar system during simultaneous operations, Sea Beam transmit cycles were scheduled around SeaMARC II timing events with a sound source synchronization unit originally developed for concurrent single-channel seismic, Sea Beam, and 3.5-kHz profile operations. The scheduling algorithm implemented for Sea Beam plus SeaMARC II operations is discussed, and the initial results showing their combined seafloor mapping capabilities are presented  相似文献   

The advantages of using wideband sonar systems in underwater acoustical imaging by means of synthetic aperture (side-looking) sonars are described and illustrated through simulation examples. The simulations are conducted for two cases of sonar platform motion: perfect trajectory and disturbed trajectory. Several schemes used for wideband synthetic aperture processing are investigated and their relative merits (resolution and complexity) in the case of both disturbed and perfect trajectories are evaluated. Quantitative image evaluation is initially achieved through the evaluation of performance as regards resolution. The problems involved in the definition of the image quality are discussed  相似文献   

针对传统趋势面滤波方法中多项式拟合曲面系数向量的求取和作为阈值的均方根误差的求取都受到异常数据的影响,使该方法在异常测深数据较多的情况下滤波效果不佳的问题,提出了一种中值滤波加权修正的改进方法。在构造趋势面之前,对水深数据进行加权修正,以前后两次修正后数据的拟合优度的变化量作为是否进行下一步水深修正的依据,利用最终修正后的水深数据求取多项式拟合曲面系数向量和均方根误差,大幅降低了异常数据的影响,具有很强的抗差性。经仿真模拟数据和多波束实测数据滤波试验,该方法在异常数据较多的情况下依然良好,能够保持良好的滤波效果,明显优于传统趋势面滤波;同时,该方法能够保持较高的运算效率,适用于海量多波束测深数据的自动滤波。  相似文献   

The variation of the backscatter strength with the angle of incidence is an intrinsic property of the seafloor, which can be used in methods for acoustic seafloor characterization. Although multibeam sonars acquire backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles, the angular information is normally neglected during standard backscatter processing and mosaicking. An approach called Angular Range Analysis has been developed to preserve the backscatter angular information, and use it for remote estimation of seafloor properties. Angular Range Analysis starts with the beam-by-beam time-series of acoustic backscatter provided by the multibeam sonar and then corrects the backscatter for seafloor slope, beam pattern, time varying and angle varying gains, and area of insonification. Subsequently a series of parameters are calculated from the stacking of consecutive time series over a spatial scale that approximates half of the swath width. Based on these calculated parameters and the inversion of an acoustic backscatter model, we estimate the acoustic impedance and the roughness of the insonified area on the seafloor. In the process of this inversion, the behavior of the model parameters is constrained by established inter-property relationships. The approach has been tested using a 300 kHz Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar in Little Bay, NH. Impedance estimates are compared to in situ measurements of sound speed. The comparison shows a very good correlation, indicating the potential of this approach for robust seafloor characterization.  相似文献   

Spatial information on the distribution of seabed substrate types in high use coastal areas is essential to support their effective management and environmental monitoring. For Darwin Harbour, a rapidly developing port in northern Australia, the distribution of hard substrate is poorly documented but known to influence the location and composition of important benthic biological communities (corals, sponges). In this study, we use angular backscatter response curves to model the distribution of hard seabed in the subtidal areas of Darwin Harbour. The angular backscatter response curve data were extracted from multibeam sonar data and analysed against backscatter intensity for sites observed from seabed video to be representative of “hard” seabed. Data from these sites were consolidated into an “average curve”, which became a reference curve that was in turn compared to all other angular backscatter response curves using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov goodness-of-fit. The output was used to generate interpolated spatial predictions of the probability of hard seabed (p-hard) and derived hard seabed parameters for the mapped area of Darwin Harbour. The results agree well with the ground truth data with an overall classification accuracy of 75% and an area under curve measure of 0.79, and with modelled bed shear stress for the Harbour. Limitations of this technique are discussed with attention to discrepancies between the video and acoustic results, such as in areas where sediment forms a veneer over hard substrate.  相似文献   

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