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Ruhobobo is a new meteorite which fell in Rwanda, Africa, in 1976. We found and analyzed olivine (Fa 23.4), opx (Fs 19.7, Wo 1.4), cpx (Fs 7.5, Wo 44.0), plagioclase (An 11.7, Or 5.6), chromite, “whitlockite”, kamacite, taenite and troilite. Based on these analyses and on microscopic observation, Ruhobobo is an unshocked L6 chondrite.  相似文献   

The Kramer Creek, Colorado, chondrite was found in 1966 and identified as a meteorite in 1972. Bulk chemical analysis, particularly the total iron content (20.36%) and the ratio of Fetotal/SiO2 (0.52), as well as the compositions of olivine (Fa21.7) and orthopyroxene (Fs18.3) place the meteorite into the L-group of chondrites. The well-defined chondritic texture of the meteorite, the presence of igneous glass in the chondrules and of low-Ca clinopyroxene, as well as the slight variations in FeO contents of olivine (2.4% MD) and orthopyroxene (5.6% MD) indicate that the chondrite belongs to the type 4 petrologic class.  相似文献   

Toulon is an olivine-bronzite chondrite found near Toulon, Illinois in 1962. It contains abundant, well preserved chondrules, as well as glasses that are not well devitrified. Most of the metal has been weathered out. Olivine and pyroxene are well equilibrated. We have classified it as an H5 chondrite.  相似文献   

At 9:20 A.M. on August 18, 1974, a stony meteorite of approximately 3200 grams struck the roof of a secondary school at Naragh, Central Iran, (51°30′E, 33°45′N). The ellipsoidal dark-gray meteorite was 17 × 15 × 13 cm (density 3.62 gr/cm3). XRF and wet chemical analysis yields the bulk composition of the meteorite as follows in weight percent: Fe 11.95, Ni 1.05, Co 0.07, FeS 5.49, SiO2 37.15, TiO2 0.15, Al2O3 2.43, Cr2O30.62, FeO 14.25, MnO 0.23, MgO 23.79, CaO 1.61, Na2O 0.92, K2O 0.08, P2O5 0.26. Modal mineral contents (in volume percent) are olivine 40, orthopyroxene 25, clinopyroxene 3, plagioclase 10.5, chromite 0.80, phosphate 0.70, troilite 6, metal phases 14. The meteorite is fine-grained, with average grain size about 0.4–0.6 mm and contains numerous recrystallized glassy chondrules. Olivine occurs as laths and radiating crystals in chondrules and as coarse-grained phenocrysts and interstitial microcrystalline grains in the matrix. These olivines have relatively uniform composition (Fo80–82Fa20–18). Fine-grained skeletal orthopyroxenes of average composition (En16Fs82Wo01) are inter-grown with olivine in both chondrules and matrix. Clinopyroxene and plagioclase of average composition (En6.5Fs48Wo45.5) and (Ab82An12Or06) respectively, are evenly distributed in the matrix, together with kamacite (Fe92–95), plessite (Fe69.6–82.2) and taenite (Fe46.7–66.1), troilite (Ni-free) and chromite grains. The high ratios of total Fe to SiO2 of 0.71, metallic Fe to total Fe of 0.54, and SiO2 to MgO of 1.56 in the bulk composition, the Fa component of olivine grains of 17.5–19.6, and the high Ca content of orthopyroxenes between 0.53 and 0.87 wt % suggest that the Naragh meteorite belongs to the H-group and petrologic type 6 of Van Schmus and Wood (1967) classification. In addition, the occurrence of fine-grained clear sodic plagioclase, the presence of numerous recrystallized chondrules with homogeneous silicate minerals, and the absence of Ni in the sulfide phase indicate that the Naragh meteorite has been metamorphosed after the initial crystallization in the parental body.  相似文献   

The Maryville chondrite fell on January 28, 1983 in eastern Tennessee. Compositions of olivine (Fa 24.5), orthopyroxene (Fs 20.8), plagioclase (An 10.6), along with the bulk composition and siderophile concentrations, indicate L-group classification. The presence of highly equilibrated minerals, strongly recrystallized matrix, and the development of large, clear plagioclase grains suggest petrologic type 6 classification. Subsequent to metamorphism the meteorite was subjected to high transient pressures that converted some feldspar to glass, deformed the silicates, and caused small amounts of melting to occur. The effects of this shock event correspond to shock facies “d” or “e”.  相似文献   

The Bayard chondrite, found in western Nebraska in 1982, is a single mass of 75 kg. Composition of olivine (Fa 24.5) and orthopyroxene (Fs 22.0), along with bulk composition, support an L-classification. The presence of equilibrated and partially recrystallized minerals indicate petrologic type 5 classification.  相似文献   

The Ijopega (Papua New Guinea) meteorite is a new H6 group chondrite fall which contains olivine (Fa 19.9 mole %), bronzite (Fs 17.8 mole %), plagioclase (An 12.1 Or 6.3 Ab 81.6 mole %), diopside, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite and whitlockite. The meteorite is extensively recrystallized and brecciated, and shows evidence of moderate shock deformation. Examination of Fe2+ and Mg partitioning between ortho- and clinopyroxene indicates a high equilibration temperature (940° or 880 °C). Chemical analysis shows the meteorite to be rich in S, containing about twice the average H-group abundance. Trace elements, including REE, are in accord with established H-group chondrite abundances.  相似文献   

The Colony meteorite is an accretionary breccia containing several millimeter-to centimeter-size chondritic clasts embedded in a chondritic host. Colony is one of the least equilibrated CO3 chondrites; it has an unrecrystallized texture and contains compositionally heterogeneous olivine and low-Ca pyroxene, kamacite with low Ni and Co and high Cr, amoeboid inclusions with low FeO and MnO, a fine-grained silicate matrix with very high FeO, and numerous small chondrules with clear pink glass. However, Colony differs from normal CO chondrites in several respects: Although Al, Sc, V, Cr, Ir, Fe, Au and Ga abundances are consistent with a CO chondrite classification, certain lithophiles (Mg and Mn), siderophiles (Ni and Co) and chalcophiles (Se and Zn) are depleted by factors of 10–40%. The shape of Colony's thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve is similar to that of Allan Hills A77307 (another unequilibrated chondrite with CO3 petrological characteristics) and different from those of normal CO chondrites. [ALHA77307 also resembles Colony in having low Mg, Mn, Ni and Co, compared to normal CO chondrites, but it possesses CO-CV levels of Se and Zn and nearly CV levels of Cd.] Colony is badly weathered; it contains 22.7 wt.% Fe2O3 and 5.7 wt.% H2O. Recalculating the analysis on an H2O-free basis with all Fe2O3, NiO and CoO converted to metal, yields an inferred original metallic Fe, Ni abundance of ~ 19 wt.%. This is similar to that of Kainsaz (an unweathered CO3 fall), but much higher than that of all other CO3 chondrites (< 6.3 wt.%). Although it is possible that Colony and either ALHA77307 or Kainsaz constitute distinct CO3 chemical subgroups, the weathered nature of Colony and ALHA77307 preclude the drawing of firm conclusions. Nevertheless, it is clear that CO3 chondrites vary more in compositional and petrological properties than was previously recognized.  相似文献   

Cilimus is a new Indonesian chondrite. Its mineralogy and chemistry categorize it as a veined, intermediate-to-white hypersthene or L-5 chondrite. Black veins and impact-produced glasses including maskelynite show evidence that Cilimus has been severely shocked.  相似文献   

Ustí nad Orlici (Kerhartice), a meteorite which fell on June 12, 1963 in Czechoslovakia, is classified as a L6 chondrite. Compositions of olivine (Fa 23.4), orthopyroxene (Fs 20, Wo 1.3), plagioclase (Ab85An10Or5) along with the bulk composition of the meteorite support this classification. Chromite compositions vary with grain size. Large chromites are higher in TiO2 and lower in Fe3 than small chromites. This may indicate that either these two chromites formed initially under different fO2 conditions, or that this difference resulted from different equilibration behaviors of both chromites as a function of grain size. The meteorite contains three distinct sulfide assemblages: 1) troilite-pentlandite, 2) troilite, pentlandite-cubanite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-mackinawite, 3) troilite-tetrataenite-(Fe, Cu, Ni)1***. 02S. These assemblages indicate equilibration down to temperatures close to 200 °C.  相似文献   

A mineralogical and chemical analysis has been performed on a slice of the Mills, New Mexico, chondrite, which was found in August 1970. The mineralogical composition is olivine Fa19.5, bronzite, Fs17.4, plagioclase, nickel-iron, troilite and ilmenite. The chemical analysis confirms that Mills is a typical bronzite, H5 chondrite, with considerable degree of weathering, as indicated by the presence of large amounts of Fe2O3. A comparison with other stones found in the same New Mexico region by Nininger may show a possible relation between Mills and previous finds.  相似文献   

The Nazareth(b) meteorite is a medium octahedrite found in 1968 near Nazareth, Texas. It contains 8.75% nickel and large schreibersite inclusions  相似文献   

Gobabeb, an ordinary chondrite, was found near Gobabeb, South West Africa in 1969. Chemically and petrographically it belongs in the H4 group. But, in addition to almost homogeneous silicates and chromites, it contains rare, non-opaque spinels that vary greatly in composition from grain to grain. A similar association in an “almost equilibrated” portion of the Mezö-Madaras chondrite has been interpreted as evidence against the hypothesized metamorphic homogenization of ordinary chondrites. A comparison of the chromites and variable spinels from Mezö-Madaras and Gobabeb suggests, instead, that cation exchange is simply slower in the variable spinels than in the chromites. Based on the evidence to date, the survival of these highly variable spinels is not incompatible with a metamorphic episode for both these meteorites.  相似文献   

The Needles fine octahedrite, which weighs 45.3 kg, was found in 1962 in the Turtle Mountains, about 50 km SSW of Needles, California. It contains 10.3% Ni, 77 ppm Ga, 93 ppm Ge and 4.8 ppm Ir, and is a member of chemical group II D. It is rather similar to the Wallapai, Arizona, meteorite, and may possibly be a transported mass from this multiple fall. The compositional evidence slightly favors the interpretation that Needles is a distinct fall.  相似文献   

The Machinga meteorite fell in the Southern Province of Malawi on January 22, 1981, at approximately 1000 hours local time. The fall site is about 7.5 km SW of Machinga and has the co-ordinates 15° 12′44″ S., 35°14′32″ E. A single crusted mass weighing 93.2 kg was recovered. The Machinga meteorite is an L6 chondrite with olivine Fa24.5 and orthopyroxene Fs21.1. The silicates have a granular texture and the stone has been shocked.  相似文献   

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