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利用2007年3月至2009年3月四川数字地震台网的宽频带连续波形资料,通过计算地震背景噪声互相关提取台站对间的经验格林函数,在0.1~0.5 Hz频带下测量每天经验格林函数与参考经验格林函数的走时偏移,进而得到各台站对在该时段内的相对地震波速度变化.结果表明,2008年5月12日汶川Ms8.0级地震造成了震源区地震波速度的急剧降低,最大降幅达0.4%;大致以安县为界,余震带西南部地区在汶川主震后波速降即达到最大值,而东北部地区的最大波速降一般出现在主震后的1~4个月,相对地震波速度变化的这种分段特性与地震序列的时空分布特征有较好的对应关系;在震源区外围的四川盆地也观测到了震后波速降低,而川西高原内部则没有出现显著的波速变化.进一步的分析和计算结果表明主震的静态应力变化和强地面运动引起的地表破坏都不能很好地解释震后波速的急剧降低,地震导致的断层区内部结构破坏和周边介质应力状态改变可能是波速变化的主要原因.  相似文献   




Influence of instruments on the H/V spectral ratios of ambient vibrations   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
For an optimal analysis of the H/V curve, it appears necessary to check the instrument signal to noise ratio in the studied frequency band, to ensure that the signal from the ground noise is well above the internal noise. We assess the reliability and accuracy of various digitizers, sensors and/or digitizer-sensor couples. Although this study is of general interest for any kind of seismological study, we emphasize the influence of equipment on H/V analysis results. To display the impact of the instrumental part on the H/V behavior, some series of tests have been carried out following a step-by-step procedure: first, the digitizers have been tested in the lab (sensitivity, internal noise...), then the three components sensors, still in the lab, and finally the usual user digitizers-sensors couple in lab and outdoors. In general, the digitizer characteristics, verified during this test, correspond well to the manufacturer specifications, however, depending on the digitizer, the quality of the digitized waveform can be very good to very poor, with variation from a channel to another channel (gain, time difference etc.). It appears very clearly that digitizers need a warming up time before the recording to avoid problems in the low-frequency range. Regarding the sensors, we recommend strongly to avoid the use of “classical” accelerometers (i.e., usual force balance technology). The majority of tested seismometers (broadband and short period, even 4.5 Hz) can be used without problems from 0.4 to 25 Hz. In all cases, the instrumentation should be checked first to verify that it works well for the defined study aim, but also to define its limit of use (frequency, sensitivity...).  相似文献   

福建地区环境噪声瑞利波群速度层析成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用福建、广东、江西和浙江等4省数字地震监测台网中69个宽频带台站2010年4月13日~10月13日的速度型噪声记录和互相关技术,提取两两台站间的瑞利面波格林函数,并利用层析成像技术最终反演获得了福建地区(115.7~120.5°E、23.6~28.35°N)瑞利面波群速度的分布图像。结果表明,利用该方法得到的福建地区周期为3~5s的瑞利面波群速度在2.73~3.17km/s之间,平均速度为2.96km/s。瑞利波群速度横向变化与福建地区地表构造特征和地热异常区分布情况是基本吻合的;该群速度分布图在漳州盆地和福州盆地区域表现出非常明显的低速异常,这主要是因为受到盆地沉积层和高地热的影响;杉岭地块属于山地地形,但由于受到高地热的影响,因此表现为低速异常;永安-玳瑁山地块为山地区,而受到中地热的影响,速度异常表现较为复杂。  相似文献   

Past and recent observations have shown that the local site conditions significantly affect the behavior of seismic waves and its potential to cause destructive earthquakes. Thus, seismic microzonation studies have become crucial for seismic hazard assessment, providing local soil characteristics that can help to evaluate the possible seismic effects. Among the different methods used for estimating the soil characteristics, the ones based on ambient noise measurements, such as the H/V technique, become a cheap, non-invasive and successful way for evaluating the soil properties along a studied area.In this work, ambient noise measurements were taken at 240 sites around the Doon Valley, India, in order to characterize the sediment deposits. First, the H/V analysis has been carried out to estimate the resonant frequencies along the valley. Subsequently, some of this H/V results have been inverted, using the neighborhood algorithm and the available geotechnical information, in order to provide an estimation of the S-wave velocity profiles at the studied sites.Using all these information, we have characterized the sedimentary deposits in different areas of the Doon Valley, providing the resonant frequency, the soil thickness, the mean S-wave velocity of the sediments, and the mean S-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m.  相似文献   

The complex tectonic background of East Asia makes it an ideal region for investigating the evolution of the continental lithosphere, for which high-resolution lithospheric structural models are essential. In this study, we measured Rayleigh-wave phase-velocity dispersion curves at periods of 10–120 s and group velocity dispersion curves at periods of 10–140 s using event records from more than 1,000 seismic stations in and around China. By jointly inverting new and previously published dispersion data from ambient noise and earthquakes, we developed a high-resolution shear-wave velocity model down to a depth of ~300 km beneath East Asia. Our model revealed heterogeneous lithospheric structures beneath East Asia, and allowed us to investigate the velocity structure of the entire lithosphere. We also derived crustal and lithospheric thickness models from the three-dimensional (3D) shear-wave model, revealing strong spatial heterogeneity and a general thinning trend of lithospheric thickness from west to east across the study region. Overall, our models reveal important lithospheric features beneath East Asia and provide a valuable baseline dataset for understanding continental-scale dynamics and evolution.  相似文献   

At many sites on soft ground, spectral ratios (ratios of smoothed Fourier amplitude spectral ordinates at the site to those at a station on firm ground) for distant earthquakes are little sensitive to focal mechanism and coordinates and to magnitude. Spectral ratios furnish directly expected Fourier amplitude spectral ordinates at the site of interest. The corresponding response spectra can be estimated through the use of random vibration theory. This step is obviated by resorting directly to ratios of response spectral ordinates. Through comparisons for several sites on the Valley of Mexico we find that these ratios are as stable as those of Fourier amplitude spectral ordinates.  相似文献   

We discuss two array-based tomography methods,ambient noise tomography (ANT) and two-planewave earthquake tomography (TPWT),which are capable of taking advantage of emerging large-scale broadband seismic arrays to generate high resolution phase velocity maps,but in complementary period band:ANT at 8-40 s and TPWT at 25-100 s period.Combining these two methods generates surface wave dispersion maps from 8 to 100 s periods,which can be used to construct a 3D v S model from the surface to ~200 km depth.As an i...  相似文献   

胡鹏  罗永红  宋志宾  南凯 《地震学报》2022,44(3):528-537
基于四川石棉县安顺场隐伏断层穿越区的60余次环境噪声测试,探讨了隐伏断层对环境噪声H/V谱比特征的影响,并且通过研究区所获卓越频率对其覆盖层厚度进行估算,以覆盖层厚度的变化揭示了隐伏断层的行迹。结果显示:① 在排除可能受河流影响引发的高频区后,隐伏断层带处的H/V谱比曲线多呈现高频、低放大系数和多峰值频率等特点;② 覆盖层厚度在部分强风化区和河流高频区存在5—10 m的差异;③ 环境噪声阵列反演所得部分覆盖层厚度变化较大区域与隐伏断层的形迹吻合。   相似文献   

Because ambient seismic noise provides estimated Green’s function (EGF) between two sites with high accuracy, Rayleigh wave propagation along the path connecting the two sites is well resolved. Therefore, earthquakes which are close to one seismic station can be well located with calibration extracting from EGF. We test two algorithms in locating the 1998 Zhangbei earthquake, one algorithm is waveform-based, and the other is traveltime-based. We first compute EGF between station ZHB (a station about 40 km a...  相似文献   

Different positions exist about the physical interpretation of horizontal to vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) deduced from ambient vibrations. Two of them are considered here: one is based on the hypothesis that HVSR are mainly conditioned by body waves approaching vertically the free surface, the other one assumes that they are determined by surface waves (Rayleigh and Love, with relevant upper modes) only. These interpretations can be seen as useful approximations of the actual physical process, whose reliability should be checked case-by-case. To this purpose, a general model has been here developed where ambient vibrations are assumed to be the complete wave field generated by a random distribution of independent harmonic point sources acting at the surface of a flat stratified visco-elastic Earth. Performances of the approximate interpretations and complete wave field models have been evaluated by considering a simple theoretical subsoil configuration and an experimental setting where measured HVSR values were available. These analyses indicate that, at least as concerns the subsoil configurations here considered, the surface-waves approximation seems to produce reliable results for frequencies larger than the fundamental resonance frequency of the sedimentary layer. On the other hand, the body waves interpretation provides better results around the resonance frequency. It has been also demonstrated that the HVSR curve is sensitive to the presence of a source-free area around the receiver and that most energetic contribution of the body waves component comes from such local sources. This dependence from the sources distribution implies that, due to possible variations in human activities in the area where ambient vibrations are carried on, significant variations are expected to affect the experimental HVSR curve. Such variations, anyway, only weakly affect the location of HVSR maximum that confirms to be a robust indicator (in the range of 10%) of the local fundamental resonance frequency.  相似文献   

Because ambient seismic noise provides estimated Greenos function (EGF) between two sites with high accuracy, Rayleigh wave propagation along the path connecting the two sites is well resolved. Therefore, earthquakes which are close to one seismic station can be well located with calibration extracting from EGF. We test two algorithms in locating the 1998 Zhangbei earthquake, one algorithm is waveform-based, and the other is traveltime-based. We first compute EGF between station ZHB (a station about 40 km away from the epicenter) and five IC/IRIS stations. With the waveform-based approach, we calculate 1D synthetic single-force Greenos functions between ZHB and other four stations, and obtain traveltime corrections by correlating synthetic Greenos functions with EGFs in period band of 10-30 s. Then we locate the earthquake by minimizing the differential travel times between observed earthquake waveform and the 1D synthetic earthquake waveforms computed with focal mechanism provided by Global CMT after traveltime correction from EGFs. This waveform-based approach yields a location which error is about 13 km away from the location observed with InSAR. With the traveltime-based approach, we begin with measuring group velocity from EGFs as well as group arrival time on observed earthquake waveforms, and then locate the earthquake by minimizing the difference between observed group arrival time and arrival time measured on EGFs. This traveltime-based approach yields accuracy of 3 km, Therefore it is feasible to achieve GT5 (ground truth location with accuracy 5 km) with ambient seismic noises. The less accuracy of the waveform-based approach was mainly caused by uncertainty of focal mechanism.  相似文献   

The vertical-vertical noise cross-correlation functions (NCFs) between two seismic arrays, the Japan F-net and ChinArray phase II, are calculated using continuous recordings during 2013–2016. After array interferometry to obtain bin stacked NCFs, clear body waves are retrieved at different period bands. Teleseismic direct P waves for distance 15–40 degrees are observed between short period 3–10 ?s while core reflected PcP/ScS waves are more obvious for longer period 30–60s. The signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the short period P waves reaches its highest point with bin widths around 20 ?km while SNRs of PcP and ScS increase slowly with bin width. All those body waves demonstrate clear directivity with strong signals traveling from the east. The time-lapse SNR variations for the PcP and ScS show correlation with the occurrence of major earthquakes, while the P-wave SNR demonstrates seasonal variations with additional contribution from major earthquakes. The present results suggest teleseismic body waves can be retrieved through bin stacking, though further processing is still necessary to obtain finer waveforms such as P wave triplications.  相似文献   

1 研究背景 震群活动历来是辽宁地区震情研究的热点.1975年辽宁海城MS 7.3地震和1999年辽宁岫岩MS 5.4地震发生前均出现明显前震序列,陈颙等(2015)、崔子健等(2015)研究发现,主震前地震的震源机制一致性较强,谱振幅相关系数较高,而余震的震源机制一致性较差,谱振幅相关系数亦出现明显下降.  相似文献   

In the framework of the SESAME project one of the tasks was the compilation of all available ambient noise measurements within urban environments affected by historical or/and recent strong earthquakes in Europe. The aim of such a task was to give an answer to the question; “How does horizontal-to-vertical ambient noise spectral ratio compare with damage in modern cities?”. For this purpose five European urban areas, namely, Angra do Heroismo (Portugal), Fabriano and Palermo (Italy), Thessaloniki and Kalamata (Greece) were selected for which spatial damage information was available either in terms of modified Mercalli intensity or in EMS98 damage grades. The geological setting of the examined sites as well as the causative earthquakes are satisfactorily known. Ambient noise recordings compiled for all examined sites have been homogeneously processed by a technique developed and agreed upon SESAME project. Using a standard multivariate statistical analysis, namely, factor analysis and canonical correlation, the horizontal-to-vertical ambient noise spectral ratio (HVNSR) is correlated with damage pattern observed within examined urban areas. Results show that, in some cases (Thessaloniki, Palermo), the HVNSR seems to be able to differentiate between areas previously shown to be associated with higher damage. In other cases however (Angra do Heroismo, Fabriano, Kalamata), the correlation is not statistically significant indicating thus the complex character of the parameters involved, implying that currently there is no a straightforward way that a value of HVNSR can correctly predict the extent to which a given region will be associated with increased damage.  相似文献   


为探究芦山M7.0级地震后5年多来,震源区龙门山断裂带西南段介质波速的变化规律,本文基于2012年4月至2018年4月共6年的连续波形数据,运用移动窗互谱与频域偏振等分析方法,结合背景噪声源的特性,对不同深度范围内的相对波速变化以及震后的恢复过程与机制进行了研究.获得的主要认识包括:(1)年尺度而言,震源区周期为1~20 s的背景噪声场相对稳定,但成分复杂、2~10 s频带内至少存在2个能量相对稳定的噪声源;不同周期噪声的能量,在月变与季节性上的变化特征差异明显.(2)获得了长时间尺度、不同频带内介质相对波速的背景变化水平,1~2 s、2~4 s的波动幅度(约为±0.04%)与季节性变化规律强于4~10 s、10~20 s的,结合与降雨量相关的地下水位模型能很好地解释其变化规律.(3)震源区的同震波速降低现象清晰,降幅约为0.08%~0.1%;空间上,波速下降最为显著的区域主要集中在龙门山断裂带两侧约70 km范围内,其中四川盆地一侧平均约为0.1%,略高于青藏高原(0.08%)一侧;在断裂带内的降速不显著.对不同子频带进行测量的结果显示,震后除10~20 s外,其余3个子频带的相对波速在震后较短时间内(约20天左右)均出现较大幅度的波速降低现象,其中4~10 s的平均降速最大(约为0.08%),分析认为主震及大量余震的松弛效应是引起介质波速下降的主要原因.(4)震后大约1年左右,波速变化基本恢复到震前水平,且至2018年4月前未观察到大幅的波速变化现象,总体上各频带内的结果均沿零线小幅波动.


Broadband seismic networks are becoming more intensive, generating a large amount of data in the long-term collection process. When processing the data, the researchers rely almost on instrument response files to understand the information related to the instrument. Aiming at the process of instrument response recording and instrument response correction, we identify several sources of the instrument response phase error, including pole–zero change, the causality difference in instrument correction method, and the problem of filter coefficient recording. The data time offset range from the instrument response phase error is calculated from one sample point to several seconds using the ambient noise data recorded by multiple seismic stations. With different data delays, the time offset of the noise correlation function is estimated to be 74% to 99% of the data delay time. In addition, the influence of instrument response phase error on the measurement of seismic velocity change is analyzed by using ambient noise data with pole–zero change, and the results show that the abnormal wave velocity with exceeding the standard value is exactly in the time period of the instrument response error, which indicates that the instrument response error affects the study of seismology.  相似文献   

Li  Xiaomeng  Xu  Yan  Xie  Chaodi  Sun  Shanshan 《Journal of Seismology》2022,26(2):343-358
Journal of Seismology - Ambient seismic noise becomes more and more important and helpful on assisting velocity model inversion, earthquake detection, and ground motion prediction. Based on the...  相似文献   

作为构造上较为稳定的华南地块,其地震活动相对中国西部明显偏低,但也发生过多次中强地震.华南中强地震震源区深部结构对于深入研究华南板内地震成因具有重要科学意义.2019年发生在两广交界的北流5.2级地震是近年来华南最大的一次中强地震,该次地震的发生也为我们研究华南地震震源区深部结构提供了理想场所.本文基于120个短周期地震仪组成的密集台阵背景噪声资料,通过互相关提取了1~5 s高频面波频散信号,然后采用面波直接反演法,对北流地震震源区进行地下6 km深度范围内浅层地壳速度结构成像.结果显示:浅层地壳剪切波速度横向变化强烈,速度分布不均匀;低速异常主要分布于三条断裂带周围;研究区存在NNW-SSE向的高速异常,该高速异常与震中区高速异常相交在水平方向上呈"L "形环绕分布于石窝断裂南东侧;震中上方为上凸形态的高速异常,这些高速异常可能为中生代花岗岩基,结合研究区现今NW-SE向的构造应力场分析:石窝断裂南西盘向南东方向运动时受到" L"形高速体阻挡,可能导致应力积累,进而引发地震.此外,这种局部异常高速体可能是华南"马赛克"结构中微陆块在上地壳中的延伸,上地壳结构的不均匀性和大尺度构造相互作用,会在局部区域导致应力积累,从而引发中强地震,这也可能是华南板内地震发生的一种重要成因机制.  相似文献   

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