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Daily precipitation and temperature records at 13 stations for the period 1960-2008 were analyzed to identify climatic change and possible effects of urbanization on low-temperature precipitation [LTP, precipitation of ≥ 0.1 mm d^-1 occurring under a daily minimum temperature (Tmin) of ≤ 0℃] in the greater Beijing region (B JR), where a rapid process of urbaniza tion has taken place over the last few decades. The paper provides a climatological overview of LTP in B JR. LTP contributes 61.7% to the total amount of precipitation in B JR in the cold season (November-March). There is a slight increasing trend [1.22 mm (10 yr)^-1] in the amount of total precipitation for the cold season during 1960-2008. In contrast, the amount of LTP decreases by 0.6 mm (10 yr)^-1. The warming rate of Train in B JR is 0.66℃ (10 yr)^-1. Correspondingly, the frequency of LTP decreases with increasing Tmin by -0.67 times per ℃. The seasonal frequency and amount of LTP in southeast B JR (mostly urban sites) are 17%-20% less than those in the northwestern (rural and montane sites). The intensity of LTP for the urban sites and northeastern B JR exhibited significant enhancing trends [0.18 and 0.15 mm d^- 1 (10 yr)^- 1, respectively]. The frequency of slight LTP (〈0.2 mm d^-1) significantly decreased throughout B JR [by about -15.74% (10 yr)^-1 in the urban area and northeast B JR], while the contribution of the two heaviest LTP events to total LTP amount significantly increased by 3.2% (10 yr) ^-1.  相似文献   

The performance of Version 2 of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model (FGOALS-s2) in simulat ing global monsoon precipitation (GMP) was evaluated. Compared with FGOALS-sl, higher skill in simulating the annual modes of climatological tropical precipitation and interannual variations of GMP are seen in FGOALS-s2. The simulated domains of the northwestern Pacific monsoon (NWPM) and North American monsoon are smaller than in FGOALS-s 1. The main deficiency of FGOALS-s2 is that the NWPM has a weaker monsoon mode and stronger negatiw,' pattern in spring-fall asymmetric mode. The smaller NWPM domain in FGOALS-s2 is due to its simulated colder SST over the western Pacific warm pool. The relationship between ENSO and GMP is simulated reasonably by FGOALS-s2. However, the simulated precipitation anomaly over the South African monsoon region-South Indian Ocean during La Nina years is opposite to the observation. This results mainly from weaker warm SST anomaly over the maritime continent during La Nifia years, leading to stronger upper-troposphere (lower-troposphere) divergence (convergence) over the Indian Ocean, and artificial vertical as cent (descent) over the Southwest Indian Ocean (South African monsoon region), inducing local excessive (deficient) rainfall. Comparison between the historical and pre-industrial simulations indicated that global land monsoon precipitation changes from 1901 to the 1970s were caused by internal variation of climate system. External forcing may have contributed to the increasing trend of the Australian monsoon since the 1980s. Finally, it shows that global warming could enhance GMR especially over the northern hemispheric ocean monsoon and southern hemispheric land monsoon.  相似文献   

Using observed daily precipitation data to classify five levels of rainy days by strength in South China (SC),with an emphasis on the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region,the spatiotemporal variation of different grades of precipitation during the period 1960-2010 was analyzed and the possible link with anthropogenic aerosols examined.Statistical analysis showed that drizzle and small precipitation has significantly decreased,whereas medium to heavy precipitation has increased slightly over the past 50 years (although not statistically significant).Further data analysis suggested that the decline in drizzle and small precipitation probably has a strong link to increased concentrations of anthropogenic aerosols produced by large-scale human activities related to the rapid socioeconomic development of the PRD region.These aerosols may also have led to the obvious decreasing trend in horizontal visibility and sunshine duration in SC,which is statistically significant according to the t-test.  相似文献   

The regionalization of climate in China is based on a three-level classification in terms of lasting days for accumulated temperature (AT),aridity index,and July mean temperature.Based on daily meteorological observational data from 756 stations,trends and interdecadal variation in indices for classifying temperature zones,moisture regions and climatic subregions in the period 1961-2010 are discussed.Results reveal that the nationwide AT ≥ 10℃C (AT10) and its lasting days are basically increasing,while aridity in northern Xinjiang is decreasing.The increasing trend of July mean temperature in North China is found to be notably larger than in South China.In terms of their national averages,a marked step increase of AT10 and its lasting period,as well as July mean temperature occurred around 1997,while the aridity index presents no such clear change.By comparing regionalization areas for 1998-2010 with those for 1961-97,it is found that the semi-humid,semi-dry and dry regions in the sub-temperate zone,as well as the humid region in the middle subtropical zone,have experienced substantial shrinkage in terms of area.In contrast,the areas of semi-dry and dry regions in the warm temperate zone,as well as the humid region in the south subtropical zone,present drastically increasing trends.Owing to the influence of such step changes that took place in 1997,that particular point in time should be given close attention in future studies regarding the regionalization of climate in China.  相似文献   

In this paper we report an analysis of sampling error uncertainties in mean maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin) carried out on monthly,seasonal and annual scales,including an examination of homogenized and original data collected at 731 meteorological stations across China for the period 1951-2004.Uncertainties of the gridded data and national average,linear trends and their uncertainties,as well as the homogenization effect on uncertainties are assessed.It is shown that the sampling error variances of homogenized Tmax and Tmin,which are larger in winter than in summer,have a marked northwest-southeast gradient distribution,while the sampling error variances of the original data are found to be larger and irregular.Tmax and Tmin increase in all months of the year in the study period 1951-2004,with the largest warming and uncertainties being 0.400℃ (10 yr)-1 + 0.269℃ (10 yr)-1 and 0.578℃ (10 yr)-1 + 0.211℃ (10 yr)-1 in February,and the least being 0.022℃ (10 yr)-1 + 0.085℃ (10 yr)-1 and 0.104℃ (10 yr)-1 +0.070℃ (10 yr)-1 in August.Homogenization can remove large uncertainties in the original records resulting from various non-natural changes in China.  相似文献   

Taking into account moisture in virtue of general potential temperature,the author derive a three-dimensional(3D) pseudomomentum wave-activity relation for the moist atmosphere from the primitive equations in Cartesian coordinates using the Momentum-Casimir method.Since the wave-activity relation is constructed in an ageostrophic and non-hydrostatic dynamical framework,it may be applicable to diagnosing the evolution and propagation of mesoscale systems leading to heavy rainfall.The theoretical analysis shows that,besides the local change of wave-activity flux divergence and source or sink,the wave-activity relation includes two additional forcing terms.The first is the zonal gradient of difference between general potential temperature and potential temperature perturbations,and the second is the covariance of the solenoid and gradient of water vapor,denoting the direct influence of moisture on wave-activity density.The wave-activity density was applied to a heavy precipitation event occurring in the Jianghuai region of China.The calculation showed that the wave-activity density was consistent with 6-h accumulated precipitation observations,in terms of both spatial distribution and temporal tendency.This suggested that the disturbance represented by wave-activity density was closely related to the heavy precipitation.Although the wave-activity flux divergence and the covariance of the solenoid and gradient of water vapor made the primary contribution to the local change of wave-activity density,the covariance was more remarkable.The zonal gradient of difference between general potential temperature and potential temperature perturbations made a weaker contribution to the waveactivity density.  相似文献   

Impacts of EI Nino Modoki (ENM), La Nina Modoki (LNM), canonical EI Nifio (CEN) and canonical La Nifia (CLN) on tropical cyclones (TCs) that made landfall over mainland China during 1951-2011 are analysed using best-track data from China, the USA and Japan. Relative to cold phase years (LNM and CLN), landfalling TCs in warm years (ENM and CEN) have a farther east genesis location, as well as longer track lengths and durations, both in total and before landfall. ENM demonstrates the highest landfall frequency, most northerly mean landfall position, and shortest after-landfall sustainability (track length and duration), which indicate a more frequent and extensive coverage of mainland China by TCs, but with shorter after-landfall influence. CEN has low landfall frequency and the most southerly mean landfall location. LNM has the most westerly genesis location, being significantly farther west than the 1951-2011 average and leading to short mean track lengths and durations both in total or before landfall, all of which are significantly shorter than the 1951-2011 average. Variations in the low-level wind anomaly, vertical wind shear, mid-level relative humidity, steering flow, the monsoon trough and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) can to some extent account for the features of frequency, location, track length and duration of landfalling TCs. Since ENSO Modoki is expected to become more frequent in the near future, the results for ENSO Modoki presented in this paper are of particular significance.  相似文献   

Monsoon gyres have been identified as one of the important large-scale circulation patterns associated with tropical cyclone (TC) formation in the western North Pacific.A recent observational analysis indicated that most TCs form near the center of monsoon gyres or at the northeast end of the enhanced low-level southwesterly flows on the southeast-east periphery of monsoon gyres.In the present reported study,idealized numerical experiments were conducted to examine the tropical cyclogenesis associated with Rossby wave energy dispersion with an initial idealized monsoon gyre.The numerical simulations showed that the development of the low-level enhanced southwesterly flows on the southeasteast periphery of monsoon gyres can be induced by Rossby wave energy dispersion.Mesoscale convective systems emerged from the northeast end of the enhanced southwesterly flows with mid-level maximum relative vorticity.The simulated TC formed in the northeast of the monsoon gyre and moved westward towards the center of the monsoon gyre.The numerical experiment with a relatively smaller sized initial monsoon gyre showed the TC forming near the center of the initial monsoon gyre.The results of the present study suggest that Rossby wave energy dispersion can play an important role in TC formation in the presence of monsoon gyres.  相似文献   

The concentration of ice nuclei (IN) and the relationship with aerosol particles were measured and analyzed using three 5-L mixing cloud chambers and a static diffusion cloud chamber at three altitudes in the Huangshan Mountains in Southeast China from May to September 2011.The results showed that the mean total number concentration of IN on the highest peak of the Huangshan Mountains at an activation temperature (Ta) of-20℃C was 16.6 L-1.When the supersaturation with respect to water (Sw) and with respect to ice (Si) were set to 5%,the average number concentrations of IN measured at an activation temperature of-20℃C by the static diffusion cloud chamber were 0.89 and 0.105 L-1,respectively.A comparison of the concentrations of IN at three different altitudes showed that the concentration of IN at the foot of the mountains was higher than at the peak.A further calculation of the correlation between IN and the concentrations of aerosol particles of different size ranges showed that the IN concentration was well correlated with the concentration of aerosol particles in the size range of 1.2-20 μtm.It was also found that the IN concentration varied with meteorological conditions,such as wind speed,with higher IN concentrations often observed on days with strong wind.An analysis of the backward trajectories of air masses showed that low IN concentrations were often related to air masses travelling along southwest pathways,while higher IN concentrations were usually related to those transported along northeast pathways.  相似文献   

The regional climate model (RegCM3) and a tropospheric atmosphere chemistry model (TACM) were coupled, thus a regional climate chemistry modeling system (RegCCMS) was constructed, which was applied to investigate the spatial distribution of anthropogenic nitrate aerosols, indirect radiative forcing, as well as its climatic effect over China. TACM includes the thermodynamic equilibrium model ISORROPIA and a condensed gas-phase chemistry model. Investigations show that the concentration of nitrate aerosols is relatively high over North and East China with a maximum of 29 μg m-3 in January and 8 μg m-3 in July. Due to the influence of air temperature on thermodynamic equilibrium, wet scavenging of precipitation and the monsoon climate, there are obvious seasonal differences in nitrate concentrations. The average indirect radiative forcing at the tropopause due to nitrate aerosols is -1.63 W m-2 in January and -2.65 W m-2 in July, respectively. In some areas, indirect radiative forcing reaches $-$10 W m-2. Sensitivity tests show that nitrate aerosols make the surface air temperature drop and the precipitation reduce on the national level. The mean changes in surface air temperature and precipitation are -0.13 K and -0.01 mm d-1 in January and -0.09 K and -0.11 mm d-1 in July, respectively, showing significant differences in different regions.  相似文献   

全球年平均人为热释放气候强迫的估算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用能源经济领域具有权威性的英国石油公司(BP)世界能源统计资料和联合国人口统计资料,通过一些简单的数值计算,初步估算了人为热释放的全球气候强迫。结果表明:当前(2008年)全球年平均人为热释放的气候强迫还不是很大,约为0.031W/m2;但随着人口及能源消费总量的增加,未来人为热释放产生的全球年平均气候强迫将有可能达0.30W/m2。  相似文献   

An evaluation of RegCM3_CERES for regional climate modeling in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈锋  谢正辉 《大气科学进展》2013,30(4):1187-1200
A 20-year simulation of regional climate over East Asia by the regional climate model RegCM3_CERES (Regional Climate Model version 3 coupled with the Crop Estimation through Resource and Environment Synthesis) was carried out and compared with observations and the original RegCM3 model to comprehensively evaluate its performance in simulating the regional climate over continental China. The results showed that RegCM3_CERES reproduced the regional climate at a resolution of 60 km over China by using ERA40 data as the boundary conditions, albeit with some limitations. The model captured the basic characteristics of the East Asian circulation, the spatial distribution of mean precipitation and temperature, and the daily characteristics of precipitation and temperature. However, it underestimated both the intensity of the monsoon in the monsoonal area and precipitation in southern China, overestimated precipitation in northern China, and produced a systematic cold temperature bias over most of continental China. Despite these limitations, it was concluded that the RegCM3_CERES model is able to simulate the regional climate over continental China reasonably well.  相似文献   

利用CORDEX-EA计划11个区域模式模拟结果,集合预估了中国西部干旱区16个极端温度指数未来的变化趋势及空间分布。结果表明:1)区域模式基本上能够再现近30 a西部干旱区极端温度的空间分布。2)多模式集合预估的西部干旱区21世纪中期霜冻日数(FD)和冰封日数(ID)呈现显著的下降趋势,而热夜日数(TR)和夏季日数(SU)则呈现明显的上升趋势。3)未来异常暖昼持续指数(WSDI)和生长期(GSL)呈现增加趋势,异常冷昼持续指数(CSDI)和日较差(DTR)则呈现下降趋势。4)未来气候增温导致冷昼日数(TX90p)、暖夜日数(TN90p)增加,而暖昼日数(TX10p)和冷夜日数(TN10p)减少。5)未来月最高温度极大值(TXx)、月最低温度极大值(TNx)、月最高温度极小值(TXn)和月最低温度极小值(TNn)都呈现增加的趋势。因此,西部干旱区未来发生极端低温事件的概率减小,发生极端高温事件的概率则会增大,但不同的极端温度指数变化的空间分布并不均一,存在明显的区域差异。  相似文献   

利用MODIS(MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,中分辨率成像光谱仪)白天地表温度、地表类型产品和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,分析了长江三角洲(简称长三角)地区城市群温度场及其变化的分布特征。结果表明:长三角城市群热岛在春夏季最强,秋季次之,冬季最弱;2001年以来,长三角地区夏季热岛区面积不断变大,其中强热岛区的增长速度最大,导致温度过渡区面积大幅减小;各城市群中,以苏锡常城市群的强热岛区增长最快,呈现与上海热岛连成一体成为大城市群热岛区,并沿海岸线有向杭州湾发展成为更大城市群热岛区的趋势;城郊地区的地表温度增温幅度最大,夜间灯光灰度值的加强趋势也最高,城市地区几乎没有增温,夜间灯光灰度值的加强趋势也最小,且地表温度和夜间灯光灰度值的空间相关性较好,表明长三角近十年地表温度的精细变化与城市化进程密切相关。  相似文献   

This study investigated the simulations of three months of seasonal tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific using the Advanced Research WRF Model. In the control experiment (CTL), the TC frequency was considerably overestimated. Additionally, the tracks of some TCs tended to have larger radii of curvature and were shifted eastward. The large-scale environments of westerly monsoon flows and subtropical Pacific highs were unreasonably simulated. The overestimated frequency of TC formation was attributed to a strengthened westerly wind field in the southern quadrants of the TC center. In comparison with the experiment with the spectral nudging method, the strengthened wind speed was mainly modulated by large-scale flow that was greater than approximately 1000 km in the model domain. The spurious formation and undesirable tracks of TCs in the CTL were considerably improved by reproducing realistic large-scale atmospheric monsoon circulation with substantial adjustment between large-scale flow in the model domain and large-scale boundary forcing modified by the spectral nudging method. The realistic monsoon circulation took a vital role in simulating realistic TCs. It revealed that, in the downscaling from large-scale fields for regional climate simulations, scale interaction between model-generated regional features and forced large-scale fields should be considered, and spectral nudging is a desirable method in the downscaling method.  相似文献   

高颖  陈燕  张宁  敖翔宇  周玉奇 《气象科学》2024,44(2):391-400
本文以超大城市上海为研究对象,选取2017年7月为夏季代表月,利用自动气象站网观测得到的逐小时气温和风速数据,基于局地气候分区方法分析了上海市各局地气候区(Local Climate Zone,LCZ)在不同天气条件下的气温和城市热岛强度(Urban Heat Island Intensity,UHII)时空特征及其成因。结果表明:由于城市几何形态、建筑材料、表面不透水面占比以及人类活动的不同,上海市夏季典型月各LCZ的气温和UHII表现出明显差异,在高温日,UHII日变化曲线可以分为"W "型、浅" U"型、"V"型、日间型和平稳型这五类。城市建筑形态对城市风、热环境具有较为复杂的影响,UHII与天空可视因子(Sky View Factor,SVF)的相关系数在00时(北京时,下同)为负,而在12、16时为正,这是由于建筑物对城市冠层内的辐射传输的影响和建筑物的热量储存导致的;城乡风速之比与SVF在00、12和16时都为正相关,说明了高大密集的建筑物对风速有衰减作用,同时风速通过影响大气的平流输送进一步影响UHII。  相似文献   

利用石家庄市区站和4个郊区站1962—2009年的气温资料,采用城乡气温对比和线性趋势分析方法,探讨了石家庄站地面城市热岛(UHI)强度特征及其随时间变化情况,以及城市化因素对城市站地面气温长期变化趋势影响.结果表明:石家庄站地面UHI效应明显,且UHI效应在最低气温上表现更突出;UHI强度冬季1月最大,夏季7月最小;UHI强度具有明显的日变化,最高值出现在早晨7—8时,最低值出现在午后14—16时;近48 a,石家庄站附近UHI强度呈显著增加趋势,且最低气温UHI强度比最高气温的增加趋势更明显;从UHI强度增加对地面气温观测记录的影响来看,石家庄站附近1962—2009年期间年平均UHI增温率达到0.19 ℃/(10 a),UHI增温贡献率为67.9%,即该站近48 a记录的年平均地面气温上升趋势,有2/3以上可归因于城市化因素影响.  相似文献   

随着全球城市化快速发展、城市化水平逐渐提高,城市气候问题日益突出,城市热岛效应的形成机理也成为当前研究的热点。基于海口市2010—2015年社会经济、气象和Landsat卫星遥感数据资料,分析了海口市城市热岛强度变化和城市化发展对城市热岛效应的影响。结果表明,海口市的热岛强度逐渐增强,范围逐渐扩大。城市热岛强度具有明显的季节变化,春季最高,夏季和秋季逐次之,冬季最低。城市热岛强度与归一化建筑指数、人口密度和国内生产总值呈显著正相关,和归一化植被指数呈显著负相关,都通过了信度0.01的显著性检验。城市扩大植被面积在一定程度上有助于缓解城市热岛效应。  相似文献   

何晓凤  蒋维楣  刘红年 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1445-1457
用南京大学区域边界层模式NJU-RBLM, 通过对一组理想试验的模拟, 研究了TEB方案 (town energy balance) 和SVAT方案 (soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer) 模拟城市热岛现象的差异及本质原因, 发现TEB方案对城市热岛 (UHI) 尤其是夜间UHI模拟效果更优, 这是由于TEB方案具备较强模拟城市储热项的能力形成的。此外, 深入探讨UHI对大气边界层热力结构的影响, 发现UHI现象使城市和郊区的近地层位温廓线在清晨和傍晚都存在明显差异, 同时使城市区域气温全天高于郊区, 且日间城乡温差能达到的高度明显高于夜间。分析人为热源和建筑物冠层对UHI的影响时发现: 人为热源对UHI的影响在夜间强于白天, 而建筑物对白天城市湍能的影响强于人为热源的作用。  相似文献   

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