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A. Jiménez 《Solar physics》1994,152(1):319-319
Since 1984, simultaneous observations of irradiance and velocity solar acoustic modes, have been carried out by several authors in order to measure the phase difference between irradiance and velocity modes. Following the earliest observations with stratospheric balloon (Frolich and van Der Raay, 1984), a two ground-based stations (Tenerife and Baja California) were established (Jimenez et al, 1990) obtaining coherence results in the frequency range from 2.5 mHz to 4.3 mHz. These phase differences between irradiance and velocity solar acoustic modes are interpreted in terms of the non-adiabatic behaviour of the solar atmosphere. In 1988 the IPHIR (Frolich et al, 1988) instrument flown on the PHOBOS-2 mission to Mars and measured the solar irradiance during 150 consecutive days. The best velocity observations obtained in Tenerife for this period were compared with IPHIR data to compute the phase differences (Schrijver et al, 1991). The final conclusion is that good agreement is attained between space quadsi-space and ground observations which yield a phase diffenrece of about -125 degrees in the frequency range 2.5 mHz to 4.2 mHz, with a slight increase suggested by the data running up to 4.6 mHz.  相似文献   

The discrepancy between a long distance-scale derived from Hipparcos -based distances to globular clusters via main-sequence fitting to local subdwarfs, and a short distance-scale derived from the absolute magnitude of field RR Lyraes via statistical parallaxes and the Baade–Wesselink method could be accounted for whether an intrinsic difference of about ∼0.1–0.2 mag was found to exist between horizontal branch (HB) stars populating the sparse general field and the dense globular clusters. In this paper we discuss the possible existence of such a systematic difference comparing the period-shifts observed for field and cluster RR Lyraes. Various approaches based on different parameters and data sets for both cluster and field variables were used in order to establish the size of such a hypothetical difference, if any. We find that on the whole very small not significant differences exist between the period–metallicity distributions of field and cluster RR Lyraes, thus confirming with a more quantitative approach, the qualitative conclusions by Catelan . This observational evidence translates into a very small difference between the horizontal branch luminosity of field and cluster stars, unless RR Lyraes in globular clusters are about 0.06 M more massive than field RR Lyraes at same metallicity, which is to be proven.  相似文献   

The stability of linear convective and acoustic modes in solar envelope models is investigated by incorporating the thermal and mechanical effects of turbulence through the eddy transport coefficients. With a reasonable value of the turbulent Prandtl number it is possible to obtain the scales of motion corresponding to granulation, supergranulation and the five-minute oscillations. Several of the acoustic modes trapped in the solar convection zone are found to be overstable and the most unstable modes, spread over a region centred predominantly around a period of 300 s with a wide range of horizontal length scales, are in reasonable accord with the observed power-spectrum of the five-minute oscillations. It is demonstrated that these oscillations are driven by a simultaneous action of the -mechanism and the radiative and turbulent conduction mechanisms operating in the strongly superadiabatic region in the hydrogen ionization zone, the turbulent transport being the dominant process in overstabilizing the acoustic modes.  相似文献   

A new procedure for smoothing a gamma-ray burst (GRB) light curve and calculating its variability is presented. Applying the procedure to a sample of 25 long GRBs, we have obtained a very tight correlation between the variability and the peak luminosity. The only significant outlier in the sample is GRB 030329. With this outlier excluded, the data scatter is reduced by a factor of ∼3 compared to that of Guidorzi et al., measured by the deviation of fit. Possible causes for the outlier are discussed.  相似文献   

Lin  Chia-Hsien  Däppen  Werner 《Solar physics》2000,193(1-2):357-364
Properties of the convection zone are encrypted in the behavior of acoustic modes (p modes) and also in the excitation mechanism. The goal of this study is to reconstruct the pattern of the excitation (e.g., the rate and strength of the excitation) from an observed signal. The method, homomorphic deconvolution, has been tested on several sets of artificial signals. The preliminary results presented here are promising. Further rigorous tests and the eventual application to a real signal will be carried out in the near future.  相似文献   

We study the effect of a large-scale surface magnetic field on the non-radial acoustic modes of roAp stars. Special attention is given to the use of a variational principle which is used for determining the shifts in the frequencies with relative ease, enabling us to avoid having to calculate the perturbed eigenfunctions. With knowledge of the frequency shifts we then estimate the eigenfunctions in a simpler, albeit approximate way. The results indicate frequency shifts of the order of few μHz, which depend on the order, degree and azimuthal order of the mode. The loss of energy through Alfvén waves is also estimated from the imaginary parts of the frequency shifts. The results indicate that the loss is particularly high near specific frequencies. This might indicate the presence of a selection effect, which could make some modes more likely to be excited than others. However, our results do not explain why the modes observed appear always to be aligned with the axis of the magnetic field. Finally, the estimated perturbed eigenfunctions contain strong components of spherical harmonics that differ from those of the original unperturbed modes.  相似文献   

We made a statistical analysis using the Cambridge 5km, 5 GHz data on double radio sources and found highly significant correlations between the following pairs of parameters; the energies in the hot spots and the extended regions, Eh and Ee; their luminosities, Lh and Le; energy density in the hot spots K and the total luminosity Lt and the ratio of energy densities KA and Lt. These correlations exemplify the role of the hot spots in the radio sources.  相似文献   

Vanlommel  P.  Čadež  V.M. 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):263-281
Solar global acoustic oscillations in a multilayer model of the solar atmosphere are studied in the plane-parallel geometry. Calculated frequencies of acoustic modes of the Sun are found to depend on parameters of the temperature profile used in the model. Larger influence on frequencies comes from values of the temperature gradient in the convection zone, and less influence from values of the thickness L of the transitional layer and from values of the ratio Tc/Tp of the coronal and the photospheric temperature, Tc and Tp, respectively. The uncertainties in determining these parameters can easily yield frequency shifts that are larger than the observational accuracy. This then indicates a possibility for a diagnostics of solar plasma based on known values of observed oscillation frequencies.  相似文献   

We present 594 radial velocity measurements for 71 white dwarfs obtained during our search for binary white dwarfs and not reported elsewhere. We identify three excellent candidate binaries, which require further observations to confirm our preliminary estimates for their orbital periods, and one other good candidate. We investigate whether our data support the existence of a population of single, low-mass (≲0.5 M) white dwarfs (LMWDs). These stars are difficult to explain using standard models of stellar evolution. We find that a model with a mixed single/binary population is at least ~20 times more likely to explain our data than a pure binary population. This result depends on assumed period distributions for binary LMWDs, assumed companion masses and several other factors. Therefore, the evidence in favour of the existence of a population of single LMWDs is not sufficient, in our opinion, to firmly establish the existence of such a population, but does suggest that extended observations of LMWDs to obtain a more convincing result would be worthwhile.  相似文献   

A double-probe electric field detector and two spatially separated fixed-bias Langmuir probes were flown on a Taurus-Tomahawk sounding rocket launched from Poker Flat Research Range in March 1982. Interesting wave data have been obtained from about 10s of the downleg portion of the flight during which the rocket passed through the auroral electrojet. Here the electric field receiver and both density fluctuation (δn/n) receivers responded to a broad band of turbulence centered at 105 km altitude and at frequencies generally below 4 kHz. Closer examination of the two (δn/n) turbulent waveforms reveals that they are correlated, and from the phase difference between the two signals, the phase velocity of the waves in the rocket reference frame is inferred. The magnitude and direction of the observed phase velocity are consistent either with waves which travel at the ion sound speed (Cs) or with waves which travel at the electron drift velocity. The observed phase velocity varies by about 50% over a 5 km altitude range—an effect which probably results from shear in the zonal neutral wind, although unfortunately no simultaneous neutral wind measurements exist to confirm this.  相似文献   

On the basis of a radio index-surface brightness diagram recently published, the luminosity function and the luminosity diameter function are obtained. The uncertainties due to the incompleteness of the sample are of the same order as the statistical uncertainties. The luminosity function differs considerably from a simple power law and supports the distinction of two populations. The density of the weak population (P<1035 W Hz−1 ster−1 at 1400 MHz) follows nearly a power law in P and increases towards small diameters at least down to I kpc. The density of the strong population (the high luminosity and small diameter part of which is occupied by the quasars) has a maximum between 1025 and 1028 W Hz−1 ster−1 and around 100 kpc. A strong evolution effect is clearly present and is in a good agreement with the models obtained from the log N-log S counts.  相似文献   

It is shown that the short-period fluctuations of photospheric velocity records can be explained by the scanning effect of atmospheric seeing (image motion) and the velocity gradients present on the solar surface. Some observations supporting this explanation are presented.Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer Institut Nr. 76.  相似文献   

It is shown that the radio luminosity of spiral galaxies correlates with their optical surface brightness. Galaxies with high surface brightness have stronger radio emission, on the average. Their ratio of radio and optical luminosities is also higher than for galaxies with lower surface brightness.  相似文献   

Using an apparent-magnitude limited Main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7(SDSS DR7), we investigate the correlation between morphologies and luminosity for the Main galaxy sample. Our Main galaxy sample is divided into two classes: Main galaxies only with TARGET_GALAXY flag (bestPrimtarget = 64), and ones also with other flags. It is found that for the second class Main galaxies, the early-type proportion monotonously increases with increasing luminosity nearly in the whole luminosity region. But for the first class Main galaxies, the early-type proportion increases with increasing luminosity only within a certain luminosity region (−22.2 < M r  < −19.8). In the high luminosity region (M r  < −22.2), the early-type proportion of the first class Main galaxies even decreases dramatically with increasing luminosity. We also analyze the correlation between morphologies and luminosity of galaxies around the peak of the redshift distribution ( 0.07 ≤ z ≤ 0.08 ). In such a narrow redshift region, we still observe strong correlation between morphologies and luminosity, which shows that this correlation is fundamental.  相似文献   

A simple matching technique is developed which allows us to compute the response of the solar envelope to perturbations which occur within the solar convective region, and in timescales of importance to climate. This technique is applied to perturbation of the convective efficiency (-mechanism), and of the non-gas component of the pressure in different regions of the convection zone (-mechanism). The results indicate that while either perturbation affects the solar luminosity, the -mechanism has almost no effect on the solar outer radius, regardless of the affected region, whereas the -mechanism produces radius changes which may be large if the location of perturbation is deep enough.  相似文献   

The paper gives a new explanation of Saturn's large heat output.  相似文献   

From two sets of the spectroscopic observations covering a ten year period we have obtained 59 radial velocities of the chromospherically-active star HD 28591 = V492 Per. It is a G9III single-lined spectroscopic binary with a period of 21.2910 days and a circular orbit. Thev sini of 24.6 km s–1, results in a minimum radius 10.3R . We estimate a distance of 165 ± 40 pc and an orbital inclination of 65 ± 25 degrees. The secondary is probably a mid to late-type K dwarf. The star is brighter than the limiting magnitude of theBright Star Catalogue. The mean photometric and the orbital periods are identical within their uncertainties. Since the star fills a significant fraction of its Roche lobe, about 62%, the photometric light curve may be the result of starspots and a modest ellipticity effect.Visiting astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, NOAO, operated by AURA, Inc., under contract with the NSF  相似文献   

We analyze the pattern of behavior of p-mode wave packets with solar cycle using TON one-day helioseismic data with a high spatial resolution. The time—distance method is used to perform this task. We make an attempt to determine the variations in the travel time of acoustic waves at maximum and minimum solar activity; at maximum activity, this time decreases by 2 s compared to that at minimum activity to a depth of 0.8R. In addition, the correlation amplitudes of acoustic wave packets from minimum to maximum solar activity were found to decrease by 10–20% for all angular distances.  相似文献   

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