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王佳 《中国海洋湖沼学报》1996,14(4):291-296
Electrochemical studies on the cathodic reaction of marine atmospheric corrosion using Kelvin probeas reference electrode showed that the rate of cathodic reaction-oxygen reduction first increases then de-creases, with the reaction maximizing at a certain thickness as the electrolyte film decreases duringevaporation. It was indicated that with decreasing electrolyte thickness by drying, the oxygen reduction ratewas accelerated by the faster oxygen diffusion due to the thinner electrolyte layer on the metal surface. Theresults also revealed that although the oxygen salting out effect has great influence on the rate of oxygenreduction, it is not the main causative factor for the decrease in cathodic limiting current in the case of avery thin electrolyte layer. 相似文献
王佳 《中国海洋湖沼学报》1996,14(3):266-271
A Kelvin probe was used as reference in this study on electrochemical measurements of a simulatedmarine atmospheric corrosion system (electrode covered by a very thin electrolyte layer). The experimentalsetups for improved measurements proved satisfactory for the conventional steady-state electrochemicalmeasurements in atmospheric studies. 相似文献
The size effect of copper wire radius (0.04–0.82 mm) on the diffusion-limited current density of an oxygen reduction reaction in stagnant simulated seawater (naturally aerated 0.5 mol/L NaCl) is investigated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and compared with the results obtained in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4. In the oxygen diffusion-limited range, size effect is found to occur independent of electrolytes, which is attributed to non-linear diffusion. Additionally, to sati... 相似文献
lNTRODUCTI0NSincetheoonceptofrnarinesplashzone(MSZ)wasfirstproposedbyHumble,rnanyresearchesprovedthatthecorrosionofsteelinthesplashzoneisthemostseriousinthemarineenvironninetandthatthisMSZcorrosionhasapeak(Zhu,l995).Howevertheenvironmentalfactorscatisingthecorrosionpeakwasnotkn0wnthen(Niat0,l975,Atsushi,l994)andtherangeoftheMSZwasnotyetdeariydefinedopzkaki,l985).ThispaperexplainsthemaincauseofthecormsionpeakanddefinestheexaCtrangeoftheMSZinsomeofChina'sharbours.MATERIALSANDMET… 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONBesidesprotectivecoatingandcathodicprotectionmethodsagainstcorrosionoflowalloysteelconstructuresinmarineenvironment,itisalsoimportanttoimprovethecorrosionresistanceofthelowalloysteelitself.Therearefewreportsontherelationshipofalloyelementandthecorrosionre sistanceofsteel .Larrabee (1 958)’s 5-9yearsseaexperimentusinglong scalesteelshowedthatthecorrosionresistanceof 0 .5%Ni-0 .5%Cu -0 .1 %Psteelwasthehighestinthesplashzone .HouandZhang (1 980 )consideredthataproperrelationshi… 相似文献
Electrochemical reduction of dissolved oxygen in seawater on metals is of great importance for corrosion studies. The present paper studied cathodic reduction of dissolved oxygen on Q235 carbon steel in 3. 5% sodium chloride(NaCl)solutions by cyclic voltammetry(CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS), rotating disk electrode(RDE)and rotating ring-disk electrode(RRDE). The cyclic voltammetric results demonstrated the cathodic process on Q235 carbon steel in O2-saturated 3. 5% NaCl solution contains three reactions:dissolved oxygen reduction, iron oxides reduction and hydrogen evolution. The peak potential of oxygen reduction reaction(ORR)is-0. 85 V vs Ag/AgCl, 3 molL-1 KCl. The E1S results indicated that the ORR occurring on Q235 carbon steel is a 4-electron process and that no finite diffusion is caused by the intermediate of H2O2 produced by ORR. The RDE and RRDE voltammograms confirmed the EIS results and it was found that the number of transferred electrons for ORR was nearly 4, I. E. , dissolved oxygen reduced to water. 相似文献
Various satellite data, JRA-25 (Japan reanalysis of 25 years) reanalyzed data and WRF (Weather Research Forecast) model are used to investigate the in situ effect of the ESKF (East China Sea Kuroshio Front) on the MABL (marine atmospheric boundary layer). The intensity of the ESKF is most robust from January to April in its annual cycle. The local strong surface northerly/northeasterly winds are observed right over the ESKF in January and in April and the wind speeds decrease upward in the MABL. The thermal wind effect that is derived from the baroclinic MABL forced by the strong SST gradient contributes to the strong surface winds to a large degree. The convergence zone existing along the warm flank of the ESKF is stronger in April than in January corresponding to the steeper SST (sea surface temperature) gradient. The collocations of the cloud cover maximum and precipitation maximum are basically consistent with the convergence zone of the wind field. The clouds develop higher (lower) in the warm (cold) flank of the ESKF due to the less (more) stable stratification in the MABL. The lowest clouds are observed in April on the cold flank of the ESKF and over the Yellow Sea due to the existence of the pronounced temperature inversion. The numerical experiments with smoothed SST are consistent with the results from the ovservations. 相似文献
xiODUonONThemaoreleInent(oxygen)ofldeinthemarineeresySteInisCycledalongapartho-larrouteinWhwhthethetcanbedrawnfromtheexternlenvirDnmentintoorgan-isim,andthenberetumedtotheenvbonmentfromtheorganisrns.TheDocontentinseawatCfisinIlUentalbyorganisms,imtS,temPeratureandoxidation.So,studyonDoisoftoortanceinoasnographyastheDofluxisofgreatsignfonceinmarinebiogeochdricalcydes.'MareRIAnooMEmOorlnthisstudy,datafroml98O~l992multi-disdplinaryinvestigationsinthecenthel,northeastem,andsouthernSrswe… 相似文献
INTRODUCnON-WatertemperatheanddissolvedoxygenareimportantenvironmentalfactorsinthegmwthanddevelOPmntofaqUaticorgAnsms.ThereareInanPublishedstUdiesontheox-.ygenconsUInPtionrate(OCR)oftheprawn')(WangJim,l986;WangDanghenetal-,199l;ZangWeilingetal-,l992,l993),buttheydidnotcontalndetailedinfonnaionabouttheeffectoftemPerabeontheOCR-ThePresentstudydetendnedtheOCRofju-venilesofChineseprawn,gianttiserprawnandgiantfreshwaterprawnthatwererearedatdifferenttemperatllresforaboutaweekattheCaoj… 相似文献
Effects of reduced salinity on the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and the ammonia-N excretion rate (AER) of scallopChlamys farreri (3.2–5.9 cm in shell height, 0.147–1.635 g in soft tissue dry weight) were studied in laboratory from March 21, 1997 to April
16, 1997. Under the controlled conditions of reduced salinity from 31.5 to 15.0 and ambient temperature 17°C and 23°C, the
concentrations of dissolved oxygen and ammonia-N were determined by the Winkle method and the hypobromite method, respectively.
Results showed that with controlled reduced salinity, the mean values of the OCR were 2.17 mg/(g.h) at 17°C, and 2.86 mg/(g.h)
at 23°C and that the mean values of the AER were 178.0 μg/(g.h) at 17°C and 147.0 μg/(g.h) at 23°C. The OCR and the AER decreased
with reducing salinity from 31.5 to 15.0 both at 17°C and 23°C. The effects of reduced salinity on the OCR and the AER of
scallopC. farreri could be represented by the allometric equation and the exponential equation, respectively.
Contribution No. 3295 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Project supported by the National Ministry of Science and Technology of China and by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant
No. 96-922-02-04 and KZ951-A1-102-02. 相似文献
The western Pacific,one of the most violent air-sea interaction areas,plays an important role in theformation of ENSO events which greatly affect global climate change.Knowledge on the structure of theatmospheric boundary layer and the air-sea exchange over that area is very important and is the key tounderstanding the air-sea interaction. Tethered balloon measurements were made successfully during theSeptember-October,1987 cruise of the R/V SCIENCE 1 in the Philippine Sea at the northwest ofthe Warm Pool.The data collected were used for analysis of the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer showingthat the characteristics of the inversion layers(advection layer,capping inversion layer and radiation layer)are different from those over the land and other sea areas.The wind profiles were simulated with the P-exponent method and the values of P under unstable, sta-ble and neutral conditions were obtained. Moreover,the effect of the ship body on the air above was es-timated to reach 30 meters high. 相似文献
INTR0DUCnONAlloycoatingscandetivelyproteCtsteelagainstcormsioninseri0uscormsionenvir-orunent,suchasthedrinesplashandtidalzones-TwoInainhodiptincaldrinumalloycOaingswidelyusedcommroiallyareGalfancoaing(contalningZn-5wt%kl-us)devel-oPedbytheIntemaionaltalZincReenhheZaionandhocoating(c0n-talningZn-55Wt%Al-1.6Wt%Si)develoPedbytheBethlehemSteelCorpOration-Anewrinc-basedalloycOaingdevel0PedbyNortheaStemUniversityisdiscussedinthesPaperbyelecthehendcalmethod.FromSun(l996),welmOWthecorms… 相似文献
根据安徽省2006~2009年4年来10个地面测站的闪电定位数据资料,分析安徽省闪电活动的时空分布特点。从时间分布来看,闪电频次分布具有明显的季节性,春季闪电发生频次上升,夏季7月达最大值,秋季下降,至冬季达最小值。在闪电发生频次逐时分布中呈现出一定规律性,闪电多发生在1天中15:00-17:00,而在9:00发生频次最少。通过分析闪电空间密度分布图可以发现,南部闪电密度大于北部,原因是北部以平原为主,南部以山丘为主,且南北气候类型不同,北部为暖温带半湿润季风气候,南部为亚热带湿润季风气候,而且与北部相比南部经济发展快,城市高层建筑多,人口密度大,和空气污染相对严重。 相似文献
刘秦玉 《中国海洋湖沼学报》1994,12(3):280-283
Using a one-dimension Turbulence Kinetic Energy(TKE)mixed layer model based on a simple eddyKinetic energy parameterization of the ocean upper mixed layer,some numerical examinations are intro- duced in this paper.These examination results show that the TKE ocean mixed layer model can respondwell to the effect of atmospheric forcing on the ocean upper mixed layer.The joint effect of wind stressand heat exchange on the ocean upper layer has nonlinear characteristics.The adjustment time of the re-sponse of the ocean upper mixed layer to the atmospheric forcing is about 12 hours in this model. 相似文献
Acidrainhasbeenaglobalenvironmentalprob-lem.SouthChinaandthesouthwestpartarethetwomainacidrainareasinChinawiththerangeof'pHvariationfrom4.5to4.O,andseientificstudiesonacidrainfocusontheseareas(WANGetal.,l997).Inre-centyears,however,inthenorthpartofChinaacidrainoccurred'notunusuallyandevenmoreseriouslysuchasincitiesofTumenandHunchuninJilinProvince.Itisessentialtodelveintothetemporalandspatialvariationsofatmosphericprecipitationacidityandthevariationscausesintheseareastoprovidesci-entificba… 相似文献
王佳 《中国海洋湖沼学报》1997,15(4):369-372
ImooUcr0NCormsinnofsodinconatisnowrognindasaseriousproblemwithlargeere-nondconSequenas.Thecormsionproducofondatthesurfaeeofrenfontin-dutaltenSioninthernaterial,resultinginfraCtureandspillingoftheconcretefromtherenfoot(Madrinaldetal.,l99l).Asaasult,theconCretestructure'sIneCanhalstwthisgreatiytalued.0wingtothephyShaldfultyofconduCtingforchdricalexperiInentsinconare,muCoftheworkintheaasofndanisticdCtendnationsforcormsionofstalincon-~wereconduedinalkalinesolution,generallyofporewatCr(Romirz… 相似文献
青藏高原冬季降水的气候特征认识对高原冬季雪灾的防御有着重要意义。基于青藏高原54个气象站1971~2010年冬季(12~2月)逐月降水量资料,利用现代统计方法分析了青藏高原冬季降水的时空分布特征及突变现象,利用经验正交函数(EOF)和旋转经验正交函数(REOF)概括出高原冬季降水的6种主要空间分布型以及区域性特征进行分析。结果表明:冬季降水分布不均匀,偏东偏南部降水量相对较多,冬季降水在12月最少,2月最多;EOF对青藏高原地区冬季降水分解为6种模态,全区一致型、南北部型、东西部型、川西型、高原腹地型和西部型模态;EOF第1模态时间系数表明高原大部分地区冬季降水在20世纪90年代有显著增加、且存在14年左右的周期变化特征。REOF分析表明,高原地区冬季降水的局地特征显著,而高原腹地与中东部地区变化特征显示了高原冬季降水的主要变化特征,与EOF分析第1模态的变化特征较为一致。 相似文献
针对2012年8月16~19日成都地区出现短时、局地暴雨、特大暴雨的异常强降水天气,利用常规气象资料、1°×1°NCEP再分析资料和客观物理量场、卫星云图等资料,对造成此次强降水主要集中在成都地区西部沿山一带的原因进行了分析。分析得出:在有利的环流背景下,中小尺度系统发生发展和演变是这次暴雨产生的直接原因;中低层维持偏南气流,暖湿气流西进北抬,低空急流为这次暴雨提供了大量的水汽和不稳定能量;中低空的水平风切变不仅为暴雨提供了强烈的辐合上升运动,同时对水汽的水平辐合和垂直输送非常有利;另外,强对流云团的生成、移动与强降水的发生密切相连相关。 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONTheSouthChinaSea (SCS)isasemi enclosedoceanbasinlocatedataspecialgeographicpo sition ,oneoftheworld’spronouncedmonsoonregions,withnortheastwindsprevailinginwinterandsouthwestwindsinsummer,andisacrucialregionofintensiveair seainteractionofgreat… 相似文献
研制适用于三元复合驱采油污水工况条件下的MPM固体缓蚀阻垢剂,分析三元复合驱采油污水中MPM的电化学特性.结果表明:随着温度增加,20#钢在采油污水的腐蚀速率呈增加趋势,极化曲线显示钝化区表面材料在表面高温下处于钝化状态,产生的钝化膜能够降低腐蚀速度.在阻垢缓蚀剂质量浓度相同的情况下,不同温度的电化学阻抗谱在高频区出现容抗弧,显示优良的缓蚀性能.不同质量浓度MPM极化曲线表明,缓蚀率随MPM质量浓度的增加而增大,MPM极值质量浓度为80mg/L.污水体系中的Ca2+、Cl-对缓蚀率产生影响.MPM适用于高质量浓度Ca2+的三元复合驱采油污水处理. 相似文献