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Geothermalanomalyisaphenomenonthatundergroundtemperatureandgeothermalgradientincreasesmuchmoreintheareathanitssurroundings(Xia,1979).Abruptgeothermalanomalymeansthatundergroundtemperatureonsomespotsaswellastheaffectedtemperatureofsurroundingareaabr…  相似文献   

Hurqin Sand Land is regarded as the typical region for studying the problem of desertification.The integra-tion of 3S(GIS,GPS and RS)techniques offer a most helpful method to study and monitor the dynamics of desertification.Based on the data derived from 3 periodsˊmultitemporal Landsat TM imagery of the 1990s,the regional land use and dynamo-ics of desertification in Horqin Sand Land were studied.The main results revealed that :1)as long as the general change tendency was concerned,the desertification of Horqin Sand Land would continue to spread;2)there was a gradual de-crease in the area of both moving sand dunes and semi-stabilized ones,which meant that fruitful progress had been made to control the desertification during the 1990s;3)as a result of unreasonable cultivation,the total area of stabilized sand dunes and grassland in the middle and western region decreased obviously.It suggested that the increasing damage caused by human was leading to the hazard of further desertification.So in the future,it is necessary to take more effect-tive measures to control the spread of desertification and restore the degraded ecosystems for the purpose of optimizing the global eco-environment in Horqin Sand Land.  相似文献   

Due to global climate change, Dendrolimus pests and diseases seriously threaten the protection of forestry plants and the safety of crops all over the world. This paper aims to discuss the research results and frontier progress of Dendrolimus disasters based on remote sensing monitoring, trying to find the occurrence characteristics of pests. In this paper, bibliometric methods and CiteSpace knowledge graphs were used to analyze the publication trend, highly cited documents, key research institu...  相似文献   

Advances in Research on Soil Moisture by Microwave Remote Sensing in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil moisture is an important factor in global hydrologic circulation and plays a significant role in the research of hydrology, climatology, and agriculture. Microwave remote sensing is less limited by climate and time, and can measure in large scale. With these characteristics, this technique becomes an effective tool to measure soil moisture. Since the 1980s, Chinese researchers have investigated the soil moisture using microwave instruments. The active re- mote sensors are characteristic of high spatial resolution, thus with launch of a series of satellites, active microwave remote sensing of soil moisture will be emphasized. The passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture has a long research history, and its retrieval algorithms were developed well, so it is an important tool to retrieve large scale moisture information from satellite data in the future.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONGlobal change research involves much geo-objectsand geo-process, such as climate and environmentalchange, substance and energy cycling, land-use/land-cover change (LUCC), interactivity between human and nature, etc.. So it need cooperation frommany research communities including international research programs groups such as IGBP (InternationalGeosphere-Biosphere Programme IPCC (Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change), IHDP (InternationalHuman Dimension Program o…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONGeothermalanomalyisaphenomenonthatunder-groundtemperatureandgeothermalgradientincreasesmuchmoreintheareathanitssurroundingsXIA1979.Thisisanormalglobalphysicalphenomenonintheactiveandthelatentvolcanicarea.Duringthewarningsignperiodofan…  相似文献   

目前,地热资源勘查仍以传统的物探方法为主,这样在探测区地热宏观环境条件不明时,就会出现投资风险大或盲目开采的情况;而遥感对地热资源的探测是弥补这一不足的先进技术.本文利用陆地卫星遥感数据处理方法进行了有效的遥感地质解译,依据陆地卫星红外遥感数据所反映的地物辐射温度差异特点,对遥感影像进行波段差值运算、HIS(HLS)彩...  相似文献   

Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experienced an unrest episode from 2002 to 2005,but its active level recovers to the background now.  相似文献   

The crop estimates by remote sensing, developing quickly in recent decades, is a up-to-date technique. Regionalization for large area crop estimates by remote sensing, a special applied regionalization, is the foundation of crop estimates in a large area by remote sensing. According to the actual demands of wheat yield estimation by remote sensing and wheat agroclimatic demarcation of China, this paper first puts forward some principles upheld in this regionalization and analyses its main bases. Secondly, it works out the classificatory schemes about the optimum temporal for estimating wheat yield by remote sensing, information sources of space remote sensing and landuse structure in China. Finally, According to the regionalization indices, this study divides the wheat plantable region of China into 14 regions of crop yield estimates and 31 subregions of crop yield estimates.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore a new avenue of urban small-regional population estimation by remote sensing technology, creatively and comprehensively for the first time using a residence count method, area (density)method and model method, incorporating the application experienqe of American scholars in the light of the state of our country. Firstly, the author proposes theoretical basis for population estimation by remote sensing, on the basis of analysing and evaluating the history and state quo of application of methods of population estimation by remote sens-ing. Secondly, two original types of mathematical models of population estimation are developed on the basis of remote sensing data, taking Tianjin City as an example. By both of the mathematical models the regional population may be estimated from remote sensing variable values with high accuracy. The number of the independent variables in the lat-ter model is somewhat smaller and the collection of remote sensing data is somewhat easier, but the deviation is a little larger. Finally, some viewpoints on the principled problems about the practical application of remote sensing to popu-lation estimation are out forward.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a red tide monitoring method based on clustering and modular neural networks. To obtain the features of red tide from a mass of aerial remote sensing hyperspectral data, first the Log Residual Correction (LRC) is used to normalize the data, and then clustering analysis is adopted to select and form the training samples for the neural networks. For rapid monitoring, the discriminator is composed of modular neural networks, whose structure and learning parameters are determined by an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA). The experiments showed that this method can monitor red tide rapidly and effectively.  相似文献   

The Changbai Mountains is rich in the resources of green food. At present, the low marketization of green food resources in the forest region of the Changbai Mountains becomes the bottleneck to restrict the benign development of its green food industry. With huge market demands at home and abroad, it is the urgent problem how to improve marketization process of green food resources and transfer the resources superiority into the market superiority in the region. According to the investigation, this paper analyzed the status quo and the cause of formation of low-marketization with the method of combining comparative research and practice research. It pointed out that necessary condition of marketization of green food resources in the forest region, such as strategy, economic environment, marketization allocation of sci-tech resources, etc. should be established. Furthermore, the concrete strategies of marketization of green food resources in the region such as market location, strategies of objective markets, combined strategy of marketing, etc. were advanced.  相似文献   

Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experience...  相似文献   

The upper Huanghe(Yellow) River basin is situated in the northeast of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau of China.The melt-water from the snow-cover is main water supply for the rivers in the region during springtime and other arid regions of the northwestern China, and the hydrological conditions of the rivers are directly controlled by the snowmelt water in spring .So snowmelt runoff forecast has importance for hydropower,flood prevention and water resources utilize-tion.The application of remote sensing and Geographic Information System(GIS) techniques in snow cover monitoring and snowmelt runoff calculation in the upper Huanghe River basin are introduced amply in this paper.The key parame-ter-snow cover area can be computed by satellite images from multi-platform,multi-templral and multi-spectral.A clus-ter of snow-cover data can be yielded by means of the classification filter method.Meanwhile GIS will provide relevant information for obtaining the parameters and also for zoning .According to the typical samples extracting snow covered moun-tained in detail also.The runoff snowmelt models based on the snow-cover data from NOAA images and observation data of runoff,precipitation and air temperature have been satisfactorily used for predicting the inflow to the Longyangxia Reser-voir,which is located at lower end of snow cover region and is one of the largest reservoirs on the upper Huanghe River, during late March to early June.The result shows that remote sensing techniques combined with the ground meteorological and hydrological observation is of great potential in snowmelt runoff forecasting for a large river basin.With the develop-ment of remote sensing technique and the progress of the interpretation method,the forecast accuracy of snowmelt runoff will be improved in the near future .Large scale extent and few stations are two objective reality situations in Chian,so they should be considered in simulation and forecast.Apart from dividing ,the derivation of snow cover area from satellite images would decide the results of calculating runoff.Field investigation for selection of the learning samples of different snow patterns is basis for the classification.  相似文献   


Land-cover survey in northeast China using remote sensing and GIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I.INTRODUCTIONWiththerapiddevelopmentofnationaleconomyandthegrowthofthepopulationsincethe1990s,therecomesnewdemandsforexploit...  相似文献   


Surface roughness parameter is an important factor and obstacle for retrieving soil moisture in passive microwave remote sensing.Two statistical parameters,root mean square (RMS) height (s) and correlation length (l),are designed for describing the roughness of a randomly rough surface.The roughness parameter measured by traditional way is independence of frequency,soil moisture and soil heterogeneity and just the ″geometric″ roughness of random surface.This ″geometric″ roughness can not fully explain the scattered thermal radiation by the earth's surface.The relationship between ″geometric″ roughness and integrated roughness (contain both ″geometric″ roughness and ″dielectric″ roughness) is linked by empirical coefficient.In view of this problem,this paper presents a method for estimating integrated surface roughness from radiometer sampling data at different frequencies,which mainly based on the flourier relationship between power spectral density distribution and spatial autocorrelation function.We can obtain integrated surface roughness at different frequencies by this method.Besides "geometric" roughness,this integrated surface roughness not only contains "dielectric" roughness but also includes frequency dependence.Combined with Q/H model the polarization coupling coefficient can also be obtained for both H and V polarization.Meanwhile,the simulated numerical results show that radiometer with a sensitivity of 0.1 K can distinguish the different surface roughness and the change of roughness with frequency for the same rough surface.This confirms the feasibility of radiometer sampling method for estimating the surface roughness theoretically.This method overcomes the problem of ″dielectric″ roughness measurement to some extent and can achieve the integrated surface roughness within a microwave pixel which can serve soil moisture inversion better than the ″geometric″ roughness.  相似文献   

从拓宽地(市)局遥感应用服务产品的领域、改善服务产品的形式、提高服务产品水平的角度,提出了适合地(市)级遥感应用系统的建立方法和资料处理流程,使地、市遥感应用进入定量分析的阶段.开发的基于局地数据集的地(市)级遥感应用处理软件, 可同时处理EOS和NOAA、FY卫星接收的数据资料,并可进行植被长势、沙尘暴、干旱等监测.通过配发的遥感数据和应用处理软件将为我省各地(市)初步建立起遥感应用系统.  相似文献   

Through analysis of perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) from combination of visible and near-infrared spectrums reflecting the feature of crop reflectance, we come to the conclusion that the index can better indicate crop instantaneous photosynthesis whereas people generally regard it as the representation of crop leaf area index (LAI). Exploration of crop photosynthesis within a day and its period of duration leads to production of photosynthetic vegetation index (PST) that can reflect the whole crop accumulated photosynthesis, which means the total biomass produced by crop, moreover the method simulating PST is put forward by employment of multi-temporal spectrum parameters. On the basis of the achievements mentioned above, a new comprehensive model for remote sensing estimation of maize yield is established, which can comprehensively show major physiological actions of maize and the course of its yield formation, organically integrate various effective ways of crop yield estimation. It lays a solid foundation for carrying out remote sensing estimation of maize yield on a large scale.  相似文献   

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