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前不久,报章上出现了这样一条消息:国家信息产业部、国家版权局、商务部、财政部四部委联合下发了<关于计算机预装正版操作系统软件有关问题的通知>.根据通知精神,从现在开始没有预装正版操作系统的PC产品将无法上市销售.  相似文献   

最吸引人的是这里的建筑,古民居外墙都由一小块一小块的乌石垒成,粗犷的外形与凝重的黑色相结合,结构精巧独特,给人以"鬼斧神工"的感觉,据说最早的乌石屋已有近三百年的历史.  相似文献   

强悍的摄像机作为索尼XR系列摄像机的开篇之作,HDRXR520E集众多项级配置于一身,采用了在低光照环境下有着出色表现的Exmor R CMOS感光元件,  相似文献   

1.上午一杯绿茶绿茶中含强效的抗氧化剂以及维生素C,不但可以清除体内的自由基,还能分泌出对抗紧张压力的荷尔蒙。绿茶中所含的少量咖啡因可以刺激中枢神经,振奋精神。不过最好在白天饮用,以免影响睡眠。2.下午一杯菊花茶菊花有明目清肝的作用,有些人就干脆用菊花加上枸杞一起泡来喝,或  相似文献   

李清泉教授生于1965年1月,安徽天长人,中共党员,工学博士,武汉大学副校长,湖北省第八、九届政协委员,第二届"湖北省五四青年奖章"获得者,湖北省青年联合会第十届委员会副主席,武汉市青年联合会第十届委员会副主席,李清泉教授先后承担了教学、科研、产业和财务管理以及大量社会工作.  相似文献   

康静 《地图》2008,(2):30-32
同江位于三江平原北端,黑龙江与松花江汇流处南岸的三角地带,是有百年历史的国际口岸城市,由佳木斯市代管。清末设立临江州,1905年辟为通商口岸,1914年以黑龙江、松花江在此合一而改名同江。东接抚远,南邻饶河,北与俄列宁斯科耶隔水相望,边境线长166公里,设有国家一类口岸。同江有八岔、街津口两个赫哲族乡,这是一个只有四千人口,却在漫  相似文献   

俞源的经典在于村落结构的设计:村中有大小七个水塘组成北斗七星的格局,村内的28幢主要建筑则按照天上的28星宿排布。  相似文献   

万维网GIS的若干关键技术及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李爱民  何正国 《测绘通报》2004,(11):38-39,41
提出基于J2EE多层体系结构的WebGIS系统,能够平衡好服务器、应用服务器、客户端负载,极大地提高系统的响应速度;对海量的矢量数据与影像数据采用不同的压缩方式,在数据不失真的情况下尽量减少数据的传输量,减轻网络的负载;栅格数据与矢量数据的"无缝"叠加,更加形象清楚地发布空间数据;基于0racle Spatial关系数据库的WebGIS,使系统更加安全可靠.  相似文献   

飞地:孤悬在外的领土   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从明清之交,到解放初的三百多年间,在(四川)峨眉县普兴乡境内,曾有一个地名叫何沟(亦叫梅沟)的小山村,只有十几户人家,却直属嘉定府管辖,毗连的夹江,峨眉、洪雅、乐山四县,无权过问,是一个"世外桃源",当地人称它是"飞地"……梅沟成为一个四不管的角落.  相似文献   

1.26亿吨近日,黑龙江省煤田地质勘察队在鹤岗市萝北县江滨农场境内发现一处总面积为124.88平方公里,储量约1.26亿吨,煤层平  相似文献   

主要研究地图的艺术性 ,为使广大读者对地图的艺术性有一个全面的了解和认识 ,主要从以下三方面进行论述 :①地图的艺术性在现代地图发展中的重要意义 ;②地图艺术性的表现形式 ;③地图艺术性的形式及其发展趋势  相似文献   

在简要介绍了WebGIS主要实现模式和ArcIMS体系结构基础上,重点论述了基于ArcIMS的校园WebGIS系统平台的构建,实现了具有基本地图编辑、查询、图层操作与3维仿真显示等功能的内蒙古师范大学校园地理信息的网上发布,若能继续完善并与我校目前"数字校园"建设的显著成果相结合,对促进内蒙古师范大学"数字校园"工程的...  相似文献   

CC导出PP的过程是一种安全评估通用语言到某类产品的具体应用过程,需要经过需求分析、得出安全目的、提出安全功能要求与安全保证要求等几个阶段。本文利用这些过程的基本方法和思想全面分析一个常见的网络安全问题,并按照保护轮廓的模式给出该网络的安全要求。  相似文献   

The defense meteorological satellite program (DMSP) operational linescan system (OLS) sensors have imaged emitted light from Earth's surface since the 1970s. Temporal overlap in the missions of 5 OLS sensors allows for intercalibration of the annual composites over the past 19 years (Elvidge et al., 2009). The resulting image time series captures a spatiotemporal signature of the growth and evolution of lighted human settlements and development. We use empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis and the temporal feature space to characterize and quantify patterns of temporal change in stable night light brightness and spatial extent since 1992. Temporal EOF analysis provides a statistical basis for representing spatially abundant temporal patterns in the image time series as uncorrelated vectors of brightness as a function of time from 1992 to 2009. The variance partition of the eigenvalue spectrum combined with temporal structure of the EOFs and spatial structure of the PCs provides a basis for distinguishing between deterministic multi-year trends and stochastic year-to-year variance. The low order EOFs and principal components (PC) space together discriminate both earlier (1990s) and later (2000s) increases and decreases in brightness. Inverse transformation of these low order dimensions reduces stochastic variance sufficiently so that tri-temporal composites depict potentially deterministic decadal trends. The most pronounced changes occur in Asia. At critical brightness threshold we find an 18% increase in the number of spatially distinct lights and an 80% increase in lighted area in southern and eastern Asia between 1992 and 2009. During this time both China and India experienced a ∼20% increase in number of lights and a ∼270% increase in lighted area – although the timing of the increase is later in China than in India. Throughout Asia a variety of different patterns of brightness increase are apparent in tri-temporal brightness composites – as well as some conspicuous areas of apparently decreasing background luminance and, in many places, intermittent light suggesting development of infrastructure rather than persistently lighted development. Vicarious validation using higher resolution Landsat imagery verifies multiple phases of urban growth in several cities as well as the consistent presence of low DN (<∼15) background luminance for many agricultural areas. Lights also allow us to quantify changes in the size distribution and connectedness of different intensities of development. Over a wide range of brightnesses, the size distributions of spatially contiguous lighted area are consistent with power laws with exponents near −1 as predicted by Zipf's Law for cities. However, the larger lighted segments are much larger than individual cities; they correspond to vast spatial networks of contiguous development (Small et al., 2011).  相似文献   

2009年武汉市植被净初级生产力估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CASA模型,结合实测的光合有效辐射(PAR)数据、MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)和Land Cover数据、气象数据等资料,估算了2009年武汉市的植被净初级生产力(NPP)。结果显示,武汉市的植被平均单位面积年NPP产量达到464.19gC·m^-2·a^-1。6、7、8三个月NPP积累值最高,占全年的56.8%;12、1、2三个月NPP值最低,仅占5.6%。黄陂区由于林地较广,NPP值较大,在1 000gC·m^-2·a^-1以上;而城市周边由于植被覆盖面积较小,NPP值较低,在400gC·m^-2·a^-1以下。  相似文献   

Tsunami waves struck the Indian coast on 26th December 2004 affecting the Andaman and Nicobar group of islands. A quick assessment of the status of the vital coastal ecosystems has been made using pre- and post-tsunami Advance Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) data of Indian satellite RESOURCESAT with an accuracy of 87–90% and the Kappa ranging from 0.8696 to 0.9053. Among the coastal ecosystems the coral reefs have suffered the maximum with the Nicobar reefs (69% eroded and 29% degraded) bearing the brunt more than the Andaman reefs (54% eroded and 22% degraded). Significant improvement to the condition of the reef damaged due to backwash has been noted. About 41% of the Sentinel reef area has undergone significant improvement. The continuance of the erosion of the southwestern Andaman reefs is due to the impact of recurring earthquakes. The impact on mangroves of both the groups of islands has been due to uprooting as well as inundation of seawater and resulting stagnation. Changes are expected in community structure of mangroves as a result of tsunami.  相似文献   

Decades of cruise-based exploration have provided excellent snapshots of the structure of mid-ocean ridges and have revealed that accretion is a mixture of steady-state and quantum events. Observatory-type studies are now needed to quantify the temporal evolution of these systems. A multi-disciplinary seafloor observatory site is currently being set up at the Lucky Strike volcano, in the axial valley of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic ridge as a part of the MoMAR (monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) initiative. The aim of this observatory is to better understand the dynamics of the volcano and the hydrothermal vents hosted at its summit as well as their plumbing systems. In August 2006, the GRAVILUCK cruise initiated an experiment to monitor the deformation of Lucky Strike volcano. A geodetic network was installed, and seafloor pressure, gravity and magnetic data were collected. In this paper, we present the method used to monitor volcanic deformation, which involves measuring relative depth difference between points within a seafloor geodesy network. We show that, taking into account oceanographic variability and measurement noise, the network should be able to detect vertical deformations of the order of 1 cm.  相似文献   

制图区域内的地物状态是时间的函数,地物位置和属性的时空演化是地物状态的表征。根据地物位置和属性的时空变化,给出现势地物、消失地物和新生地物的定义。由于地图数据库是自动化制图的基础,维护数据库的现势性关系着地图的质量。论述地图数据的现势性检测,给出数据库的现势信息集、删除信息集和增补信息集的定义,对地图数据库更新给出数学表述。  相似文献   

我国经济的飞速发展,使得信息化的需求越来越迫切,而土地估价长期依赖手工操作,效率低、质量不高,难以准确、高效地完成各种设定目的条件下宗地估价业务。随着GIS的兴起和发展,为空间数据的存储和管理提供了可能。通过对地价管理系统的设计与开发,阐述了GIS在系统开发中的应用,实现了计算机辅助的土地估价,宗地图形和属性查询、分析...  相似文献   

董群 《现代测绘》2009,32(4):16-19
数字高程模型和数字正射影像是城市基础地理信息的核心载体.两者数据都是连续的地表模型数据.本论文旨在研究建立一个以这两种数据为主体的数据库集成管理系统,并能够提供基本的分析和应用功能,为城市的规划、建设、管理和社会各行业提供完善、优质和高效的地理空间数据服务.论文以宁波市两者数据的建库为例.首先介绍一些有关背景资料;然后详细研究了该系统的设计情况,包括设计的原则、技术路线,数据组织和功能规划;最后进行总结,分析了该系统架构设计的优缺点.  相似文献   

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