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The George Sound Paragneiss (GSP) represents a rare Permo-Triassic unit in Fiordland that occurs as a km-scale pillar to gabbroic and dioritic gneiss of c . 120 Ma Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO). It is distinguished from Palaeozoic paragneiss common in western Fiordland (Deep Cove Gneiss) by SHRIMP and laser-ablation U–Pb ages as young as c . 190 Ma and 176Hf/177Lu >0.2828 for detrital zircon grains. The Mesozoic age of the GSP circumvents common ambiguity in the interpretation of Cretaceous v. Palaeozoic metamorphic assemblages in the Deep Cove Gneiss. A shallowly dipping S1 foliation is preserved in the GSP distal to the WFO, cut by 100 m scale migmatite contact zones. All units preserve a steeply dipping S2 foliation. S1 staurolite and sillimanite inclusions in the cores of metapelitic garnet grains distal to the WFO preserve evidence for prograde conditions of T  <   650 °C and P <  8 kbar. Contact aureole and S2 assemblages include Mg-rich, Ca-poor cores to garnet grains in metapelitic schist that reflect WFO emplacement at ≈760 °C and ≈6.5 kbar. S2 kyanite-bearing matrix assemblages and Ca-enriched garnet rims reflect ≈650 °C and ≈11 kbar. Poorly oriented muscovite–biotite intergrowths and rare paragonite reflect post-S2 high- P retrogression and cooling. Pseudosection modelling in NCKFMASH defines a high- P anti-clockwise P–T history for the GSP involving: (i) mid- P amphibolite facies conditions; preceding (ii) thermal metamorphism adjacent to the WFO; followed by (iii) burial to high- P and (iv) high- P cooling induced by tectonic juxtaposition of cooler country rock.  相似文献   

Enthusiasm for economic development in newly-industrializing countries is tempered by the thought of enhanced regional disparities which seem to inevitably accompany such processes. A breakthrough from being consigned such an outcome is possible if the country can successfully switch from import-substitution industrialization to that centered on export promotion. Conceptually, such an amended course would allow for the diversification of regional economies and the development of regional cities associated with the export trade. Under this scenario, the necessity to bolster a core industrial region — almost always focused on the capital city — is made redundant and national strategies can officially espouse regional development targets with some chance of success. Taiwan is both a stellar performer among the newly-industrializing countries and a subscriber to the export-promotion school. It affords, then, an obvious case study for assessing the degree of core-periphery disparity in economic activities. Additionally, its government is much given to declaring the benefits of industrialization for the populace, and has gone a considerable way to provide manufacturing decentralization by means of a string of development districts peppering the island and a number of ‘mega-proj ects’ of the industrial complex kind. An analysis of the distribution of employment engendered between 1975 and 1985 is forthcoming with both optimistic and cautionary results. In the first case, the degree of spatial concentration in growth activities — and especially manufacturing — has ameliorated but, secondly, the proviso remains that the momentum of growth enjoyed by the core is sufficient to guarantee that favored region a disproportionate share of the job prospects thrown up by the ‘economic miracle’.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the relationship that occurs between the level of economic growth and the standard of living of Poland's population, using a regional approach. As an indicator of the degree of economic development national income is adopted. The social aspect of regional development is characterized by means of an analysis of the structure of the standard of living expressed in terms of two principal components, representative of a set of 34 empirical indicators. Interest is centred on the spatial interdependence between the value of net output in a regional pattern and the structure of the standard of living expressed in terms of the first principal component. This first component includes the main elements which affect the quality of people's lives, but it refers primarily to highly urbanized regions. In the light of the obtained results it can be stated that the influence of economic growth on the standard of living exhibits clear regional variations, with the relation assuming different forms depending on the structure of the standard of living. It seems that, although economic growth is closely connected with the quality of life, its impact is modified by regional conditions and resources, i.e. by the way a combination of socio-economic development factors is fitted into the situation of particular regions.  相似文献   

Abstract Textural relationships between porphyroblasts of biotite and garnet in metasediments in the Nordkinn Peninsula area of the Finnmarkian Caledonides of North Norway are apparently complex. There is evidence for two textural zones in both mineral phases and superficially the development of these appears to have overlapped, at least in part, in time and space. This apparently complex porphyroblast growth history can be considerably simplified if only one period of garnet growth occurred and if different inclusion fabrics developed where garnet replaced biotite porphyroblasts and where it overgrew the matrix foliation. The possibility that porphyroblasts with textural evidence for multiphase growth histories actually grew during a single crystallization event is of importance in the interpretation and elucidation of tectonometamorphic relationships.  相似文献   

在变质变形复杂的辽宁东部—吉林南部的本溪—临江地区开展的三维地质调查工作的基础上,经反复探索实践,得出了由区域主干剖面、区域建模剖面、建模约束剖面和建模剖面四级剖面控制下的分单元三维地质调查方法可以有效约束地下深部地质结构;提出了开展三维区域地质调查的17个步骤;讨论了方法与流程在本溪—临江地区的应用情况、有效性、可操作性及可靠性。  相似文献   

This study utilizes three major data sources: distribution of geological units; density, type, age and distribution of mineral deposits; and elemental analyses from regional geochemical stream sediment surveys to define parameters that ‘characterize’ tectonic terranes in northern British Columbia. A similar approach could be applied anywhere in the Canadian Cordillera.This area, NTS map sheets 104N, 104O and 104P along the British Columbia-Yukon border, forms a transect through allochthonous terranes into North American rocks. These are: the allochthonous island-arc Stikine, oceanic Cache Creek, cataclastic Yukon/Tanana, and island-arc Quensel terranes, the pericratonic Dorsey terrane; the parautochthonous oceanic Sylvester allochthon; and the autochthonous miogeoclinal North American Cassiar terrane. Plutonic rocks of Jurassic-Cretaceous to Tertiary age intrude all terranes.Data sources used in the study are geological base maps and reports, the Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources' mineral deposit database (MINFILE) and analytical data from the National Regional Geochemical Survey stream sediment and water sampling program.Geological maps were compiled from various sources and plotted to act as bases for geochemical and mineral deposit overlays for analysis and interpretation.Geochemical samples were separated into background and anomalous populations and compared according to their source terranes. We found that mean concentrations from background sample populations for some elements are statistically distinctive for different terranes. Unfortunately, elemental correlation coefficients for the terranes are similar so cannot be used to characterize each terrane.Data on mineral deposits and occurrences were compiled from minfile and other sources. Particular attention was paid to deposits with histories of production or significant reported reserves. Deposits were sorted by type and commodity to produce synoptic metallogenic maps.The combined data from geological, geochemical and mineral deposit databases form a strong tool for interpreting and predicting patterns of mineralization.  相似文献   


In this paper we concentrate particularly on the geomorphological indicators left by active tectonics. In the central foothills of Taiwan, we used topography, drainage pattern and structural data to perform quantitative morphometric analysis and to determine relative age of fault-related anticlines. The Tiehchen, Tatu and Pakua ridge belt is a fault-related anticline system located in the hanging wall of the Changhua fault along the western thrust front of the foothills. Geomorphic systems are analysed with intent to detect the various responses of landforms and drainage pattern to late Quaternary deformation. Topography and drainage basin register uplift and are valuable tools to discriminate lateral propagation of an active frontal fold. Geomorphic field evidence and quantitative morphometric parameters are used to define the evolution of the rising anticline ridges and to infer tectonism style along an active front. Geometry of alluvial fans, formed along the frontal side of the anticlines, and weathered terrace deposits provide relevant information on neotectonics. Knowledge concerning these younger anticline ridges, makes this area a good example of an actively forming mountain front. We discuss in detail the origin of N045°, N095 and N120° trending oblique fault scarps which delimite numerous fault blocks. The fault scarps morphology is characterized by imbricate talus facets. Steeper topography accompanied by breaks in the slope along some transverse profiles, seems to correspond to the traces of successive uplifts. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(5):265-287
In this paper we concentrate particularly on the geomorphological indicators left by active tectonics. In the central foothills of Taiwan, we used topography, drainage pattern and structural data to perform quantitative morphometric analysis and to determine relative age of fault-related anticlines. The Tiehchen, Tatu and Pakua ridge belt is a fault-related anticline system located in the hanging wall of the Changhua fault along the western thrust front of the foothills. Geomorphic systems are analysed with intent to detect the various responses of landforms and drainage pattern to late Quaternary deformation. Topography and drainage basin register uplift and are valuable tools to discriminate lateral propagation of an active frontal fold. Geomorphic field evidence and quantitative morphometric parameters are used to define the evolution of the rising anticline ridges and to infer tectonism style along an active front. Geometry of alluvial fans, formed along the frontal side of the anticlines, and weathered terrace deposits provide relevant information on neotectonics. Knowledge concerning these younger anticline ridges, makes this area a good example of an actively forming mountain front. We discuss in detail the origin of N045°, N095 and N120° trending oblique fault scarps which delimite numerous fault blocks. The fault scarps morphology is characterized by imbricate talus facets. Steeper topography accompanied by breaks in the slope along some transverse profiles, seems to correspond to the traces of successive uplifts.  相似文献   

Urban development pressures, preservation of environmentally sensitive areas and regional planning are the focus of current debates on regionalism in both fast and slow growth regions. Based on two cases—a campaign to preserve ecological integrity and reduce sprawl on the Oak Ridges Moraine in the Greater Toronto Area and Rochester’s anti-sprawl campaign for regional equity—the paper examines how two anti-sprawl campaigns brought to the fore alternative constructions of regionalism. In the fast growing Toronto region, citizen mobilization and upper tier intervention resulted in a legislative base for regionalism. In the slow growth Rochester region, the city had limited success in gaining regional redistribution. Such divergent outcomes relate to differences in intergovernmental relations, the city’s influence on the region, receptivity of suburbs to smart growth, and the potential for values of nature preservation and justice to mobilize regional coalitions.  相似文献   

The combination of climate change and urbanization is worsening urban flooding problems. Estimating the amount of rainfall that a city can tolerate without flooding is a fundamental task that is difficult to perform, although large amounts of resources are invested in urban flood control. The purpose of this study is to determine the tolerance threshold for stormwater in a city. Based on hydrometeorological characteristics and existing flood control facilities, the urban adaptive water capacity is analyzed to determine the critical rainfall loading. Different critical levels are defined. The low critical point represents the beginning of the water accumulation, while the intermediate and high critical points are defined as flooding with heights of 300 and 600 cm, respectively, in low-lying areas. This study adopts a simple conceptual method to illustrate the critical levels instead of applying complex hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, which require high-resolution spatial data. Three cities and one township in Taiwan are used as urban case studies and to verify the conceptual method. As the capital, Taipei City utilizes the highest flood control engineering technology of our case studies; it is also the site in which the lowest rainfall thresholds cause the accumulation of water to reach the intermediate and high critical points because its small ‘internal water areas’ increase the height of floods rapidly. Conversely, Taichung City has a large internal water area that can disperse accumulating waters without increasing flood height. The estimations of urban storm tolerance thresholds increase the understanding of the limitations of water protection facilities. These estimations may be combined with rainfall forecasts to increase early warning functions and provide a reference point for subsequent planning related to urban flood adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

作者在简要回顾近两年国内土及土体研究及会议的基础上,详细论述了本次大会在土与土体工程地质研究的进展,最后指出了5个有待加强研究的问题。  相似文献   

Since the year 1973, more than 54,000 M w ≥ 3.0 earthquakes have occurred around Taiwan, and their magnitude–frequency relationship was found following with the Gutenberg–Richter recurrence law with b value equal to 0.923 from the least-square calculation. However, using this b value with the McGuire–Arabasz algorithm results in some disagreement between observations and expectations in magnitude probability. This study introduces a simple approach to optimize the b value for better modeling of the magnitude probability, and its effectiveness is demonstrated in this paper. The result shows that the optimal b value can better model the observed magnitude distribution, compared with two customary methods. For example, given magnitude threshold = 5.0 and maximum magnitude = 8.0, the optimal b value of 0.835 is better than 0.923 from the least-square calculation and 0.913 from maximum likelihood estimation for simulating the earthquake’s magnitude probability distribution around Taiwan.  相似文献   

Using seismic evidence and other geological data, a balanced section has been built for the Tuapse foredeep-Western Caucasus-Western Kuban foredeep tectonic system. This section enabled us to restore the history of the region, from the Callovian time. It was suggested that, in the Callovian-Eocene, the western Caucasian basin existed in the form of a rift. The principal phase of rift inversion occurred in the Oligocene-Miocene, and in the Pliocene-Quaternary, it evolved into the orogeny phase. The extent of the Caucasus compression within the section area was more than 30 km.  相似文献   

Cryptotephrochronology, the use of hidden, diminutive volcanic ash layers to date sediments, has rarely been applied outside western Europe but has the potential to improve the tephrochronology of other regions of the world. Here we present the first comprehensive cryptotephra study in Alaska. Cores were extracted from five peatland sites, with cryptotephras located by ashing and microscopy and their glass geochemistry examined using electron probe microanalysis. Glass geochemical data from nine tephras were compared between sites and with data from previous Alaskan tephra studies. One tephra present in all the cores is believed to represent a previously unidentified eruption of Mt. Churchill and is named here as the ‘Lena tephra’. A mid-Holocene tephra in one site is very similar to Aniakchak tephra and most likely represents a previously unidentified Aniakchak eruption, ca. 5300-5030 cal yr BP. Other tephras are from the late Holocene White River eruption, a mid-Holocene Mt. Churchill eruption, and possibly eruptions of Redoubt and Augustine volcanoes. These results show the potential of cryptotephras to expand the geographic limits of tephrochronology and demonstrate that Mt. Churchill has been more active in the Holocene than previously appreciated. This finding may necessitate reassessment of volcanic hazards in the region.  相似文献   

许睿  李建  文建辉 《中国岩溶》2021,40(2):319-324
为研究岩溶发育区域的流域集水情况,采取遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术对潮田河流域进行分析,以区域环境指标地形指数、地表指数和植被指数为主要参数,构建基于栅格的综合集水指数评估模型。结果表明:潮田河流域集水综合指数平均值为2.91,区域的汇水权重为地形(0.423 52>)植被(0.296 91) >地表(0.219 55),地形状态指数对流域集水影响最大,地表状态指数和植被状态指数影响较小,岩溶发育强烈和水系密度偏差区域分布在集水综合等级低于III级的区域。  相似文献   

The development and evolution of bedding parallel veins (BPV) are investigated in the Saint-Dominique carbonate slice (southern Québec Appalachian structural front), in order to emphasize the regional significance of BPV in a fold and thrust belt and their importance in establishing its structural and diagenetic evolution. Structural and microstructural analyses reveal that most BPV display a laminated structure locally crosscut by a massive one. Both structures show mutual crosscutting relationships with bedding parallel or bedding perpendicular stylolites and with bedding perpendicular veinlets, indicating that BPV cementation and deformation are continuous processes. Opening both sub-parallel and sub-perpendicular to the BPV walls are documented. Early BPV are planes of weakness that focus later reactivation, and evidence of successive and sometimes opposite senses of opening are locally preserved within a single BPV. The bedding parallel orientation of these veins proved particularly helpful in establishing the structural evolution of an area mostly characterized by front parallel structures with little crosscutting relationships otherwise. Petrographic and geochemical (δ18O VPDB and δ13C) analyses of structural cements suggest a common, locally derived source for the fluids that percolated through BPV, non-bedding parallel veins and faults. The isotopic ratios also reveal a significant enrichment in 18O and 13C through time. This evolution is tentatively correlated with tectonic, syn-convergence exhumation of the Saint-Dominique slice during its imbrication along the Appalachian structural front, after its burial under Taconian thrust sheets.  相似文献   

High-precision relative thermobarometry: theory and a worked example   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
A number of sources of uncertainty are involved in thermobarometric calculations, the most important of which are associated with analytical precision, activity–composition ( a – x ) relationships, and thermodynamic data. Statistical treatment of these uncertainties results in relatively large uncertainties on the calculated values of pressure and temperature. Little can be done, at least in the short term, about the magnitude of such uncertainties, and any thermobarometric calculations in which they are not taken into account should be treated with caution. Given that uncertainties associated with a–x models and thermodynamic data are systematic when applied to multiple samples with the same mineral assemblage, a solution to the problem of imprecise absolute thermobarometry can be obtained via a relative thermobarometric technique referred to as the Δ PT  approach. The Δ PT  approach offers a major improvement in the precision of thermobarometry if the calculations can be presented in a Δ PT  context.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses (Rb-Sr, U-Pb, Sm-Nd, K-Ar) on rocks and minerals of the Tananao Schist complex (the Tailuko—Tienhsiang and the Nanao areas of eastern Taiwan) have yielded significant new age data corresponding to several important geologic events in the crustal evolution of Taiwan. The ages and corresponding events are summarized as follows: Crustal history 0–10 Ma: Arc-continent collision; regional metamorphism III (Penglai Orogeny). 35–40 Ma: Continental rifting and opening of the South China Sea; regional metamorphism II. 80–90 Ma: Granitic intrusions in Taiwan; regional metamorphism I (Nanao Orogeny). Overlapped with the most important world-wide, particularly circum-Pacific, thermal events of 90–110 Ma (Jahn, 1974; Jahn et al., 1976). 200–240 Ma: Deposition of carbonates and clastic sediments, probably in a geosynclinal environment. Beginning of the crustal history of Taiwan. Pre-crustal history 500–650 Ma (or older): Separation of protoliths for the granitoids of Taiwan from a chondritic (or depleted mantle) reservoir. 1000–1700 Ma: Crystallization of zircons, of which some grains have survived and been finally incorporated in the young (ca. 90 Ma) granitic magmas.  相似文献   

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