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Anomalous induction across Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Using real induction vector data, collected at 958 European observation sites, together with our data from the Bohemian Massif and the West Carpathians, we have generated a contour map of the transfer function TF1 (corresponding to transfer function A in Wiese's relation). Only the zero contour is retained and shown on the map. It clearly marks the main anomalous induction zones, related to internal structural inhomogeneities, across Europe.  相似文献   

Vertical variations in magnetic fabric and paragenesis of the ferrimagnetic minerals for a virtually upright dyke of the Altenberg syenogranite porphyry were investigated using profile data of borehole E-16 to a depth of 922.7 m (Eastern Kru né hory Mts., NW Bohemia). It was revealed that this dyke likely consists of two magma pulses indicated both by magnetic fabric and by opaque mineralogy. In most of the profile, the magnetite grains are oriented parallel to the sub-vertical dyke. Only at the base of the upper magma pulse, in a depth interval of 200–400 m, are these grains oriented sub-horizontally being thus perpendicular to the dyke walls. This pattern can be interpreted as a consequence of a static vertical compaction of the magma of the basal portions of the upper pulse due to the pressure of the ascending lower pulse. The large planes of the ferrimagnetic minerals are oriented perpendicular to the shortening direction.  相似文献   

Basaltic rocks with low K, U and Th contents dominate the entire Volcanic Complex of the Doupovské hory Mts. Significant potassium anomaly exceeding 1.5 atomic wt.% of potassium over an area of 4 × 8 km and 2 atomic wt.% of potassium over an area of 2 × 6 km was defined by airborne gamma-ray spectrometry above the central part of the Doupovské hory Volcanic Complex. The following detailed field study, supported by field and laboratory gamma-spectrometry measurements and geochemical analyses of rock samples, resulted in discovery of a swarm of potassium-rich trachytic dykes. The existence of such highly-differentiated rocks in the volcanic complex was unknown till present. These dykes are commonly less than 1 m wide, but their potassium content varies between 4 and 8 atomic wt.%. Owing to this high-K composition and relative abundance of dykes, the dyke rocks significantly modify the regional pattern of gamma-spectrometry data. The potassium anomaly cannot be explained by the presence of Flurbühl intrusive body dominated by ijolites and essexites, as all these rocks are poor in K, with potassium typically not exceeding 1.5 wt.%. On the other hand, much more extensive intermediate trachybasaltic lavas with K content varying within the range 1.8–3 wt.% cause only minor or undetectable anomalies.  相似文献   

A working model of tectono-sedimentary evolution is proposed for the Cheb Basin, a polyhistory sedimentary basin formed between the late Oligocene and Pliocene by reactivation of basement fracture systems in the northwestern part of the Bohemian Massif. The basin is located at the intersection of the Ohe (Eger) Graben structural domain, characterized by dominance of NE-striking graben systems in present-day geology, and the NW-striking Cheb-Domalice Graben, a major strike-slip – dominated structure in Western Bohemia. The first significant depositional episode in the Cheb Basin coincides with the deposition of late Oligocene-Miocene clastics in the whole extensional system of the Ohe Graben, controlled by E-W – trending depocenters. The main structural feature of the Cheb Basin region at that time was a palaeohigh caused by a NW- trending accommodation zone separating minor E-W – trending depocentres. The second, late Pliocene, episode of sedimentation occurred under a very different kinematic regime than the Oligo-Miocene rift basin evolution. During this time, the present-day structure of the Cheb Basin and the Cheb-Domalice Graben formed as a consequence of sinistral displacement on the Mariánské Lázn Fault Zone. Reactivation of this strike-slip fault zone led to the formation of a horsetail splay of oblique-extensional faults at the northern termination of the Mariánské Lázn Fault Zone, which contained the present-day Cheb Basin.  相似文献   

Ground conductivity meters, comprising a variety of coil–coil configurations, are intended to operate within the limits provided by a low induction number (LIN), electromagnetic condition. They are now routinely used across a wide range of application areas and the measured apparent conductivity data may be spatially assembled and examined/correlated alongside information obtained from many other earth science, environmental, soil and land use assessments. The theoretical behaviour of the common systems is examined in relation to both the prevailing level of subsurface conductivity and the instrument elevation. It is demonstrated that, given the inherent high level of accuracy of modern instruments, the prevailing LIN condition may require operation in environments restricted to very low (< 12 mS/m) conductivities. Beyond this limit, non-linear departures from the apparent conductivity that would be associated with a LIN condition occur and are a function of the coil configuration, the instrument height and the prevailing conductivity. Using both theory and experimental data, it is demonstrated that this has the potential to provide biased and spatially distorted measurements. A simple correction procedure that can be applied to the measured data obtained from any of the LIN instruments is developed. The correction procedure would, in the limit of a uniform subsurface, return the same (correct) conductivity, irrespective of the ground conductivity meter used, the prevailing conductivity or the measurement height.  相似文献   

Two stations monitoring concentrations of carbon dioxide and radon in soil gas (Oldřišská and Novy Kostel) and one station monitoring flow of carbon dioxide at a mofette (Soos) have been operated in the area of the West Bohemian earthquake swarms. We present preliminary results obtained on the base of four-year observations. We found that data are not influenced considerably by barometric pressure. Although the CO2 concentration varies greatly, the long-term trends at stations Oldřišská and Novy Kostel are similar, which indicates that the CO2 flow is controlled by common geogenic processes. Also temporal trends of CO2 and Rn concentrations in soil gas at individual stations are analogous. We found diurnal variations of both CO2 concentration in soil gas and the CO2 flow at mofettes due to the earth tides. A response to tides of semi-diurnal period is insignificant in CO2 concentration and only weak in the CO2 flow. We also examined possible pre-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic effects of the intensive 2008 earthquake swarm on the CO2 concentration at Oldřišská and Novy Kostel, and on the CO2 flow at Soos. However, all potential indications were insignificant and there has not been proven any influence of the swarm on the CO2 concentration as well as on the CO2 flow. Nevertheless, a gradual decrease of amplitudes of diurnal variations before the swarm and the lowest amplitudes during the swarm is a noteworthy phenomenon, which might indicate the strain changes of the rock associated with earthquake swarm.  相似文献   

The results of Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) observations in the regions of large earthquakes are analyzed. The characteristics of the Earth’s surface deformations before, during, and after the earthquakes are considered. The obtained results demonstrate the presence of anomalous deformations close to the epicenters of the events. Statistical estimates of the anomalous strains and their relationship with measurement errors are obtained. Conclusions are drawn about the probable use of local GNSS networks to assess the risk of the occurrence of strong seismic events.  相似文献   

Deep in the Earth, the electrical conductivity of geological material is extremely dependent on temperature. The knowledge of temperature is thus essential for any interpretation of magnetotelluric data in projecting lithospheric structural models. The measured values of the terrestrial heat flow, radiogenic heat production and thermal conductivity of rocks allow the extrapolation of surface observations to a greater depth and the calculation of the temperature field within the lithosphere. Various methods of deep temperature calculations are presented and discussed. Characteristic geotherms are proposed for major tectonic provinces of Europe and it is shown that the existing temperatures on the crust-upper mantle boundary may vary in a broad interval of 350–1,000°C. The present work is completed with a survey of the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for selected crustal and upper mantle rocks within the interval 200–1,000°C. It is shown how the knowledge of the temperature field can be used in the evaluation of the deep electrical conductivity pattern by converting the conductivity-versustemperature data into the conductivity-versus-depth data.  相似文献   

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