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Lead contents of S-type granites and their petrogenetic significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An evaluation of Pb and Ba contents in S-type granites can provide important information on the processes of crustal partial melting. Primary low-T S-type granites, which form mainly by fluid-absent muscovite melting, may acquire a significant enrichment in Pb when compared to higher-T S-type granites for a given Ba content. We consider the following factors are responsible for this enrichment: Muscovite is a major carrier of Pb in amphibolite facies metapelites, and thus large quantities of Pb can be liberated upon its breakdown. The typical restite assemblage of Qz?+?Bt?+?Sil?±?Pl?±?Grt?±?Kfsp that forms during low-T, fluid-absent muscovite melting can take up only minor amounts of this Pb. This is because the crystal/melt Pb distribution coefficients for these restite minerals are low to very low. Only K-feldspar is moderately compatible for Pb, with a crystal/melt distribution coefficient of ~3, but its modal content in restites is usually low. At the same time, the restite assemblage will retain much Ba owing to the very high Ba uptake in both biotite and K-feldspar, which is an order of magnitude higher than for Pb. Thus, during a low-T anatectic event involving a low degree of crustal melting, Pb (as an incompatible element) can become strongly enriched in the partial melt relative to Ba and also relative to source rock values. In the case of higher-T anatexis and larger partial melt amounts, the Pb becomes less enriched and the Ba less depleted or even enriched relative to source rock values. During fractional crystallization of a S-type granite magma, Ba behaves strongly compatibly and Pb weakly compatibly. The concentrations of both elements decrease along the liquid line of decent. Owing to this sympathetic fractionation behavior, the primary, source-related Pb–Ba fingerprint (with weak or strong Pb enrichment) remains in evolved S-type granites. This facilitates a distinction between primary low-T S-type granites, which are related to muscovite melting, and secondary low-T S-type granites that evolve through fractional crystallization from a higher-T parental magma. We show in this paper that a simple logarithmic Pb versus Ba diagram can be a valuable aid for interpreting the petrogenesis of S-type granite suites.  相似文献   

Oxygen Fugacity measurements were carried out on chromites from the Eastern Bushveld Complex (Maandagshoek) and are compared with former measurements on chromites from the western Bushveld Complex (Zwartkop Chrome Mine). These results together with those of Hill and Roeder (1974) yield the following conditions of formation for the massive chromitite layers: Western Bushveld Complex (Zwartkop Chrome Mine) $$\begin{gathered} Layer{\text{ }}T(^\circ C) p_{O_2 } (atm) \hfill \\ LG3{\text{ 1160}} - {\text{1234 10}}^{ - {\text{5}}} - 10^{ - 7.6} \hfill \\ LG4{\text{ 1175}} - {\text{1200 10}}^{ - 6.35} - 10^{ - 7.20} \hfill \\ LG6{\text{ 1162}} - {\text{1207 10}}^{ - 6.20} - 10^{ - 7.50} \hfill \\ \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ Eastern Bushveld Complex (Farm Maandagshoek) $$\begin{gathered} {\text{LXI 1115}} - {\text{1150 10}}^{ - 7.80} - 10^{ - 8.80} \hfill \\ ( = {\text{Steelpoort Seam)}} \hfill \\ {\text{LX 1125 10}}^{ - 8.25} \hfill \\ {\text{V 1120 10}}^{ - 8.55} \hfill \\ {\text{LII 1120 10}}^{ - 8.0} - 10^{ - 8.60} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ The comparison of the data shows, that the chronitite layers within each particular sequence were formed under approximately identicalp o 2- andT-conditions. The chromites from the western Bushveld Complex, however, were formed at higher temperatures and higher oxygen fugacities than the chromites from the eastern Bushveld Complex. Fromp o 2-T-curves of disseminated chromites and the temperatures derived above, the following conditions of formation for the host rocks were obtained: Western Bushveld Complex $$T = 1200^\circ {\text{C; }}p_{{\text{o}}_{\text{2}} } = 10^{ - 7.25} - 10^{ - 7.50} $$ Eastern Bushveld Complex $$T = 1125^\circ {\text{C; }}p_{{\text{o}}_{\text{2}} } = 10^{ - 8.50} - 10^{ - 9.25} $$ Consequently, the host rocks in the Zwartkop-Chrome-Mine, were formed under higher temperatures and higher oxygen fugacities than the host rocks at Maandagshoek. The rock sequence in the Zwartkop-Chrome-Mine therefore originated in an earlier stage of the differentiation of the Bushveld magma. Comparison of the chromites from the host rocks with the chromites from massive layers supports Ulmer's (1969) thesis that an increase of the oxygen fugacity is responsible for the formation of massive chromitite layers. The values in this investigation show that increases of only about 0.5–1.0 log units are necessary to enhance chromitite layer formation.  相似文献   

Three linear zones of active andesite volcanism are present in the Andes — a northern zone (5°N–2°S) in Colombia and Ecuador, a central zone (16°S–28°S) largely in south Peru and north Chile and a southern zone (33°S–52°S) largely in south Chile. The northern zone is characterized by basaltic andesites, the central zone by andesite—dacite lavas and ignimbrites and the southern zone by high-alumina basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites. Shoshonites and volcanic rocks of the alkali basalt—trachyte association occur at scattered localities east of the active volcanic chain,The northern and central volcanic zones are 140 km above an eastward-dipping Benioff zone, while the southern zone lies only 90 km above a Benioff zone. Continental crust is ca. 70 km in thickness below the central zone, but is 30–45 km thick below northern and southern volcanic zones. The correlation between volcanic products and their structural setting is supported by trace element and isotope data. The central zone andesite lavas have higher Si, K, Rb, Sr and Ba, and higher initial Sr isotope ratios than the northern or southern zone lavas. The southern zone high-alumina basalts have lower Ce/Yb ratios than volcanics from the other zones. In addition, the central zone andesite lavas show a well-defined eastward increase in K, Rb and Ba and a decrease in Sr.Andean andesite magmas are a result of a complex interplay of partial melting, fractional crystallization and “contamination” processes at mantle depths, and contamination and fractional crystallization in the crust. Variations in andesite composition across the central Andean chain reflect a diminishing degree of partial melting or an increase in fractional crystallization or an increase in “contamination” passing eastwards. Variations along the Andean chain indicate a significant crustal contribution for andesites in the central zone, and indicate that the high-alumina basalts and basaltic andesites of the southern zone are from a shallower mantle source region than other volcanic rocks. The dacite-rhyolite ignimbrites of the central zone share a common source with the andesites and might result from fractional crystallization of andesite magma during uprise through thick continental crust. The occurrence of shoshonites and alkali basalts eat of the active volcanic chain is attributed to partial melting of mantle peridotite distant from the subduction zone.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-rich alkali feldspars were found in three peraluminous highly differentiated albite-topaz-Li-mica granites in the W and S parts of the Bohemian Massif. The average contents of P2O5 in K-feldspars (Křížovy kámen 0.57 wt%, Homolka 0.77 wt%, and Podlesí 0.83 wt%) are higher than the average contents of P2O5 in albites (Křížovy kámen 0.23 wt%, Homolka 0.23 wt%, and Podlesí 0.39 wt%). The analyses of feldspars indicate that partition coefficient of phosphorus between K-feldspar and albite range from 1.5 to 2.5. Measured data in K-feldspars suggest a statistically significant difference from the Al3++P5+=2 Si4+ substitution mechanism for higher phosphorus concentration. The P-content in K-feldspars from the Podlesí-granite represent the highest P-content in natural feldspar known to date (up to 2.5 wt% of P2O5)- It is suggested that all studied granites retained nearly all phosphorus of granitic melts and that their alkali feldspars represent major reservoirs of phosphorus.  相似文献   

Lead isotopic compositions, and lead and uranium concentrations have been determined for samples from the Tongan islands of Late, Fonualei, Hunga-Ha'apai and Eua and for the Kermadec islands of Raoul, Macauley, Esperance and Napier. The Kermadec samples form a linear array in a Pb206/Pb204 vs Pb207/Pb204 plot which if interpreted in terms of a two stage mantle model indicates a mantle fractionation of Pb from U at about 1.2×109 yr. The Tongan volcanics, except Eua, have a very narrow range of isotopic compositions, only slightly exceeding the experimental error limits. This is interpreted to be the result of efficient mixing of the mantle in response to rapid extension behind the Tongan arc. The rate of extension appears to determine whether convection mixing can occur, since the sub-Kermadec mantle which experienced slower extension is not well mixed isotopically. The isotopic compositions show no evidence for a component in the magma derived from sediments dragged down the Benioff zone. The pre-Eocene Eua volcanics have lead which is substantially more radiogenic than the younger Tongan volcanics and are interpreted as a sample of the mantle before convective mixing occurred.  相似文献   

Some inclusions from Salt Lake Crater are essentially single-phase subcalcic clinopyroxenites whose original clinopyroxenes, prior to extensive unmixing, were tschermakitic subcalcic varieties with compositions close to Ca34Mg54Fe12. In addition to copious amounts of orthopyroxene, very minor garnet and spinel also were exsolved from the subcalcic clinopyroxenes.The genesis of the garnet pyroxenite suite at Salt Lake Crater has been examined in terms of three models, namely: (i) cumulates from alkali basaltic magmas; (ii) fractional fusion of basanitic garnet clinopyroxenite; and (iii) anatexis of upper mantle lherzolites. Field, mineralogical, chemical and experimental data collectively favour model (iii) and indicate that the nodules are genetically unrelated to their nephelinitic hosts. The Salt Lake garnet pyroxenites can be closely equated with the garnet pyroxenites in magmatictype layers in certain alpine-type ultramafic massifs and they are also similar to many garnet pyroxenite xenoliths in alkaline volcanics from other localities.Liquids produced by anhydrous partial melting of spinel Iherzolite at pressures of approximately 20 kb commonly have picritic chemistries. The crystallization behaviour of picritic liquids at elevated pressures ( 20 kb) indicates that the initial crystallization products may be either essentially single-phase subcalcic clinopyroxenites (with minimal high pressure fractionation) or a range of olivine-aluminous orthopyroxene-aluminous subcalcic clinopyroxene-garnet-(spinel) assemblages with variable 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios (when fractionation has been operative). All these assemblages may be subsequently modified by subsolidus exsolution and recrystallization.  相似文献   

Ignimbrites in the Devonian and Late Paleozoic volcanic belts in central Kazakhstan were produced in various geotectonic environments and are diverse in composition. The bulk composition of the Devonian ignimbrites is rhyolitic. The Eifelian rocks of the Chingiz island-arc system belong to the calc-alkaline series and are enriched in Zr, Nb, Y, and REE (predominantly LREE). The Frasnian ignimbrites that were formed in unusual island arcs of the Mediterranean type are ultrapotassic. Compared to the Eifelian ignimbrites, they bear lower concentrations of Zr, Nb, Y, and REE but are richer in Rb and Ba. Both rock varieties show clearly pronounced Eu minima and Ce anomalies. The Carboniferous and Permian ignimbrites were generated within a volcanic belt in a continental margin. The Carboniferous ignimbrites are mostly of dacite-rhyolite and sometimes of dacitic andesite composition. Compared to the Devonian ignimbrites, they are depleted in Zr, Nb, and Y at higher concentrations of Ba and low REE sums, which are notably dominated by LREE; their Eu minima are small, and they have no Ce anomalies. The Permian ignimbrites are predominantly of rhyolite composition. The Early Permian rocks have REE sums close to those in the Carboniferous rocks, but the former have clearly pronounced Eu minima and Ce anomalies. The Late Permian ignimbrites have total REE concentrations close to those in the Devonian ignimbrites, but the former are strongly enriched in LREE and have prominent Eu minima and Ce anomalies. The major-and trace-element composition of fiamme in all ignimbrite varieties varies depending on the relative age of the fiamme. The REE patterns of the fiamme differ from massif to massif, but their systematic changes from older to younger fiamme are similar. Along with the identity of the isotopic characteristics of whole-rock ignimbrite samples and fiamme of different ages in them, this testifies that the ignimbrites were formed not via the mixing of various melts but by the systematic evolution of a parental melts, which were different for different massifs.  相似文献   

闽中地区铅锌矿床辉石成分特征及其成因意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
文章在研究闽中地区铅锌矿床蚀变矿物组合的基础上,将辉石矿物的化学成分与典型矽卡岩Pb_Zn矿床的辉石成分进行了对比,认为该区铅锌矿床的辉石与典型矽卡岩中的辉石类似,为透辉石和钙铁辉石,富锰,具有远温端矽卡岩辉石的特征。因此推论本区铅锌矿床大部分类似于矽卡岩型Pb_Zn矿床,少数为受断裂控制的热液脉型矿床,是海底火山喷发沉积形成的初始矿源层经变质作用、燕山期构造_岩浆热液顺层交代、强烈叠加改造或活化并重新定位的矿床。  相似文献   

In order to infer equilibrium phase relations of abyssal tholeiites, olivine, plagioclase, augite, and pigeonite tholeiites from the ocean floor are plotted in terms of the CIPW norm proportions in the tetrahedron olivine-plagioclase-diopside-quartz. The phase relations of abyssal tholeiites have a general similarity in form to those of the experimentally studied relevant systems. Experimental studies on natural basalts allow the pressure of crystallization for abyssal tholeiitic magmas to be evaluated approximately. It appears that the pressure at which the phenocryst-stage crystallization of abyssal tholeiites takes place is as high as 2 or 3 kbar, provided that abyssal tholeiitic magmas are ‘dry’.Abyssal tholeiites could be derived from liquids that are in equilibrium with Ca-poor pyroxene in the pressure range of about 5–8 kbar. Major element chemistry of abyssal tholeiites is incompatible with the view that these tholeiitic basalts are derived from picritic magma by olivine fractionation.  相似文献   

Spinels are commonly observed in alkali olivine basalts and olivine basalts that form the Plateau Magma Series of the British Tertiary Province. The spinels are either partly or wholly enclosed within olivine or may have adhered to olivine surfaces, and have undergone cation exchange and reaction with the cooling basaltic melt. Detailed microprobe traverses indicate complex exchanges involving Fe-Mg, Cr-Al, Fe3+-R3+ and Fe2+ Ti-R3+ substitutions. Some of these changes are due to a reaction with liquid that produced plagioclase and resulted in Al depletion in the spinel. A complex series of solid solutions between hercynite-magnesioferrite-chromite and Al-Cr-titomomagnetite, is indicated in a combination that precludes the disappearance of spinel by a simple peritetic reaction with the melt. The initial spinels are compositionally distinct from the chromites found in the Rhum layered series and underline the great compositional variability of liquidus spinels that can crystallise from basaltic liquid. Some of this variability may relate to the changing solubility of Cr, which behaves as a trace element, in basaltic liquids in response to slight changes in the structure of the melt.LDGO Contribution no. 2575  相似文献   

董振信  陈立辉 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):607-615
通过对我国东部北起黑龙江省南至海南省31个产地的新生代碱性玄武岩中橄榄岩类 (纯橄岩、方辉橄榄岩及二辉橄榄岩) 包体和辉石岩类包体中的160 多个尖晶石电子探针分析数据, 论述了尖晶石的Cr-Al, Fe-Mg, Ni-Mg 主元素及有关比值和端员组分之间的关系, 分析研究了不同岩类包体中尖晶石的颜色、成分及成因之间的联系。并利用所分析的有关橄榄石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石共生矿物的电子探针分析数据, 采用新的、较合理的Brey-Kohler温度计及Kohler-Brey 压力计和Ballhaus etal. 氧逸度计算方法进行了计算, 探讨了尖晶石成分与其形成温度、压力和氧逸度状态的关系, 指出了尖晶石成分所反映的地幔亏损程度及部分熔融程度的变化规律及尖晶石 (相) 稳定的温度、压力和氧逸度范围。  相似文献   

In the Upper Pliocene, during the final phase of igneous activity within the Pannonian Basin, alkali basalts were erupted. Their occurrences are restricted to two main regions in Hungary: 1) Transdanubia; 2) Nógrád County. The clinopyroxene phenocrysts of these rocks are zoned titanaugites which often have distinctive colourless or green cores. Two kinds of green cores can be distinguished: 1. olive-green cores (fassaitic augite and fassaite), and 2. grassgreen cores (salite and ferrosalite). Both types of green cores are comparatively iron-rich and they occur only in the basalts of Nógrád County. The olive-green fassaites probably precipitated from relatively evolved melts which have been mixed into their present host magmas, whereas the grassgreen salites and ferrosalites are xenocrysts derived probably from upper mantle rocks. The clinopyroxene zoning patterns suggest, that after being generated by small-degree partial melting in the mantle the Transdanubian basalts ascended to the surface with little or no modification en route, whereas those of Nógrád County had a more complex evolution, in which fractionation at depth and magma mixing played an important role.  相似文献   

Gem-quality chrysolite (peridot) from a phlogopite deposit related to the Kovdor ultrabasic-alkaline massif in the Kola Peninsula, Russia, was studied using a variety of techniques (optical mineralogical microscopy, chemical, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and photoluminescence) to determine its chemical composition, the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio, refraction indexes, density, as well as to examine inclusions in it. Much attention was devoted to the microprobe identification of crystalline inclusions in the host chrysolite (apatite, tetraferriphlogopite, amphibole, and magnetite), its exsolution products (diopside and magnetite), and the daughter phases of melt inclusions in this mineral (which were subdivided into primary and secondary genetic types). The daughter phases of these melt inclusions are silicates (forsterite, diopside, tetraferriphlogopite, clinohumite, and serpentine), various carbonates (Ca-dominated carbonates are characteristic of the primary inclusions, whereas Mg-rich carbonates were found only in the secondary inclusions), magnetite, djerfisherite (alkali sulfide), and Ba-Sr-REE carbonates. The presence of melt inclusions testifies to a magnatic genesis of the gem, and the simultaneous occurrence of these inclusions with crystalline inclusions can be used as an additional identification feature of gem chrysolite from the Kovdor Massif.  相似文献   

Mineralogical data, coupled with whole-rock major and trace element data of mafic xenoliths from two occurrences of the Egyptian Tertiary basalts, namely Abu Zaabal (AZ) near Cairo and Gabal Mandisha (GM) in the Bahariya Oases, are presented for the first time. Chemically, AZ basalts are sodic transitional, while those of GM are alkaline. In spite of the different petrographic and geochemical features of the host rocks, mafic xenoliths from the two occurrences are broadly similar and composed essentially of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, and Fe–Ti oxides. The analytical results of host rocks, xenoliths and their minerals suggest that the xenoliths are cognate to their host magmas rather than basement material. The mafic xenoliths are olivine-free and contain alkali feldspar contrary to the phenocryst assemblage of the host rocks, confirming that they are not cumulates from the host magma. The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics show that the precursor magmas of these xenoliths are more fractionated and possibly contaminated compared to those of the host rocks. Estimated crystallization conditions are  1–3 kbar for xenoliths from both areas, and temperature of  950–1100 °C vs. 920–1050 °C for AZ and GM, respectively. These cognate xenoliths probably crystallized from early-formed, highly-fractionated anhydrous magma batches solidified in shallow crustal levels, possibly underwent some AFC during their ascent, and later ripped-up during fresh magma pulses. The xenoliths, although rare, provide an evidence for the importance of crystal fractionation at early evolution of the Egyptian Tertiary basalts.  相似文献   

Ammonium is present as a trace constituent in all granites, with an average concentration of 45 ppm (NH4+), equivalent to 35 ppm of elemental N. It shows wide variations related to petrography and region, but the only significant correlation between ammonium and other geochemical parameters is that it is most abundant in peraluminous granites and least abundant in peralkaline granites. These variations can be related to (a) the amount of sedimentary material in the magmatic source region, and (b) redox conditions in the source region. The ammonium content of granitic magmas can also be modified by fractionation or contamination. Hydrothermal alteration has a major effect on the ammonium content of granitic rocks, and variation due to this cause may exceed the magmatic variation. Most hydrothermally altered granites are enriched in ammonium as a result of the transfer of ammonium from sedimentary country rocks by the hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

报道了山东石河庄和河北大川地区前寒武纪层状硫化物矿床中黄铁矿单矿物的Fe同位素组成.相对于标准物质IRMM-014,大川黄铁矿的ε575Fe为-38.8~-13.1,石河庄黄铁矿的ε57Fe为-39.4~-15.1,表明形成这两个层状硫化物矿床的新元古代海水富集Fe的轻同位素.世界不同地区新太古代黑色页岩中的黄铁矿的Fe同位素组成与华北两个硫铁矿矿床的Fe同位素特征基本一致,暗示新太古代海洋富集Fe的轻同位素可能是全球现象.导致早前寒武纪海洋富集Fe轻同位素的原因是海水中大量的Fe被氧化形成了富集Fe重同位素的磁铁矿和赤铁矿.  相似文献   

We report chemical and mineralogical data for one atmosphere melting experiments conducted on alkalic rocks from the Mt. Erebus volcanic region: DVDP2 basanite, two hawaiites (DVDP2 and a nepheline-bearing variety), and an anorthoclase phonolite. Temperatures between 1,224 and 1,049°C were investigated at fO2~QFM. DVDP2 basanite appears to be an intermediate pressure liquid or a cumulate, because only olivine coexists with melt from above 1,224–1,160°C. High-Ca pyroxene joins olivine in the crystallization sequence at 1,138°C. These minerals are joined by plagioclase at a temperature between 1,120 and 1,104°C. In contrast, DVDP2 hawaiite appears to be relatively evolved, because it is multiply saturated with olivine, plagioclase, and high-Ca pyroxene near its liquidus (between 1,120 and 1,104°C). Plagioclase crystallizes in the Ne-hawaiite by 1,160°C followed by olivine below 1,120°C. The liquidus of anorthoclase phonolite is between the lowest temperatures investigated, 1,089 and 1,049°C, and plagioclase is the liquidus mineral. Our results indicate that DVDP2 hawaiite can be derived from a DVDP2 basanitic parental magma by crystal fractionation at low pressures, that the nepheline hawaiite is an olivine cumulate, and that the liquids parental to the anorthoclase phonolite represent the end products of crystal fractionation. They also allow us to illustrate how the Ti-content of pyroxene may be used as a petrogenetic indicator of processes and events in the evolution of the Erebus volcanic system.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the main biostratigraphical conclusions resulting from the micropalaeontological study of the Bohemian Upper Proterozoic. The relatively rich microfossil material presently known from the Barrandian area enables comparison to be made both with Middle and Upper Brioverian microfossils of the West European Brioverian complex and also with those from the Upper Riphean and Vendian platform sediments. A correlation between the relatively close geographical areas of Bohemia, Lusatia and Saxony on the basis of microorganisms is evident. Biocommunities from siliceous rocks display algal-mat assemblages. Their features are very similar to those of biogenic rocks reported from other regions, especially Australia and North America. In the Moldanubian Supergroup, the ?eský Krumlov Formation, in which graphitized phytoclasts with anatomical structures of primitive land plants have recently been found, was examined. The question of the age of this formation remains open and its study is still in progress. The correlation of the sedimentary complex of the East Sudeten (the presumably Proterozoic Záb?eh Formation) with the Palaeozoic assemblage is possible due to the finds of Chitinozoa. Remains of megascopic algae were recently found in this assemblage, along with chilinozoan chambers. This association is highly specialized and comprises new taxa of higher Thallophytes.  相似文献   

松嫩地块及其研究意义   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
块体拼贴是东北大地构造格架的基本特征,文中拟从这一构造背景出发,在区域地质研究基础上,选择目前研究相对薄弱的松嫩地块进行讨论。通过地层建造、古生物地理分区、构造岩浆组合及年代学的资料,揭示松嫩地块与东北其他地质体拼贴的历史。松嫩地块西侧通过嫩江中古生代造山带与兴安褶皱带相接;南侧通过吉中晚古生代造山带和华北地台北缘的西拉木伦早古生代褶皱带相接;东侧通过张广才岭中生代造山带与佳木斯地块拼贴;北侧是蒙古-鄂霍茨克中生代造山带。此外,结合前人关于全球构造格局变迁的研究,讨论了东北地块的来源,并认为松嫩地块东界的张广才岭造山带是古亚洲洋构造域向太平洋构造域转折的标志。  相似文献   

The relative growth rates of zircon crystal faces are recorded by growth zoning, which is recognizable in cathodoluminescence photographs of oriented crystal sections. The kinematics of zircon growth is graphically presented by the slopes of Grabahnen between crystal sectors. The relative velocities of advance of crystal faces correlate to the pattern of growth zoning. Widely spaced zoning, interrupted by surfaces of dissolution, on the one hand, and narrowly spaced uninterrupted oscillatory zoning, on the other hand, are interpreted as markers of low and high zircon-supersaturation of the melt, respectively. The following model is deduced from this correlation. The prism {110} is that crystal form, the growth rate of which reacts most sensitively to the zircon-supersaturation of the melt. The growthrate of the steep pyramid {211} is not primarily controlled by zircon-supersaturation. Instead, the growth of {211} is delayed by the adsorption of foreign atoms on its faces. The kinematics of zircon growth in anatectic, plutonic and meta-rhyolitic host rocks in the pre-Mesozoic basement of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps) is explained by this model. Results show that the kinematics of zircon growth carry a much greater petrogenetic significance than has been previously suggested for the final shape of crystals alone.  相似文献   

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