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A 4-layer model is presented to determine the energy exchange in the surface layer of the atmosphere above the sea, which includes the exchange in the turbulent layer (with and without the influence of stratification), the buffer and molecular layer. The results are in good agreement with experimental data, which can also be said about the dependence of the drag coefficient and the Stanton and Dalton numbers on the friction velocity and the stability, the stability dependence being smaller than in earlier investigations without a multilayer model.  相似文献   

The radon deficit method of measuring gas transfer from the sea has so far failed to give reliable information on the dependence of transfer velocity on wind speed owing to the 5.5 day mean lifetime of the radon nuclide. Calculations with a simple model illustrate how the normal variations in wind speed encountered during trials at sea cause even a strong dependence to be largely obscured.  相似文献   

The sea state and the air flow above the sea during active wave generation is discussed. From energy balance considerations, a relationship between the wind duration and the phase speed of the waves at the peak of the energy spectrum is derived and compared with previous experimental results. It is shown that fluid viscosity plays a negligible role in the transfer of momentum from the air to the sea. Consequently the drag coefficient for the air-sea interface is related only to the apparent roughness of the sea surface.  相似文献   

It is shown that the observationally determined roughness relation z 0 = u * 2/g in which g is the acceleration of gravity, u *, is the friction velocity in air, and = 0.0185 (Wu, 1982) for the wind profile over the sea surface relative to the surface current, is consistent with the existence of a Richardson Number criterion at the air-sea interface in which the critical Richardson Number, Ric = 1, such that all the shear energy is converted into potential energy.  相似文献   

热带气旋过程中海-气界面热量交换   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为探索热带气旋与海洋相互作用,采用国家海洋局南海分局Marex(马瑞克斯)数据浮标实测资料,计算了1986年南海的7个热带气旋海气界面热量交换值.结果表明:热带气旋海气界面热量交换强烈,主要贡献来自潜热通量;热带气旋环流内水温、气温均是下降趋势,气温下降更为明显;夏季热带气旋环流内,感热通量会出现负值,海面有效反射辐射通量出现减弱现象;秋季热带气旋环流内,感热通量和海面有效反射辐射通量显著加强;在热带气旋环流内,海面吸收的短波辐射通量均出现减弱现象;热带气旋环流内受到冷空气影响时,感热变得相当重要,热带气旋表现为对海洋的响应为主.  相似文献   

The impact of sea waves on sensible heat and momentum fluxes is described. The approach is based on the conservation of heat and momentum in the marine atmospheric surface layer. The experimental fact that the drag coefficient above the sea increases considerably with increasing wind speed, while the exchange coefficient for sensible heat (Stanton number) remains virtually independent of wind speed, is explained by a different balance of the turbulent and the wave-induced parts in the total fluxes of momentum and sensible heat.Organised motions induced by waves support the wave-induced stress which dominates the surface momentum flux. These organised motions do not contribute to the vertical flux of heat. The heat flux above waves is determined, in part, by the influence of waves upon the turbulence diffusivity.The turbulence diffusivity is altered by waves in an indirect way. The wave-induced stress dominates the surface flux and decays rapidly with height. Therefore the turbulent stress above waves is no longer constant with height. That changes the balance of the turbulent kinetic energy and of the dissipation rate and, hence the diffusivity.The dependence of the exchange coefficient for heat on wind speed is usually parameterized in terms of a constant Stanton number. However, an increase of the exchange coefficient with wind speed is not ruled out by field measurements and could be parametrized in terms of a constant temperature roughness length. Because of the large scatter, field data do not allow us to establish the actual dependence. The exchange coefficient for sensible heat, calculated from the model, is virtually independent of wind speed in the range of 3–10 ms-1. For wind speeds above 10 ms-1 an increase of 10% is obtained, which is smaller than that following from the constant roughness length parameterization.The investigation was in part supported by the Netherlands Geosciences Foundation (GOA) with financial aid from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).  相似文献   

袁正旋  覃军  曾向红  吴浩 《暴雨灾害》2017,36(5):431-439

利用杭瑞高速洞庭湖大桥测风塔上的三维超声风速仪观测资料以及岳阳气象站逐小时降水资料,分析了2016年7月3—5日湖南岳阳一次大暴雨过程的三个不同时段近地层湍流特征。结果表明:(1)强降水来临前180—230 min和结束前10—50 min的近地层物理量场出现异常,且强降水来临前的物理量场异常出现时间较结束前早。风速、湍流强度、湍流动能在大暴雨过程中出现异常偏大,强降水来临前230 min,风速出现最大值4.875 m·s-1;强降水结束前50 min,湍流强度出现最大值,水平纵向、水平横向、垂直向的湍流强度分别为1.255、1.173、0.195。(2)强降水来临前与结束前,湍流功率谱密度出现异常偏大。大暴雨过程中的湍流功率谱密度减小,湍流功率谱密度最大值的频率左移。(3)强降水来临前的湍涡尺度最大,强降水期间的湍涡尺度次之,强降水结束后的湍涡尺度在三者中最小,低频大涡为大暴雨过程中的湍流活动提供了能量。


Simultaneous observations of wind, wave, and stability parameters made recently by several authors provide an evaluation of the contribution of these factors to the determination of wind stress on the sea surface. It is shown that under diabatic conditions the wind-wave interaction method of determining wind stress is superior to the method utilizing correction for stability. The implication is that the contribution from waves is more important to the stress than that from stability. Thus, the wind-wave interaction method may be applicable under a variety of conditions. For general meteorological-oceanographic applications, a nomograph is also provided for estimating the wind stress from commonly available wind and wave parameters.  相似文献   

A simple model is deduced for the surface layer of a convective boundary layer for zero mean wind velocity over homogeneous rough ground. The model assumes large-scale convective circulation driven by surface heat flux with a flow pattern as it would be obtained by conditional ensemble averages. The surface layer is defined here such that in this layer horizontal motions dominate relative to vertical components. The model is derived from momentum and heat balances for the surface layer together with closures based on the Monin-Obukhov theory. The motion in the surface layer is driven by horizontal gradients of hydrostatic pressure. The balances account for turbulent fluxes at the surface and fluxes by convective motions to the mixed layer. The latter are the dominant ones. The model contains effectively two empirical coefficients which are determined such that the model's predictions agree with previous experimental results for the horizontal turbulent velocity fluctuations and the temperature fluctuations. The model quantitatively predicts the decrease of the minimum friction velocity and the increase of the temperature difference between the mixed layer and the ground with increasing values of the boundary layer/roughness height ratio. The heat transfer relationship can be expressed in terms of the common Nusselt and Rayleigh numbers, Nu and Ra, as Nu ~ Ra% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaSGbaeaaca% aIXaaabaGaaGOmaaaaaaa!3779!\[{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}\]. Previous results of the form Nu ~ Ra% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaSGbaeaaca% aIXaaabaGaaG4maaaaaaa!377A!\[{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 3}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 3}\] are shown to be restricted to Rayleigh-numbers less than a certain value which depends on the boundary layer/roughness height ratio.  相似文献   

Interaction between sensible heat and water vapor diffusion in the lower atmosphere leads to the necessity of solving two simultaneous turbulent diffusion equations. This solution is obtained by the construction of Green's function which when incorporated in the boundary conditions produces two integral equations. These are solved by transformation into two algebraic equations by means of the Laplace Transformation. The results show how for a simple steady-state case, sensible heat and water vapor transfer and also the water surface temperature depend on the meteorological conditions and the rate of change of energy content of the water body. Due to advection, the water surface temperature and the turbulent fluxes vary in the downwind direction. However, for practical calculations of the mean evaporation or heat transfer, the error introduced by the use of an average temperature is usually quite small and negligible.  相似文献   

An ideal and simple formulation is successfully derived that well represents a quasi-linear relationship found between the domain-averaged water vapor, Q (mm), and temperature, T (K), fields for the three tropical oceans (i.e., the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans) based on eleven GEOS-3 [Goddard Earth Observing System (EOS) Version-3] global re-analysis monthly products. A Q ? T distribution analysis is also performed for the tropical and extra-tropical regions based on in-situ sounding data and numerical simulations [GEOS-3 and the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model]. A similar positively correlated Q ? T distribution is found over the entire oceanic and tropical regions; however, Q increases faster with T for the former region. It is suspected that the tropical oceans may possess a moister boundary layer than the Tropics. The oceanic regime falls within the lower bound of the tropical regime embedded in a global, curvilinear Q ? T relationship. A positive correlation is also found between T and sea surface temperature (SST); however, for one degree of increase in T, SST is found to increase 1.1 degrees for a warmer ocean, which is slightly less than an increase of 1.25 degrees for a colder ocean. This seemingly indicates that more (less) heat is needed for an open ocean to maintain an air mass above it with a same degree of temperature rise during a colder (warmer) season [or in a colder (warmer) region]. Q and SST are also found to be positively correlated. Relative humidity (RH) exhibits similar behaviors for oceanic and tropical regions. RH increases with increasing SST and T over oceans, while it increases with increasing T in the Tropics. RH, however, decreases with increasing temperature in the extratropics. It is suspected that the tropical and oceanic regions may possess a moister local boundary layer than the extratropics so that a faster moisture increase than a saturated moisture increase is favored for the former regions. T,Q, saturated water vapor, RH, and SST are also examined with regard to the warm and cold “seasons” over individual oceans. The Indian Ocean warm season dominates in each of the five quantities, while the Atlantic Ocean cold season has the lowest values in most categories. The higher values for the Indian Ocean may be due to its relatively high percentage of tropical coverage compared to the other two oceans. However, Q is found to increase faster for colder months from individual oceans, which differs from the general finding in the global Q?T relationship that Q increases slower for a colder climate. The modified relationship may be attributed to a possible seasonal (warm and cold) variability in boundary layer depth over oceans, or to the small sample size used in each individual oceanic group.  相似文献   

Mean products of velocity fluctuations up to fourth order have been measured in a wind tunnel at the trailing edge of a flat plate, one side of which was covered with floor-sanding paper to produce a fully rough surface. This set-up permits easy comparison of structural parameters in smooth-wall and rough-wall boundary layers. The Reynolds-stress profiles and second-order parameters are closely the same on the rough and smooth surfaces; in particular the decrease in Reynolds shear stress near the rough surface, encountered by several other laboratory workers, was not found in the present results. The triple products are spectacularly altered for a distance of up to 10 roughness heights from the rough surface, and imply a large net rate of transport of turbulent energy and shear stress towards the surface. Comparison with other published data shows that the behaviour of this modified region depends on roughness geometry as well as on the roughness height itself; for example, the mean cube of the normal-component fluctuation remains positive (energy transport away from the surface) over sand or gravel roughness but goes negative, like the other energy-transport terms, over crop canopies.  相似文献   

The solution of the planetary boundary-layer equations by finite-difference methods has recently become very popular. Among recent papers using such methods, several use somewhat arbitrary finite-difference meshes and some do not make use of a constant flux or wall layer near the ground. It is shown that the use of finite differences right down to the ground can be a very inaccurate procedure when used in conjunction with an eddy viscosity or mixing length proportional to (z +z 0) orz near the ground. Such an approach can lead to results that are highly dependent on the finite-difference scheme used and virtually independent of the roughness length,z 0. A scheme using an expanding grid, based on the form chosen for mixing length or eddy viscosity, is proposed which gives good results with or without a surface layer in the case of a neutrally stratified atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Two-time-level multiply-upstream semi-Lagrangian schemes were examined in the case of the self-advecting, one-dimensional nonlinear momentum conservation equation. The shock formation process was analyzed. It is pointed out that the shocks cannot be created in the truncated systems satisfying the Pudykiewicz, Benoit and Staniforth criterion.The numerical integrations were restricted to 12 h. It was shown that, at least in the sub-CFL range, increased complexity of the scheme can compensate reduced horizontal resolution. A considerable sensitivity of the schemes with respect to the time step was detected. In the super-CFL mode, several windows on various time scales were found within which the Pudykiewicz, Benoit and Staniforth criterion was satisfied. The time step of 1.44 times the maximum time step allowed by the CFL criterion was used in the semi-Lagrangian runs.The super-CFL, semi-Lagrangian solutions were diverging progressively from the sub-CFL ones as the forecasts advanced. This was also reflected in the energy spectra.Unacceptably large energy losses were encountered in the super-CFL, semi-Lagrangian runs. Most of these losses could be explained by the reduced mean wind speed, i.e., the amplitude of the zero wavenumber wave. At the same time, the energy content in the shorter waves increased. In a more complex model, such a situation would resemble a loss of zonal, and an increase of transient eddy kinetic energy.A trajectory error measure was defined as the maximum absolute value of the distance between the actual arriving point of the particle originating at the estimated departure point, and the grid point assumed to be the arrival point in the semi-Lagrangian procedure. In contrast to the sub-CFL regime, this measure could reach a considerable fraction of the grid distance in the computations with the super-CFL time steps.In the physical system considered, the trajectories are determined only by the velocities at the departure points. With the semi-Lagrangian schemes the distances traveled by the particles are estimated on the basis of the velocities at the points downstream with respect to the departure points. Thus, unless the solution is smooth (in space and time) on the scales of the extrapolation distances/times, the upstream extrapolation does not promise the convergence of the solution.With 16 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Recent investigations have shown that the poleward flux of angular momentum across latitutde 30° N can be regarded essentially as an edey flux due to macroturbulence. Since the principal source region of atmospheric angular momentum is the frictional layer in the trade-wind zone it is necessary to have a mechanism which explains the transport of the angular momentum up to the upper troposphere and the tropopause level and into the planetary jet stream aroundlatitude 30° N. In the present paper it is shown that this transport can easily be explained by assuming the existence of a mean meridional circulation between the Equator and latitude 30°N. The mass transport in this meridional circulation cell can be computed from the empirical data for the poleward eddy flux of angular momentum presented byY. Mintz. The same data can then also be used to estimte the excess of precipitation over evaporation in the equatorial zone of the ascending branch of the circulation.
Zusammenfassung Neuere Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, daß der Polwärtstransport des Rotationsimpulses über Breite 30° N hinaus im wesentlichen als Austauschströmung durch Makroturbulenz aufgefaßt werden kann. Da dase Hauptquellgebieet des atmosphärischen Rotationsimpulses die Reibungs-schicht der Passatzone ist, ist es notwendig, einen Mechanismus zu finden, der die Verlagerung des Rotationsimpulses bis in die obere Troposphäre und das Tropenpasausenniveau und in den planetarischen jet stream rund um den Brietenkreis 30° N erklärt. In der vorliegenden Arbiet wird gezeigt, daß diese Verlagerung durch die Annahme ener mittleren Meridionalzirkulation zwischen dem Äquator und 30° N leicht erklärt werden kann. Der Massentransport in dieser Meridionalzirkulationszelle kann aus den Empirischen Daten berechnet werden, dieY. Mintz für den turbulenten Polwärtstransport des Rotationsimpulses angegeben hat. Dieselben Werten können auch benützt werden, um den überschuß des Niederschlags über die Verdungstung in der Äquatorialzone des aufsteigenden Zirkulationszweiges zu berechnen.

Résumé De récentes recherches ont montré que le flux du moment cinétique dirigé vers le pôle à travers la région de 30° lat. N peut être considéré comme étant essentiellement unflux dû à la macroturbulence. Etant donné que la source principale du moment cinétique atmosphérique est située dans la couche de friction dans la zone des vents alizés, il est nécessaire de trouver un mécanisme qui expliquerait le transport du moment cinétique vers la haute troposphère et le niveau de la tropopause ainsi que dans le jet stream planétaire autour du 30ème degré de latitude nord. Dans l'article suivant l'auteur montre comment il est possible d'expliquer facilement ce transport en admettant l'existence d'une circulation méridienne moyenne entre l'équateur et 30° lat. N. Le transport de masse dans cette cellule de circulation méridienne peut être calculé à partir des données empiriques indiquées parY. Mintz concernant le flux du moment cinétique dû à la turbulence et dirigé vers de pôle. Les mêmes données peuvent aussi être employées pour estimer l'excès des précipitations sur l'évaporation dans la zone équatoriale de la branche ascendante de la circulation.

Two surface layer parameterization schemes along with five planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) are analyzed in order to evaluate the performance of the WRF model in simulating the surface variables and turbulent fluxes over an Indian sub-continent region. These surface layer schemes are based on the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University—National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) parameterization; (a) Old MM5 scheme having Businger-Dyer similarity functions and (b) revised MM5 scheme utilizing the functions that are valid for full ranges of atmospheric stabilities. The study suggests that each PBL scheme can reproduce the diurnal variation of 2 m temperature, momentum flux and sensible heat flux irrespective of the surface layer scheme used for the simulations. However, a comparison of model-simulated values of surface variables and turbulent fluxes with observed values suggests that each PBL scheme is found to systematically over-estimate the nocturnal 2 m temperature and 10 m wind speed with both the revised and old schemes during stable conditions.  相似文献   

The surface flux calculation method proposed by Louis (1979) is extended by allowing momentum and heat to have different roughness lengths (z 0 andz T respectively). Our approach is to extend the traditional analysis by a more careful consideration of potential temperature structure near the surface. This consideration leads to a redefinition of the bulk Richardson number. For bulk transfer coefficients, our method shows a significant improvement over the original Louis method when compared with the theoretical surface-layer model applied to rough surfaces. Numerical experiments simulating sea breezes in 2D show that our extension is crucially important in simulating light wind and low humidity conditions.  相似文献   

The intermittent structure of the turbulent wind field in the atmospheric surface layer is investigated by conditional sampling methods. The results show that downward momentum can be transported efficiently during a peak gust. The horizontal structure of the gust is also revealed by observing the spatial structure of wind speed fluctuations from a network of 28 anemometers. The high wind region consists of a gust front with a sudden increase of wind speed at the front and a slow decrease to its rear. The development of the gust front is related closely to the momentum flux during the short time of passage of the gust.  相似文献   

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