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The near-contact binary UU Lyn with an F3V-type primary was observed in 2005 and 2006. With the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney code, the photometric elements were computed. The results reveal that UU Lyn is a marginal contact system with a large temperature difference of about 1900K between the primary and secondary components. All available eclipse times, including new ones, were used in the analysis. The results show that the orbital period of this system undergoes a continuous decrease at a rate of dP/dt =-1.84× 10-8dyr-1. With the period decrease, UU Lyn may evolve from the present short- period marginal contact system into a contact system with true thermal contact. This target might just be undergoing the cycles predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations (TRO). It is an interesting example resembling BL And, GW Tau, ZZ Aur, KQ Gem, CN And and AD Cnc, that lie in the key evolutionary stage.  相似文献   

Several new light minimum times for the eclipsing binary GSC 0445-1993 have been determined from the observations by Koppelman et al. and the orbital period of this system was revised. A photometric analysis was carried out using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. The results reveal that GSC 0445-1993 is a W-type eclipsing binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.323(±0.002) and an over-contact degree of f = 22.8%(±4.2%). A small temperature difference between the components of △T = 135 K and an orbital inclination of i = 65.7°(±0.3°) were obtained. The asymmetry of its light curve (i.e., the O'Connell effect) for this binary star is explained by the presence of a dark spot on the more massive component.  相似文献   

The EF Boo eclipsing binary system is studied in the context of optical light curves and radial velocity curves published in the literature. The best‐solution leads to an over‐contact configuration of W–subclass of WUMa systems with a fill‐out factor of 28%. Absolute parameters based on simultaneous solution of light and radial velocity curves are presented. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the light curve and photometric solutions of the contact binary AD Cnc. The light curve appears to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect, with Maximum I brighter than Maximum II by 0.010 mag. in V. From 1987 to 2000, the light curve showed changes of shape: the depth of the primary eclipse increased by about 0.056m while that of the secondary eclipse decreased by about 0.032m, so the difference between the primary and the secondary eclipses increased by about 0.088m, while there was no obvious variation in the O'Connell effect. Using the present and past times of minimum light, the changes in the orbital period of the system are analyzed. The result reveals that the orbital period of AD Cnc has continuously increased at a rate of dp/dt = 4.4 ×10-7day yr-1. The light curve is analyzed by means of the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney code. The results show that AD Cnc is a W-subtype contact binary with a small mass ratio of 0.267 and the two components are in poor thermal contact. AD Cnc has  相似文献   

New BV photoelectric observations of the W UMa-type system SW Lac obtained at the Ankara University Observatory in 2001, 2002, and 2003 are used to study the activity of the system.  相似文献   

TZ Lyrae: an Algol-type Eclipsing Binary with Mass Transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a detailed investigation of the Algol-type binary TZ Lyrae, based on 55 light minimum timings spanning 90 years. It is found that the orbital period shows a long-term increase with a cyclic variation superimposed. The rate of the secular increase is dP/dt = 7.18 × 10?8d yr?1, indicating that a mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one at a rate of dm = 2.21 × 10-8M⊙yr-1. The cyclic component, with a period of P3 = 45.5 yr and an amplitude of A = 0d.0040, may be interpreted as either the light-time effect in the presence of a third body or magnetic activity cycles in the components. Using the latest version Wilson-Devinney code, a revised photometric solution was deduced from B and V observations. The results show that TZ Lyr is an Algol-type eclipsing binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.297(±0.003). The semidetached configuration with a lobe-filling secondary suggests a mass transfer from the secondary to the primary, which is in agreement with the long-term period increase of the binary system.  相似文献   

We present new BV photometry and spectroscopic observations of RZ Cassiopeiae. The light and radial velocity curves were formed by the new observations which have been analyzed simultaneously by using theWilson‐Dewinney code. The non‐synchronous rotational velocity v 1 sin i = 76 ± 6 km s–1, deduced for the primary component from the new spectroscopic observations, was also incorporated in the analysis. A time‐series analysis of the residual light curves revealed the multi‐periodic pulsations of the primary component of RZ Cas. The main peak in the frequency spectrum was observed at about 64.197 c d–1 in both B and V bands. The pulsational constant was calculated to be 0.0116 days. This value corresponds to high overtones (n ∼ 6) of non‐radial mode oscillations.We find significant changes in the pulsational amplitude of the primary component from year to year. The peak‐to‐peak pulsational amplitude of the main frequency displays a decrease from 0.m013 in 2000 to 0.m002 in 2001 and thereafter we have found an increase again in the amplitude to 0.m01 in the year 2002. We propose the mass transfer from the cool secondary to the pulsating primary as a possible explanation for such remarkable changes in the pulsational behavior of the primary component. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A photometric study of a contact binary system, GV Leo is presented. New observations were done using the B VR filter bands. We find that a revised orbital period is 0.26673171 d and the orbital period of this system is decreasing at a rate of dP/ dt = -4.95 × 10-7 d yr-1. The photometric solutions are fairly well fitted at a mass ratio of q = 0.1879, with a fillout factor of f = 17.74%. The results indicate that there exists mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one at a rate of relative mass exchange, 6zl/m = -1.09× 10-7 yr-1. It is possible that this weak- contact system, that shows a decreasing orbital period, may undergo contraction of the inner and outer critical Roche lobes and evolve into a deep-contact binary.  相似文献   

In this study we determined precise orbital and physical parameters of the very short‐period low‐mass contact binary system CC Com. The parameters are obtained by analysis of new CCD data combined with archival spectroscopic data. The physical parameters of the cool and hot components are derived as Mc = 0.717(14) M, Mh = 0.378(8) M, Rc = 0.708(12) R, Rh = 0.530(10) R, Lc = 0.138(12) L, and Lh = 0.085(7) L, respectively, and the distance of the system is estimated as 64(4) pc. The times of minima obtained in this study and with those published before enable us to calculate the mass transfer rate between the components which is 1.6 × 10–8 M yr–1. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary scenario of CC Com (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New multi-color light curves of the very short period K-type eclipsing binary V1799 Ori were obtained and analyzed with the Wilson-Devinney code. The photometric solutions reveal that the system is a W-type shallow-contact binary with a mass ratio of q = 1.335(±0.005) and a degree of contact of about f = 3.5(±1.1)%.In general, the results are in good agreement with what is reported by Samec. Dramatic manifestations of the O'Connell effect that appear in the light curves can be explained well by employing starspots on the binary surface, which confirms that the system is active at present. Several new times of light minimum were obtained. All the available times of light minimum were collected, along with the recalculated and newly obtained values. Applying a least-squares method to the constructed O- C diagram,a new ephemeris is derived for V1799 Ori. The orbital period is found to show a continuous weak increase at a rate of 1.8(±0.6) × 10-8d yr-1. The extremely shallow contact, together with the period increase, suggests that the binary may be at a critical stage predicted by thermal relaxation oscillation theory.  相似文献   

New light curves and photometric solutions of the contact binary AZ Vir are presented in this paper. The light curves appear to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect, with Maximum I being 0.021 mag (V) and 0.023 mag (B) brighter than Maximum II, respectively. From the observations, six times of minimum light were determined and from the present times of minimum light and those collected from the references, the light elements of the system were improved. The light curves were analyzed by means of the Wilson‐Devinney program. The results suggest that AZ Vir is a W‐subtype contact binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.623(2). The asymmetry of the light curves is explained by star spot models. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The contact binary AW UMa has an extreme mass ratio, with the more-massive component (the current primary) close to the main sequence, while the low-mass star at   q ≈ 0.1  (the current secondary) has a much larger radius than a main-sequence star of a comparable mass. We propose that the current secondary has almost exhausted hydrogen in its centre and is much more advanced in its evolution, as suggested by Stpień. Presumably the current secondary lost most of its mass during its evolution with part of it transferred to the current primary. After losing a large fraction of its angular momentum, the binary may evolve into a system of FK Com type.  相似文献   

We present a long-term time-resolved photometry of the short-period eclipsing binary IU Per. It confirms the intrinsic δ Scuti-like pulsation of the system reported by Kim et al.. With the obtained data, an orbital period study and an eclipsing light curve synthesis based on the Wilson-Devinney method were carried out. The photometric so- lution reveals a semi-detached configuration with the less-massive component filling its own Roche-lobe. By subtracting the eclipsing light changes from the data, we obtained the pure pulsating light curve of the mass-accreting primary component. A Fourier anal- ysis reveals four pulsation modes with confidence larger than 99%. A mode identification based on the results of the photometric solution was made. It suggests that the star may be in radial pulsation with a fundamental period of about 0.0628 d. A brief discussion concerning the evolutionary status and the pulsation nature is finally given.  相似文献   

Seven charge-coupled device(CCD)photometric times of light minimum of the overcontact binary BS Cas which were obtained from 2007 August to November and one CCD light curve in the R band which was observed on 2007 September 24 and October 15,are presented.It is found that the light curve of BS Cas has characteristics like a typical EW-type light variation.The light curve obtained by us is symmetric and shows total eclipses,which is very useful for determining photometric parameters with high precision.Photometric solutions were derived by using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code.It shows that BS Cas is a W-subtype overcontact binary(f = 27.5% ± 0.4%)with a mass ratio of q = 2.7188 ± 0.0040.The temperature difference between the two components is 190 K.Analysis of the O-C curve suggests that the period of AE Phe shows a long-term continuous decrease at a rate of dP/dt=-2.45 × 10-7 dyr-1.The long-time period decrease can be explained by mass transfer from the primary to the secondary.  相似文献   

The time sequence of 105 spectra covering one full orbital period of AA Dor has been analysed. Direct determination of   V  sin  i   for the sdOB component from 97 spectra outside of the eclipse for the lines Mg  ii 4481 Å and Si  iv 4089 Å clearly indicated a substantially smaller value than estimated before. Detailed modelling of line-profile variations for eight spectra during the eclipse for the Mg  ii 4481 Å line, combined with the out-of-eclipse fits, gave   V  sin  i = 31.8 ± 1.8 km s−1  . The previous determinations of   V  sin  i   , based on the He  ii 4686 Å line, appear to be invalid because of the large natural broadening of the line. With the assumption of the solid-body, synchronous rotation of the sdOB primary, the measured values of the semi-amplitude K 1 and   V  sin  i   lead to the mass ratio   q = 0.213 ± 0.013  which in turn gives K 2 and thus the masses and radii of both components. The sdOB component appears to be less massive than assumed before,   M 1= 0.25 ± 0.05 M  , but the secondary has its mass–radius parameters close to theoretically predicted for a brown dwarf,   M 2= 0.054 ± 0.010 M  and   R 2= 0.089 ± 0.005 R  . Our results do not agree with the recent determination of Vŭcković et al. based on a K 2 estimate from line-profile asymmetries.  相似文献   

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