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长白山天池火山主断裂活动与热液蚀变带   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在野外考察中发现,天池破火山口内壁同一层位不同段的近水平向红褐色、砖红色热液蚀变带顶界面有明显高差热液蚀变顶界面,北段(靠近天文峰)比南段(朝鲜境内靠近将军峰)高出约110m。热液蚀变带顶界面可作为判断构造运动的标志面。北段与南段顶界面的高差,反映了自热液蚀变以来,天池火山北东向主断裂六道沟-天池-甑峰山断裂北西盘的抬升幅度大于南东盘,这可能是天池北西部较南东部地形坡度更陡、水系更发育的内在原因。北西向主断裂——白山镇-天池-金策断裂北东盘的抬升幅度大于南西盘。由热液蚀变和古风化壳特征观察到的北东向主断裂的近期垂向活动速率大于北西向主断裂的活动速率。这两条在天池交叉的主断裂将天池火山切割成4个块体,它们的抬升幅度从大到小依次为北、西、东、南块体。北块体抬升幅度最大,这与深地震测深、大地电磁探测等得出的天池北部岩浆囊较浅的结果有较好的对应关系和一定的成因联系。  相似文献   

在回顾总结了国外火山碎屑流灾害分析模型研究历史的基础上,本文选取了Flow3D模型对我国东北地区长白山天池火山未来大喷发可能产生的火山碎屑流进行了灾害区域划分。以长白山天池火山现代地形为依据,设定了11条未来爆炸式火山喷发时产生的火山碎屑流的可能流动线路。模拟结果表明,在喷发柱高度为10km的情况下,灾害区划最大半径为13.7km;在喷发柱高度为20km的情况下,灾害区划最大半径为35.4km;在喷发柱高度为30km的情况下,灾害区划最大半径为57.8km。在此基础上,得出了长白山天池火山未来发生中规模、大规模和超大规模火山喷发时火山碎屑流的覆盖范围,完成了我国第一幅长白山天池火山碎屑流灾害区划图。  相似文献   

High-frequency S-wave seismogram envelopes of microearthquakes broaden with increasing travel distance,a phenomenon known as S-wave envelope broadening. Multiple forward scattering and diffraction for the random inhomogeneities along the seismic ray path are the main causes of S-wave envelope broadening,so the phenomenon of S-wave envelope broadening is used to study the inhomogeneity of the medium. The peak delay time of an S-wave,which is defined as the time lag from the direct S-wave onset to the maximum amplitude arrival of its envelope,is accepted to quantify S-wave envelope broadening. 204 small earthquake records in Changbaishan Tianchi volcano were analyzed by the S-wave envelope broadening algorithm. The results show that S-wave envelope broadening in the Changbaishan Tianchi volcano is obvious,and that the peak delay time of S-wave has a positive correlation with the hypocenter distance and frequency of the S-wave. The relationships between the S-wave peak delay time and the hypocenter distance for different frequency bands were obtained using the statistics method. The results are beneficial to the understanding of the S-wave envelope broadening phenomena and the quantitative research on the inhomogeneities of the crust medium in the Changbaishan Tianchi volcano region.  相似文献   

The magma evolution of Tianchi volcano, Changbaishan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Changbaishan Tianchi volcano is composed of the basaltic rocks at the shield-forming stage, the trachyte and pantellerite at the cone-forming stage and modern eruption. Studies on their REE, incompatible elements and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes suggest that rocks at different stages have a common magma genesis and close evolution relationship with differentiation crystallization playing the key role. The co-eruption of basaltic trachyandesite magma and pantellerite magma indicates that there exist both crustal magma chamber and mantle magma reservoir beneath the Tianchi volcano. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49672109).  相似文献   

2002年夏季长白山天池火山区的地震活动研究   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
2002年6月以来,长白山天池火山区的地震活动明显增加. 本文利用2002年夏季布设在长白山天池火山区15套宽频带流动地震台站的记录资料,对天池火山区的地震活动进行了研究. 地震观测结果表明,2002年夏季长白山天池火山日平均地震发生频次超过30次. 地震主要位于长白山天池西南部和东北部两个区域,震源深度较浅,离地表的深度一般小于5km. 天池西南部和东北部的地震,b值存在较大的差异. 火山区地震记录的频谱分析和时频分析结果表明,这些地震主要为火山构造型地震. HSZ和DZD等台站地震记录中丰富的低频成分,可能与台站附近的局部介质或断层带有关. 我们认为2002年夏季频繁发生的地震和小震震群活动是由火山深部活动诱发的局部断裂活动引起.  相似文献   

There occurred several eruptions from Changbaishan Tianchi volcano in Holocene, and at least three of them were believed to be true according to the formal studies. The products of three eruptions were yellow comenditic pumice of - 5000a B.P. (Eruption Ⅰ ), gray comenditic pumice and pyroclastic flow of - 1000a B.P. ( Eruption II, i.e. the millennium explosive eruption), black trachy pumice and welded tuff of - 300a B.P. ( Eruption Ⅲ ) respectively. There were a large number of melt inclusions found in phenocrysts, which differ in size and color. The Leitz 1350 heating stage experiments for melt inclusions in host feldspars from three Holocene eruptions of Changbaishan Tianchi volcano imply that there were little differences between the homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions from Eruptions Ⅰ and Ⅲ, whereas it was rather complicated for Eruption H, i.e. there might be two kinds of melt with different homogenization temperature periods, which gave the evidence for the assumption that the explosive millennium eruption of Tianchi volcano was triggered by injection and mixing of two different magmas. The experimental results also indicate that ( 1 ) small melt inclusion is easy to be homogenized, while the large one, especially the one with lots of daughter crystals, is rather difficult to be homogenized; (2) homogenization temperature closely correlates with the size of melt inclusion within host crystal, with the temperature point switching from high heating rate to low heating rate, and correlates with whether it is the first time to obtain homogenization as well; and (3) a melt inclusion can get different homogenization temperatures when it is repeatedly heated. Even more, the next homogenization temperature is usually higher than the former one, which testifies the phenomenon that hydrogen migration occurs during repeated heating.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
长白山天池火山距今4105年以来至少发生过两次大规模喷发。其最近的一次大喷发发生于公元850~1040年间。估计了这次喷发的喷发物体积和C1,F,S等的释放量。数值模拟表明,该次大喷发对全球气候变化产生过重要影响,最近的地球物理探测结果显示,在该火山下面存在地壳和上地幔双层岩浆房。认为该火山现在仍是一座具潜在灾害性大喷发危险的现代活动火山。  相似文献   

地震、形变、火山气体地球化学等观测结果表明2002~2005年长白山天池火山经历了1次扰动事件。长白山站地震台(CBS台)记录到了扰动事件前后连续稳定的宽频带地震观测资料。前人的观测研究结果认为长白山天池火山扰动期间的火山地震类型主要为构造型火山地震,伴随少量的谐频型地震。本文通过匹配滤波技术,对1999~2007年扰动事件前后CBS台单台三分量地震观测数据进行模板扫描,获得3763个清晰的火山地震事件,其中谐频(HS)事件125个,构造(VT)事件3618个,并发现长周期(LP)事件20个。进而将火山扰动期间火山地震事件分为3种类型:构造型事件、长周期事件和谐频型事件,并提出2002~2005年长白山天池火山扰动机制模型:深源地震-火山能量传递模型,即汪清深源地震能量释放和传递,引发长白山火山区岩石圈应力状态波动。地幔岩浆房受应力干扰后,岩浆通道打开,少量岩浆侵入地壳岩浆房。岩浆混合脱气导致地壳岩浆房升压,引起顶部岩石微破裂,产生构造型火山地震,气体和流体填充这些裂隙,从而产生LP和HS型火山地震事件。  相似文献   

21 earthquakes recorded by a temporary seismic network in the Changbaishan Tianchi volcanic area in Northeast China operated during the summer of 2002 and 2003 were analyzed to estimate the S coda attenuation. The attenuation quality factor Qc was estimated using the single scattering attenuation model of Sato (1977) in the frequency band from 4 to 24 Hz. All the events studied in this paper occurred at depths from 2 to 6 km with ML of 1.4–2.8. The epicentral distances are less than 25 km. For all events which occurred near the Tianchi Lake (caldera), the Qc patterns obtained at the stations near the lake are similar, and the Qc values are relatively small. At the stations located about 15 km east of the Tianchi Lake, however, the average Qc is significantly higher. For an event which occurred 25km from the lake to the west, Qc patterns derived at the stations near the lake are quite similar to the above mentioned Qc for stations located in the east. Further study shows that Qc value in the north and central areas of the volcano is relatively lower than that in the surrounding area. Compared to other volcanic areas in the world, the average Qc of the Changbaishan Tianchi volcanic area is obviously lower. The deep seismic sounding and teleseismic receiver function studies indicated more than one lower velocity layer in the crust. The MT studies suggested the presence of high conductive bodies beneath the area. We interpret the strong attenuation of coda waves near the Changbaishan Tianchi volcano as being possibly related to high temperature medium caused by shallow magma chambers.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe Changbaishan volcano is located in Jilin Province , along the border of China and NorthKorea .It isthelargest nature reservein China .Changbaishan belongstothe northeastern Asian activebelt in the eastern margin of the Euro-Asia plate . The Changbaishan volcano is a gigantic ,polygenetic ,central volcano,and has been active since Holocene .The early eruption started in thePliocene andformedthe basaltic shield. Duringthe middle and late Pleistocene ,the volcanic cone …  相似文献   


长白山天池火山是一座新生代多成因复合火山, 其活动性一直受到地学界的高度重视.而地应力测量数据对于了解火山的活动情况等具有重要意义, 但目前长白山天池火山地区实测地应力资料较少.为了更准确地了解长白山天池火山地区现今地应力状态及断裂稳定性, 在长白山天池火山西南麓MJZ测点0~300 m孔深开展了水压致裂法地应力测量.利用此次实测地应力数据, 本文首先分析了该地区地壳浅表层应力状态, 结果表明: ①测区以水平构造应力为主导, 应力值与其他地区相比, 相对较低; ②SH(最大水平主应力)、Sh(最小水平主应力)和Sv(垂向主应力)均随深度增加而基本呈线性增大趋势; 在60~180 m深度, 三者展现为逆断层应力状态, 即SHShSv; 在180~300 m, 则表现为SHSvSh, 该应力关系有利于走滑断层活动; ③钻孔上部SH方向为N38°E, 与东北地区构造应力场方向基本一致.钻孔下部由于受区内NW向断裂和其他因素影响, 存在与区域主应力方向有偏差的局部应力场.其次, 基于实测应力数据, 应用库仑摩擦滑动准则, 并取摩擦系数为0.6和1.0, 初步评价了区域断裂的稳定性.结果显示, 研究区现今应力状态尚未达到断裂失稳滑动水平, 推测测区断裂目前相对稳定.结合其较低的应力积累水平, 一定程度上反映出长白山天池火山区目前没有明显活动, 地壳总体是稳定的.本文的研究结果可为长白山天池火山的活动性、地震地质等研究提供地应力方面的基础数据, 同时也为测区地质环境安全评价提供参考依据.


 Personnel from the U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory conducted first-order, class-II leveling surveys near Lassen Peak, California, in 1991 and at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, in 1985, 1986, and 1994. Near Lassen Peak no significant vertical displacements had occurred along either of two traverses, 33 and 44 km long, since second-order surveys in 1932 and 1934. At Newberry, however, the 1994 survey suggests that the volcano's summit area had risen as much as 97±22 mm with respect to a third-order survey in 1931. The 1931 and 1994 surveys measured a 37-km-long, east–west traverse across the entire volcano. The 1985 and 1986 surveys, on the other hand, measured only a 9-km-long traverse across the summit caldera with only one benchmark in common with the 1931 survey. Comparison of the 1985, 1986, and 1994 surveys revealed no significant differential displacements inside the caldera. A possible mechanism for uplift during 1931–1994 is injection of approximately 0.06 km3 of magma at a depth of approximately 10 km beneath the volcano's summit. The average magma supply rate of approximately 1×10–3 km3/year would be generally consistent with the volcano's growth rate averaged over its 600,000-year history (0.7–1.7×10–3 km3/year). Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 4 December 1998  相似文献   

腾冲地区构造地貌特征与火山活动的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对腾冲地区 (2 4°4 0′~ 2 5°30′N ,98°15′~ 98°4 5′E)构造地貌的分析 ,认为上新世以来本区存在的局部张应力环境是火山活动产生的重要因素。在对盆地发育过程和全新世火山活动分期对比研究基础上 ,探讨了该区新生代地壳活动的发展阶段 ,认为全新世以来 ,腾冲地区仍处于强烈活动阶段。  相似文献   

长白山火山监测研究规划的初步构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结长白山火山监测研究工作的基础上,充分借鉴国内外经验,结合吉林省的实际,笔者提出了加强长白山火山监测规划的初步构想,这对于建立长白山火山观测站及开展火山监测研究均具有实际意义。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration at Mount Rainier waxed and waned over the 500,000-year episodic growth of the edifice. Hydrothermal minerals and their stable-isotope compositions in samples collected from outcrop and as clasts from Holocene debris-flow deposits identify three distinct hypogene argillic/advanced argillic hydrothermal environments: magmatic-hydrothermal, steam-heated, and magmatic steam (fumarolic), with minor superimposed supergene alteration. The 3.8 km3 Osceola Mudflow (5600 y BP) and coeval phreatomagmatic F tephra contain the highest temperature and most deeply formed hydrothermal minerals. Relatively deeply formed magmatic-hydrothermal alteration minerals and associations in clasts include quartz (residual silica), quartz–alunite, quartz–topaz, quartz–pyrophyllite, quartz–dickite/kaolinite, and quartz–illite (all with pyrite). Clasts of smectite–pyrite and steam-heated opal–alunite–kaolinite are also common in the Osceola Mudflow. In contrast, the Paradise lahar, formed by collapse of the summit or near-summit of the edifice at about the same time, contains only smectite–pyrite and near-surface steam-heated and fumarolic alteration minerals. Younger debris-flow deposits on the west side of the volcano (Round Pass and distal Electron Mudflows) contain only low-temperature smectite–pyrite assemblages, whereas the proximal Electron Mudflow and a < 100 y BP rock avalanche on Tahoma Glacier also contain magmatic-hydrothermal alteration minerals that are exposed in the avalanche headwall of Sunset Amphitheater, reflecting progressive incision into deeper near-conduit alteration products that formed at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

晋获断裂带构造和地震活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晋获断裂带是华北地震区中一个次级构造单元,也是地震活动中的一个地震活动亚带。从分析该带的构造特征和地震活动特点出发,分析该带的分段性,发现变形强度由北向南递减、构造层次由北向南抬高。结合历史地震活动和现今地震活动,得出该带北段是该地震亚带主要的地震活动场所。在此基础上,由震级一时间模型对未来北段的强震活动进行预测。  相似文献   

苏北—滨海断裂在江苏以北的存在与活动性长期以来存在争议。本研究通过小多道地震探测技术,对苏北—滨海断裂北段及附近海域进行探测,识别出4个反射界面,将研究区第四纪地层划分为4个地震层序,分别对应全新世、晚更新世、中更新世和早更新世4个地质时期。对照区域地质构造,对地震剖面断点进行分析,认为断点F1、F2、F3、F4、F8、F9、F10对应为苏北—滨海断裂,断裂错动的最新地层为晚更新世,因此推断苏北—滨海断裂为晚更新世活动断裂。  相似文献   

王华林  耿杰 《中国地震》1996,12(3):307-315
利用岩石碎裂数目的分形理论,分析,计算了沂沭断裂带及其西侧北西向断裂的断层泥粒度成分的分维值,讨论了断层泥粒度成分分维的地震地质意义,研究结果表明,沂沭断裂带内的断裂活动的强度大于北西向断裂活动强度;F2是沂沭断裂带中活动最强的一条断裂,断层泥粒度成分分维值可作为表征断裂活动时代,破裂形式和断层泥形成斫代等的参量;分维值还与断层泥的母岩,厚度,粘土矿物含量和所处的断裂部位等相关。  相似文献   

In this work,the fractal dimension of granulometric composition in the fault gouge from the Yishu fault zone and northwest-trending faults on its west side is calculated and studied based on the fractal theory of rock fragmentation.The seismo-geological implications of the fractal dimension of granulometric composition in fault gouges are also discussed.The results show that the Yishu fault zone is more active than the northwest-trending faults and the Anqiu-Juxian fault is the most active in the Yishu fault zone.The fractal dimension of fault gouge is a parameter describing the relative active age and rupture mode of the fault and forming age of the fault gouge.The fractal dimension value is also related to the parent rock,thickness,structural position,and clay content of the fault gouge.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional displacements and gravity changes were measured at 20 points between 2000 and 2002 at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. Former models focused on the modeling of a single magmatic source located in the summit region of the volcano. Such models do not fit to our measurements between 2000 and 2002. A new hybrid model approach is developed consisting of an elastic-gravitational source described by a mass and energy term as well as a combined dip-slip/strike-slip fault zone in the summit region. Both nonlinear optimization problems, given by the common inversion of three-dimensional displacements and gravity changes, are solved by applying a genetic algorithm. The hybrid model fits the measurements accurately, tested by Fisher test statistics. Furthermore, our model for Merapi volcano confirms previous structural models for this region so that the new model is statistically proven as well as physically reliable.  相似文献   

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