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The observed relationship between atmospheric vorticity variations and solar magnetic sector boundary passages is examined for a possible connection via ionization changes affecting ozone distributions. A superposed epoch analysis was performed on Umkehr distributions for 18 years from Arosa, Switzerland, with use of more than 500 solar sector boundary passages as keyday zero. No significant responses are observed in any Umkehr level or in total observed ozone amounts. Further analyses on shorter records for Belsk, Poland, and Hohenpeissenberg, West Germany, corroborate these results. Another analysis for Arosa with about 100 type IV solar flares as keyday zero also shows no definitive trend. It is concluded that ozone distribution changes cannot be the primary causative mechanism for vorticity variations.Journal Paper No. J-8838 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1852.  相似文献   

Summary Air with a very low count of atmospheric condensation nuclei was irradiated by direct sunlight through an uviol glass window, or through ordinary glass or in a polyethylene balloon. The nucleus count rises immediately and reaches very high values.
Zusammenfassung Luft mit sehr niedriger Zahl von atmosphärischen Kondensations-Kernen wurde mit direktem Sonnenlicht bestrahlt, entweder durch ein UV Glas oder durch gewöhnliches Glas oder durch einen Polyethylen-Ballon. Die Zahl der atmosphärischen Kondensations-Kerne steigt sogleich und erreicht sehr hohe Werte.

Helicopter measurements of solar irradiance and meteorological data within the atmospheric boundary-layer were made in Lagos during February 1979. Filter samples of aerosols were collected both during flight in February 1979 and at ground level in December 1978. Profile data on spectral aerosol optical depth were obtained and, from these, the aerosol extinction coefficient at two wavelengths (0.5 and 0.88 m) were calculated. Precipitable water was low and was contained mainly within the 750 m layer above ground, suggesting the establishment of a deep unstable boundary layer. Calculated channel energy depletions by aerosols show that, within the first 750 m of the surface, the 0·88 m might be more efficient at attenuating solar energy than 0·5 m. The lagoon (maritime) aerosol sample indicated a more monodisperse size-distribution than the dusty harmattan aerosol sample.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided new evidence that models may systematically underestimate cloud solar absorption compared to observations. This study extends previous work on this “absorption anomaly” by using observational data together with solar radiative transfer parameterisations to calculate fs (the ratio of surface and top of the atmosphere net cloud forcings) and its latitudinal variation for a range of cloud types. Principally, it is found that (a) the zonal mean behaviour of fs varies substantially with cloud type, with the highest values obtained for low clouds; (b) gaseous absorption and scattering can radically alter the pattern of the variation of fs with latitude, but gaseous effects cannot in general raise fs to the level of around 1.5 as recently determined; (c) the importance of the gaseous contribution to the atmospheric ASR is such that whilst fs rises with surface albedo, the net cloud contribution to the atmospheric ASR falls; (d) the assumed form of the degree of cloud overlap in the model can substantially affect the cloud contribution to the atmospheric ASR whilst leaving the parameter fs largely unaffected; (e) even large uncertainties in the observed optical depths alone cannot account for discrepancies apparent between modelled and newly observed cloud solar absorption. It is concluded that the main source of the anomaly may derive from the considerable uncertainties regarding impure droplet microphysics rather than, or together with, uncertainties in macroscopic quantities. Further, variable surface albedos and gaseous effects may limit the use of contemporaneous satellite and ground-based measurements to infer the cloud solar absorption from the parameter fs.  相似文献   

The measurement of solar B band Ultraviolet radiation (UVB) should be considered a priority in Mexico due to implications on public health throughout the country (total population, 108 million), but this is not carried out at present. Installed sensors cover only 0.12% of the country. However, there are alternative methods for estimating UVB radiation to overcome the lack of surface data. The most successful of these are based on the use of satellites for environmental monitoring. In the present work, UVB maps are constructed for the entire country using a single, daily satellite measurement of UVB at solar noon from 1978-2003. Satellite-derived values are compared with the ground measurements by a surface station located in Mexico City in order to validate the former. Wavelet spectrum analysis is employed to this end. A close correlation is observed between the two sets of data. Moreover, there is qualitative correspondence between the spatial distribution of the satellite-derived data and the surface topography. The difference resulting throughout the period mentioned is <2% of the average annual cumulative energy.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a study of the fluctuations in total atmospheric ozone amount as measured with a Dobson Spectrophotometer during the summer season over three north Indian stations, using the technique of power spectrum analysis. In all 19 spectra have been constructed. The long term trend was removed by applying a high pass filter. The main conclusions are: (1) The nature of the spectrum at a station generally differs from year to year. (2) Spectra of different stations during the same year, are generally different. (3) From the significance study of the spectral peaks, most of the spectra revealed the presence of two types of periodicities. One of these is in the range of 10–17 days while the other is found to have a range of 4.5–8.3 days. (4) It has been suggested that the former periodicity may be closely linked to the index cycle, while the latter may be related to the long waves in the Westerlies.  相似文献   

It is shown how to retrieve the atmospheric ozone profile by means of ground based microwave measurements of the radiative intensity. Chahine's iteration method is used. The method is tested by a numerical experiment. The retrieval rms about the mean error is approximately 0.4 ppm. The required measurement accuracy for the brightness temperatures is ±0.01 K.  相似文献   

Summary A review is given of the increasingly rapid development of the photochemistry of odd oxygen particles which has taken place since the validity of the classical (oxygen only) theory was for the first time questioned by Hampson and Hunt less than 10 years ago. The relative importance of different reactions is discussed as a function of altitude and also the alterations of the H-system, introduced by NOx, are investigated. It is shown that the fact that not only the observed ozone but also the HNO3 distribution should be explained considerably limits the acceptable values of poorly known rate constants. The influence of stratospheric pollution on ozone concentration is also discussed under the assumption of photochemical equilibrium.List of symbols Õ Odd oxygen particles - active hydrogen particles - O* excited (1 D)-O-atom - NOx nitrogen oxides (odd nitrogen) - n 1 concentration of atomic oxygen [particles cm–3] - n 1 * concentration of excited [1 D]-oxygen-atoms - n 2 concentration of molecular oxygen - n m concentration of air molecules - s =n m /n 2 - ñ n 1+n *+n 3, concentration of odd oxygen particles - x concentration of atomic hydrogen - y concentration of OH-radicals - z concentration of HO2-radicals - [NO] concentration of nitric oxide - [NO2] concentration of nitrogen dioxide - [NO3] concentration of nitrogen trioxide - [NOx] concentration of total odd nitrogen - [HNO3] concentration of nitric acid - k i reaction rates - f i dissociation rates - a 3 fraction off 3 yielding excited O-atoms - [nomix] NO x /air mixing ratio - relaxation time Part of the research reported in this article was done at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo. (sponsored by the National Science Foundation). The opportunity of using NCAR's computing facilities is especially acknowledged. This study has also been supported by the Swiss National Foundation.  相似文献   

Input data selection for solar radiation estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Model input data selection is a complicated process, especially for non‐linear dynamic systems. The questions on which inputs should be used and how long the training data should be for model development have been hard to solve in practice. Despite the importance of this subject, there have been insufficient reports in the published literature about inter‐comparison between different model input data selection techniques. In this study, several methods (i.e. the Gamma test, entropy theory, AIC (Akaike's information criterion)/BIC (Bayesian information criterion) have been explored with the aid of non‐linear models of LLR (local linear regression) and ANN (artificial neural networks). The methodology is tested in estimation of solar radiation in the Brue Catchment of England. It has been found that the conventional model selection tools such as AIC/BIC failed to demonstrate their functionality. Although the entropy theory is quite powerful and efficient to compute, it failed to pick up the best input combinations. On the other hand, it is very encouraging to find that the new Gamma test was able to choose the best input selection. However, it is surprising to note that the Gamma test significantly underestimated the required training data while the entropy theory did a better job in this aspect. This is the first study to compare the performance of those techniques for model input selections and still there are many unsolved puzzles. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Erythemal ultraviolet (UVER; 280–400 nm) and total shortwave (SW; 305–2800 nm) solar irradiances were recorded from 2000 to 2009 in Valladolid, Spain. UVER and SW values under cloudless conditions are simulated by radiative transfer (TUV 4.6) and empirical models. These model estimations are tested with experimental measurements showing a great agreement (root mean square error around 7%). The aerosol effect on UVER irradiance is determined through a model study. UVER radiation and total ozone column (TOC) temporal evolutions show a negative relationship. TOC accounts for 80% of UVER variance and its radiation amplification factor is 1.1 at zenith of 65°. Cloud effects on solar radiation are shown and quantified by the cloud modification factor. Moreover the enhancement effect cases are analysed. SW radiation proves more sensitive to clouds than UVER. Clouds are seen to attenuate and enhance solar radiation by up to 93% and 22% in the UVER range, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The radiation tables byElsasser andCulbertson [1]2) are based upon an integrated form of the radiative transfer equation. Unfortunately, a term dealing with the temperature dependency of the transmission function is left out. This leads to an inconsistency of their analysis. It is the aim of this paper to correct and to modifyElsasser's graphical-numerical procedure such as to make his treatment internally consistent.  相似文献   

Summary Atmospheric total ozone contents over three stations in north India have been studied. A power spectrum analysis has been made of daily values recoreded at these stations during the winter season. Three types of periodicities have been observed in the available records, namely, oscillations with a period of (a) 2.5–3.5 days, (b) 4.0–5.3 days and (c) 8.0–9.6 days. The first and third type of oscillations were also observed when the data were extended to cover an entire year, instead of the winter season alone. A possible mechanism for the occurrence of these periodicities is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the depletion of solar radiation at Helwan Observatory has shown, for Egypt, that:a) Diffuse reflexion and absorption by suspended particles in the atmosphere constitute about 20 percent of the total depletion;b) Absorption by water vapour is the only factor that should be evaluated at any place to give an estimation of the solar radiation received at that place. This can be obtained either from the mean values of the surface water vapour pressure which have been considered in detail, or, for individual cases, from spectroscopic measurements of the precipitable water content whose daily variations have been studied.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic method for optical remote sensing of total ozone (O3) is described. It involves detailed spectral matching of near ultraviolet solar observations with synthetic profiles containing various amounts of ozone absorption. Application of this technique is made to airborne solar measurements in the 3100 to 3600 Å wavelength region. In the 3100 to 3200 Å region, measurements made above the tropopause (around geographic latitude 36.7°N, longitude 121.7°W at 0045 UT on 1/23/74) generally fit synthetic profiles constructed with 0.3 atm cm of O3 absorption andBroadfoot's (1972) extra-terrestrial solar irradiance values. However, there are several sections of the solar spectra where the observed intensity is either significantly higher or lower than the calculated value. In addition, several maxima and minima in the observed spectra do not coincide in wavelength with corresponding features in the synthetic profile. Such problems also appear when comparison is made with synthetic profiles based onArvesen et al.'s (1969) extra-terrestrial solar irradiance measurements. These discrepancies may arise from a combination of sources, including errors in laboratory measured O3 absorption coefficients, the extra-terrestrial solar irradiance values and the presence of other UV absorbing species in the stratosphere.  相似文献   

The challenges of ‘standard’ model of solar flares motivated by new observations with the spacecrafts and ground-based telescopes are presented. The most important problems are in situ heating of photospheric and chromospheric loop footpoints up to the coronal temperatures without precipitating particle beams accelerated in the corona, and the sunquakes which are unlikely to be explained by the impact of highenergy particles producing hard X-ray emission. There is also the long-standing ‘number problem’ in the physics of solar flares. It is shown that modern observations favored an important role of the electric currents in the energy release processes in the low solar atmosphere. Particle acceleration mechanism in the electric fields driven by the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the chromosphere is proposed. The electric current value I ≥ 1010 A, needed for the excitation of super-Dreicer electric fields in the chromosphere is determined. It is shown that both Joule dissipation of the electric currents and the particles accelerated in the chromosphere can be responsible for in situ heating of the low solar atmosphere. Alternative model of the solar flare based on the analogy between the flaring loop and an equivalent electric circuit which is good tool for the electric current diagnostics is presented. Interaction of a current-carrying loop with the partially-ionized plasma of prominence in the context of particle acceleration is considered. The role of plasma radiation mechanism in the sub-THz emission from the chromosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the nonlinear feature of a ozone process, regression based models such as the autoregressive models with an exogenous vector process (ARX) suffer from persistent diurnal behaviors in residuals that cause systematic over-predictions and under-predictions and fail to make accurate multi-step forecasts. In this article we present a simple class of the functional coefficient ARX (FARX) model which allows the regression coefficients to vary as a function of another variable. As a special case of the FARX model, we investigate the threshold ARX (TARX) model of Tong [Lecture notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983; Nonlinear time series: a dynamics system approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990] which separates the ARX model in terms of a variable called the threshold variable. In this study we use time of day as the threshold variable. The TARX model can be used directly for ozone forecasts; however, investigation of the estimated coefficients over the threshold regimes suggests polynomial coefficient functions in the FARX model. This provides a parsimonious model without deteriorating the forecast performance and successfully captures the diurnal nonstationarity in ozone data. A general linear F-test is used to test varying coefficients and the portmanteau tests, based on the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation of fitted residuals, are used to test error autocorrelations. The proposed models were applied to a 2 year dataset of hourly ozone concentrations obtained in downtown Cincinnati, OH, USA. For the exogenous processes, outdoor temperature, wind speed, and wind direction were used. The results showed that both TARX and FARX models substantially improve one-day-ahead forecasts and remove the diurnal pattern in residuals for the cases considered.  相似文献   

Solar eclipses are well defined forcing functions for atmospheric disturbances, including pressure disturbances, and are therefore important in studies of pressure waves in the Earth’s atmosphere. For the total solar eclipse of 9 March 1997 three microbarometers were deployed at ground level over the South East of the UK. They delivered excellent pressure records from several hours before the Moon’s penumbral shadow first made Earthfall, to about 60 h after the penumbral shadow left the Earth. The pressure records are richly structured, and consequently stringent criteria are defined for the detection of eclipse effects. Though no pressure waves of eclipse origin have been identified, useful upper limits to wave amplitudes are established.  相似文献   

London  Julius  Park  Jae 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1973,106(1):1611-1617
Summary Observations of the ozone distribution indicate that modifications are required to the photochemical theory. These modifications involve ozone destruction by hydrogen and nitrogen products and ozone transport (both vertical and horizontal) due to atmospheric motions in the stratosphere. If the photochemical terms in the ozone continuity equation are omitted, changes due to atmospheric transport alone can be evaluated.Numerical computations were made of the three-dimensional wind structure as derived from the 12-layer (0–36 km) General Circulation Model developed by NCAR. The results showed that ozone is transported from the equatorial stratosphere poleward and downward in both hemispheres. The horizontal transport is primarily by the Hadley Cell in the tropics and by large-scale eddies in mid and high latitudes. The dominant mechanism for ozone transport are found to be similar to those derived for the horizontal heat and momentum transport found in other general circulation studies.  相似文献   

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