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Fine-grained clayey subfractions (SF) with particle sizes of 1–2, 0.6–1.0, 0.3–0.6, 0.2–0.3, 0.1–0.2, and <0.1 μm were extracted from shales of the Vendian Staraya Rechka Formation in the Anabar Massif and studied by XRD and Rb-Sr methods. All the clayey subfractions are represented by illite with high crystallinity indices, which are characteristic of the low-temperature diagenesis/catagenesis zone and grow with the decrease of the particle size. The Rb-Sr systematics in clayey subfractions combined with mineralogical data provide grounds for the conclusion that illite from clayey rocks of the Staraya Rechka Formation was forming during two periods: approximately 560 and 391–413 Ma ago. The first illite generation was likely formed in the course of lithostatic subsidence of the Staraya Rechka sediments and the second one, during the Devonian lithogenesis stage. It is assumed that age of the first generation (∼560 Ma) is close to that of the Staraya Rechka Formation. This inference is consistent with biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic, and geochronological data obtained for both rocks of the Anabar Massif and Vendian sediments from other regions of Siberia.  相似文献   

The X-ray fluorescence and ICP methods were used to analyze 60 outcrop samples of black shale, of which 15 were collected from Belait, 15 from the Setap Shale, 15 from Temburong, and 15 from the Trusmadi formations. The average compositions of the shales from the study area are 64.62%, 63.95%, 62.32%, 63.84% SiO2, 1.84%, 2.14%, 2.04%, 1.99% MgO, 2.55%, 3.12%, 2.89%, 2.72% K2O, 0.32%, 0.30%, 0.32%, 0.53% CaO, 5.86%, 6.06%, 7.14%, 6.60% Fe2O3, 207×10^-6, 180×10^-6, 213×10^-6, 200×10^-6 Rb, and 56×10^-6, 49×10^-6, 50×10^-6, 32×10^-6 Sr for the Setap Shale, Temburong, Belait and Trusmadi samples, respectively. The high Rb/Sr ratios of 3.8, 3.7, 4.2, and 6.1 are attributed to the lowest contents of Sr due to reducing conditions prevailing. The high Rb/K ratio sug- gests either brackish marine or rapid deposition that prevented equilibrium between Rb and K in the shales and marine waters.  相似文献   

A 28-m-long section situated on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, Russia (74°N, 113°E) was extensively sampled primarily for the purpose of magnetostratigraphic investigations across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. The section consists predominantly of marine black shales with abundant siderite concretions and several distinct siderite cemented layers. Low-field magnetic susceptibility (k) ranges from 8 × 10− 5 to 2 × 10− 3 SI and is predominantly controlled by the paramagnetic minerals, i.e. iron-bearing chlorites, micas, and siderite. The siderite-bearing samples possess the highest magnetic susceptibility, usually one order of magnitude higher than the neighboring rock. The intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (M0) varies between 1 × 10− 5 and 6 × 10− 3 A/m. Several samples possessing extremely high values of M0 were found. There is no apparent correlation between the high k and high M0 values; on the contrary, the samples with relatively high M0 values possess average magnetic susceptibility and vice versa. According to the low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), three different groups of samples can be distinguished. In the siderite-bearing samples (i), an inverse magnetic fabric is observed, i.e., the maximum and minimum principal susceptibility directions are interchanged and the magnetic fabric has a distinctly prolate shape. Triaxial-fabric samples (ii), showing an intermediate magnetic fabric, are always characterized by high M0 values. It seems probable that the magnetic fabric is controlled by the preferred orientation of paramagnetic phyllosilicates, e.g., chlorite and mica, and by some ferromagnetic mineral with anomalous orientation in relation to the bedding plane. Oblate-fabric samples (iii) are characterized by a bedding-controlled magnetic fabric, and by moderate magnetic susceptibility and M0 values. The magnetic fabric is controlled by the preferred orientation of phyllosilicate minerals and, to a minor extent, by a ferrimagnetic fraction, most probably detrital magnetite. Considering the magnetic fabric together with paleomagnetic component analyses, the siderite-bearing, and the high-NRM samples (about 15% of samples) were excluded from further magnetostratigraphic research.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Udokan volcanic plateau differs from other volcanic regions of the Late Cenozoic volcanic province of East Asia in the high alkalinity of volcanic rocks, their...  相似文献   

The relationships between oil shales, evaporites and sedimentary ore deposits can be classified in terms of stratigraphic and geochemical coherence. Oil shale and black shale deposition commonly follows continental red beds and is in turn followed by evaporite deposition. This transgressive-regressive sequence represents an orderly succession of depositional environments in space and time and results in stratigraphic coherence. The amount of organic carbon of a sediment depends on productivity and preservation, both of which are enhanced by saline environments. Work on Great Salt Lake. Utah, allows us to estimate that only 5% of TOC originally deposited is preserved. Inorganic carbonate production is similar to TOC production, but preservation is much higher.Oil shales and black shales commonly are enriched in heavy metals through scavenging by biogenic particles and complexation by organic matter. Ore deposits are formed from such rocks through secondary enrichment processes, establishing a geochemical coherence between oil shales and ore deposits. The Permian Kupferschiefer of N. Europe is used as an example to define a Kupferschiefer type (KST) deposit. Here oxygenated brines in contact with red beds become acidified through mineral precipitation and acquire metals by dissolving oxide coatings. Oxidation of the black shale leads to further acid production and metal acquisition and eventually to sulfide deposition along a reducing front. In order to form ore bodies, the stratigraphic coherence of the red bed-black shale-evaporite succession must be joined by the geochemical coherence of the ore body-evaporite-black shale association. The Cretaceous Cu-Zn deposits of Angola, the Zambian Copperbelt as well as the Creta, Oklahoma, deposits are other KST examples. In the Zambian Copperbelt, evaporites are indicated by the carbonate lenticles thought to be pseudomorphs after gypsum-anhydrite nodules. MVT deposits are also deposited by acid brines, but at more elevated temperatures and with carbonates as principal host rocks. The Pine Point deposits are cited for their close association with evaporites.Alkaline, metal-rich brines are postulated for the HYC deposit of McArthur River, Australia. Such brines are known from the Green River Formation and deposits formed from such brines constitute the GRT class. They can be recognized by the presence of Magadi-type cherts and zeolite-analcime-K-spar tuffs. The Cu-Co ore bodies of Outokumpu, Finland, might also belong to this type. A new classification of sedimentary ore deposits is proposed, based on their geochemical environment. KST and MVT are formed from acid ore fluids, while GRT and CT (Creede type) are derived from basic ore fluids. pH of the fluids is best evaluated not from the ores themselves, but from their effect on the host-rocks.  相似文献   

It was shown that the contents of Ni, Mo, and Co in the siliceous clay black shale rocks of the normal sections of the Bazhenov Formation are several times higher than the global mean contents of these elements in black shales. These rocks have the highest contents of pyrite and organic carbon and show evidence for strongly reducing formation conditions at the slowest background rate of sedimentation of their material. A transition from the siliceous clay rocks to the mudstones of normal section, which are considered as turbidites, and further to the mudstones and clayey silt rocks of the so-called anomalous sections (deposits of submarine deltas and canyons) is accompanied by sequential depletion in pyrite and organic carbon, a decrease in indicators of the reduction level of the sedimentation environment, and an increase in sedimentation rate and clay material content. Simultaneously, the contents of the elements of interest decreases in the sequence Mo > Ni > Co. In the rocks of anomalous sections, the contents of these elements decrease to the level of their mean abundances in clays.  相似文献   

Scintillation arc atomic-emission spectrometry (SAES) is used to study noble metals (NM), including Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, and Ru, in black shales of the Sukhoi Log gold deposit (Irkutsk Region, Russia), with a focus on NM total contents in samples and on the compositions and sizes of NM-bearing particles. The estimated sizes of gold particles and their distribution are confirmed by results of scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDX). The SAES results are in satisfactory agreement with earlier SEM-EDX data on NM species but reveal a much greater number and diversity of element associations.  相似文献   

Graphitic and graphite varieties are distinguished in the carbonaceous shales of the Riphean Upper Nyatygran Subformation in the Melgin fragment of the Turan block, eastern Bureya Massif. The protolith of the graphitic shales had a terrigenous source related to island-arc volcanism. Pelagic sedimentation played a great role in the formation of the protolith of the graphite shale. These rocks were juxtaposed during the formation of an accretionary wedge on an active continental margin. The carbonaceous shales are characterized by high (>600 ppm) REE + Y contents, especially in the zones of brecciation and hydrothermal reworking. Detrial monazite enriched in LREE and MREE is the main carrier of REE mineralization in the graphitic shales. The main REE carrier in the graphite shales is REE phosphate (xenotime) formed during lithogenesis of sediments. Preliminary experimental treatment of the graphite shales of the Upper Nyatygran Subformation by ammonium hydrofluoride shows their potential for economic extraction of REE and Y.  相似文献   

Geotectonics - In our research we summarized data obtained on the composition, structure, and geochemical characteristics of the granitoid plutons of the eastern part of the Krasnoleninsky arch of...  相似文献   

East Siberia comprises three petroleum provinces—Lena-Tunguska, Lena-Vilyuy, and Yenisey-Anabar—that occupy the area of the Siberian craton. Petroleum has been generated and has accumulated in Precambrian rifts beneath the sedimentary basins and, more importantly, within the section of the basin itself. The platformal deposits of the basins extend beneath overthrusts on the east and south and are covered by sedimentary rocks of the West Siberian overthrusts on the east and south and are covered by sedimentary rocks of the West Siberian province on the west. Permafrost and gas hydrate deposits are present throughout most of East Siberia.

In the Lena-Tunguska province, rifts that developed during Riphean time are filled by thick sedimentary rocks, in which petroleum deposits have formed. In Early Cambrian time a barrier reef extended across the East Siberian craton from southeast to northwest. A lagoon to the west of this reef was the site of thick rhythmic salt deposits, which are the main seal for petroleum in the province. The sedimentary section of the platform cover ranges in age from Late Proterozoic to Permian. More than 25 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the province, all in Riphean through Lower Cambrian rocks.

The Lena-Vilyuy province includes the Vilyuy basin and the Cis-Verkhoyansk foredeep. During Middle Devonian time, a rift formed along the axis of what was to become the Vilyuy basin. This rift is filled by Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous basalt, elastics, carbonates, and evaporites. During this rift stage the region that was to become the Cis-Verkhoyansk foredeep was an open geosynclinal sea. The sedimentary cover consists of Permian, coal-bearing sedimentary rocks as well as elastics from the Lower Triassic, Lower Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous, the latter only in the Vilyuy basin. In the Lena-Vilyuy petroleum province as many as nine gas and gas-condensate fields have been discovered.

The Yenisey-Anabar province is largely an extension of the West Siberian petroleum province. Permian sedimentary rocks are present only in the east, where they consist of elastics and some salt. The Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous each are represented by thick clastic deposits. Total thickness of the sedimentary cover is up to 15 km on the west and 8 km on the east. Twelve gas and gas-condensate fields have been discovered in the western part of the province.  相似文献   

The finding of hydrocarbon accumulations in Upper Jurassic rocks of the Krasnoleninsk Arch, which were previously considered fluid trap and oil source sediments, stimulated us to have a new look at these rocks. The analysis of geophysical data on boreholes revealed that reservoirs in Upper Jurassic rocks are mainly represented by siliceous and carbonate varieties, which were named potentially productive beds. This work presents results of the detailed investigation of the lithology of Upper Jurassic rocks for distinguishing different rock types (including potentially productive beds) with the aim of their correlation and prediction of lateral distribution.  相似文献   

The major and trace element characteristics of black shales from the Lower Cretaceous Paja Formation of Colombia are broadly comparable with those of the average upper continental crust. Among the exceptions are marked enrichments in V, Cr, and Ni. These enrichments are associated with high organic carbon contents. CaO and Na2O are strongly depleted, leading to high values for both the Chemical Index of Alteration (77–96) and the Plagioclase Index of Alteration (86–99), which indicates derivation from a stable, intensely weathered felsic source terrane. The REE abundances and patterns vary considerably but can be divided into three main groups according to their characteristics and stratigraphic position. Four samples from the lower part of the Paja Formation (Group 1) are characterized by LREE-enriched chondrite-normalized patterns (average LaN/YbN = 8.41) and significant negative Eu anomalies (average Eu/Eu1 = 0.63). A second group of five samples (Group 2), also from the lower part, have relatively flat REE patterns (average LaN/YbN = 1.84) and only slightly smaller Eu anomalies (average Eu/Eu1 = 0.69). Six samples from the middle and upper parts (Group 3) have highly fractionated patterns (average LaN/YbN = 15.35), resembling those of Group 1, and an identical average Eu/Eu1 of 0.63. The fractionated REE patterns and significant negative Eu anomalies in Groups 1 and 3 are consistent with derivation from an evolved felsic source. The flatter patterns of Group 2 shale and strongly concave MREE-depleted patterns in two additional shales likely were produced during diagenesis, rather than reflecting more mafic detrital inputs. An analysis of a single sandstone suggests diagenetic modification of the REE, because its REE pattern is identical to that of the upper continental crust except for the presence of a significant positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu1 = 1.15). Felsic provenance for all samples is suggested by the clustering on the Th/Sc–Zr/Sc and GdN/YbN–Eu/Eu1 diagrams. Averages of unmodified Groups 1 and 3 REE patterns compare well with cratonic sediments from the Roraima Formation in the Guyana Shield, suggesting derivation from a continental source of similar composition. In comparison with modern sediments, the geochemical parameters (K2O/Na2O, LaN/YbN, LaN/SmN, Eu/Eu1, La/Sc, La/Y, Ce/Sc) suggest the Paja Formation was deposited at a passive margin. The Paja shales thus represent highly mature sediments recycled from deeply weathered, older, sedimentary/metasedimentary rocks, possibly in the Guyana Shield, though Na-rich volcanic/granitic rocks may have contributed to some extent.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the chemical composition and parageneses of fluorides and fluorcarbonates in rocks of the Katugin Complex, with which a unique deposit of REE–Nb–Ta ore with cryolite is associated. In mineralogy and chemical composition, the rocks correspond to biotite, biotite–amphibole, arfvedsonite, and aegirine–arfvedsonite granites, which were regarded in earlier publications as granite-like metasomatic rocks. Aegirine–arfvedsonite granite contains a cryolite–gagarinite assemblage, which reflects depletion of Ca in the mineral-forming medium and enrichment in Na and F. Arfvedsonite granite is characterized by intergrowth of yttrofluorite with fluocerite and gagarinite, which indicates a relative enrichment in Ca and low CO2 content. Biotite granite is characterized by an assemblage of fluorite with titanite, apatite, and monazite as evidence for an elevated Ca concentration along with moderate F and P contents in the system. Neighborite, coulsellite, gagarinite, fluocerite, and tveitite-(Y) appear in biotite–amphibole granite along with replacement of annite with riebeckite and development of albite after microcline. All this indicates that a moderately alkaline Na-fluoride solution with a low Ca concentration affects biotite granite.  相似文献   

Biotite plagiogranite intruding sediments of the Kodar Sub-Group of the Udokan Group that have both undergone amphibolite grade alterations has been dated by the U–Pb ID TIMS technique using zircon to 2105 ± 6 Ma. This age estimate to a first approximation corresponds to the younger age limit of deposition of the siliciclastics in the lower section of the Udokan Group.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the genesis of large Siberian alkaline massifs hosting major ore deposits. These reference massifs are grouped based on the predominance of alkalies (K or Na) and their agpaitic index (miaskitic and agpaitic). We proposed new emplacement schemes for the Tomtor, Murun, Burpala, Synnyr, and Bilibino massifs supported by petrochemical and geochemical data, as well as new age estimates. Types of their ore potential and genesis of rare-metal mineralization are discussed. The formational types of carbonatites as the main ore-bearing rocks are given. The depth of magma generation and types of mantle sources are determined using isotopic data from previous studies. A model of plume-related generation of ultramafic alkaline magmas is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of eco-geochemical research on black rock series enriched in metallic elements in Pingli County,Shaanxi Province,which lies at the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform.There is a suite of bone coal-bearing black carbonaceous rocks in the Cambrian Donghe Formation throughout the region.Soils in Pingli contain high metallic elements derived from the bone coal and carbonaceous rocks.Edible plants growing in the soils contain high Se,Cu and Mo.Two case studies are documented.One is a black shale area with bone coal and Se enrichment,and the other is a black shale area with bone coal mine and copper mineralization.Eco-geochemical effects of metallic element-rich black shales on plants are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Geology of the Devonian black shales of the Appalachian Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Black shales of Devonian age in the Appalachian Basin are a unique rock sequence. The high content of organic matter, which imparts the characteristic lithology, has for years attracted considerable interest in the shales as a possible source of energy. The recent energy shortage prompted the U.S. Department of Energy through the Eastern Gas Shales Project of the Morgantown Energy Technology Center to underwrite a research program to determine the geologic, geochemical, and structural characteristics of the Devonian black shales in order to enhance the recovery of gas from the shales. Geologic studies by Federal and State agencies and academic institutions produced a regional stratigraphic network that correlates the 15 ft black shale sequence in Tennessee with 3000 ft of interbedded black and gray shales in central New York. These studies correlate the classic Devonian black shale sequence in New York with the Ohio Shale of Ohio and Kentucky and the Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee and southwestern Virginia. Biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic markers in conjunction with gamma-ray logs facilitated long-range correlations within the Appalachian Basin. Basinwide correlations, including the subsurface rocks, provided a basis for determining the areal distribution and thickness of the important black shale units. The organic carbon content of the dark shales generally increases from east to west across the basin and is sufficient to qualify as a hydrocarbon source rock. Significant structural features that involve the black shale and their hydrocarbon potential are the Rome trough, Kentucky River and Irvine-Paint Creek fault zone, and regional decollements and ramp zones.  相似文献   

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