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昆明市磷矿资源最适耗竭研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资源的持续利用已成为可持续发展战略的重要目标之一。单纯的消耗资源、追求经济数量增长的发展模式,正严重威胁着资源的持续利用。而以较低的资源和社会代价,取得较高的经济发展水平,并保持经济社会持续增长的发展模式,已成为社会发展的必然。  相似文献   

湖北省的磷矿资源储量居全国之首,矿床类型以元古宙海相沉积型磷块岩矿床为主,分布集中在五大区域,开发利用条件较好。虽然湖北的磷矿资源勘查近年取得了突破性的进展,但由于资源利用合理度欠缺、磷化工企业规模小、产业链不完善及产业集中度低等原因,对磷矿开发和磷化工产业的可持续发展构成了制约。磷矿资源的合理开发利用对建设磷矿开发及磷化工产业集群、保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。因此,在勘查部署上,要根据成矿条件、空间富集规律和勘查开发现状,统一部署,分类开展工作;在产业布局上,以宜昌、保康、荆襄、黄麦岭4大磷化工基地为主体,新建鹤峰、黄梅磷肥基地,打造"一圈多点"式产业集群;在产业关联上,新建磷矿产地与现有磷化工基地之间形成以老带新、以新助老、空间互动的产业格局;在产品分工上,支持现有磷化工基地内的骨干企业兼并重组,提高产业集中度。  相似文献   

云南磷矿资源及可持续利用对策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
潘长云 《云南地质》2003,22(3):336-341
通过对云南磷矿资源及其开发利用现状的分析,指出磷矿开发利用中存在的主要问题,提出云南磷矿资源可持续利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

王靓靓 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1269-1277
磷是生物体所必需的营养元素,因其不可替代性及未来迅速枯竭性,被中、德、日、英、美等国相继列入战略性矿产资源清单。全球磷矿石资源丰富,但是分布极不均衡,70%以上集中在非洲,著名的磷矿资源国有摩洛哥及西撒哈拉地区,阿尔及利亚、南非、埃及、突尼斯、塞内加尔、多哥等国磷矿储量也较为丰富,非洲可谓是全球磷矿储量的绝对担当。矿床类型主要有沉积型、岩浆型和鸟粪型,以沉积型为主,同时具有储量大、品位高、伴生有其他具有经济价值元素等特点。近年来,非洲已成为全球重要磷矿产地与供应地,目前,在非洲从事磷矿勘查开发的矿业公司以本土矿业公司为主,摩洛哥磷酸盐集团是全球上最大的磷酸盐生产和出口商。非洲磷矿石主要出口大国为摩洛哥、埃及、多哥、阿尔及利亚等;出口至印度、印度尼西、墨西哥、巴西等国家。未来,非洲仍将为全球主要磷矿供应地之一,并将扮演更加重要的角色。  相似文献   

中国磷矿资源分布及其成矿特征研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷矿是一种重要的不可再生资源,已被列入我国战略性矿产目录,对国民经济和人类生存具有举足轻重的作用。虽然我国磷矿资源储量丰富,但区域分布和产量极不均衡,优质磷矿石消耗严重。为此,本文简要概述了我国磷矿资源的利用现状与区域分布特征,重点总结了磷矿床的主要类型、地质成因与矿物组成等方面的最新研究进展。研究表明,我国磷矿资源储量和P2O5含量高于30%的优质富矿集中在云、贵、鄂、川、湘等南方五省。海相沉积型磷矿床是我国磷矿最主要的地质成因,其中早震旦世—早寒武世磷块岩约占磷矿总储量的80%以上。目前磷矿资源耗竭与供给危机凸显,亟需深化成矿机制的科学研究,加大资源找矿和勘探力度,进一步提高对中低品位磷矿资源的开发利用程度,以保障我国磷矿产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国磷矿主要矿集区及其资源潜力探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析研究中国磷矿床的成因类型和工业类型的基础上,将中国磷矿床划分为4个矿床类型11个矿床式,最为重要的磷矿床类型包括沉积型磷块岩矿床、变质型磷灰岩矿床和岩浆型磷灰石矿床.在中国磷矿成矿区带划分方案的基础之上,综合成矿规律,构造背景、岩相古地理等因素划分出22个磷矿矿集区.其中磷矿重要矿集区15个,基本包括了中国主要的...  相似文献   

通过对贵州省磷矿资源利用现状调查,根据全国单矿种汇总要求,综合分析,将贵州磷资源划分为四个磷矿矿集区,并对矿集区的资源开发利用进行分析,提出相应的开发利用建议。  相似文献   

湖南省磷矿资源储量丰富,在全国排第四,但是湖南在磷资源开发利用上面广、点多,集中度不高,没有在国内有竞争力的大企业,磷化工产值远落后于国内其他磷资源丰富的省份,与磷资源大省的身份不符。近日,在湖南省磷矿资源管理与产业发展对策座谈会上,来自中南大学.湖南化工研究院等科研院所的专家,分析湖南磷产业发展现状,共话湖南真正盛为磷矿大省的必由之路。  相似文献   

四川是我国最重要的磷矿资源地之一,是继湖北、云南、贵州之后的第四大磷矿储量地和磷矿石产地。马边磷矿储量丰富,列全国八大磷矿第四位,工业矿床比较集中。截至2013年12月份,共获得各级储量约9亿t。矿区交通运输条件、水、电、原材料供应及外部协作条件均能满足矿山开发需要。马边磷矿适用的开拓运输方式简单、采矿方法成熟可靠、选矿工艺简单,资源回收率高。马边磷矿最终产品方案为P2O5含量30%左右的磷精矿。磷精矿可通过陆路、管道等输送至长江中下游地区加工利用。  相似文献   

The SEM investigations on some chromite crystals show significant morphological differences between cumulate chromites (from stratiform complexes and from ophiolites) and chromites from podiform deposits (ophiolites). The later exhibit a rounded habit and abundant pits which are both the result of dissolution processes. Accordingly, the interpretation of the silicate inclusions within these chromites and the interpretration of the trace-elements distribution need great care. The nodules, a typical structure of the podiform chromites, are explained by a magmatic growth followed by a progressive recrystallization. The accessory chromites which define the mineral lineation in the tectonite peridotites from ophiolites have been deformed by processes of intracrystalline gliding, stretching and dissolution. In the harzburgites, the orthopyroxene has progressively exsolved at sub-solidus (symplektites) vermicular to massive chromite displaying euhedral forms. In the dunitic lenses, the idiomorphic chromites which are aligned parallel to the lineation may have also recrystallized in a solid state.  相似文献   

Saxo‐Thuringia is a suture bounded part of the Variscan belt in central Europe and represents a fragment of the Armorica microplate. Structural investigations and a critical review of other geologic data allow the reconstruction of its geodynamic history. Two south‐dipping subduction zones, corresponding to the Rheno‐Herzynian and the Tepla sutures, delimited Saxo‐Thuringia before the Variscan orogeny. As a result of the continental collision between Avalonia to the north and a further fragment of Armorica to the south, both outer realms of Saxo‐Thuringia record high‐grade metamorphism and a subsequent uplift between 340 and 310 Ma. Contemporaneously, the low‐grade metamorphic internal zone of Saxo‐Thuringia records thrust contraction of the late Pre‐Cambrian basement and the formation of a fold belt in the overlaying Palaeozoic deposits. Two pre‐Variscan tectonic imprints are distinguishable: (1) the consolidation of late Pre‐Cambrian basement in the Cadomian–Avalonian belt and (2) a Cambrian and early Ordovician rift setting related to the opening of the Rheic ocean and the fragmentation and separation of Armorica.  相似文献   

In East Africa, the feedback between tectonic uplift, erosional denudation and associated possible climate changes is being studied by a multidisciplinary research group, ‘Riftlink’. The group's focus is the Albertine Rift, the northern part of the western branch of the East African Rift System, and in particular the rising Rwenzori Mountains that stretch along the border of the D.R. Congo and Uganda. Major questions relate to the timing of the formation of the Rwenzori Mountains, and whether the height of these mountains (> 5000 m) relates to rift movements in Neogene times, or represents an old basement block that formed a topographic high long before. Though, at first, research concentrated on the eastern (Ugandan) part of the Albertine Rift and Rwenzori Mountains, it has now moved further to the west to the D.R. Congo. A first field‐campaign, covering the area from northern Lake Edward along the rift shoulder up to the Blue Mountains at Lake Albert, was conducted in summer 2009, in cooperation with the Ruwenzori State University of Butembo. Here, we present a brief overview of the field‐campaign, with impressions gathered on the morphology and geology of the study area.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach to modelling multicriteria flood vulnerability which integrates the economic, social and ecological dimension of risk and coping capacity. We start with an existing multicriteria risk mapping approach. The term risk is used here in a way that could be called a starting point view, looking at vulnerability without considering coping capacities. We extend this approach by a multicriteria modelling of coping capacities towards an end point view of vulnerability. In doing so, we explore a way to differentiate coping capacity from flood risk in each of the dimensions of vulnerability. The approach is tested in an urban case study, the city of Leipzig, Germany. Our results show that it is possible to map multicriteria risks as well as coping capacities and relate them in a simple way. However, a detailed calculation of end point vulnerability would require more detailed knowledge on the causal relationships between risk and coping capacity criteria and their relative importance.  相似文献   

Kinmen Island is a small, tectonically stable, granitic island that has been suffering from a scarcity of fresh water resources due to excessive annual evapotranspiration over annual precipitation. Recent studies further indicate that shallow (0–70 m) sedimentary aquifers, the major sources of groundwater supply, have already been over-exploited. Therefore, this preliminary study is to investigate the existence of exploitable water resources that can balance the shortage of fresh water on this island. Site characterization data are obtained from island-wide geophysical surveys as well as small-scale tests performed in a study area formed by three deep (maximum depth to 560 m) vertical boreholes installed in mid-east Kinmen northeast to Taiwu Mountain. Vertical fracture frequency data indicate that the rock body is fractured with a spatially correlated pattern, from which three major fracture zones (depths 0–70, 330–360, and below 450 m) can be identified. Geologic investigations indicate that the deepest fracture zone is caused by the large-scale, steeply dipping Taiwushan fault. This fault may have caused a laterally extensive low-resistivity zone, a potential fractured aquifer, near Taiwu Mountain. The middle fracture zone is induced by the Taiwushan fault and intersects the fault approximately 21 m southeast of the study area below a depth of 350 m. Slug testing results yield fracture transmissivity varying from 4.8 × 10−7 to 2.2 × 10−4 m2/s. Cross-hole tests have confirmed that hydraulic connectivity of the deeper rock body is controlled by the Taiwushan fault and the middle fracture zone. This connectivity may extend vertically to the sedimentary aquifers through high-angle joint sets. Despite the presence of a flow barrier formed by doleritic dike at about 300 m depth, the existence of fresh as well as meteoric water in the deeper rock body manifests that certain flow paths must exist through which the deeper fractured aquifers can be connected to the upper rock body. Therefore, groundwater stored within the Taiwushan fault and the associated low-resistivity zone can be considered as additional fresh water resources for future exploitation.  相似文献   

The global changes of the past took place during the progress of geological cycles and marked a drastic passage from an ancient Pangaean regime of continental emergence to a new Tethyan regime of submergence. They occurred with a certain violence and rapidity, and represented critical phases in the destabilization and subsequent reorganization of the geosphere and biosphere. This process resulted in the destruction of certain assemblages (e.g. biotic mass extinctions) and the rise of new ones (e.g. the emergence of new taxa). These major phases of evolution and growth were probably connected to the upwelling of hot mantle material from great depths and a subsequent process of lateral spreading and outward migration of the mantle melt. The ensuing marked increase in mantle activity, degassing and explosive volcanicity produced catastrophic environmental perturbations with turning points in tectonics, global climate, sea level, ocean and atmospheric chemistry, palaeocirculation and palaeogeography.  相似文献   

To investigate possible indicators of critical point behavior prior to rock failure, the statistical properties of pre-failure damage were analyzed based on acoustic emission events (AE) recorded during the catastrophic fracture of typical rock samples under differential compression. AEs were monitored using a high-speed 32-channel waveform recording system. Time-dependent statistics, including the energy release rate, b-value of the magnitude–frequency distribution, fractal dimension and spatial correlation length (SCL) of the AE hypocenters were calculated for each data set. Each parameter is a function of the time-to-failure and thus can be treated as an indicator of the critical point. It is clear that the pre-failure damage evolution prior to catastrophic failures in several common rock-types is generally characterized by: 1) accelerated energy release, 2) a decrease in fractal dimension and SCL with a subsequent precursory increase, and 3) a decrease in b-value from  1.5 to  0.5 for hard rocks, and from  1.1 to  0.8 for soft rocks such S–C cataclasite. However, each parameter also reveals more complicated temporal evolution due to either the heterogeneity of the rock mass or the micro-mechanics of shear fracturing. This confirms the potential importance of integrated analysis of two or more parameters for successfully predicting the critical point. The decreasing b-value and increasing energy release may prove meaningful for intermediate-term prediction, while the precursory increase in fractal dimension and SCL may facilitate short-term prediction.  相似文献   

世界磷矿储量近695亿t(2019年),但分布不均,磷矿储量最为丰富的北非地区集中了全球80%以上的磷矿资源.该区域的摩洛哥和西撒哈拉是世界磷矿资源最为丰富的国家,2019年其磷矿储量达500亿t,占世界的近72%.目前世界上主要利用的磷矿类型为沉积型磷块岩矿,其最主要的成矿时代为震旦—寒武纪和中生代—新生代,前者以中...  相似文献   

我国矿产资源形势及发展规划思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国矿产资源特点和开发利用现状;提出了矿产资源规划的基本思路;讨论了矿产资源规划工作重点。  相似文献   

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