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Sedimentologic and petrographic analyses of outcroping and subsurface calcretes, palustrine carbonates, and silcretes were carried out in the southern Paraná Basin (Uruguay). The aim of this work is to describe the microfabric and interpret the genesis of these rocks through detailed analyses, since they contain significant paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolution information.The main calcrete and silcrete host rock (Mercedes Formation) is represented by a fluvial thinning upward succession of conglomerate and sandstone deposits, with isolated pelitic intervals and paleosoils. Most of the studied calcretes are macroscopically massive with micromorphological features of alpha fabric, originated by displacive growth of calcite in the host clastic material due to evaporation, evapotranspiration and degassing. Micromorphologically, calcretes indicate an origin in the vadose and phreatic diagenetic environments. Micrite is the principal component, and speaks of rapid precipitation in the vadose zone from supersaturated solutions. The abundance of microsparite and secondary sparite is regarded as the result of dissolution and reprecipitation processes.Although present, brecciated calcretes are less common. They are frequent in vadose diagenetic environments, where the alternation between cementation and non-tectonic fracturing conditions take place. These processes generated episodes of fragmentation, brecciation and cementation. Fissures are filled with clear primary sparitic calcite, formed by precipitation of extremely supersaturated solutions in a phreatic diagenetic environment. The micromorphological characteristics indicate that calcretes resulted from carbonate precipitation in the upper part of the groundwater table and the vadose zone, continuously nourished by lateral migration of groundwater.The scarcity of biogenic structures suggests that they were either formed in zones of little biological activity or that the overimposed processes related to water table fluctuations produced intense recrystallization completely obliterating the biogenic fabric.Limestone beds containing terrestrial gastropods are geographically restricted. Situated at the top of the calcrete successions, they exhibit brecciated and peloidal-intraclastic textures but lack lamination, edaphic structures, aggregates and vertical rhizoliths. This indicates they correspond to low-energy palustrine deposits, generated in shallow, local and ephemeral ponds developed in topographic depressions. When water table levels dropped, the palustrine deposits were exposed. This favours the presence of terrestrial gastropods, seeds and insect nests. The combination of calcretes and palustrine carbonates indicates periods and areas with a reduced clastic input and a predominantly semiarid climate, with well-defined humid and dry seasons.Characteristics of the later developed massive and nodular horizons of silcretes, such as, preservation of the internal structure of the host rock, the small areal extent, the formation of massive lenses, the complex pore infillings and the lack of a columnar upper section, indicate that they were generated from groundwaters. Every silcretized horizon shows different positions of the groundwater table and relates to the dissection of landscape.The age of calcretization and silcretization is bracketed between the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) and the Early Eocene. Paleoclimate indicates changing conditions from warm and humid at the end of the Cretaceous (Mercedes Formation) to semiarid and seasonal during Paleocene (groundwater calcretes and palustrine deposits) and subtropical and seasonal in the early Eocene (Asencio Formation).  相似文献   

Dedolomitization of a dolocrete profile hosted in Mio-Pleistocene siliciclastic deposits in the area of Kuwait City, Arabian Gulf was investigated. Dolocrete dolomite crystals vary considerably in size, shape and internal structure; however, they are mostly zoned. Zonation is usually due to the alteration of cloudy and clear zones. The cloudy zones, which are mostly formed of disordered metastable dolomite, are more susceptible to dedolomitization than the stable, well ordered clear zones. Two modes of dedolomitization were recognized; the first involves complete dissolution of the metastable dolomite followed by precipitation of intracrystalline cavity-filling calcite. The second is a pseudomorphic replacement of dolomite by calcite. This replacement takes place by the simultaneous dissolution of dolomite and precipitation of calcite in such a manner that the original dolomite fabrics are inherited in the dedolomite. Exposed and near-surface dolocrete profile (less than 5 m deep) are almost completely dedolomitized and altered to secondary calcrete whereas subsurface profiles are slightly dedolomitized. Dedolomitization of the sub surface dolocrete profiles may indicate the effect of flushing by fresh groundwater; which flows from west to east, whereas the alteration of the exposed dolocrete profile could be attributed to be an effect of meteoric water. A new mode of calcrete genesis by dedolomitization and/or complete calcitization of precursor dolocrete is suggested.  相似文献   

Thick dolomite-cemented horizons (dolocretes) occur within a fluvial sandstone-mudstone sequence of Late Triassic age in the western part of the Paris Basin, France. Two types of dolomites can be distinguished: (a) nodular dolomitic beds less than a few metres thick, which formed within mottled overbank siltstones and mudstones; and (b) massive dolomite up to 16 m thick, which occurs in coarse grained channel sandstones and conglomerates. The majority of the dolomite consists of a finely crystalline groundmass of dolomicrospar and, less commonly, dolomicrite. Glaebules, irregular spar-filled cracks, spheroidal dolomite, silicification and vuggy porosity are locally abundant in the massive dolomite. In contrast, biologically induced micromorphological features such as rhizocretions and alveolar-septal fabrics were observed in the thin, nodular dolomite beds. The dolomite is near stoichiometric, well ordered and non-ferroan. 18O values range from ?7·7 to ?0·4%o PDB and 18O values range from ?5·1 to + 1·8%0 PDB and no obvious difference in the stable isotopic composition between both types of dolomites was observed. Sr isotope ratios range from 0·7101 to 0·7126 and are invariably higher than the contemporary Triassic sea water. A vadose—pedogenic origin for the thin dolocrete layers is indicated by the occurrence of rhizocretions and other biological structures. Several features, however, argue against a pedogenic origin for the massive carbonates, most notably the absence of biologically induced structures, the occurrence in coarse grained channel (and not overbank) deposits, and the great thickness. These units are thus interpreted as groundwater in origin. Phreatic calcretes of Quaternary age, widespread in inland Australia, are regarded as a modern analogue for the Triassic Paris Basin dolocretes. Petrographic observations argue in favour of primary (proto)dolomite precipitation, although early diagenetic replacement of calcite by (proto)dolomite cannot be ruled out. Strontium and carbon isotope data of early diagenetic dolocrete cements and oxygen isotope data of early diagenetic silica indicate an entirely non-marine, continental origin for the groundwaters. The poorly ordered and non-stoichiometric protodolomite probably underwent stabilization upon further burial resulting in a near-stoichiometric, well ordered dolomite that clearly lacks evidence for pervasive recrystallization.  相似文献   

The Miocene alluvial-lacustrine sequences of the Madrid Basin, Spain, formed in highly varied landscapes. The presence of various types of palaeosols allows assessment of the effects of local and external factors on sedimentation, pedogenesis and geomorphological development. In the northern, more arid, tectonically active area, soils were weakly developed in aggrading alluvial fans, dominated by mass flows, reflecting high sedimentation rates. In more distal parts of the fans and in playa lakes calcretes and dolocretes developed; the former were associated with Mg-poor fan sediments while the latter formed on Mg-rich lake clays exposed during minor lake lowstands. The north-east part of the basin had a less arid climate. Alluvial fans in this area were dominated by stream flood deposits, sourced by carbonate terrains. Floodplain and freshwater lake deposits formed in distal areas. The high local supply of calcium carbonate may have contributed to the preferential development of calcretes on the fans. Both the fan and floodplain palaeosols exhibit pedofacies relationships and more mature soils developed in settings more distant from the sediment sources. Palaeosols also developed on pond and lake margin carbonates, and led to the formation of palustrine limestones. The spatial distributions and stratigraphies of palaeosols in the Madrid Basin alluvial fans suggest that soil formation was controlled by local factors. These palaeosols differ from those seen in Quaternary fans, which are characterized by climatically induced periods of stability and instability.  相似文献   

Detailed information on semi‐arid, palustrine carbonate–calcrete lithofacies associations in a sheetwash‐dominated regolith setting is sparse. This is addressed by studying the Lower Limestone of the Lameta Beds, a well‐exposed Maastrichtian regolith in central India. The general vertical lithofacies assemblage for this unit comprises: (a) basal calcareous siltstones and marls with charophytes, ostracods and gastropods; (b) buff micritic limestones associated in their upper parts with calcretized fissure‐fill sandstones; (c) sheetwash as fissure‐fill diamictites and thin pebbly sheets, locally developed over a few metres; and (d) sandy, nodular, brecciated and pisolitic calcretes at the top. The sequence is ‘regressive’, with upsection filling of topographic lows by increased sheetwash. Lateral lithofacies change is marked, but there are no permanent open‐water lake deposits. In topographic lows close to the water table, marshy palustrine or groundwater calcretes formed, whereas on better drained highs, brecciation and calcretization occurred. Prolonged exposure is implied, suggesting that shrinkage was the main cause of brecciation. Evidence for rhizobrecciation and other biological calcrete fabrics is sparse, contrasting with the emphasis on root‐related brecciation in many studies of palustrine lithofacies. Stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) values are consistent with the palustrine limestones being fed from meteoric‐derived groundwater with a strong input of soil‐zone carbon. There is overlap of both δ18O and δ13C values from the various palustrine and calcrete fabrics co‐occurring at outcrop. This suggests that, in groundwater‐supported wetlands, conversion from palustrine carbonate to calcrete need not show isotopic expression, as the groundwater source and input of soil‐zone carbon are essentially unchanged. Cretaceous–Tertiary δ18O and δ13C values from palustrine lithofacies and associated calcretes appear to be strongly influenced by the inherited values from lakes and wetlands. Hydrologically closed lakes and marine‐influenced water bodies tend to result in low negative palustrine δ18O and δ13C values. During brecciation and calcretization, the degree of isotopic inheritance depends on whether or not alteration occurs in waters that are different from those of the original water body or wetland. Marked biological activity (e.g. rhizobrecciation or root mat development) during calcretization may lower δ13C values where C3 plants are abundant but, in shrinkage‐dominated systems, δ13C values will be largely inherited from the palustrine limestones.  相似文献   

In the Muskeg Trough of northcentral Alberta the Gilwood Member contains widespread carbonate deposits that formed within terrigenous mudstone and sandstone hosts. Stratigraphic, depositional and petrographic relationships indicate that these carbonates represent calcretes and dolocretes. Calcretes, observed best with cathodoluminescence, display microcrystalline alpha fabrics, circumgranular cracks, root networks, displacive growth fabrics, elongate channel voids and rare coloform growths with flower spar. Similarly, dolocretes have microcrystalline alpha fabrics, brecciation, gradational contacts with host mudstones, extensive layered nodular horizons and are associated with anhydrite and pyrite. δ13C values range between ?7‰ to +1‰ and –6‰ to +3‰ for calcretes and dolocretes, respectively. Oxygen isotopes are more variable and differ with host lithologies. δ18O of calcretes ranges between ?11‰ to ?8‰ for sandstones and ?8‰ to ?3‰ for mudstones, whereas δ18O of dolocretes ranges between ?3‰ to 1‰ for marine mudstones and ?6‰ to ?2‰ for pedogenic mudstones. Regional mapping indicates that calcretes thicken towards the deepest parts of the Muskeg Trough. Widespread dolocretes extend beyond the eastern and western limits of Muskeg Trough and are useful marker intervals for regional correlations. Dolocretes of restricted lateral extent are found within gleyed palaeosol mudstones next to calcretized channel sandstones. Calcrete isotopic values are interpreted as indicative of carbonate precipitation from waters with meteoric water input. However, the higher δ18O values in dolocretes are indicative of a contribution from an isotopically heavier source such as seawater. Stratigraphically, calcretes are most common along the western and northern edges of Muskeg Trough; thus, calcrete accumulation was further controlled by meteoric water in-flow from the highland to the west and sluggish groundwater flow in Muskeg Trough. In contrast, regionally widespread dolocrete horizons appear to have formed from mixing of fresh waters derived from the highland to the west and seawaters introduced from the east. Regionally restricted dolocretes which are found next to channel sandstones formed from groundwater out-flow from the permeable channel sandstones which resulted in calcretization in channel proximal mudstones and dolomitization in channel distal mudstones.  相似文献   

Deposition of the Gully Oolite was locally interrupted by emergence and a regionally extensive palaeosol is present at the top of the unit. Early diagenetic phases include isopachous, fibrous submarine cements, nonluminescent vadose cements, and mixing zone dolomite. Subsequent nonferroan phreatic cements are non- to dully luminescent and in restricted vertical intervals predate significant compaction. More usually, however, phreatic cements postdate extensive overpacking of allochems. Ooid isotopic composition (δ18O=-7·80° to -3·10° and δ13C = -2·38° to +3·28°) is similar to that of associated phreatic cements and the data suggest that the bulk of ooid stabilization and cementation occurred within meteoric groundwaters. The extensive allochem overpacking appears to have occurred during the first few tens of metres of burial and intergranular macroporosity was eliminated prior to deep burial. Fracturing of the Gully Oolite during the Hercynian Orogeny and subsequent post-orogenic uplift led to localized dolomitization, several generations of calcite veins, and the restricted occurrence of 18O depleted cements in inter- and intragranular microporosity. Some of the veins clearly relate to Triassic exhumation of the Carboniferous Limestone, but others may be related to post-Mesozoic uplift and erosion of South Wales. Fracture-associated dolomitization may have occurred within a large-scale post-orogenic groundwater system, with Mg2+ being supplied through the release of deeply buried diagenetic brines.  相似文献   

W. J. MEYERS 《Sedimentology》1978,25(3):371-400
Calcite cements in Mississippian skeletal packstones and grainstones of southwestern New Mexico are dominated by echinoderm-syntaxial, inclusion-free calcites that can be divided into four major compositional zones (from oldest to youngest: zone 1, 2, 3, 5) based mainly on varying Fe11 and MnII contents. These compositional zones are interpreted as‘time stratigraphic’ units as indicated by petrographic evidence for age gaps between zones, and by consistency of their ages on a regional scale. As such, these cement zones can be correlated over most or all of the approximately 30,000 km2 of study area, based on similarity of age, number and sequence of major zones. The inclusion-free calcite cements comprise approximately 95% of the total cements, of which the pre-Pennsylvanian zones (zones 1, 2, 3) make up about 60%, and the post-Mississippian zone 5 makes up about 40% of the total cements. These cements are interpreted as meteoric phreatic on the basis of MnII and FeII content, crystal clarity, cement morphology, substrate selectivity, low Mg content, and absence of marine and vadose characteristics. In the southern part of the study area zone 2 contains significant amounts of meteoric-marine mixing-zone phreatic cements. These mixing-zone cements are identified by their similarity in morphology, luminescence and substrate selectivity to the inclusion-free meteoric phreatic cements, but contain microdolomite inclusions indicative of former high-Mg calcites. Their restriction to the south is interpreted to have resulted from relatively long residence time of the mixing zone in the south during zone 2 precipitation. Strictly marine subtidal and beachrock cements make up less than 1% of the total cements, and meteoric vadose cements are virtually absent. Regional distribution of the pre-Pennsylvanian cement zones suggests a model of cementation during a world-wide late Mississippian eustatic regression identified by Vail & Mitchum (1976). Specifically, pre-zone 1 and zone 1 meteoric phreatic cements formed during regression within a shallow oxygenated (?) groundwater system; zone 2 formed during the later part of the regression and during stillstand in a deep-seated, more extensive flow system; zone 3 formed during subsequent transgression in a shallow groundwater system. The post-Chester, pre-Pennsylvanian unconformity resulted mainly in microkarsting and weathering. The main difference, other. than scale, between this model and those derived from diagenetic studies of Quaternary limestones is that it implies that major cementation occurred during sea-level changes in cpeiric settings, rather than only during stillstands.  相似文献   

The Berriasian Rupelo Formation of the W Cameros Basin consists of a 2–200 m thickness of marginal and open lacustrine carbonate and associated deposits. Open lacustrine facies contain a non-marine biota with abundant charophytes (both stems and gyrogonites), ostracods, gastropods and rare vertebrates. Carbonate production was mainly biogenic. The associated marginal lacustrine (‘palustrine’) facies show strong indications of subaerial exposure and exhibit a wide variety of pedogenic fabrics. Silicified evaporites found near to the top of the sequence reflect a short hypersaline phase in the lake history. The succession was laid down in a low gradient, shallow lake complex characterized by wide fluctuations of the shoreline. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses from the carbonates show non-marine values with ranges of δ13 from ? 7 to ? 11‰and δ18 from ? 3 to ? 7.5‰. Differences in the isotopic composition of open lacustrine carbonates are consistent with sedimentary evidence of variation in organic productivity within the lake. Analyses from the entire sample suite plot on a linear trend; isotopic compositions become lighter with increasing evidence of pedogenic modification. This suggests progressive vadose zone diagenesis and influence of meteoric waters rich in soil-derived CO2. The stable isotope data thus support evidence from petrography and facies relations that ‘palustrine’limestones form through pedogenic modification of lake carbonates.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区古近系和新近系湖相碳酸盐岩主要分布于下干柴沟组上段到油砂山组,其中,下干柴沟组上段和上干柴沟组的碳酸盐岩更发育。碳酸盐岩主要岩石类型有泥晶灰岩、藻灰岩和颗粒灰岩等三大类,此外,还普遍发育由石灰质、白云质和陆源碎屑等3种组分构成的混积岩。碳酸盐岩沉积相可划分为滨湖灰泥坪、滨湖藻坪、浅湖颗粒滩、浅湖藻丘以及半深湖泥灰岩相。滨湖灰泥坪的主要岩石类型有泥晶灰岩、含陆屑泥晶灰岩、陆屑泥晶灰岩以及陆屑泥灰岩等;滨湖藻坪为藻泥晶灰岩、藻纹层灰岩、含陆屑藻泥晶灰岩;浅湖颗粒滩有亮晶或泥微晶的鲕粒灰岩、生屑灰岩和内碎屑灰岩,其次为含陆屑颗粒灰岩;浅湖藻丘为藻叠层灰岩、藻团块灰岩、藻泥晶灰岩和含陆屑藻泥晶灰岩;而半深湖泥灰岩相的主要岩石类型为泥晶灰岩、泥灰岩以及含少量陆屑泥和粉砂的泥晶灰岩或泥灰岩。碳酸盐岩沉积相表现出很强的由西南向东北的迁移性。  相似文献   

周志澄 《地层学杂志》1993,17(3):194-201,T002
<正> 保山地块位于怒江和澜沧江断裂带之间,西为西缅地块及怒江—龙陵—瑞丽缝合带,东为昌宁—双江缝合带,海进自泥盆纪开始,早石炭世发生海退,下石炭统香山组及铺门前组碳酸盐沉积仅局限分布于由保山—施甸呈袋形向南延伸的区域内(图1)。沉积间断发生于早石炭世末、晚石炭世初之间。而后,海进扩大,上石炭统丁家寨组覆于铺门前组灰岩之上。  相似文献   

Mississippian nodular anhydrites beneath an unconformity in the subsurface of southern Saskatchewan are locally replaced by calcite, pyrite and celestite. Triassic clastics above the unconformity are green, rather than red, and a usually developed subunconformity alteration zone (where carbonates are dolomitized, and porosity is filled with anhydrite) is absent. The unconformity lacks karstic features (unlike in the USA), and probably formed in a hyperarid climate. Mississippian anhydrites near the unconformity are not preferentially dissolved, nor were they extensively hydrated. Anhydrite calcitization occurred only after the unconformity was shallowly buried by redbeds, and it probably involved sulphate-reducing bacteria. Hydrogen sulphide, generated by bacteria, reduced redbed pigments. The replacement calcite contains pseudomorphs and relicts of anhydrite, and pseudomorphs of secondary gypsum. These indicate calcitization occurred only after original Mississippian gypsum was altered to anhydrite and this, in turn, was partially converted back to secondary gypsum beneath the unconformity. Replacement occurred concurrently with the formation elsewhere of the dolomitized zone beneath the unconformity. Sulphur isotopic ratios of replacement pyrite are depleted relative to Mississippian sulphate values, consistent with the activities of sulphate-reducing bacteria. Carbon isotopic ratios of replacive calcites, however, do not support this interpretation, and are identical to those of Mississippian limestones. Simple replacement of sulphate by pore-water bicarbonate (in equilibrium with host limestones) is unlikely because protons generated during the reaction should have created acidic conditions in which calcite would have dissolved. A full explanation of the calcitization remains elusive, but may involve replacement occurring in an active groundwater system and/or bacterial sulphate reduction occurring upstream of the site of calcitization.  相似文献   

Moulds after aragonite fossils from two Upper Ordovician limestones in the Oslo Region are filled with well sorted clastic fine sand. The fossil moulds are thought to have been formed by selective dissolution of aragonite shell material by fresh water in the vadose zone. Internal sedimentation post-dates precipitation of a thin veneer of iron poor drusy calcite cement, but predates precipitation of ferroan blocky calcite cement. These age relationships and the texture of the fine sand suggests sedimentation in semiconsolidated sediment in the vadose zone of an island during early emergence.  相似文献   

A 4-yr study of spatial and temporal variability in the geochemistry of vadose groundwaters from caves within the Edwards aquifer region of central Texas offers new insights into controls on vadose groundwater evolution, the relationship between vadose and phreatic groundwaters, and the fundamental influence of soil composition on groundwater geochemistry. Variations in Sr isotopes and trace elements (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios) of dripwaters and soils from different caves, as well as phreatic groundwaters, provide the potential to distinguish between local variability and regional processes controlling fluid geochemistry, and a framework for understanding the links between climatic and hydrologic processes.The Sr isotope compositions of vadose cave dripwaters (mean 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7087) and phreatic groundwaters (mean 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7079) generally fall between values for host carbonates (mean 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7076) and exchangeable Sr in overlying soils (mean 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7088). Dripwaters have lower Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios, and higher 87Sr/86Sr values than phreatic groundwaters. Dripwater 87Sr/86Sr values also inversely correlate with both Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios. Mass-balance modeling combined with these geochemical relationships suggest that variations in fluid compositions are predominantly controlled by groundwater residence times, and water-rock interaction with overlying soils and host aquifer carbonate rocks. Consistent differences in dripwater geochemistry (i.e., 87Sr/86Sr, Mg/Ca, and Sr/Ca) between individual caves are similar to compositional differences in soils above the caves. While these differences appear to exert significant control on local fluid evolution, geochemical and isotopic variations suggest that the controlling processes are regionally extensive. Temporal variations in 87Sr/86Sr values and Mg/Ca ratios of dripwaters from some sites over the 4-yr interval correspond with changes in both aquifer and climatic parameters. These results have important implications for the interpretation of trace element and isotopic variations in speleothems as paleoclimate records, as well as the understanding of controls on water chemistry for both present-day and ancient carbonate aquifers.  相似文献   

Holocene meteoric dolomitization of Pleistocene limestones, North Jamaica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wholesale removal of the unstable carbonate phases aragonite and Mg-calcite, and precipitation of calcite and dolomite is currently taking place where phreatic waters (the modern water table) invade 120,000-year-old Pleistocene biolithites (Falmouth Formation), North Jamaica. Pleistocene rocks presently in the vadose zone are relatively unaltered, and consist of mineralogically unstable scleractinian biolithites. At the water table, a narrow zone of solution, a ‘water table cave’ is commonly encountered. Below the water table the rocks are invariably more highly altered than those above. Mg-calcites are very rare, and considerable dissolution of aragonite has commonly occurred. Dolomite occurs as 8–25 μm, subhedral to euhedral crystals replacing micrite, or precipitated as void linings. The isotopic composition of the dolomite (δO18=-1·0 %0, δC13=-8·4 %0), and its high strontium content (3000 p.p.m.) suggest precipitation as CO2-oversaturated meteoric groundwaters invade the mineralogically unstable biolithites, dissolve Mg-calcites and Sr-rich aragonites, and de-gas. Because some dolomitized rocks are enriched in magnesium relative to unaltered biolithites, addition of magnesium to the system is necessitated, and is probably derived from sea water in the mixing zone. Phreatic meteoric diagenesis is thus demonstrated to be a rapid process, and to be capable of dolomitization.  相似文献   

资阳地区震旦系古岩溶作用及其特征讨论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
向芳  陈洪德  张锦泉 《沉积学报》2001,19(3):421-424
在资阳地区震旦系灯影组的白云岩地层中发现了四川盆地又一含气区块,通过对地层资料、露头特征及构造史的分析研究,证实该储层为古岩溶作用的产物,在此基础上对古岩溶的分带性、旋回性及岩溶地貌特征进行了讨论,从而为储层特征研究及勘探预测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data for meteoric waters of the uplifted carbonate platform of northern Guam show that, contrary to recent models of lowstand diagenesis, phreatic dissolution is active beneath a 60–180 m thick vadose zone. Overland flow during high intensity rainfall events is focussed into surface detention ponds, which drain very rapidly via the epikarst and vertical fissures to the freshwater lens. We estimate that these waters contribute 13% of dissolved calcium in samples from pumping wells but may also deliver aggressive and/or organic-rich waters to the lens. Fast-flow vadose waters mix with lens-top waters to form fresher cap that discharges rapidly coastwards via cavernous porosity. Slower vadose percolation, sampled as cave drips, equilibrates with bedrock within the upper 30 m of the vadose zone, accounting for some 46% of dissolved calcium in the lens waters. The remaining 41% calcium is generated by net dissolution within the lens.  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic in South Wales is composed of up to 100 m of red, dolomitic mudstones of the Mercia Mudstone Group which overlie and are laterally equivalent to basin margin coarse clastic deposits. In the Sully Island and Dinas Powys areas, a series of carbonate deposits was laid down within small basins adjacent to the main Bristol Channel Basin. The rocks consist of dolomites containing replaced evaporites, overlain by perilittoral freshwater limestones. The limestones are fenestral intrasparites and contain abundant pedogenic and stromatolitic horizons, as well as locally developed travertines. Evidence for vadose diagenesis within the limestones is common. The travertines consist of sheets of fibrous calcite (flowstone) associated with pisoids and flöe calcite. Most of the travertines consist of single sheets several millimetres in thickness although ‘mounds’up to 1 m in height and 5 m in diameter are also present. The topmost metre of the limestones, which has been dolomitized, is deformed into tepee and megapolygonal structures. The carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition of the limestones suggests that they were precipitated in low salinity waters. Successive samples from individual bands of flowstone show a covariance of δ18C and δ13C which is consistent with the mixing of resurgent groundwaters with pools of more evolved waters at the surface. The sedimentological and geochemical evidence suggests that the limestones were deposited in a small, enclosed basin fed by upwelling meteoric groundwaters in an environment distinct from that in which the laterally equivalent gypsiferous red mudstones were formed.  相似文献   

Lake Flagstaff (Paleocene-Eocene of central Utah) owed its existence, large size, shallowness and low clastic content to its tectonic setting, but the climate controlled its mostly autochthonous sediments. During the first and most humid of the three lake phases, the lake was fresh, calcareous, large, and highly productive, with abundant vegetation and snails. The first deposits were limestones with gradually increasing detrital dolomite eroded from lake-marginal carbonate mudflats that were undergoing penecontemporaneous dolomitization. Continuous fluctuation in lake level produced many secondary dewatering and pedogenic-paludine fabrics. The lake developed into a playa lake during the very arid second phase, becoming restricted in area and fauna. The water was saline and alkaline, and twice became a gypsum-precipitating brine. Frequent exposure of the lake beds resulted in much calichification and in rapid and complete dolomitization. Under the intermediate climate of the third phase, the lake reexpanded and freshened, snails returned, and many limestones escaped dolomitization. Each phase defines a member of the Flagstaff Formation.Chert, absent in the oldest beds, increases up-section. The lowest chert forms minor small spheres and linings in voids near the top of the lowest member, suggesting limited silica input and post-dolomitization precipitation in areas of greatest groundwater movement. The base of the middle member contains horizons of atextural chert mudcrack fillings and nodules that appear to have been an inorganically precipitated gel. Most of the middle member, however, contains abundant chert nodules that replaced limestone prior to dolomitization. The nodules grew prior to burial (some even prior to mudcrack formation) by the movement of dissolved silica to areas of relatively low pH. In the upper member, chert is even more prevalent: entire thin beds were pervasively but incompletely silicified prior to dolomitization, probably by vertical evaporative pumping of siliceous groundwater moving under mudflats toward the lake.  相似文献   

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