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The Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene Gottero Sandstone was deposited as a small deep-sea fan on ophiolitic crust in a trench-slope basin. It was thrust northeastward as an allochthonous sheet in Early and Middle Cenozoic time. The Gottero, as thick as 1500 m, was probably derived from erosion of Hercynian granites and associated metamorphic rocks in northern Corsica. Outcrops of inner-fan channel, middle-fan channel and interchannel, outer-fan lobe, fan-fringe, and basin-plain facies associations indicate that the depositional model of Mutti and Ricci Lucchi for mixed-sediment deep-sea fans can be used. The original fan had a radius of 30 to 50 km. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

The Eocene Butano Sandstone was deposited as a submarine fan in a relatively small, partly restricted basin in a borderland setting. It is possibly as thick as 3000 m and was derived from erosion of nearly Mesozoic granitic and older metamorphic rocks located to the south. Deposition was at lower bathyal to abyssal water depths. The original fan may have been 120-to 160-km long and 80-km wide. Outcrops of submarine-canyon, innerfan, middle-fan, and outer-fan facies associations indicate that the depositional model of Mutti and Ricci Lucchi can be used to describe the Butano Sandstone.  相似文献   

The Eocene Butano Sandstone was deposited as a submarine fan in a relatively small, partly restricted basin in a borderland setting. It is possibly as thick as 3000 m and was derived from erosion of nearly Mesozoic granitic and older metamorphic rocks located to the south. Deposition was at lower bathyal to abyssal water depths. The original fan may have been 120-to 160-km long and 80-km wide. Outcrops of submarine-canyon, innerfan, middle-fan, and outer-fan facies associations indicate that the depositional model of Mutti and Ricci Lucchi can be used to describe the Butano Sandstone. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

Turbidites of the Upper Cretaceous Chugach terrane of southern Alaska were deposited in a trench during northward-directed subduction. The fault-bounded outcrop belt of the Chugach terrane is about 2000-km long and 100-km wide and was accreted to Alaska during the Cenozoic. Turbidites are at least 5000 m thick, are extensively deformed, have been regionally metamorphosed, and have been intruded by anatectic granites. Facies associations indicate an east-to-west progression from inner-fan to middle-fan, outer-fan, fan-fringe, and basin-plain deposits. To the north is a marginal trench-slope facies association and a basin.  相似文献   

Turbidites of the Upper Cretaceous Chugach terrane of southern Alaska were deposited in a trench during northward-directed subduction. The fault-bounded outcrop belt of the Chugach terrane is about 2000-km long and 100-km wide and was accreted to Alaska during the Cenozoic. Turbidites are at least 5000 m thick, are extensively deformed, have been regionally metamorphosed, and have been intruded by anatectic granites. Facies associations indicate an east-to-west progression from inner-fan to middle-fan, outer-fan, fan-fringe, and basin-plain deposits. To the north is a marginal trench-slope facies association and a basin. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

Tectonic evolution of the internal sector of the Central Apennines, Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A wide sector of the internal portion of the Central Apennines, which comprises the southern Lepini Mtns up to the northern Simbruini Mtns has been investigated through detailed field mapping and integrated with structural analyses. A few small productive oil fields and a large number of hydrocarbon seeps and oil impregnations are located in this sector. This area offers good opportunities for testing the use of structural fieldwork methodologies in order to highlight oil migrating paths, from Triassic source rocks, and prospecting chances for oil field exploitation.The main stages of the structural evolution of the area took place after deposition of the foredeep sediments (Frosinone Fm.), i.e. after Late Tortonian, under a stress field characterised by a NE–SW trending σ1, which was responsible for the early emplacement of major thrust faults present in the area. The Messinian-Early Pliocene thrust-top basin deposits allowed the reconstruction of an in-sequence evolution of the thrust system. The development of out-of-sequence thrusting post-dates these structures leading to a further strong shortening phase in the area during the Pliocene. This phase is characterised by a roughly NNE–SSW trending σ1. Some peculiar tectonic features evidenced by thrust faults with younger-over-older relationships and an inversion of the original stacking of thrust sheets developed during this phase.Successively, a block-faulting tectonic, mainly with NE–SW extension stress field, occurred and dismembered the compressive tectonic edifice.Later on up to the Middle Pleistocene, N–S to NNE–SSW trending dextral strike-slip faults also acted in the area. Associated to the strike-slip tectonics are local volcanic centres as well as necks, whose compositions show a mantle origin, thus indicating deep seating and a possible lithospheric significance of these structures.In the light of this study, the reduced extension of the productive oil area as well as the spotting of oil seeps, may indicate that the migration conditions are not tied to well defined structures but that likely the cross-cutting points among structures facilitate the conditions for an upwards rising of oil. These conditions in particular are achieved at least in two cases: (1) where the Late Triassic source rocks do not have great depth due to normal or reverse faults, or (2) at a major depth when encountered by transcurrent-oblique roughly N–S trending faults—in both cases oil can easily migrate along the damage zone associated to the fault plane.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates are frequently associated with methane cold-seep systems, which extensively occur in various geologic settings worldwide. Of interest is the relation between the fluids involved in their formation and the isotopic signals recorded in the carbonate cements. Along the Northern Apennines foothills (Italy), hydrocarbons and connate waters still seeping nowadays are believed to be the primary sources for the formation of fossil authigenic carbonate found in Plio-Pleistocene marine sediments. Four selected outcrops of dolomitic authigenic carbonates were analysed to compare signature of seeping fluids with fractionation of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes recorded in the carbonate.Along the foothills, deep methane-rich fluids spontaneously rise to the surface through mud volcanoes or are exploited in wells drilled nearby to the fossil Plio-Pleistocene authigenic carbonates. The plumbing system providing fluids to present-day cold seeps was structurally achieved in Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene. δ13C values of methane, which vary from −51.9 to −43.0‰ VPDB, indicate that gas composition from the deep hydrocarbon reservoirs is relatively uniform along the foothills. On the contrary, δ13C in fossil authigenic carbonates strongly varies among different areas and also within the same outcrop.The different carbon sources that fed the investigated carbonates were identified and include: thermogenic methane from the deep Miocene reservoirs, 13C-enriched CO2 derived from secondary methanogenesis and microbial methane from Pliocene successions buried in the Po Plain. The δ13C variability documented among samples from a single outcrop testifies that the authigenic carbonates might represent a record of varying biogeochemical processes in the hydrocarbon reservoirs. The sources of stable oxygen isotopes in authigenic carbonates are often ascribed to marine water. Oxygen isotopic fractionation in the dolomite cements indicates that marine pore water couldn't be the sole source of oxygen. δ18O values provide a preliminary evidence that connate waters had a role in the carbonates precipitation. The concomitant occurrence of active cold seepages and fossil record of former plumbing systems suggests that generation and migration of hydrocarbons are long-lasting and very effective processes along the Northern Apennines foothills.  相似文献   

Evidence of hydrocarbon venting within slumped bodies associated with the siliciclastic, dominantly turbiditic, Marnoso-arenacea Formation (Umbria-Romagna structural domain, Romagna Apennine, northern Italy) is documented with sedimentological, faunal, and geochemical data. Specifically,13C-depleted carbonate concretions and limestones and clusters of chemosynthetic clams (Vesicomyidae) have been identified in the marls of the Le Caselle Olistostrome and other slumped bodies contained within the Early Serravallian section of the Marnoso-arenacea Fm. Most of the olistostrome marls and limestones are extrabasinal and must have slid from a source area located several kilometers southwest of their present position. Thus, they presumably pertain to the Vicchio Marls Formation of the northeastern (outer) Tuscan structural domain, with possible minor contributions from the epi-Ligurian Bismantova Fm. It is suggested that venting of methane in the source area of the olistostromes permitted the establishment of exotic chemosynthetic communities and promoted the precipitation of carbonate concretions and limestones. According to the field evidence, these materials were later subjected to multistep downslope remobilization and were eventually carried into the Marnoso-arenacea basin through gravity mass transport.  相似文献   

The Melut Basin is a rift basin in the interior Sudan linked to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Central and Western African Rift System. The Paleocene Yabus Formation is the main reservoir deposited in heterogeneous fluvial/lacustrine environment. Delineation of channel sandstone from shale is a challenge in reservoir exploration and development. We demonstrate a detailed 3D quantitative seismic interpretation approach that integrates petrophysical properties derived from well logs analysis. A porosity transform of acoustic impedance inversion provided a link between elastic and rock properties. Thus, we used seismic porosity to discriminate between different facies with appropriate validation by well logs. At the basin scale, the results revealed lateral and vertical facies heterogeneity in the Melut Basin. Good reservoir quality is observed in the Paleocene Yabus Formation. The sand facies indicated high porosity (20%) corresponding to low acoustic impedance (20000–24000 g ft/(cm3.s)). However, lower quality reservoir is observed in the Cretaceous Melut Formation. The porosity of sand/shale facies is low (5%), corresponding to high acoustic impedance (29000–34000 g ft/(cm3.s)). This suggests that the Yabus Sandstone is potentially forming a better reservoir quality than Melut Formation. At the reservoir scale, we evaluated the facies quality of Yabus Formation subsequences using petrophysical analysis. The subsequences YB1 to YB3, YB4 to YB7 and YB8 to YB10 showed relatively similar linear regressions, respectively. The subsequence of YB4 to YB7 is considered the best reservoir with higher porosity (25%). However, subsequence YB1 to YB3 showed lower reservoir quality with higher shale volume (30%). This attributed to floodplain shale deposits in this subsequence. Similarly, the high porosity (20%) recognized in deeper subsequences YB6 to YB9 is due to clean sand facies. We learnt a lesson that appropriate seismic preconditioning, exhaustive petrophysical analysis and well log validation are important keys for improved reservoir quality prediction results in fluvial/lacustrine basins.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic of the Outer Moray Firth Basin can be divided into two main stratigraphic units — the Piper and Kimmeridge Clay Formations. In each of these formations five major sedimentary facies can be recognized. The Piper Formation, of late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian age, comprises very fine to coarse-grained sandstones and minor mudstone of clastic shelf to shoreline origin. Large scale upward-coarsening sequences are well developed in some areas, particularly in the reservoir sands of the Tartan oilfield, and are interpreted as regressive, possibly deltaic deposits. The unconformably overlying Kimmeridge Clay Formation ranges in age from late Oxfordian through Volgian to Ryazanian. The formation is predominantly argillaceous, but also contains locally thick accumulations of sandstone deposited by gravity flow processes. The Claymore Sandstone Member is proposed as a new name for these sandstones in the region of the Claymore oilfield, where they form the major reservoir. Sands of the Piper Formation were derived mainly from the south-west, although some input from the north may also have occurred. Deposition may have extended further eastwards than the present erosional limit of the sands. Thick sand sequences in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation are probably restricted to the margins of the Witch Ground Graben, where contemporaneous faulting occurred.  相似文献   

With the aid of seismic geomorphology method, depositional systems such as fluvial-delta and turbidity current of the Cretaceous Quantou-Nenjiang Formations in Sangliao Basin were studied in detail as well as the morphology, dimension, depositional structures and boundaries of these sedimentary bodies. A geological model of a point bar in a fluvial system and the method to identify paleocurrent direction were proposed. The delta of Yaojia Formation with a gentle slope less than 1.4‰ in trangressive system tract (TST) was controlled by lake waves. Subaqueous distributary channels were widely developed in large-scale delta front with a width more than 16 km. Fluvial-dominated deltas with leaf and bird's foot shapes were widespread in highstand system tract (HST) of Qinshankou and Nengjiang Formation with moderately high slope gradients of 4‰ and 6.7‰.The width of the leaf-like and bird's foot delta front ranges from 1 km to 4 km and 3 km–5 km respectively. The mouth bar were well preserved due to the poorly developed widely distributed subaqueous distributary channels and the delta plains having widths of 9 km–15 km, 16 km-25 km respectively. Many turbidity current systems were recognized in the TST of the first member of Nengjiang Formation and the distribution area is about 10,000 km2. Fourteen sublacustrine fans with different dimension were formed by ten fluvial-delta systems extending 30 km–70 km toward the lake from the west and south. With the application of seismic geomorphology, the analysis of fluvial system, delta system and turbidity current system could switch from approximation to quantitative analysis. Sedimentary model proposed for point bars and the quantitative analysis of delta system could provide new technical support for exploration and drilling plan. The research on turbidity current systems will also be beneficial for new exploration targets.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of 59 samples of Mesozoic ophicalcites from the north-central Apennines were measured. Strontium content and isotope ratios were only determined for selected samples.

The data obtained (−4.1 ≤ δ 13C ≤ + 3.0; 16.5 ≤ δ 18O ≤ 30.1; 0.7076 ≤ 87Sr/86Sr ≤ 0.7086; 60 ≤ Sr ppm ≤ 1140) suggest that the carbonate cement of the Apennines ophicalcites had a marine origin.

The 18O/16O values of most of the carbonates studied, however, indicate that the rocks have interacted with hydrothermal fluids, dominantly represented by sea water. In particular, the rocks from the northern section of the Apennines apparently reequilibrated their δ 18O content at higher temperature than those from the central zone.

Strontium isotope ratios, close to the Cretaceous—Cenozoic ocean water values, are well in agreement with such a kind of sea water/ophicalcites interaction, even if the carbonate cement formed earlier during the Jurassic period.  相似文献   

The paper deals with original stratigraphic, petrographic and structural data concerning the evolution of the southern Apennines chain (Italy). The main Langhian to Pliocene deposits cropping out in the northern sector of the southern Apennines foreland basin system (Sannio-Irpinia area) have been studied and correlated in order to document the effects of tectonic changes on the evolution of sandstone detrital modes and stratigraphic architecture. The studied sandstone units can be grouped in five key intervals: a) Numidian Flysch, mostly formed by Langhian mature quartzarenitic deposits and conformable Serravallian post-Numidian successions, formed by arkosic and calciclastic arenaceous-pelitic beds (foreland depozones); b) Langhian to Tortonian San Giorgio Fm., mostly composed of quartzofeldspatic sandstones (foredeep depozone); c) Tortonian to Early Messinian, quartz-feldspatic and partly sedimentary-carbonatoclastic petrofacies, thrust-top successions (Vallone Ponticello, Villanova del Battista and San Bartolomeo fms.); d) Late Messinian quartzolithic to quartzofeldspatic sandstones (Torrente Fiumarella, Anzano Molasse and Tufo-Altavilla unit), which can be referred to infilled thrust-top basins; e) unconformity-bounded Pliocene quartzofeldspatic sandstone strata (wedge-top depozones), characterized by synsedimentary tectonic activity.Detrital modes of the Serravallian through Middle Pliocene sandstones of the southern Apennines foreland basin system testify clear provenance relations from the accreted terranes forming the southern Apennine thrust-belt. The studied clastics show almost the same blended (quartz-feldspatic) composition; this condition could be related to the tectonic transport over thrust ramp of source rocks, as suggested by the tectonic evolutionary model. This study, dealing with sedimentary provenance analysis and tectonostratigraphic evolution, provides an example of the close relations between clastic compositions and foreland basin system development in southern Apennines.  相似文献   

We acquired structural, granulometric and permeability data from a total of 25 extensional fault zones developed in high-porosity sandy sediments of the Crotone basin. Undeformed sediments have mean permeability values in the 103–105 mD range. The studied fault zones have displacement values spanning from a few centimeters to about 100 m, and generally show well-defined narrow fault cores bounded by damage zones on both hangingwall and footwall sides. Fault core rocks developed by progressive comminution and consist of foliated granular material and gouge lenses along indurated and striated slip surfaces. Mean fault core rock permeability broadly ranges between 101 and 104 mD, although we recorded permeability values lower than 10 mD in gouge lenses. Fault damage zones typically consist of closely spaced single to anastomosing cataclastic deformation bands with different degrees of complexity and mean permeability between 102 and 104 mD, i.e. lower than host sands. We obtained empirical relationships between bulk permeability, fault zone thickness, and fault displacement. In particular, both fault cores and damage zones tend to widen with increasing fault displacement, especially in the first ten meters. Most bulk permeability reductions in both fault cores and damage zones occur at sub-seismic scale, and decrease for displacement greater than 25–30 m.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Miocene San Marino carbonate shelf (Torriana outcrop), developed on the accretionary prism of the northern Apennines, has been interpreted through a stratigraphic and compositional study. Modal analysis allowed to quantify the framework components and to identify four microfacies through which the main steps of the carbonate ecosystem were traced. The healthy phase of the carbonate shelf, dominated by bryozoans and echinoids, originated in a high-energy transgressive setting and evolved during a warm period characterized by a progressive increase of nutrients. The transitional stage is marked by a reduction of carbonate productivity and by terrigenous intermittent pulses associated with bioclast fragmentation. The drowning succession corresponds to deepening upward facies formed by fine-grained hybrid arenites to sandy marls with abundant planktonic foraminifera, glauconitic grains and clay matrix. The demise of the carbonate shelf might have resulted from a combination of regional and global factors that interplayed controlling the detrital input, the nutrient budget and the deepening of the basin. Synsedimentary tectonics triggered subsidence of the basin and enhanced terrigenous discharge. Moreover, the superposition of paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic events (Monterey and Middle Miocene Climate Optimum) could have contributed with the intense weathering and remarkable detrital and nutrients supply.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous carbonates cropping out in the Murge Plateau are good analogues of the fractured and faulted carbonate oil reservoirs of southern Italy. For this reason, a detailed field analysis focused on structural architecture of fault and fracture networks has been carried out in the Murge Plateau. The well-bedded carbonates exposed there are crosscut by a set of bed-parallel stylolites and two sets of bed-perpendicular cross-orthogonal joints/veins. These structural elements were likely formed under vertical loading during burial diagenesis and flexure of the Apulian foreland of the Southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt. Bed-parallel stylolites and bed-perpendicular cross-orthogonal joints/veins represent the background deformation that was overprinted by the fault-related localized deformation. The fault sets documented in the study area are arranged in two kinematically-compatible fault networks. The first one is made up of WNW-ESE and NNW-SSE oriented strike-slip faults, right- and left-lateral, respectively, and NW–SE oriented normal faults. The second fault network consists of WNW-ESE oriented left-lateral strike-slip faults, and NE–SW oriented normal faults.First, both architecture and dimensional parameters of the fault and fracture networks have been characterized and computed by means of statistical analysis. Then, the permeability structures associated to the aforementioned networks have been assessed in order to determine the role exerted by fault architecture and dissolution/cementation processes on the fluid storage and migration pathways within the studied platform carbonates. Network 1 faults show a quite variable fluid behavior, in which the fluid flow is strongly affected by inherited structural elements and karst dissolution, whereas network 2 faults show a more uniform, fluid conduit behavior.  相似文献   

Petrographic, petrophysical and fracture analyses were carried out on middle Cretaceous platform carbonates of the southern Apennines (Italy) that represent an outcrop analogue of the Val d’Agri and Tempa Rossa reservoirs of the Basilicata region. The studied outcrops, which are made of interlayered limestones and dolomites of inner platform environment, were selected to study the impact of dolomitization on reservoir properties and the control of dolomite texture on fracture development. Two types of dolomites – both formed during very early diagenesis – were found interlayered, at a metre scale, with micrite-rich limestones (mainly mudstones and wackestones). Dolomite A is fine-to medium crystalline and makes non-planar mosaics. Dolomite B is coarse-crystalline and makes planar-s and planar-e mosaics. The intercrystalline space of the planar-e subtype of dolomite B is either open or filled by un-replaced micrite or by late calcite or saddle dolomite cement. Dolomite A and dolomite B have similar average porosities of 3.7 and 3.1% respectively, which are significantly higher than the average porosity of limestones (1.4%). Their poro-perm relationships are similar, with the notable exception of planar-e type B dolomites, which generally display higher permeability values.The intensity of top bounded fractures is distinctly lower in coarse-crystalline dolomites than in fine-crystalline dolomites and limestones, both at the macro- and the micro-scale. On the other hand neither lithology (i.e. limestone vs. dolomite) nor dolomite crystal size control the intensity of perfect bed-bounded fractures, which is strictly controlled by the fracture layer thickness.Our results provide information that could be used as guidance for the characterization and modelling of fractured carbonate reservoirs made of interlayered limestones and dolomites.  相似文献   

This work illustrates the evolution the Lower Jurassic shallow-water carbonates known as the Calcare Massiccio Formation in the Central Apennines (Italy). The Calcare Massiccio is characterized by lateral and vertical variability in the facies associations, related to an articulated physiography of the Triassic to Lower Jurassic carbonate platform and to its tectonic evolution. This work documents the depositional environment changes during the platform evolution. Quantitative analysis on samples collected from three stratigraphic sections were performed through the Calcare Massiccio succession allowed up to the overlying Pliensbachian pelagites. Two type of carbonate sedimentation have been recognized: in the peritidal and shallow subtidal environments (Calcare Massiccio A) the carbonate production is dominated by microbial activity, while the carbonate sedimentation in a deeper environment of middle to outer ramp (Calcare Massiccio B), is dominated by a bioclastic sedimentation.The evolution from the Calcare Massiccio A to the B can be interpreted as the product of increase of accommodation that in turn produced a backstepping of carbonate facies belt, the photic microbial dominated peritidal facies developed on the persistent Latium-Abruzzi Platform while the bioclastic carbonate production factory settled on the structural highs resulting from the dismembering of the platform by syn-sedimentary tectonic.The bioclastic carbonate factory was not efficient in filling the available accommodation space produced by Sinemurian extensional tectonic. This inefficiency was amplified by the restricted area available for this factory in the small structural highs. These conditions were sufficient to predispose the platform to the drowning without invoke change in the trophic resource or change in the palaeoceanography.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates from outcrops of the northern Apennines consist of small and irregular lenses and exhibit numerous features indicative of cold-seep settings. Detailed petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies from two Miocene deposits are presented. The first carbonate outcrop, named Fosso Riconi, is located in the foredeep basin of the Apenninic chain, whereas the second deposit represents a satellite basin called Sarsetta. The stable isotope data from specific carbonate minerals show a wide range of values well known from other palaeoseeps of the Apennine Mountains. The majority of seep carbonates are formed by low-Mg calcite and ankerite. Those minerals have δ13C values between ?7 and ?23‰ V-PDB, suggesting variable amounts of carbonate derived from oxidized methane, seawater (dissolved inorganic carbon) and sedimentary organic matter. Dolomite samples have the lowest δ13C values (?30.8 to ?39.0‰ V-PDB), indicating methane as the main carbon source. The findings suggest an evolutionary formation of the seeps and development of authigenic carbonates influenced by the activity of chemosynthetic organisms, of which large lucinid clams are preserved. Bioirrigation by the clams controlled the sediment–water exchange, and is here considered as an explanation for the anomalous Mg content of the calcite. We hypothesize that the seep carbonates were formed during periods of active methane-rich seepage, whereas during periods of slow seepage carbonate formation was reduced. Despite different geological settings, the two examined deposits of Sarsetta and Fosso Riconi show similar features, suggesting that a common pattern of fluid circulation played a major role in carbonate formation at both seep sites.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Knurr Sandstone deposited along the southern slope of Loppa High and overlain by the Kolje and Kolmule seals forms an attractive play in the Hammerfest Basin of the Barents Sea. Late Jurassic organic-rich Hekkingen shale directly underlies the Knurr Sandstone and acts as a source to provide effective charge. Three wells, 7120/2-2, 7122/2-1 and 7120/1-2, have proven the Knurr-Kolje play in structural traps, with an oil discovery in 7120/1-2. Prospectivity related to stratigraphic traps is, however, highly under-explored.In order to document and map the reservoir distribution and stratigraphic-trap fairway, the Lower Cretaceous sedimentary package containing the Knurr Sandstone is divided into a number of depositional sequences and systems tracts using key regional seismic profiles calibrated with logs. Mapping of the key surfaces bounding the Knurr sandstone has been carried out using all the seismic vintages available from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).The thick massive nature of the sandstone (123 m in well 7122/2-1), sedimentary features characteristic of gravity flow deposits, high-resolution internal seismic reflections and stratal geometries (truncations and lapout patterns), and sequence stratigraphic position of the Knurr Sandstone on seismic profiles confirm that the lobes identified on the seismic section are gravity driven base of the slope lobes. These Knurr lobes and slope aprons were formed as a result of uplift of the Loppa paleo-high in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times which caused subaerial exposure and incision. The characteristic mounded, lobate geometry evident on the seismic can be mapped along the toe-of-slope and records multiple stacked lobes fed by multiple feeder canyons. Lateral partitioning and separation of the lobes along the toe-of-slope could potentially create stratigraphic traps. The existing 2D seismic coverage is, however, not sufficient to capture lateral stratigraphic heterogeneity to identify stratigraphic traps. 3D seismic coverage with optimum acquisition parameters (high spatial and vertical resolution, appropriate seismic frequency and fold, long offsets and original amplitudes preserved) can allow for the reconstruction of 3D geomorphologic elements to de-risk potential stratigraphic traps prior to exploratory drilling.  相似文献   

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