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A dealiasing algorithm for radar radial velocity observed by C-band Doppler radars is presented as an extension of an existing S-band dealiasing algorithm. This has operational significance in that many portable and many commercial broadcast radars, as well as approximately one half of the Chinese weather radar network (CINRAD), are C-band radars. With a wavelength of about 5 cm, the Nyquist interval of C-band radars is just about one half that of S-band radars (wavelength of about 10 cm) and thus has more velocity folding. The proposed algorithm includes seven modules to remove noisy data, find the starting radials, dealias velocities, and apply least squares error checking in both the radial and azimuth directions. The proposed velocity dealiasing method was applied to one widespread rain case and three strong convective cases from radars operating in China. It was found that, on average, 92.95% of the aliased radial velocity data could be correctly de-aliased by the algorithm, resulting in 96.65% of the data being valid.  相似文献   

A new method for driving a One-Dimensional Stratiform Cold (1DSC) cloud model with Weather Research and Fore casting (WRF) model outputs was developed by conducting numerical experiments for a typical large-scale stratiform rainfall event that took place on 4-5 July 2004 in Changchun, China. Sensitivity test results suggested that, with hydrometeor pro files extracted from the WRF outputs as the initial input, and with continuous updating of soundings and vertical velocities (including downdraft) derived from the WRF model, the new WRF-driven 1DSC modeling system (WRF-1DSC) was able to successfully reproduce both the generation and dissipation processes of the precipitation event. The simulated rainfall intensity showed a time-lag behind that observed, which could have been caused by simulation errors of soundings, vertical velocities and hydrometeor profiles in the WRF output. Taking into consideration the simulated and observed movement path of the precipitation system, a nearby grid point was found to possess more accurate environmental fields in terms of their similarity to those observed in Changchun Station. Using profiles from this nearby grid point, WRF-1DSC was able to repro duce a realistic precipitation pattern. This study demonstrates that 1D cloud-seeding models do indeed have the potential to predict realistic precipitation patterns when properly driven by accurate atmospheric profiles derived from a regional short range forecasting system, This opens a novel and important approach to developing an ensemble-based rain enhancement prediction and operation system under a probabilistic framework concept.  相似文献   

A variant constrained genetic algorithm (VCGA) for effective tracking of conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations (CNOPs) is presented. Compared with traditional constraint handling methods, the treatment of the constraint condition in VCGA is relatively easy to implement. Moreover, it does not require adjustments to indefinite pararneters. Using a hybrid crossover operator and the newly developed multi-ply mutation operator, VCGA improves the performance of GAs. To demonstrate the capability of VCGA to catch CNOPS in non-smooth cases, a partial differential equation, which has "on off" switches in its forcing term, is employed as the nonlinear model. To search global CNOPs of the nonlinear model, numerical experiments using VCGA, the traditional gradient descent algorithm based on the adjoint method (ADJ), and a GA using tournament selection operation and the niching technique (GA-DEB) were performed. The results with various initial reference states showed that, in smooth cases, all three optimization methods are able to catch global CNOPs. Nevertheless, in non-smooth situations, a large proportion of CNOPs captured by the ADJ are local. Compared with ADJ, the performance of GA-DEB shows considerable improvement, but it is far below VCGA. Further, the impacts of population sizes on both VCGA and GA-DEB were investigated. The results were used to estimate the computation time of ~CGA and GA-DEB in obtaining CNOPs. The computational costs for VCGA, GA-DEB and ADJ to catch CNOPs of the nonlinear model are also compared.  相似文献   

A relocation procedure to initialize tropical cyclones was developed to improve the representation of the initial conditions and the track forecast for Panasonic Weather Solutions Tropical Operational Forecasts. This scheme separates the vortex perturbation and environment field from the first guess, then relocates the initial vortex perturbations to Lhe observed position by merging them with the environment field. The relationships of wind vector components with stream function and velocity potential are used for separating the vortex disturbance from first guess. For the separation of scalars, a low-pass Barnes filter is employed. The irregular-shaped relocation area corresponding to the specific initial conditions is determined by mapping the edge of the vortex radius in 36 directions.Then, the non-vortex perturbations in the relocation area are removed by a two-pass Barnes filter to retain the vortex perturbations, while the variable fields outside the perimeter of the modified vortex are kept ide.ntical to the original first guess. The potential impacts of this scheme on track forecasts were examined for three hurricane cases in the 2011-12 hurricane season. The experimental results demonstrate that the initialization scheme is able to effectively separate the vortex field from the environment field and maintain a relatively balanced and accurate relocated first guess. As the initial track error is reduced, the following track forecasts are considerably improved. The 72-h average track forecast error was redu,~ed by 32.6% for the cold-start cases, and by 38.4% when using the full-cycling data assimilation because of the accumulatedL improvements from the initialization scheme.  相似文献   

It is well known that the quasi-geostrophic (QG) omega equation with only two contributors respectively associated with vorticity advection (VA) and temperature advection is derived for midlatitude synoptic-scale systems only.Based on reliable reanalysis data,new evidence revealed by cyclonic and anticyclonic cases indicates that forecasters might sometimes experience problems by paying too much attention to the 500-hPa VA when estimating vertical motions not only in subtropical systems but also in systems meeting all the assumptions of the QG omega equation.Our investigations also showed that explicitly considering the vertical profiles of horizontal divergence could allow for better interpretation of vertical motions and weather in these real cases,suggesting that this equation might not be sufficient due to the presence of only two horizontaldivergence-related (HDR) mechanisms and the absence of other HDR mechanisms,e.g.,frictional force,mountain barriers,diabatic/adiabatic processes,and acceleration/deceleration of air flows.  相似文献   

In situ measured data of broadband solar radiation (Rs) and ultraviolet (Uv) radiation were used to investigate the spa- tiotemporal variation properties of Uv radiation and the ratio of Uv radiation to Rs over the North China Plain (NCP). Based on the analysis, an empirical model for estimating Uv radiation under all weather conditions in this region was developed. The results showed that the annual Uv radiation over the NCP ranges from 0.38-0.52 MJ m^-2 d^-1. The highest value during the study period was recorded at the Changwu site, which is located near the margin of the Loess Plateau, while the lowest value appeared at the station in Beijing. The seasonal variation pattern of the ratio of Uv radiation to Rs is similar to that of Uv radiation; namely, the highest value appears in August and then decreases gradually until the lowest value appears in November. A small increasing trend in the Uv radiation levels and the ratio of Uv radiation to Rs was observed over the NCP. The evaluation results showed that the empirical estimation model can be widely used to estimate Uv radiation under all atmospheric conditions. The relative error between the modeled and measured daily values were within ± 15%.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a robust and flexible implementation of a proper orthogonal decomposition-based ensemble four-dimensional variational assimilation method(PODEn4DVar) through Rlocalization.With R-localization,the implementation of the local PODEn4DVar analysis can be coded for parallelization with enhanced assimilation precision.The feasibility and effectiveness of the PODEn4DVar local implementation with R-localization are demonstrated in a two-dimensional shallow-water equation model with simulated observations(OSSEs) in comparison with the original version of the PODEn4DVar with B-localization and that without localization.The performance of the PODEn4DVar with localization shows a significant improvement over the scheme with no localization,particularly under the imperfect model scenario.Moreover,the R-localization scheme is capable of outperforming the Blocalization case to a certain extent.Further,the assimilation experiments also demonstrate that PODEn4DVar with R-localization is most efficient due to its easy parallel implementation.  相似文献   

Dynamic and Numerical Study of Waves in the Tibetan Plateau Vortex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In terms of its dynamics, The Tibetan Plateau Vortex (TPV) is assumed to be a vortex in the botmdary layer forced by diabatic heating and friction. In order to analyze the basic characteristics of waves in the vortex, the governing equations for the vortex were established in column coordinates with the balance of gradient wind. Based on this, the type of mixed waves and their dispersion characteristics were deduced by solving the linear model. Two numerical simulations with triple-nested domains--one idealized large-eddy simulation and one of a TPV that took place on 14 August 2006---were also carried out. The aim of the simulations was to validate the mixed wave deduced from the governing equations. The high-resolution model output data were analyzed and the results showed that the tangential flow field of the TPV in the form of center heating was cyclonic and convergent in the lower levels and anticyclonic and divergent in the upper levels. The simulations also showed that the vorticity of the vortex is uneven and might have shear flow along the radial direction. The changing vorticity causes the formation and spreading of vortex Rossby (VR) waves, and divergence will cause changes to the n~otion of the excitation and evolution of inertial gravity (IG) waves. Therefore, the vortex may contain what we call mixed :inertial gravity-vortex Rossby (IG-VR) waves. It is suggested that some strongly developed TPVs should be studied in the future, because of their effects on weather in downstream areas.  相似文献   

The regionalization of climate in China is based on a three-level classification in terms of lasting days for accumulated temperature (AT),aridity index,and July mean temperature.Based on daily meteorological observational data from 756 stations,trends and interdecadal variation in indices for classifying temperature zones,moisture regions and climatic subregions in the period 1961-2010 are discussed.Results reveal that the nationwide AT ≥ 10℃C (AT10) and its lasting days are basically increasing,while aridity in northern Xinjiang is decreasing.The increasing trend of July mean temperature in North China is found to be notably larger than in South China.In terms of their national averages,a marked step increase of AT10 and its lasting period,as well as July mean temperature occurred around 1997,while the aridity index presents no such clear change.By comparing regionalization areas for 1998-2010 with those for 1961-97,it is found that the semi-humid,semi-dry and dry regions in the sub-temperate zone,as well as the humid region in the middle subtropical zone,have experienced substantial shrinkage in terms of area.In contrast,the areas of semi-dry and dry regions in the warm temperate zone,as well as the humid region in the south subtropical zone,present drastically increasing trends.Owing to the influence of such step changes that took place in 1997,that particular point in time should be given close attention in future studies regarding the regionalization of climate in China.  相似文献   

A time-lagged ensemble method is used to improve 6-15 day precipitation forecasts from the Beijing Climate Center Atmospheric General Circulation Model,version 2.0.1.The approach averages the deterministic predictions of precipitation from the most recent model run and from earlier runs,all at the same forecast valid time.This lagged average forecast (LAF) method assigns equal weight to each ensemble member and produces a forecast by taking the ensemble mean.Our analyses of the Equitable Threat Score,the Hanssen and Kuipers Score,and the frequency bias indicate that the LAF using five members at time-lagged intervals of 6 h improves 6-15 day forecasts of precipitation frequency above 1 mm d-1 and 5 mm d-1 in many regions of China,and is more effective than the LAF method with selection of the time-lagged interval of 12 or 24 h between ensemble members.In particular,significant improvements are seen over regions where the frequencies of rainfall days are higher than about 40%-50% in the summer season; these regions include northeastern and central to southern China,and the southeastem Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

针对CIRAD/SA(B)发射机整流组件设计不合理导致发射机故障高的现象,分析了CIRAD/SA(B)原整流组件技术线路的设计缺陷:无缺相监测功能,导致高压供电烧断一路保险丝时,不易发现;加高压瞬间高中压容易出现高压打火;维修不方便,不能快速定位高低压电路故障。研制了新型整流组件,改进了设计不合理的线路,增加了维修功能转换开关、输出逐步升压、缺相和相序保护等新的功能,能降低发射机打火故障,提高雷达发射机高压打火故障维修效率,达到了预期设计要求。  相似文献   

CINRAD/SA雷达日常维护及故障诊断方法   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
胡东明  伍志方 《气象》2003,29(10):26-28
CINRAD雷达系统,具有完善的自动定标系统和可靠的故障自诊断系统,利用其“故障报警信息”和“RDA性能参数”,能够完成该雷达系统的日常维护任务;参照“RDA适配数据”,再配合简单的测量工具,可以实现故障的隔离和定位。  相似文献   

吴翀  刘黎平  张志强 《气象学报》2014,72(2):390-401
受外场试验条件的限制,相控阵天气雷达在测试过程中难以与用于对比的多普勒天气雷达保持相同位置,造成不同雷达之间的观测资料无法直接对比。为了较全面地分析该情况下相控阵天气雷达的探测能力,提出了针对不同地理位置不同分辨率的雷达反射率因子匹配方法和观测资料的定量对比方法。初步使用该方法对2010年5月21日的S波段相控阵天气雷达(S-PAR)与相距54 km的南京新一代多普勒天气雷达(CINRAD/SA)观测资料进行了结构的对比及数值的分析。结果表明:(1)S-PAR的回波结构与位置均较为合理,与CINRAD/SA相比反射率因子测量偏差很小,未受地物影响的径向速度较为接近,同时单波束发射4波束同时接收的扫描方式大大节约了扫描时间;(2)S-PAR受宽波束的影响,100 km外的回波出现了明显的平滑现象,难以探测到细微结构;(3)S-PAR的灵敏度比CINRAD/SA差,100 km处的最小可测反射率因子偏高16 dBz,通过相同灵敏度的模拟后发现S-PAR较差的灵敏度是造成回波结构差异的主要原因;(4)提出的经纬度匹配方法较好地将不同位置下的雷达资料对应起来,经纬度匹配后在垂直方向的不同处理方式得到的结果存在细微差异,基于采样体积的平均方法取得的效果最佳。  相似文献   

A major issue in radar quantitative precipitation estimation is the contamination of radar echoes by non-meteorological targets such as ground clutter, chaff, clear air echoes etc. In this study, a fuzzy logic algorithm for the identification of non-meteorological echoes is developed using optimized membership functions and weights for the dual-polarization radar located at Mount Sobaek. For selected precipitation and non-meteorological events, the characteristics of the precipitation and non-meteorological echo are derived by the probability density functions of five fuzzy parameters as functions of reflectivity values. The membership functions and weights are then determined by these density functions. Finally, the non-meteorological echoes are identified by combining the membership functions and weights. The performance is qualitatively evaluated by long-term rain accumulation. The detection accuracy of the fuzzy logic algorithm is calculated using the probability of detection (POD), false alarm rate (FAR), and clutter-signal ratio (CSR). In addition, the issues in using filtered dual-polarization data are alleviated.  相似文献   

激励放大器是发射机射频放大链电路前级功率放大器,对雷达探测资料可靠性具有重要作用。研究芯片级故障诊断流程,一方面可以解决台站技术保障人员无法故障定位到芯片级的技术难题;另一方面,芯片级故障维修可达到大大降低维修成本的目的。雷达故障一般分为参数调整不当导致性能下降故障和器件损坏造成参数异常故障。为此,通过总结出CINRAD/SA(B)发射机激励放大器信号流程、故障树图集,在依据同步信号时序关系及关键点波形参数基础上,研究出规范化的激励放大器调试技术和方法,以及激励放大器芯片级故障诊断定位流程,并列举了依据激励放大器芯片级故障诊断定位流程,修复激励放大器集成块N8损坏,导致+8 V电源不正常,造成激励放大器无功率输出,以及激励放大器的第二级功放模块故障导致激励放大器输出功率低的两个故障的典型个例,以检验维修效果。实际应用结果表明:芯片级激励放大器故障诊断定位流程可以快速定位发射机激励放大器故障点到故障器件,方法简洁、思路清晰、操作规范,基层雷达站技术人员容易掌握;激励放大器调试技术和方法,能解决激励放大器参数调整不当导致激励放大器性能下降故障,可有效提高新一代天气雷达技术保障水平。  相似文献   

蔡宏  秦建峰 《气象科技》2014,42(4):570-574
通过例证的方法,系统介绍了CINRAD/SA天气雷达RDA适配参数的组成、特点和作用,以及适配参数在雷达维护、标定中的重要应用,以便雷达保障人员在CINRAD/SA天气雷达的运行维护工作中能很好使用适配参数。CINRAD/SA天气雷达保障工作的实际经验表明,RDA适配参数在CINRAD/SA天气雷达的智能管理、运行控制、运行维护、系统标定、故障报警、信号处理和数据生成等方面具有重要作用,系统了解和充分运用RDA适配参数对保障CINRAD/SA天气雷达系统的高效、可靠运行具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于质量控制的S波段双偏振雷达格点化观测数据,利用模糊逻辑算法,结合降雨粒子散射和空间取向等特征建立了降水粒子类型识别算法,用于分析降水过程中降水粒子的空间分布情况及粒子类型的演变过程.该算法可以将降水粒子分为液态、冰态、混合态等不同种类,有助于发现影响降水多寡的云微物理关键结构.首先根据不同降水粒子的雷达回波特性得到...  相似文献   

风廓线雷达资料质量控制及其同化应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为更好地同化风廓线雷达观测资料开展了相应的质量控制与同化应用研究。针对2013年5月广东地区13部风廓线雷达的观测数据,采用经验正交函数(EOF) 分析方法对其进行质量控制。相比原始观测,经过质量控制的风场提高(降低)了来自时空大(小)尺度的贡献,较好地滤除了小尺度高频脉动,也较好地保留了大尺度平均状态与局地中小尺度系统的共同影响,并且更加接近ECMWF再分析场。此外,还对质量控制后的数据进行了垂直稀疏化。分别计算了质量控制前、后风廓线雷达观测与NCEP 6 h预报场的差值,对比差值的特征发现,经过质量控制的数据的观测增量更好地满足了高斯分布与无偏假设。针对一个实际天气个例,基于GRAPES 3D-Var同化系统,分析了质量控制后的风廓线雷达资料对模式分析与预报的影响。试验表明,在循环同化过程中加入风廓线雷达资料可以更好地描述模式初始场低层风场的特征,从而对强降水的位置与强度做出更好的预报。针对2013年5月的批量试验表明,同化风廓线雷达资料使短期降水预报有明显的改善。  相似文献   

为更好地应用HDA算法产品并为进一步优化冰雹识别算法提供参考,应用2004—2010年武汉雷达和2007—2008年济南、青岛、烟台、宜昌、郑州和重庆共7部雷达监测到的28个直径大于等于19 mm的致灾性强冰雹天气个例,对CINRAD/SA雷达的强冰雹识别及最大冰雹直径(MEHS)预测产品进行了检验分析,同时对我国北方(济南、青岛、烟台、郑州)雷达和南方(武汉、宜昌、重庆)雷达的冰雹识别及大小预测效果进行了对比。结果表明:1)在不订正0℃层和-20℃层高度时,该算法对强冰雹天气的识别效果较好,但对MEHS的预测效果较差。2)每个雷达站对强冰雹识别和MEHS预测的效果差别不大,南方雷达和北方雷达对强冰雹的识别效果相近,但南方雷达对MEHS的预测效果较好。3)强冰雹识别和MEHS预测在5月份效果最好,8月份最差;该算法对大冰雹的识别效果较好,但仅对直径为40~49 mm的冰雹直径预测效果较好。4)冰雹识别产品对强冰雹的识别效果随所识别冰雹概率(POSH)增大而增强,当POSH=100时,临界成功指数CSI为100%,发生冰雹天气的可能性非常大。  相似文献   

2008年以来,济南CINRAD/SA雷达由于模拟中频接收机系统性能参数退化导致雷达运行的可靠性和稳定性较差,且故障率较高。为了更好的保障雷达服务于气象,2009年7月济南完成数字化中频升级改造工程,改造后的数字中频雷达相位噪声非常稳定,速度信息量更加可信和精确。扼要介绍了数字中频接收机的工作原理,主要是对数字中频安装调试及改造过程中遇到的软、硬件问题的解决措施和改造后的技术参数测试进行技术性的总结,旨在对同行今后的工作具有参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

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