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The star formation histories of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the results of a moped analysis of  ∼3 × 105  galaxy spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 3 (SDSS DR3), with a number of improvements in data, modelling and analysis compared with our previous analysis of DR1. The improvements include: modelling the galaxies with theoretical models at a higher spectral resolution of 3 Å, better calibrated data, an extended list of excluded emission lines and a wider range of dust models. We present new estimates of the cosmic star formation rate (SFR), the evolution of stellar mass density and the stellar mass function from the fossil record. In contrast to our earlier work the results show no conclusive peak in the SFR out to a redshift around 2 but continue to show conclusive evidence for 'downsizing' in the SDSS fossil record. The star formation history is now in good agreement with more traditional instantaneous measures. The galaxy stellar mass function is determined over five decades of mass, and an updated estimate of the current stellar mass density is presented. We also investigate the systematic effects of changes in the stellar population modelling, the spectral resolution, dust modelling, sky lines, spectral resolution and the change of data set. We find that the main changes in the results are due to the improvements in the calibration of the SDSS data, changes in the initial mass function and the theoretical models used.  相似文献   

Using the spectroscopic sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 1 (SDSS DR1), we measure how gas was transformed into stars as a function of time and stellar mass: the baryonic conversion tree (BCT). There is a clear correlation between early star formation activity and present-day stellar mass: the more massive galaxies have formed approximately 80 per cent of their stars at   z > 1  , while for the less massive ones the value is only approximately 20 per cent. By comparing the BCT with the dark matter merger tree, we find indications that star formation efficiency at   z > 1  had to be approximately a factor of two higher than today (∼10 per cent) in galaxies with present-day stellar mass larger than  2 × 1011 M  , if this early star formation occurred in the main progenitor. Therefore, the λ cold dark matter (LCDM) paradigm can accommodate a large number of red objects. On the other hand, in galaxies with present-day stellar mass less than  1011 M  , efficient star formation seems to have been triggered at   z ∼ 0.2  . We show that there is a characteristic mass  ( M *∼ 1010 M)  for feedback efficiency (or lack of star formation). For galaxies with masses lower than this, feedback (or star formation suppression) is very efficient while for higher masses it is not. The BCT, determined here for the first time, should be an important observable with which to confront theoretical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

E+A galaxies are characterized as galaxies with strong Balmer absorption lines but without any [O  ii ] or Hα emission lines. The existence of strong Balmer absorption lines indicates that E+A galaxies have experienced starburst within the past one gigayear. However, the lack of [O  ii ] and Hα emission lines indicates that E+A galaxies do not have any on-going star formation. Therefore, E+A galaxies are interpreted as post-starburst galaxies. For many years, however, it has been a mystery why E+A galaxies started starburst and why they quenched star formation abruptly. Using one of the largest samples of 266 E+A galaxies carefully selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2, we have investigated the environment of E+A galaxies from 50 kpc to 8 Mpc scale, i.e. from a typical distance to satellite galaxies to the scale of large-scale structures. We found that E+A galaxies have an excess of local galaxy density only at a scale of <100 kpc (with a 2σ significance), but not at the cluster scale (∼1.5 Mpc) nor at the scale of large-scale structure (∼8 Mpc). These results indicate that E+A galaxies are not created by the physical mechanisms associated with galaxy clusters or the large-scale structure, but are likely to be created by dynamical interaction with closely accompanying galaxies at a <100 kpc scale. The claim is also supported by the morphology of E+A galaxies. We have found that almost all E+A galaxies have a bright compact core, and that ∼30 per cent of E+A galaxies have dynamically disturbed signatures or tidal tails, which quite strongly suggest the morphological appearance of merger/interaction remnants.  相似文献   

We determine the underlying shapes of spiral and elliptical galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6) from the observed distribution of projected galaxy shapes, taking into account the effects of dust extinction and reddening. We assume that the underlying shapes of spirals and ellipticals are well approximated by triaxial ellipsoids. The elliptical galaxy data are consistent with oblate spheroids, with a correlation between luminosity and ellipticity: the mean values of minor to middle axis ratios are 0.41 ± 0.03 for   M r ≈−18  ellipticals and 0.76 ± 0.04 for   M r ≈−22.5  ellipticals. Ellipticals show almost no dependence of axial ratio on galaxy colour, implying a negligible dust optical depth.
There is a strong variation of spiral galaxy shapes with colour indicating the presence of dust. The intrinsic shapes of spiral galaxies in the SDSS DR6 are consistent with flat discs with a mean and dispersion of thickness to diameter ratio of (21 ± 2) per cent, and a face-on ellipticity, e , of  ln( e ) =−2.33 ± 0.79  . Not including the effects of dust in the model leads to discs that are systematically rounder by up to 60 per cent. More luminous spiral galaxies tend to have thicker and rounder discs than lower luminosity spirals. Both elliptical and spiral galaxies tend to be rounder for larger galaxies.
The marginalized value of the edge-on r -band dust extinction E 0 in spiral galaxies is   E 0≃ 0.45  mag for galaxies of median colours, increasing to   E 0= 1  mag for   g − r > 0.9  and   E 0= 1.9  for the luminous and most compact galaxies, with half-light radii  <2  h −1 kpc  .  相似文献   

We have performed 2D bulge/bar/disc decompositions using g , r and i -band images of a representative sample of nearly 1000 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We show that the Petrosian concentration index is a better proxy for the bulge-to-total ratio than the global Sérsic index. We show that pseudo-bulges can be distinguished from classical bulges as outliers in the Kormendy relation. We provide the structural parameters and distributions of stellar masses of ellipticals, classical bulges, pseudo-bulges, discs and bars, and find that 32 per cent of the total stellar mass in massive galaxies in the local universe is contained in ellipticals, 36 per cent in discs, 25 per cent in classical bulges, 3 per cent in pseudo-bulges and 4 per cent in bars. Pseudo-bulges are currently undergoing intense star formation activity and populate the blue cloud of the colour–magnitude diagram. Most (though not all) classical bulges are quiescent and populate the red sequence of the diagram. Classical bulges follow a correlation between the bulge Sérsic index and bulge-to-total ratio, while pseudo-bulges do not. In addition, for a fixed bulge-to-total ratio, pseudo-bulges are less concentrated than classical bulges. Pseudo-bulges follow a mass–size relation similar to that followed by bars, and different from that followed by classical bulges. In the fundamental plane, pseudo-bulges occupy the same locus as discs. While these results point out different formation processes for classical and pseudo-bulges, we also find a significant overlap in their properties, indicating that the different processes might happen concomitantly. Finally, classical bulges and ellipticals follow offset mass–size relations, suggesting that high-mass bulges might not be simply high-mass ellipticals surrounded by discs.  相似文献   

We examine the optical emission-line properties of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) selected from two large, homogeneous data sets. The first is the X-ray selected National Optical Astronomy Observatory Fundamental Plane Survey (NFPS), and the second is the C4 catalogue of optically selected clusters built from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 3 (SDSS DR3). Our goal is to better understand the optical line emission in BCGs with respect to properties of the galaxy and the host cluster. Throughout the analysis we compare the line emission of the BCGs to that of a control sample made of the other bright galaxies near the cluster centre. Overall, both the NFPS and SDSS show a modest fraction of BCGs with emission lines (∼15 per cent). No trend in the fraction of emitting BCGs as a function of galaxy mass or cluster velocity dispersion is found. However, we find that, for those BCGs found in cooling flow clusters,  71+9−14  have optical emission. Furthermore, if we consider only BCGs within 50 kpc of the X-ray centre of a cooling flow cluster, the emission-line fraction rises further to  100+0−15  per cent. Excluding the cooling flow clusters, only ∼10 per cent of BCGs are line emitting, comparable to the control sample of galaxies. We show that the physical origin of the emission-line activity varies: in some cases it has LINER-like line ratios, whereas in others it is a composite of star-formation and LINER-like activity. We conclude that the presence of emission lines in BCGs is directly related to the cooling of X-ray gas at the cluster centre.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) have received little attention in previous studies. We present a detailed spectral analysis of 194 LSBGs from the Impey et al. (1996) APM LSBG sample which has been observed spec-troscopically by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 (SDSS DR5). Our elaborate spectral analysis enables us to carry out, for the first time, reliable spectral classification of nuclear processes in LSBGs based on the standard emission line diagnostic diagrams in a rigorous way. Star-forming galaxies are common, as found in about 52% of LSBGs. We find that, contrary to some previous claims, the fraction of galaxies that contain AGNs is significantly lower than that found in nearby normal galaxies of high surface brightness. This is qualitatively in line with the finding of Impey et al. This result holds true even within each morphological type from Sa to Sc. LSBGs that have larger central stellar ve-locity dispersions or larger physical sizes tend to have a higher chance of harboring an AGN. For three AGNs with broad emission lines, the black hole masses estimated from the emission lines are broadly consistent with the well known M-σ* relation established for normal galaxies and AGNs.  相似文献   

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