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2009年7月22日上午发生的日全食是21世纪持续时间最长的日全食,其全食带覆盖了中国中部的长江流域,为研究日全食对电离层的影响提供了一次难得的机会.为此本文通过卡尔曼滤波算法实现了实时求解TEC和GPS系统硬件延迟,为实时监测日全食期间电离层变化提供了绝对的电离层TEC.采用上海和浙江区域内GPS网的观测数据,建立了实时区域电离层延迟模型,进而计算出了实时的VTEC和TEC变化率.同时考虑太阳和地磁活动参数,综合上述方法详细分析和讨论了长三角区域在此次日全食期间的TEC变化的电离层异常现象.  相似文献   

The longest total solar eclipse during the 21st century occurred in South and East Asia on July 22, 2009. Ionospheric response to this rare total solar eclipse which was observed right from the time of sunrise in the Indian zone, has been studied in terms of the total electron content (TEC) obtained from three global positioning system (GPS) receivers located at Udaipur, Hyderabad and Bengaluru, and electron density obtained using space based GPS-Radio Occultation technique. The study reveals significant reductions in the electron density and TEC that persisted up to 2 h past the last contact even during early morning eclipse. These observations imply that during the early morning eclipse, the production and loss of ionization dominate over the plasma transport processes.  相似文献   

本文尝试利用COSMIC低轨卫星对GPS信号的顶部TEC观测资料研究等离子体层电子含量(简称PEC)的变化规律.首先介绍从低轨卫星对GPS的顶部TEC观测资料提取等离子体层垂直电子含量的方法,然后利用该方法提取2008年全年的PEC数据,进而研究了2008年这一太阳活动低年PEC随地磁纬度(MLAT)、磁地方时(MLT)以及不同季节的变化规律.此外,还利用提取的120°E和300°E经度链上的数据对比研究了PEC的经度变化情形.研究结果表明:(1)PEC主要集中分布在磁赤道±45°之间的一个绕地球的环带状区域中;(2)PEC表现出以下的昼夜变化规律特征:白天时段之值高于夜间,约在12-16MLT之间达到最高峰值,而最小PEC值出现在日出前大约4-5MLT左右的时段;(3)相比其他季节月份而言,PEC在北半球夏季月份(5-8月)具有最小值;(4)PEC存在明显的经度变化,不同经度链上的PEC存在不同的季节变化特征.  相似文献   

Swept-frequency (1/10 MHz) ionosonde measurements were made at Helston, Cornwall (50°06N, 5°18W) during the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999. Soundings were made every three minutes. We present a method for estimating the percentage of the ionising solar radiation which remains unobscured at any time during the eclipse by comparing the variation of the ionospheric E-layer with the behaviour of the layer during a control day. Application to the ionosonde date for 11 August, 1999, shows that the flux of solar ionising radiation fell to a minimum of 25±2% of the value before and after the eclipse. For comparison, the same technique was also applied to measurements made during the total solar eclipse of 9 July, 1945, at Sörmjöle (63°68N, 20°20E) and yielded a corresponding minimum of 16 ± 2%. Therefore the method can detect variations in the fraction of solar emissions that originate from the unobscured corona and chromosphere. We discuss the differences between these two eclipses in terms of the nature of the eclipse, short-term fluctuations, the sunspot cycle and the recently-discovered long-term change in the coronal magnetic field.  相似文献   

Ground-based observations of the spectral sky radiance within the totality region during a total solar eclipse are of significant interest because the contribution from direct and single scattered light from the solar disk is eliminated. In the present paper, we develop a numerical model of the spectral sky radiance during totality, evaluate the contribution of double scattered sunlight to the sky radiance at totality and compare it to solar corona emissions. The results show that the single scattered coronal light is the major contaminant in ground-based observations of the corona, opposite to what was believed before. For observation directions outside the corona the double scattered sun radiation dominates over the single scattered coronal light.  相似文献   

Using an ionospheric diagnostic technique developed by the authors and single-frequency GPS receivers, we obtained the first results of these diagnostics. In particular, we show that the ionosphere is characterized by large-scale periodic processes with frequencies of 3–5 mHz.  相似文献   

本文尝试结合非相干散射雷达和GPS TEC观测数据提取等离子体层总电子含量(PTEC).我们首先描述所用的技术方法,然后具体利用了Millstone Hill台站的观测数据研究该地区上空等离子体层总电子含量(PTEC)的变化情况.我们采用变化标高的Chapman函数对非相干散射雷达测得的电子浓度剖面数据进行拟合,然后通过对剖面积分得到100 km到1000 km高度范围的电离层总电子含量.GPS提供的TEC数据为高度达20200 km的总电子含量,两者之差可近似看成等离子体层的电子含量.本文分别选取太阳活动高年(2000, 2002年)和太阳活动低年(2005,2008年)Millstone Hill台站的静日数据进行研究.结果表明,等离子体层电子含量及其所占GPS TEC的比例具有明显的周日变化.PTEC含量在白天高于夜间,而所占GPS TEC的百分比,夜间明显高于白天.太阳活动高年所选月份等离子体层电子含量在4~14 TECU (1TECU=1016el/m2) 范围内变化,夜间所占比例可达60%左右.太阳活动低年所选月份等离子体层电子含量在3~7 TECU范围内变化,所占比例夜间最高可达80%左右.我们所得到的结果与前人基于其它观测手段所得结果在变化趋势上一致,在量级上也大致相当.因此,这从一个侧面证明了我们所用方法的可靠性.非相干散射雷达能够探测包括F2层峰值以下及以上高度的电子浓度,利用这一设备所观测得到的资料来推算电离层电子含量将比前人基于电离层垂测仪观测资料进行的推算更具真实性,由此得到的等离子体层电子含量也将更为接近真实情况.  相似文献   

发生在2009年7月22日亚太地区的日全食,为人们研究电离层扰动提供了一次难得的机会.基于沙洋地区采集的高频(1 Hz)GPS数据,通过对日食当天与前后几天电离层VTEC(Vertical Total Electron Content)的变化分析,结果显示日食期间电离层VTEC含量均呈现出一种先下降再上升的“水槽”变化趋势,且VTEC下降达到2~5 TECU,下降幅度达33.1%,VTEC的最小值与食甚时刻延迟为25.2~147.6 s.在日全食后期有中等强度的磁暴发生,与日食相互重合叠加共同对电离层VTEC变化造成影响,使得VTEC变化明显异于前后几天,最后定量的分析了磁暴对VTEC的影响.  相似文献   

日全食期间在是否存在"引力异常"现象是一个关系到引力本质的重大问题,也是一个十分具有现实意义的科学问题.近一个世纪来,许多科学工作者作了大量的观测和实验,研究日全食期间的"引力异常"现象.肯定的、否定的结果并存,更多的是难以确定的结果.在学习、总结和发展了前人工作的基础之上,本文利用7台LaCoste-Romberg重力仪和1台SG-053超导重力仪,对2009年7月22日日全食期间的重力变化进行了精细的观测.研究利用了目前最好的观测环境和观测仪器,无论观测规模还是观测质量在近百年来日全食的重力观测研究中都是首屈一指的.在经过详细的数据处理和图像分析后,可以确定,日全食期间不存在现有观测能力之上的引力异常,以往发现的异常现象受剧烈的气象变化影响可能性极大.另外,在处理重力观测数据时,本文合理的利用了最小二乘多项式拟合法去除理论潮汐值,使计算得以简化,结论更加可靠.  相似文献   

Introduction Study and observation of solar eclipse geomagnetic effects in China begun in 1936, and since then the total eclipse and total-annular eclipse occurred in Chongan of Fujian Province in 1941j, 1958, 1968, 1980, 1987, 1997 in succession. For these events, modern geomagnetic observations have been made with sufficient preparation. Plentiful solar eclipse data of geomagnetic field variation and research results have been obtained (ZHANG, et al, 1983, LIU, et al, 1986, YANG, DU, …  相似文献   

Total electron content (TEC) and foF2 ionosonde data obtained at Tucumán (26.9°S; 65.4°W) from April 1982 to March 1983 (high solar activity period) are analyzed to show the seasonal variation of TEC, NmF2 (proportional to square of foF2) and the equivalent slab thickness EST. Bimonthly averages of the monthly median for January–February, April–May, July–August and October–November have been considered to represent summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons, respectively. The results show that the higher values of TEC and maximum electron density of F2-layer NmF2 are observed during the equinoxes (semiannual anomaly). During daytime, both in TEC and in NmF2 the seasonal or winter anomaly can be seen. At nighttime, this effect is not observed. Also, the observed NmF2 values are used to check the validity of International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) to predict the seasonal variability of this parameter. In general, it is found that averaged monthly medians (obtained with the IRI model) overestimate averaged monthly median data for some hours of the day and underestimate for the other hours.  相似文献   

Results of comparing ionospheric radio noise at wavelength of 2 m at midlatitudes to the data of the ionospheric vertical sounding during the partial phase of the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, are presented. Disturbances in the ionospheric layers, radio noise of the ionospheric plasma, and variations and fluctuations in the atmospheric pressure at the Earth surface during the eclipse are considered. The parameters of the Lamb wave, which propagated with velocity of 300 m/s from the region of the total phase of the eclipse are determined. The Lamb wave characteristics in the summer midlatitude and auroral ionosphere have been compared.  相似文献   

利用日本GPS网探测2011年Tohoku海啸引发的电离层扰动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

海平面的海啸波会产生大气重力波进而引发电离层扰动.本文利用日本GPS总电子含量数据来探测2011年3月11日Tohoku海啸引发的电离层扰动.观测结果表明,在日本上空的电离层中存在两种重力波信号,分别由海平面的海啸波以及地震破裂过程产生.地震产生的电离层重力波分布在震中周围(包括海洋上空以及远离海洋的区域),而海啸引发的电离层重力波主要分布在海洋上空.地震产生的电离层重力波具有不同的水平速度,包括约210 m·s-1以及170 m·s-1,其频率为1.5 mHz;而海啸引发的电离层重力波水平速度快于前者,约为280 m·s-1,其频率为1.0 mHz.此外,海啸引发电离层重力波与海平面上的海啸波有相似的水平速度、方向、运行时间、波形以及频率等传播特征.本文的研究将电离层中的海啸信号与地震信号区分开来,进一步确认电离层对海啸波的敏感性.


The existence of a worldwide international GPS service (IGS) permanent network of dual-frequency receivers makes the computation of global ionospheric maps (GIMs) of total electron content (TEC) feasible. The GIMs computed by the IGS Associate Analysis Centers on a daily basis and by other kinds of forecast GIMs, which can be computed from, for instance, the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model, and the GPS broadcast models in the navigation message, can be applied to a broad diversity of fields, for instance as, navigation and time transfer.In this context, the performance of different kinds of models are presented in order to determine the accuracy of the different GIM. This is carried out by comparison with the TOPEX data that provides an independent and precise (at the level of few TECU) vertical TEC determination over the oceans and seas. Thus, the obtained accuracies, in terms of global relative error, ranging from 54% corresponding to the GPS broadcast model, to about 41% corresponding to IRI climatological model, and to less than 30% corresponding to GPS data driven models.  相似文献   

Arecibo (18.4 N, 66.7 W) incoherent scatter (IS) observations of electron density N(h) are compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-95) during midday (10/14 h), for summer, winter and equinox, at solar maximum (1981). The N(h) profiles below the F2 peak, are normalized to the peak density NmF2 of the F region and are then compared with the IRI-95 model using both the standard B0 (old option) and the Gulyaeva-B0 thickness (new option). The thickness parameter B0 is obtained from the observed electron density profiles and compared with those obtained from the IRI-95 using both the options. Our studies indicate that during summer and equinox, in general, the values of electron densities at all the heights given by the IRI model (new option), are generally larger than those obtained from IS measurements. However, during winter, the agreement between the IRI and the observed values is reasonably good in the bottom part of the F2 layer but IRI underestimates electron density at F1 layer heights. The IRI profiles obtained with the old option gives much better results than those generated with the new option. Compared to the observations, the IRI profiles are found to be much thicker using Gulyaeva-B0 option than using standard B0.  相似文献   

利用GPS网观测反射海啸波引发的电离层扰动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
唐龙  郭博峰  郑凯 《地球物理学报》2017,60(5):1643-1649




研究了通过采样间隔为1 s的GPS三频载波相位观测数据计算1 Hz电离层垂直总电子含量变化率(RVTEC)的方法,推导了直接采用双频载波相位观测量计算RVTEC的公式,对一般空间环境与电离层活动剧烈两种条件下L1L2、L1L5、L2L5三种载波相位组合计算的RVTEC进行了一致性分析,给出了通过三频载波相位观测数据计算电离层RVTEC的修正方法,比较了X射线太阳耀斑期间RVTEC与由传统方法计算的总电子含量变化率(ROT)响应,在双星串飞编队测高模式下对计算方法进行了应用.结果表明,L1L2、L1L5两种组合之间的一致性较好,由L1L2、L1L5组合计算的RVTEC的中误差约为0.004 TECu/s,RVTEC较ROT更能体现TEC变化的细节,在双星串飞编队测高模式下海面高梯度的计算中,电离层延迟之差可以忽略.


The TOPEX-POSEIDON oceanographic satellite (due to be launched in 1992) will proceed to high accuracy altimetric measurements of the sea surface. Since the altimeter signals will propagate through the ionosphere, they will be retarded with respect to their free-space propagation delay. As a result, the measured altitude will exhibit an apparent lengthening which must be considered. In order to correct this effect, the ionosphere total electron content (TEC) beneath the satellite has to be known. This paper addresses the problem of determining the TEC form Doppler measurements performed on telemetric signals propagating between the satellite and the ground stations of the DORIS positioning system. This is an inverse problem which, in general, does not admit a single-valued solution. Physical observations of the ionophere lead us to assume that the TEC along each half-revolution is regular such that we can select an appropriate solution. This solution is approximated by cubic splines. The computed results are compared to simulation results, based on the Bent ionospheric model and seem to be particularly promising.  相似文献   

张强  赵齐乐 《地球物理学报》2019,62(12):4493-4505

2016年2月,武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心(Wuhan University,WHU)正式成为新的国际GNSS服务组织(International GNSS Services,IGS)电离层联合分析中心(Ionosphere Associate Analysis Center,IAAC).本文首次系统地评估和分析了武汉大学IGS电离层分析中心自2016年日常化运行以来(2016年1月到2018年9月,太阳活动低年)的全球电离层产品的精度,并与其他六家IAACs(CODE、JPL、ESA、UPC、EMR和CAS)进行了比较分析.结果表明:WHU的全球电离层产品能够长期稳定且有效地监测全球电离层总电子含量(Total Electron Content,TEC)的时空变化;和IGS综合全球电离层产品比较,WHU的模型均方根误差和CODE、JPL相差不大,均值约为1.4 TECU,产品一致性优于其他IAACs;和GPS实测电离层TEC比较,WHU的模型内符合精度和CODE基本相当,均值约为1.4 TECU,且与电离层活动水平和地理纬度存在显著的相关性;和Jason-2测高卫星VTEC比较,WHU的全球电离层产品的系统性偏差均值约为-0.7 TECU,在不同纬度约为-3.0到1.0 TECU,且与地理纬度存在近似抛物线函数的关系;WHU的模型外符合精度和CODE、JPL以及CAS基本一致,均值约为2.9 TECU,且在中高纬度地区优于低纬度地区,北半球优于南半球.


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