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河南东秦岭分布着四个时代不同的蛇绿岩带,由北向南依次为:1.碾道沟—马市坪蛇绿岩带; 2.汤河—二郎坪—刘山崖—马畈蛇绿岩带;3.洋淇沟—柳树庄—卧虎蛇绿岩带;4.淅川—桐柏—商城蛇绿岩带(图1)。不同岩带的蛇绿岩,尽管规模不等,出露完整程度不一,但均分布在分割不同构造单元的深断裂带附近,且常伴有高压低温变质或混杂堆积带。  相似文献   

把我们人类居住的地球,数字化成为一人虚拟现实的四维世界,这在几年前是难于想象的.而计算机技术和通信技术的迅速发展,则以迅雷不及掩耳之势,突然把它摆在了我们的桌面上.本文作者做为一个科技强国——美国的现任副总统,对未来的数字地球提出了一个极富想象力和可操作性的概念模型.该模型对数字地球的内容和价值进行了概括和评估,并对其实现步骤和实现方法进行了规划.可以认为,数字地球将是人类文明史上一次巨大的革命性的飞跃.它所带来的,将是人类思维模式的改变.  相似文献   

The journal of Global Geology (English Edition ) edited by the International Center of Geoscience Research and Education in Northeast Asia (ICGRENEA) with the headquarters in Jilin University of China, is formally issued today. The former name of the journal was the Journal of International Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia which was started in 1998 and served the scientists and teachers in Geoscience in the world, but mainly for the scientists from the six countries of the NE Asia including China, DPR Korea, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and Russia.  相似文献   

沿着西南丝绸古道,翻过巍峨的高黎贡山,走进位于云南省腾冲县城西南3公里处的和顺古镇,就像走进了一座文化迷宫.在古老的火山台地之上,成千幢特色民居依山傍水而座,鳞次栉比,举手投足之间便可触摸到斑驳的岁月和丰厚的文化气息.无论是谁都会由衷地慨叹——在这极边之地,居然隐匿着一个如此辉煌的村落,这简直就是一个奇迹.  相似文献   

1968年初,我结束了在北京地质学院8年的学习生活.春节回天津向父母告别后,返回北京.在一个寒冷的夜晚,我挤上了从北京驶往兰州的列车. 列车在朔风怒号中开动了.我此行是前往甘肃省地质局报到.那将是我从事地质工作的新起点.  相似文献   

2010年11月20~21日,我有幸参加了商丘市国土资源系统组织的拓展训练,这次拓展活动使我深深地体验到了团队精神的力量,体会到了团队协作的重要性.一个人无法完成的任务,只要我们团结协作,共同努力,就一定能完成.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, this paper presented the four characteristics of the demand of agricultural information in China, includingregionality, seasonality, great potential demand and variation in kind and level. The factors infuencing the demand of agricultural information were analyzed by the Optimized Less Square (OLS) method. The result shows that, of all factors influcing agricultural information demand, the most important one is economy, the second is facility of information pass, and knowledge and education of user, credit of agricultural information service system and production situation follow. Taking Jilin Province as an example, this article also elaborated the agricultural information demand status, and deduced the regression model of agricultural information demand and verified it by the survey in rural Jilin.  相似文献   

A medium-sized delesseriaceous red alga has been collected from the subtidal area of the northern Huanghai Sea coast. The characteristics of the specimens precludes their being placed in any genus defined by the currently accepted criteria. Tsengiella gen. nov., with T. spinosa sp. nov., as the type and only known species, is created and allied with the Hypoglossum group of-the Delesserioideae (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales, Rhodophyta).  相似文献   

The research area is situated in the western part of Tarim basin, which includes Awati depression and Bachu uplifted block. It underwent three times processes of compression in a large scale and a near term extension since Cambrian. The first compression occurred during Middle Cambrian to Devonian, which formed fault band folds in NW axial direction. They were "under-water uplift" and distributed all over the research area. The second compression occurred in Late Permian and formed fault band folds and a few fault propagation folds in NS axial direction. They are developed near Tumuxiuke fault belt and the northern research area. The western anticline is bigger than the eastern one in extent and size. The third compression occurred during Palaeogene to Quaternary and formed tumuxiuke fault belt and fault propagation folds in NW direction. They are distributed over the south part of the research area. Tumuxiuke fault belt is a big scale dextral reversed strike-slip fault belt; it transformed or destroyed the fold structure of the research area. A short-term extension occurred during Early Permian. Tarim Basin is in the rift forming stage of craton, and there exist widespread basic vol- canic rocks, basic intrusive bodies and dikes.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of the underground space exploitation and theurban space development in Guangzhou, and making a thorough study on the underground space exploitation based on the subway building, this paper points out some main problems in the exploitation of underground space in Guangzhou, and emphasizes that Guangzhou must develop the underground space on a large scale with the aid of the subway building, and puts forward a proposal on the urban space coordinate development between on-ground and underground in Guangzhou City.  相似文献   

There exists synchronous growth in resources consumption and environment pollution in Kunming urbanization in recent years, which has led to the increasing pressure of urban sustainable development. Considering the environmental and social benefits in Kunming’s water resources sustainable development, the authors provided a research finding the optimal urban population scale in different stages for urban water supply based on the sustainable development groundwater evaluating theoretical model. Through the research on the availability of construction site as well as the risk in underground space exploitation with the extenics theory method, we get a suitable partition map of land for urban construction and a risky partition map of underground space development. The results show that the appropriate population scale of Kunming will be less than 2.96×106 by 2020, and will reach (4.34--2.96)×106 optimized population scale after 2020 under the condition of economic-socially and environmentally sustainable development. It is significant to optimize urban construction land and use underground space under the condition of land resources sustainability in Kunming.  相似文献   

在城市化进程不断加快的今天,城市地下空间开发利用已经成为提高城市容量、缓解交通、改善环境的重要手段。为全面深化对泰安城市地下空间的认识,有效挖掘城市后备空间资源的巨大潜力,通过综合集成钻孔编录、地质图件和数字地形图等多源地学数据,借助MapGIS三维地质建模软件,初步建立起泰安城市三维地质模型,以直观的方式表达工程岩土体空间分布等地质信息,为更好地保护利用泰安市地下空间提供地质依据。  相似文献   

地铁站点商业价值是地铁改变城市交通方式基础上城市商业业态价值的体现,对其科学和量化的评价是地铁站点建设重要的方面。本文首先对地铁站点商业价值的评价从商业等级与商业规模两个方面进行了体系构建,然后以广州地铁八号线为研究对象基于此体系进行了商业价值的评估。在地铁站点商业等级评价中,选取5个空间因子与2个非空间因子进行多因子评价。在进行空间因子评价中的商圈因子分析时,基于市级和区级商圈周边商业用地基准地价具有一致性的距离衰减特征,创新性的构建了商业地价的空间衰减函数,并据此将这一衰减函数转换为商圈距离衰减因子评价值的函数与量化定义,有效解决专家赋值存在的主观性问题。以此方法对八号线地铁站点商业等级进行评价,在完成空间因子评价以及非空间因子校核后,发现上下九-文化公园区域的商业等级最高,次一级则分布在荔湾区中部。对于商业规模的评价,则以商业建筑面积需求平衡方法,基于地铁站点服务半径内人口规模的评估以预测潜在的商业人口数量,并据此估算未来的商业建筑面积需求。以此方法,对地铁八号线以陈家祠站为例对该站点进行了商业建筑面积需求的预测。本研究提出了基于地价距离衰减与量化评价的因子评价方法完善的相关的方法体系,以数字化模型构建商业等级与商业规模的量化评价提高了地铁站点商业价值评估方法的合理性和科学性。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程加快,城市建设需要更多的空间,开发利用城市地下空间已是首要解决的问题。近年来,面对用地供求矛盾日益加剧的严峻形势,临沂市积极转变发展理念,鼓励开发地下空间,建设公共设施、商业设施和文化娱乐设施,从单纯追求建筑高度和平面扩张,调整为协调推进空中、地上、地下开发的三维发展模式。该文以临沂市地下空间开发为例,系统分析开发模式、功能定位及利用现状,认为工作中缺乏整体规划,协调管理机制不健全,投资主体单一,提出了整合资源,严格执行规划,完善政策法规,出台优惠政策等对策建议,对破解城市发展用地难题,提高城市承载力具有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的快速发展,土地资源紧张成为限制城市健康稳定发展的主要因素之一,地下空间资源开发成为解决这一问题的主要途径之一,而对城市地下空间资源进行因地制宜的适宜性评价是对其合理开发利用的关键。该文采用专家调查法、层次分析法(AHP)等研究手段,对城市地下空间资源开发利用适宜性评价进行了研究,以济南市地下空间资源开发利用为例,分析了济南市水文及水文地质、工程地质、环境地质等影响因素,构建了济南市城市地下空间资源多层次评价体系,重点研究了泉水保护对济南市地下空间资源开发利用的制约影响,建立了一套适用于济南市地下空间资源的综合评价模型,旨在为济南市后续地下空间资源开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

广州市城市基础地理信息系统的建设与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州市城市基础地理信息系统作为广州市空间基础设施的关键技术支撑和重要组成部分,在近10年的建设中奠定了良好的基础并得到了可持续的发展。从项目的立项、总体设计、数据标准制定及数据库建设等方面进行了归纳总结。同时,从Web GIS的应用开发、3DGIS的应用开发、多功能应用的城市基础地理信息数据库建设3个方面阐述了广州市城市基础地理信息系统的建设与发展。  相似文献   

昌邑市地下水开发及其环境地质效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昌邑市不合理的地下水开发引发了一系列环境地质效应,如地下水降落漏斗、海水入侵等。分析了昌邑市地下水开发现状及其引发的环境地质效应,提出了合理调整用水布局、人工回灌补源、修建地下水库、建立完善的预警预报体系等措施,为资源型缺水的滨海地区提供了地下水开发与保护的科学依据。  相似文献   

城市地下管线信息系统的建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以广州市建立综合性地下管线信息系统为背景,针对中国城市地下管线勘测与管理的现状,提出了地下管线普查与信息系统建立的实施流程,强调了数据源保证、标准化质量监控、实时更新等关键技术问题.实现了“普查成图与监理入库相结合、全面普查与竣工测量相结合、规划审批与现状信息相结合”的建立具有空间决策支持系统或专家系统雏形的综合性管线信息系统模式,该模式适用于管线历史资料不完整、精度不高的发展中国家的广大城市.  相似文献   

文章在简述驻马店市区地下水环境背景的基础上 ,重点论述了该市地下水开采现状及无序开采后引发的环境地质问题。由此建议该市要调整供水结构 ,积极引进客水 ,封闭市区中深层开采井 ,限制污水排放 ,节约用水 ,加强地下水环境的动态监控 ,以保护地下水资源可持续开发利用。  相似文献   

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