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Evidence from over 200 sediment cores, numerous submersible dives, and bottom photographs prove that bioturbation and bioerosion are ongoing processes affecting northeastern U.S. continental slope and rise sedimentation. Evidence of biological activity was found in greater than 95% of the cores examined. Submersible dive observations reveal that the results of biological activity often dominate sea-floor microtopography. Bioturbation can disturb sediments several centimeters deep in a matter of seconds and is in some areas the primary sediment transport mechanism. Many cores with sandy intervals were profoundly disturbed by bioturbation. Biologically camouflaged sand-rich intervals can easily be missed by visual observation.  相似文献   

Megafaunal assemblages were studied in August–September 1992 using a towed camera sled along seven cross-isobath transects on the continental slope off Cape Hatteras. A total of 20,722 megafaunal organisms were observed on 10,918 m2 of the sea floor between the depths of 157 and 1 924 m. These data were compared with data previously collected off Cape Hatteras in 1985 and at other locations along the eastern U.S. coast between 1981 and 1987. Megafaunal populations on the upper and lower slopes off Cape Hatteras were fouond to be similar, in terms of density and species composition, to those observed at the other locations.In contrast, megafaunal abundances were found to be elevated (0.88 and 2.65 individuals per m2 during 1985 and 1992, respectively) on the middle slope off Cape Hatteras when compared to most other slope locations (<0.5individuals per m2). These elevated abundances mainly reflect dense populations of three demersal fish, two eel pouts (Lysenchelys verrilli andLycodes atlanticus) and the witch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus, and a large anemone (Actinauge verrilli). These four species dominated the megafauna off Cape Hatteras, whereas they represented only a minor component of megafaunal populations found at other slope locations. Additionally, numerous tubes of the foraminiferanBathysiphon filiformis were observed off Cape Hatteras, but not elsewhere. The high density of demersal fish found off Cape Hatteras appears to be related to the high densities of infaunal prey reported from this area. The high densities ofA. verrilli andB. fuliformis may be related to the same factors responsible for the high infaunal densities, namely enhanced nutrient inputs in the form of fine particles. Extreme patchiness also was observed in the distributions of the middle slope taxa off Cape Hatteras. This patchiness may reflect the habitat heterogeneity of this exceptionally rugged slope and the sedentary nature of the organisms inhabiting it.  相似文献   

Metazoan meiofauna (e.g., nematodes, benthic copepods) play important roles in deep-sea sediment communities, but information as basic as standing stocks is not known for much of the world ocean. We therefore sampled six stations: one near the 2700-m isobath and one near the 3700-m isobath off northern, central, and southern California. We counted benthic copepods, both Desmoscolecidae and nondesmoscolecid nematodes, kinorhynchs, nauplii, and ostracods from multiple-corer samples. Nematodes from our 2700-m and 3700-m stations, and ostracods and nauplii from our 3700-m stations, were unusually abundant compared to those from other stations from comparable depths in the Pacific.Off California, the abundances of benthic copepods, kinorhynchs, and nondesmoscolecids at the 2700-m stations were significantly greater than those at the 3700-m stations. Abundance of benthic copepods was correlated with the percentage of medium sand in the sediment, so sediment texture could be important to them. That of kinorhynchs was correlated with the concentration of chloroplastic-pigment equivalents and percentage nitrogen, so consumable material from the euphotic zone could be important to them. In contrast to the usual pattern of decreasing abundance with depth, Desmoscolecidae abundance in the central region was greater at the 3700-m than at the 2700-m station.The three regions differed significantly in both kinorhynch and ostracod abundances, independently of depth. In the food-poor deep sea, animals are expected to be more abundant where food is plentiful. Unexpectedly, ostracod abundance was negatively correlated with all food variables. A possible explanation is that the natural enemies of ostracods are abundant where food is abundant.Multivariate faunal similarity at 2700 m differed significantly from that at 3700 m, independently of regions. Benthic copepods were most responsible for the difference. Regions also differed in multivariate faunal similarity independently of depth. In general, faunal similarity is expected to decrease as separation distance increases, but unexpectedly, the northern- and southern-region faunas were more similar to each other than to the central-region fauna. Kinorhynchs were most responsible for this pattern.  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations, primary productivity, and nitrogen uptake rates were measured in coastal waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight over a two-year period that included measurements from all four seasons. In order to assess carbon productivity and nitrogen demand within the context of the physical environment, the region was divided into three distinct hydrographic regimes: the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay outflow plumes (PL), the southern Mid-Atlantic shelf influenced by the Gulf Stream (SS), and the mid-shelf area to the north of the Chesapeake Bay mouth (MS). Annual areal rates of total nitrogen (N) uptake were similar across all regions (10.9 ± 2.1 mol N m−2 y−1). However, annual areal rates of net primary productivity were higher in the outflow plume region (43 mol C m−2 y−1), than along the Mid-Atlantic shelf and in areas influenced by the Gulf Stream (41 and 34 mol C m−2 y−1, respectively). Rates of net primary productivity were not well correlated with Chl a concentrations and were uncoupled with net N uptake rates. Seasonally averaged annual areal rates of net primary productivity for the Mid-Atlantic Bight measured in this study were higher than those calculated in previous decades and provide important validation information for biogeochemical models and satellite remote sensing algorithms developed for the region.  相似文献   

The textural, mineralogical, compositional and paleontological characteristics of an iron-cemented allochthonous sediment slab recovered from a zone of slumping between water depths of 2,100 and 2,350 m on the lower continental slope off Cape Hatteras are summarized. Results support interpretation of the sediment slab as the oxidized equivalent of pyrite-cemented Pleistocene to Recent sediment, an uncommon form of lithification in deep sea sediments. We propose that exposure of such slumped sediment slabs to seawater has produced an alteration sequence from pyrite-cement to iron oxide-cement. These observations extend the range of pyrite-cemented sediment initially reported from water depths between 4,770 and 4,950 m on the lower continental rise off Cape Hatteras.  相似文献   

Interpretation of reflection profiles across the Washington continental margin suggests deformation of Cascadia basin strata against the continental slope. Individual reflecting horizons can be traced across the slope-basin boundary. The sense of offset along faults on the continental slope is predominantly, but not entirely, west side up. Two faults of small displacement are seen to be west-dipping reverse faults. Magnetic anomalies on the Juan de Fuca plate can be traced 40–100 km eastward under the slope, and structural interpretation combined with calculated rates of subduction suggests that approximately 50 km of the outer continental slope may have been formed in Pleistocene time. Rocks of Pleistocene age dredge from a ridge exposing acoustic “basement” on the slope, plus the results of deep-sea drilling off northern Oregon, are consistent with this interpretation. The question of whether or not subduction is occurring at present is unresolved because significant strain has not affected the upper 200 m of section in the Cascadia basin. However, deformation of the outer part of the slope has been episodic and may reflect episodic yield, deposition rate, subduction rate, or some combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Measurements of phytoplankton distribution and production, and zooplankton abundance and biomass were made during the summer of 1979 along several shelf-slope transects in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. At the shelf-break, macrozooplankton (>200 μm) grazing was estimated to be sufficient to remove a substantial proportion of daily phytoplankton production. In contrast, on the shelf and in slope waters, where ciliates were abundant, estimates of macrozooplankton grazing indicated a consumption rate less than 15% of the daily primary production. Ciliate grazing, even at non-maximum rates, potentially could have consumed the entire daily primary production in all areas sampled. The findings indicate that the nature of the heterotrophic community is spatially variable in offshore waters even during summer conditions and could influence not only trophodynamic pathways but perhaps nutrient regeneration and recycling. This would be an important consideration in evaluating the fate of particle-bound chemcial species in the water column since fecal pellet producing zooplankton would affect rates of removal and sedimentation in a different manner than ciliates which produce non-compacted digestive debris.  相似文献   

Until recently heavy-mineral studies of marine sediments were largely restricted to sand fractions. New techniques permitting analysis of decalcified silt fractions have been applied to sediments off the southeastern United States. Our data, which confirm predictions from the basic relationship among grain size, specific gravity, and equivalent hydraulic transport behavior, show that concentrations and average diameters of the silt heavy minerals progressively decrease seaward. Heavy minerals always constitute a substantially greater weight percent of the silt than of the sand fraction. Despite corroded surface textures suggestive of extensive weathering and dissolution, spatial trends in the detrital heavy-mineral populations are predominantly controlled by source and hydraulic factors.  相似文献   

Seventeen piston cores were collected at 25-km intervals following the 3500-m isobath along a 400-km portion of the continental rise off the southeastern United States. The area extends between the Hatteras Canyon System and the tip of the Blake Outer Ridge. This study evaluates the mechanisms of rise formation over a large continental-rise area.From north to south, the calcium-carbonate content increases, minerals indicative of a northerly source are partially replaced by minerals more representative of the southern U.S. and Caribbean, and the sedimentation rate decreases. No identifiable turbidites were noted in any of the cores. Coarse-grained layers are infrequent; most are less than 2 cm in thickness and none showed grading. Radiography of several cores revealed mottling throughout. Bottom photographs show that present bottom-current movement closely parallels contours and flow is in a general southerly direction.The results indicate that contour-following bottom currents are primarily responsible for shaping this part of the U.S. Atlantic rise. Turbidity currents may be important only as a source of sediment, via overflows, to be transported south by bottom currents.  相似文献   

Unusually dense assemblages of benthic infaunal invertebrates have been discovered in continental slope sediments off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Densities were highest on the upper slope, ranging from 24,055 to 61,244 (X¯=46,255) individuals m−2 in nine samples taken at a 600-m site in 1984 and 1985, and from 15,522 to 89,566 (X¯=37,282) individuals m−2 in single samples at 15 stations over a wider depth range of 530 to 1535 m in 1992. A lower slope station at 2000 m sampled six times in 1984–1985 and again in 1992, had densities consistently higher than 8500 individuals m−2. Species richness and diversity are consistently lower on the Cape Hatteras slope than at other locations off North Carolina and elsewhere in the western North Atlantic. The 1992 studies indicated that the upper slope infaunal assemblages (600m) were dominated by oligochaetes, while the middle slope assemblages (800–1400 m) were dominated by the polychaeteScalibregma inflatum. This latter depth range could be defined into two assemblages based upon suites of less abundant species. At depths of 1500–2000 m, a lower slope assemblage dominated by various deposit feeding polychaetes and oligochaetes was found. Results from the 1984–1985 studies suggest seasonal or year-to-year patterns in the dominance ofS. inflatum andCossura longocirrata. Unusually high sedimentation rates and organic carbon flux have been recorded from the slope off Cape Hatteras and may account for the high infaunal productivity in the area. Most of the dominant infaunal organisms are species more typical of shallow, coastal habitats rather than deep-sea species that dominate other areas of the U.S. Atlantic continental slope. Parallel investigations regarding the nature of organic matter in the Cape Hatteras sediments have revealed a mixture of both marine and terrestrially derived carbon, only a small percentage of which is composed of the smaller molecular weight polyunsaturated fatty acids more typical of continental slope sediments. It is likely that the high percentage of refractory organic matter would favor the survival of preadapted shelf species over those from adjacent slope environments.  相似文献   

The tectonically active islands of the Indo-Pacific Archipelago deliver much sediment to the ocean margins. In the Gulf of Papua on the south coast of Papua New Guinea (PNG), the chemical composition of surface sediment from grab samples indicates that Fly River muds are dispersed to the north and east, where they are joined by sediment plumes from the other large rivers along the south coast of PNG. This is the likely source of terrestrial sediment on the Papuan Plateau and the northern Coral Sea Abyssal Plain. The sediment is transported through submarine troughs and canyons offshore, far to the east of the riverine inputs. Immediately south and 30–50 km offshore from the Fly and Purari deltas is a platform of algal and reef carbonate materials, containing little or no terrestrial surface sediment.  相似文献   

Benthic fluxes of O2, titration alkalinity (TA), total inorganic carbon (TIC), Ca2+, NO3, NH4+, PO43−, and Si(OH)4 were measured by in situ benthic flux chamber incubations at 13 locations on the North Carolina continental slope. The majority of measurements were made at water depths of approximately 700–850 m, in the previously identified upper slope depocenter. This region is characterized by extremely high organic matter deposition rates and near saturation bottom water oxygen concentrations. Measured benthic fluxes of TA are reasonably correlated with O2 benthic fluxes. Because bottom waters are supersaturated with respect to calcite and aragonite at these shallow water depths, these results demonstrate the importance of metabolically driven dissolution in this region. Subtraction of the calcium carbonate dissolution contributions from the TIC benthic fluxes suggests rates of organic matter remineralization ranging from 0.97 to 3.9 mol C m−2 yr−1 at the depocenter sites, a factor of 3–10 greater than estimated for the adjacent continental rise and upper slope areas. Because biological primary production in the overlying waters does not follow this pattern, these extremely high values are most likely supported by lateral inputs of highly reactive organic matter. Mass balance calculations indicate that despite the oxygenated bottom water conditions, 68% of the organic nitrogen released during organic matter remineralization processes is ultimately denitrified. The release of PO43− from the depocenter sediments is equivalent to or larger than that predicted from the remineralization of Redfield organic matter. This implies either that PO43− is preferentially released in this setting and that the accumulating sediments must be depleted in PO43− relative to organic carbon or that another, non-organic, phase is contributing PO43− to the system. The molar ratio of the Si benthic flux and organic carbon remineralization rate ranges from 0.30 to 0.86. This is significantly greater than the ratio reported for most pelagic diatoms. Possible reasons for this high ratio include the deposition of benthic diatoms that may have a larger Si : C ratio than pelagic diatoms, the near-bottom lateral input of partially reworked organic matter that may have an elevated Si : C ratio relative to fresh diatoms, preferential loss of carbon in sinking particulates or the release of Si from non-opaline materials.  相似文献   

The recent benthic meiofaunal foraminiferal assemblage from the continental slope (590-2 003 m) off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina exhibits high species richness and evenness, moderate diversity values, and lacks numerically dominant species. The preserved planktic assemblage has relatively low species richness, high evenness, low diversity, and a few numerically dominant species. Approximately 9% of the benthic species are those that typically live within continental shelf depth ranges. The benthic assemblage abundances and diversities do not follow depth patterns or geophysical characteristics. No biogeographic boundary can be described within the study area for meiofaunal foraminifera. Oxygen limitation does not appear to be a factor affecting the benthos of the North Carolina continental slope based upon the community structure of the benthic foraminifera, if total assemblage is assumed to reflect the recently living community. The high carbonate content of sediments in the area may be explained by foraminiferal tests. Within the study area, the foraminiferal assemblages are uniform, and probably reflect relative consistency of primary environmental variables as well as dynamic downslope transport and high influx of material from the water column in the vicinity where the Gulf Stream and the Western Boundary Undercurrent cross.  相似文献   

A high resolution seismic survey was carried out on the continental slope of Israel, NW of Caesarea. The area was studied in order to map the tectonic elements of the Dor structure, and to extrapolate and suggest a structural model of the tectonics of the continental slope of the SE Mediterranean since the Late Miocene. It was found that the continental slope was affected by two faulting systems—NW trending strike-slip faults and NNE trending normal faults. Faults of both systems are associated with numerous slumps along the slope. However, the NW trending faults belong to a faulting system of similar trend that abounds in the adjacent continent and extends northwestwards across the continental shelf and slope to the continental rise. The NNE trending faults form the shelf-edge faulting system that was associated with the subsidence of the eastern Mediterranean basin since the Pliocene. Thus the continental slope is not only a morphological transition zone but also a tectonic one, showing the influence of both the continental and the oceanic structural regimes in the SE Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Sixteen rock samples were collected from the continental shelf and slope between Napier and Cape Turnagain, southern Hawkes Bay, most coming from offshore anticlinal ridges. Nine of the samples have a foraminiferal fauna of Upper Miocene and Pliocene age. The remainder cannot be dated, but most are probably of similar age. The foraminiferal. faunas are considered to have lived at depths ranging down to at least 1600 m deeper than the depth from which they were collected. Thus, the post‐depositional history of the samples includes tectonic uplift of similar magnitude since Upper Tertiary times. Because most of the samples arc very fine grained, unlike Recent sediments from ridges, it is suggested that the present regime of folding is largely post‐Pliocene in age.  相似文献   

Some geotechnical parameters, such as water content, bulk density, shear strength, and Atterberg limits, result directly from sedimentation mechanisms. The results of geotechnical tests for each physiographic zone of the Rhône Delta system—continental shelf, continental slope, and upper rise (base of slope)—are presented in this paper. These geotechnical parameters are correlated with the hydrodynamic, morphologic, and structural environmental conditions. They are also used to explain and forecast the instability of superficial deposits.  相似文献   

The knowledge of metal contamination in deep-sea fishes living in the surroundings of hydrothermal vents is very scarce, along with the detoxification mechanisms that allow them to live near one of the most metal contaminated marine environments. Six deep-sea fish species, although not vent endemic were collected near three Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) hydrothermal vents (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow) and the gills, muscle and liver were selected for this study due to their importance in metal metabolism and storage. The concentrations of seven metals (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni) and a metal-related biomarker (metallothionein-like proteins–MTL) were assessed. Major differences in metal accumulation among fish species are related to their feeding habits and vent site of their capture. The liver and gills are in general the most important tissues for metal accumulation compared to the muscle, but tissue partitioning is very dependent on the fish species considered. Compared to other deep-sea fishes, fish capture in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents accumulates higher amounts of metals in general. However, MTL levels are not considerably different from what is found in commercial coastal fishes, and is poorly correlated with metal concentrations in the tissues. Therefore, MTL may not constitute one major detoxification system for deep-sea species living in the vicinity of three important MAR vent sites.  相似文献   

Three types of failure are present on the continental slope off Nice: superficial slumping, deep-seated failure, and gullying of the canyon walls. Only deep-seated failures displace large sediment volumes and represent an important geological hazard. Triggering mechanisms for failure are variable and include earthquake loading, undercutting, and increasing pore pressure through sediment loading. A combination of failure type, depositional setting, and triggering mechanism suggests six different failure scenarios that have to be taken into account if geotechnical modeling is to reproduce the variability and pattern of seafloor failure of Nice. Received: 21 August 1998 / Revision received: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

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