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We investigate equilibrium sequences of magnetized rotating stars with four kinds of realistic equations of state (EOSs) of SLy, FPS, Shen and LS, employing the Tomimura–Eriguchi scheme to construct the equilibrium configurations. We study the basic physical properties of the sequences in the framework of Newtonian gravity. In addition, we take a new step by taking into account a general relativistic effect to the magnetized rotating configurations. With these computations, we find that the properties of the Newtonian magnetized stars, e.g. structure of magnetic field, highly depends on the EOSs. The toroidal magnetic fields concentrate rather near the surface for Shen and LS EOSs than those for SLy and FPS EOSs. The poloidal fields are also affected by the toroidal configurations. Paying attention to the stiffness of the EOSs, we analyse this tendency in detail. In the general relativistic stars, we find that the difference due to the EOSs becomes small because all the employed EOSs become sufficiently stiff for the large maximum density, typically greater than  1015 g cm−3  . The maximum baryon mass of the magnetized stars with axis ratio   q ∼ 0.7  increases about up to 20 per cent for that of spherical stars. We furthermore compute equilibrium sequences at finite temperature, which should serve as an initial condition for the hydrodynamic study of newly born magnetars. Our results suggest that we may obtain information about the EOSs from the observation of the masses of magnetars.  相似文献   

Both relativistic and non-relativistic two-fluid models of neutron star cores are constructed, using the constrained variational formalism developed by Brandon Carter and co-workers. We consider a mixture of superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons at zero temperature, taking into account mutual entrainment effects. Leptons, which affect the interior composition of the neutron star and contribute to the pressure, are also included. We provide the analytic expression of the Lagrangian density of the system, the so-called master function, from which the dynamical equations can be obtained. All the microscopic parameters of the models are calculated consistently using the non-relativistic nuclear energy density functional theory. For comparison, we have also considered relativistic mean field models. The correspondence between relativistic and non-relativistic hydrodynamical models is discussed in the framework of the recently developed 4D covariant formalism of Newtonian multifluid hydrodynamics. We have shown that entrainment effects can be interpreted in terms of dynamical effective masses that are larger in the relativistic case than in the Newtonian case. With the nuclear models considered in this work, we have found that the neutron relativistic effective mass is even greater than the bare neutron mass in the liquid core of neutron stars.  相似文献   

We find general relativistic solutions of equilibrium magnetic field configurations in magnetars, extending previous results of Colaiuda et al. Our method is based on the solution of the relativistic Grad–Shafranov equation, to which Maxwell's equations can be reduced. We obtain equilibrium solutions with the toroidal magnetic field component confined into a finite region inside the star, and the poloidal component extending to the exterior. These so-called twisted torus configurations have been found to be the final outcome of dynamical simulations in the framework of Newtonian gravity, and appear to be more stable than other configurations. The solutions include higher-order multipoles, which are coupled to the dominant dipolar field. We use arguments of minimal energy to constrain the ratio of the toroidal to the poloidal field.  相似文献   

Even when we consider Newtonian stars, that is, stars with surface gravitational redshift   z ≪ 1  , it is well known that, theoretically, it is possible to have stars supported against self-gravity almost entirely by radiation pressure. However, such Newtonian stars must necessarily be supermassive. We point out that this requirement for excessively large M in the Newtonian case is a consequence of the occurrence of low   z ≪ 1  . However, if we remove such restrictions, and allow for the possible occurrence of a highly general relativistic regime,   z ≫ 1  , we show that it is possible to have radiation pressure supported stars (RPSSs) at an arbitrary value of M . Since RPSSs necessarily radiate at the Eddington limit, in Einstein gravity, they are never in strict hydrodynamical equilibrium. Further, it is believed that sufficiently massive or dense objects undergo continued gravitational collapse to the black hole (BH) stage characterized by   z =∞  . Thus, late stages of BH formation, by definition, would have   z ≫ 1  , and hence would be examples of quasi-stable general relativistic RPSSs. It is shown that the observed duration of such Eddington limited radiation pressure dominated states is   t ≈ 5 × 108 (1 + z ) yr  . Thus,   t →∞  as BH formation  ( z →∞)  takes place. Consequently, such radiation pressure dominated extreme general relativistic stars become eternally collapsing objects (ECOs) and the BH state is preceded by such an ECO phase. This result is also supported by our previous finding that trapped surfaces are not formed in gravitational collapse and the value of the integration constant in the vacuum Schwarzschild solution is zero. Hence the supposed observed BHs are actually ECOs.  相似文献   

As a neutron star spins down, the nuclear matter is continuously converted into quark matter due to the core density increase, and then latent heat is released. We have investigated the thermal evolution of neutron stars undergoing such deconfinement phase transition. We have taken into account the conversion in the frame of the general theory of relativity. The released energy has been estimated as a function of changed rate of deconfinement baryon number. The numerical solutions to the cooling equation are seen to be very different from those without the heating effect. The results show that neutron stars may be heated to higher temperatures which is well matched with pulsar's data despite the onset of fast cooling in neutron stars with quark matter cores. It is also found that the heating effect has a magnetic field strength dependence. This feature could be particularly interesting for high temperatures of low-field millisecond pulsars at a later stage. The high temperature could fit the observed temperature for PSR J0437−4715.  相似文献   

In this work we present a stellar structure model from the f(R)-gravity point of view capable of describing some classes of stars(white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, neutron stars, red giants and the Sun). This model is based on f(R)-gravity field equations for f(R) = R + f_2R~2, hydrostatic equilibrium equation and a polytropic equation of state. We compare the results obtained with those found by Newtonian theory. It has been observed that in these systems, where high curvature regimes emerge,stellar structure equations undergo modifications. Despite the simplicity of this model, the results are satisfactory. The estimated values of pressure, density and temperature of the stars are within those determined by observations. This f(R)-gravity model has proved to be necessary to describe stars with strong fields such as white dwarfs, neutron stars and brown dwarfs, while stars with weaker fields, such as red giants and the Sun, are best described by Newtonian theory.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore a new parametric class of relativistic solutions to the Einstein field equations describing a spherically symmetric, static distribution of anisotropic fluid spheres to study the behavior of some of the cold stars in the setting of Karmarkar space-time continuum. We develop models of stellar objects for a range of parameter values of n and analyze their behavior through graphical representation. For each of these models, we have found that the metric potentials are well behaved inside the stellar interior and the physical parameters such as density, radial and tangential pressures, red-shift, radial speed, radial pressure density ratio and energy conditions display a continuous decrease from the center to surface of the stars whereas the mass, anisotropy, adiabatic indexes and compactification factor show a monotonous increase which imply that the proposed solution satisfy all the physical aspects of a realistic stellar objects. The stability of the solutions are verified by examining various stability aspects, viz., Zeldovich criteria, causality condition, Bondi condition, equilibrium condition (TOV-equation) and stable static criteria in connection to their cogency.  相似文献   

We consider both mode calculations and time-evolutions of axial r modes for relativistic uniformly rotating non-barotropic neutron stars, using the slow-rotation formalism, in which rotational corrections are considered up to linear order in the angular velocity Ω. We study various stellar models, such as uniform density models, polytropic models with different polytropic indices n , and some models based on realistic equations of state. For weakly relativistic uniform density models and polytropes with small values of n , we can recover the growth times predicted from Newtonian theory when standard multipole formulae for the gravitational radiation are used. However, for more compact models, we find that relativistic linear perturbation theory predicts a weakening of the instability compared to the Newtonian results. When turning to polytropic equations of state, we find that for certain ranges of the polytropic index n , the r mode disappears, and instead of a growth, the time-evolutions show a rapid decay of the amplitude. This is clearly at variance with the Newtonian predictions. It is, however, fully consistent with our previous results obtained in the low-frequency approximation.  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields in relativistic stars can be a cause of crust fracturing, resulting in the excitation of global torsional oscillations. Such oscillations could become observable in gravitational waves or in high-energy radiation, thus becoming a tool for probing the equation of state of relativistic stars. As the eigenfrequency of torsional oscillation modes is affected by the presence of a strong magnetic field, we study torsional modes in magnetized relativistic stars. We derive the linearized perturbation equations that govern torsional oscillations coupled to the oscillations of a magnetic field, when variations in the metric are neglected (Cowling approximation). The oscillations are described by a single two-dimensional wave equation, which can be solved as a boundary-value problem to obtain eigenfrequencies. We find that, in the non-magnetized case, typical oscillation periods of the fundamental     torsional modes can be nearly a factor of 2 larger for relativistic stars than previously computed in the Newtonian limit. For magnetized stars, we show that the influence of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the assumed magnetic field configuration, and simple estimates obtained previously in the literature cannot be used for identifying normal modes observationally.  相似文献   

We investigate the instability driven by viscosity in rotating relativistic stars by means of an iterative approach. We focus on polytropic rotating equilibrium stars and impose an m=2 perturbation in the lapse. We vary both the stiffness of the equation of state and the compactness of the star to study these factors on the critical value T/W for the instability. For a rigidly rotating star, the criterion T/W, where T is the rotational kinetic energy and W the gravitational binding energy, mainly depends on the compactness of the star and takes values around 0.13–0.16, which slightly differ from that of Newtonian incompressible stars (∼0.14). For differentially rotating stars, the critical value of T/W is found to span the range 0.17–0.25. The value is significantly larger than in the rigidly rotating case with the same compactness of the star. Finally we discuss the possibility of detecting gravitational waves from viscosity-driven instabilities using ground-based interferometers.   相似文献   

Just as a rotating magnetized neutron star has material pulled away from its surface to populate a magnetosphere, a similar process can occur as a result of neutron-star pulsations rather than rotation. This is of interest in connection with the overall study of neutron star oscillation modes but with a particular focus on the situation for magnetars. Following a previous Newtonian analysis of the production of a force-free magnetosphere in this way Timokhin et al., we present here a corresponding general-relativistic analysis. We give a derivation of the general relativistic Maxwell equations for small-amplitude arbitrary oscillations of a non-rotating neutron star with a generic magnetic field and show that these can be solved analytically under the assumption of low current density in the magnetosphere. We apply our formalism to toroidal oscillations of a neutron star with a dipole magnetic field and find that the low current density approximation is valid for at least half of the oscillation modes, similarly to the Newtonian case. Using an improved formula for the determination of the last closed field line, we calculate the energy losses resulting from toroidal stellar oscillations for all of the modes for which the size of the polar cap is small. We find that general relativistic effects lead to shrinking of the size of the polar cap and an increase in the energy density of the outflowing plasma. These effects act in opposite directions but the net result is that the energy loss from the neutron star is significantly smaller than suggested by the Newtonian treatment.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(2):146-160
We point out that although conventional stars are primarily fed by burning of nuclear fuel at their cores, in a strict sense, the process of release of stored gravitational energy, known as, Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) process is either also operational albeit at an arbitrary slow rate, or lying in wait to take over at the disruption of the nuclear channel. In fact, the latter mode of energy release is the true feature of any self-gravity bound object including stars. We also highlight the almost forgotten fact that Eddington was the first physicist to introduce special relativity into the problem and correctly insist that, actually, total energy stored in a star is not the mere Newtonian energy but the total mass energy (E = Mc2). Accordingly, Eddington defined an “Einstein time scale” of Evolution where the maximum age of the Sun turned out to be tE  1.4 × 1013 yr. This concept has a fundamental importance though we know now that Sun in its present form cannot survive for more than 10 billion years. We extend this concept by introducing general relativity and show that the minimum value of depletion of total mass–energy is tE = ∞ not only for Sun but for and sufficiently massive or dense object. We propose that this time scale be known in the name of “Einstein–Eddington”. We also point out that, recently, it has been shown that as massive stars undergo continued collapse to become a Black Hole, first they become extremely relativistic radiation pressure supported stars. And the life time of such relativistic radiation pressure supported compact stars is indeed dictated by this Einstein–Eddington time scale whose concept is formally developed here. Since this observed time scale of this radiation pressure supported quasistatic state turns out to be infinite, such objects are called eternally collapsing objects (ECO). Further since ECOs are expected to have strong intrinsic magnetic field, they are also known as “Magnetospheric ECO” or MECO.  相似文献   

We calculate the disc and boundary layer luminosities for accreting rapidly rotating neutron stars with low magnetic fields in a fully general relativistic manner. Rotation increases the disc luminosity and decreases the boundary layer luminosity. A rapid rotation of the neutron star substantially modifies these quantities as compared with the static limit. For a neutron star rotating close to the centrifugal mass shed limit, the total luminosity has contribution only from the extended disc. For such maximal rotation rates, we find that well before the maximum stable gravitational mass configuration is reached, there exists a limiting central density, for which particles in the innermost stable orbit will be more tightly bound than those at the surface of the neutron star. We also calculate the angular velocity profiles of particles in Keplerian orbits around the rapidly rotating neutron star. The results are illustrated for a representative set of equation of state models of neutron star matter.  相似文献   

In this paper, pulsating white dwarfs are treated via general relativity. Numerical integration of Einstein's equations was used to find equilibrium white dwarfs models and the fundamental periods of small oscillations about these equilibrium models. In these calculations account was taken of coulomb, Thomas-Fermi, and exchange interactions as well as ion zero point energies. It is shown that general relativity makes not just a quantitative difference in the results but a qualitative differences; pure C12 models which are stable in Newtonian mechanics can be unstable against collapse (at a central density of 3×1010 g/cm3) when general relativity is taken into account. The collapsing model may become a neutron star or may continue towards the Schwarzschild radius.More realistic white dwarf models with carbon burning products at the center, also were studied. For these models, the density at which the star becomes unstable against collapse due to electron capture (3×109 g/cm3) was found to be lower than the density at which general relativistic instability occurs.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed physical analysis for a class of exact solutions for the Einstein–Maxwell equations. The linear equation of state consistent with quark stars has been incorporated in the model. The physical analysis of the exact solutions is performed by considering the charged anisotropic stars for the particular nonsingular exact model obtained by Maharaj, Sunzu and Ray. In performing such an analysis we regain masses obtained by previous researchers for isotropic and anisotropic matter. It is also indicated that other masses and radii may be generated which are in acceptable ranges consistent with observed values of stellar objects. A study of the mass-radius relation indicates the effect of the electromagnetic field and anisotropy on the mass of the relativistic star.  相似文献   

We describe the dynamical evolution of hotspots velocity, pressure and mass density in radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs), taking proper account of (1) the conservations of the mass, momentum and kinetic energy flux of the unshocked jet, (2) the deceleration process of the jet by shocks and (3) the cocoon expansion without assuming the constant aspect ratio of the cocoon. By the detailed comparison with two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, we show that our model well reproduces the whole evolution of relativistic jets. Our model can explain also the observational trends of the velocity, the pressure, the size and mass density of hotspots in compact symmetric objects (CSOs) and Fanaroff–Riley type II (FR II) radio galaxies.  相似文献   

The paper is the first in a series dealing with the structure of magnetic and rotating neutron stars including general relativistic effects. The geometry of fossile magnetic fields frozen in the highly conductive neutron star matter in a non-rotating (or weakly rotating) star is studied. § 2 treats the general poloidal field in a vacuum outside the star. The geometry of magnetic fields within the star — whose matter is governed by a barytropic equation of state — is restricted by the condition that the magnetic force density should be curl-free to maintain equilibrium (§ 3). Numerical results are obtained for a poloidal and a toroidal dipole field (§ 4).  相似文献   

A relationship between the potential energy and the moment of the inertia for celestial bodies is heuristically discovered. This relationship consists in the constancy of the product of formfactors for the potential energy and the moment of the inertia. The product is independent of the body mass and its radial mass distribution.We find the exact solution of Jacobi's virial equation for a gravitating spherical body based on the relationship obtained. This solution represents the unharmonic radial oscillations of the body. The solution is valid for a wide class of celestial bodies including variable stars and relativistic objects for which a relativistic analog of Jacob's equation is derived.The period of the radial oscillations of the planets is estimated with the help of the solution found. We note the coincidence of the experimental data and our theoretical calculations for the Sun.We show the important role of the Coulomb forces in the formation of the planets. It is demonstrated that the Coulomb forces result in the relation between the planet masses and their average molecular weight.  相似文献   

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