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重点介绍了在青岛海关H986工程中,对滨海浅滩近期回填的杂填土地基的强夯方法,并对施工中的一些问题予以分析,给出了处理办法。  相似文献   

对某港口5个强夯夯击小区的试验结果表明,经强夯法加固后,粘性土吹填地基的力学性质有明显提高。采用250~300 t.m的夯击能、5.6~8点/100 m2的夯点布置和回填土垫层厚度控制在1.2 m内的地基加固方案,能够满足地基承载力150 kPa和工后残余沉降小于30 cm的应力和变形要求。  相似文献   

介绍了强夯法在高速公路特殊路基处理中的应用,通过在青银高速公路齐河至夏津段工程中的强夯法应用实例,简述了强夯法的施工方案、地基处理效果及推广价值。  相似文献   

以浙江舟山大陆连岛工程宁波连接线项目为依托,选择1根典型摩擦桩开展了自平衡试桩法在沿海软弱地层中的试验研究,并对自平衡测试后的试桩进行了传统桩顶堆载验证试验。介绍了自平衡试桩法从设计、现场试验及数据分析的全过程及各阶段的设计要点,并对容易引起测量误差的现有位移测量方法进行了改进,避免了易发缺陷的荷载箱处虚位移的影响。试验测得了试桩的负摩阻力系数值及单桩承载力值,其结果符合试验设计要求,试桩承载力满足设计要求,相关试验设计及测得的参数可以作为此类地层中自平衡测试的参考。经与传统桩顶堆载验证试验对比可知,自平衡试桩法在工程上的应用具有合理性与准确性。  相似文献   

对粉煤灰的综合利用一直是一重要课题。通过工程实践,首次在青岛沿海粉煤灰排放区使用强夯法对粉煤灰地基进行处理,并采用载荷试验等多种方法对其进行检测,得到检测成果,并取得一定的经验,为粉煤灰的在地基中的利用提供了新的实证。  相似文献   

介绍了近代历史海图在港口航道工程中应用的一个实例。讨论了浙江虾峙门口外浅段航道自19世纪90年代至20世纪90年代期间各历史阶段的历史冲淤变化,表明该浅段航道是水深保持稳定县缓慢加深的良好航行通道。  相似文献   

相关法在提高浅水港口潮汐预报质量方面的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据相关法思想,编制了潮汐分析程序并对中国海区典型的浅水港口进行了分析及预报。结果表明,相关法可以提高浅水港口的潮汐预报质量。  相似文献   

离散单元法与港口和海岸工程中的非连续介质问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离散单元法是一种用来分析非连续介质的位移,受力和稳定性问题的数值分析方法,已在岩石力学领域中得到了广泛的应用。在港口和海岸工程中,存在许多堆石体结构的非连续介质问题,如重力式码头后方抛石体的土压力问题,在波浪荷载作用的下堆石防坡浪,护岸,基床的稳定性问题等。  相似文献   

尹毅  陈爱萍 《海岸工程》1995,14(1):8-13
本文首先对中子活化示踪沙技术进行了简单介绍,然后,就该项技术在港口工程中的应用及相应的经济效益进行了分析和探讨,在此基础上,提出了在泥沙研究领域推广应用中子活化示踪技术的建议。  相似文献   

为了有效控制软土地基上海岸建筑物的工后沉降和不均匀沉降,各种软基处理方法在海岸工程建设中得到了越来越广泛的应用。结合海岸工程软土地基处理实例,对振冲挤密法的地基加固机理、加固砂类土地基时的设计参数、施工及加固后地基的检测等进行了探讨,结果表明,振冲挤密处理砂类土地基是行之有效的,并对今后的施工和设计提出了一些参考性建议。  相似文献   

东营地区地处黄河三角洲,其地层主要由第四纪新近沉积土和一般沉积土构成。其特点是地层较软弱,天然地基承载力低,承受荷载后地基变形较大。为了适应东营地区天然地基承载力低的特殊地质情况,目前常用的地基处理方法是水泥粉体喷射搅拌桩复合地基。采用水泥粉喷搅拌桩复合地基处理技术以后,复合地基承载力可提高到天然地基承载力的1.22.3倍。  相似文献   


A preliminary study was conducted to determine the potential for cement deep soil mixing (CDSM) technology as a method for in-situ solidification of contaminated river and estuarine sediments. The study was conducted in Newark Bay, near the mouth of the Passaic River, New Jersey. The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the viability of CDSM for the in-situ S/S with a focus on: 1) determining the correct mix of the cement slurry, which provides rapid stabilization of the sediment matrix, 2) potential resuspension of solids during CSDM operations, 3) the effects of high organic content on the solidification process, and 4) the feasibility of using conventional dredging/extraction methods once the sediments have been stabilized and allowed to cure. The results of the study show CDSM slurry mixtures, as low as 7% in cement content, result in significant solidification and strength gain of in-situ sediments under ambient conditions. In sediments with very high organic contents (> 20%), the slurry mix would need to be adjusted to account for retardation effects of organics on cement hydration. Sediment resuspension during application was shown to be minimal at a distance of as little as 75 feet from the mixing head. Strength gains were considerable, effectively consolidating the sediment particles in a secure matrix, but not so high as to preclude extraction of solidified sediments with conventional dredging equipment. Dredged solidified sediment exhibited characteristics of a stiff glacial clay, and as such was easier to handle and transport than untreated dredged sediments. This technique has high potential to be used as an interim remedial measure prior to either extraction and decontamination/disposal or proper capping.  相似文献   

Deep cement mixing (DCM) technique is a deep in-situ stabilization technique by mixing cement powder or slurry with soft soils below the ground surface to improve their properties and behavior. Some of DCM treated soft soil grounds are approximately in a plane-strain condition; for example, a fill embankment on DCM improved ground. In this study, a plane-strain physical model was created with instrumentation and used to investigate the bearing capacity and failure mode of a soft soil improved by an end-bearing DCM column group. This study focuses on the observed wedge-shaped shear failure of the model ground and attempts to give an account of the failure. Two different methods are used to calculate the bearing capacity of the model ground, and the computed values are compared with the measured ones. It is found that the simple Brom's method gives a better estimate of the bearing capacity of the present model ground. It is also found that measured data of pore water pressures at different locations in the soft soil indicate coupling between failure of columns and consolidation of the soft soil. This study has presented the first time that a wedge-shaped block failure was observed for pattern of DCM treated soil ground.  相似文献   

This article reports on a series of small-scale, plane strain, 1 g physical model tests designed to investigate the bearing capacity and failure mechanics of end-bearing soil-cement columns formed via Deep Mixing (DM). Pre-formed soil-cement columns, 24 mm in diameter and 200 mm in length, were installed in a soft clay bed using a replacement method; the columns represented improvement area ratios, ap, of 17%, 26%, and 35% beneath a rigid foundation of width 100 mm. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was implemented in conjunction with close-range photogrammetry in order to track soil displacement during loading, from which the failure mechanisms were derived. Bearing capacity performance was verified using Ultimate Limit State numerical analysis, with the results comparing favorably to the analytical static and kinematic solutions proposed by previous researchers. A new equation for bearing capacity was derived from this numerical analysis based on the improvement area ratio and cohesion ratio of the soil column and ground model.  相似文献   

深层水泥搅拌法在土体加固中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在某护岸改造工程利用CDM加固体作为临时挡土墙的施工工艺。结果表明该工艺具有理想的效果,开创了CDM加固护岸坡脚土体的新工艺。  相似文献   

依据环境水文地质条件、污染源的状况和酚、氰化物对地下水长期污染状况,综合临淄地区现场资料对酚、氰化物的污染特性及迁移机理作初步研究。研究表明,淄河沿岸区和冲沟内砂砾石分布区是酚、氰化物进入地下水的主要通道,大气降水是促进酚、氰化物解吸迁移的主要因素。虽然目前研究区域内已无含酚、氰化物的污水直接排放,但吸附于较厚细颗粒包气带土层中的酚、氰化物还将在较长时间内存在并缓慢进入地下水中,其含量将会随时间的推移而呈减少趋势。  相似文献   

付亦鹏  杜军  于波 《海岸工程》2006,25(2):67-72
结合工程实例,介绍了压力注浆技术在局部软弱地基处理中的作用原理,对施工过程及其质量控制作了阐述,并对加固效果进行了检测及分析。  相似文献   

利用室内半模试验和颗粒流数值模拟,揭示多层砂土地基扩底桩单桩抗压承载特性及变形特征。结果表明,通过对比分析极限承载力与H_h/D(持力层厚度与扩大头直径之比)的关系可以看出,单桩的抗压极限承载力随H_h/D逐渐增加,当H_h/D超过2.0时,极限承载力基本不再增加,此时的单桩抗压极限承载力稳定在300.01~303.25 N,是H_h/D=0.5时极限承载力(183.83 N)的1.65倍。扩大头下部土体发生局部压缩-剪切破坏,破坏面从扩大头底面边缘向斜下方扩展,在水平方向影响范围达到最大后逐渐向桩内侧收缩;荷载作用越大,地基破坏区域越大,相应的极限抗压承载力也越大;持力层厚度增加,扩大头分担的荷载比例增大,分担的荷载达到稳定需要的桩顶位移也越大,H_h=0.5 D试验扩大头分担的荷载比例稳定时为60%,对应的桩顶位移约为29 mm;桩顶位移达到33 mm后,H_h=1.0~3.0 D试验稳定在63%~65%之间;通过细观颗粒流理论对砂土移动特性的研究发现,持力层厚度从0.5 D增大至2.0 D,破坏面的起始扩展角度从31°增大至42°。数值模拟研究结果与模型试验数据吻合效果良好,证明该方法分析多层砂土地基扩底桩单桩抗压荷载传递机理是可行的。  相似文献   

自升式钻井平台插桩是地基土在桩靴荷载作用下发生连续的塑性破坏的动态过程,当地基极限承载力等于桩靴荷载时插桩完成。经典土力学极限承载力理论对土体潜在滑动面做了假设,无法有效分析土体内部的破坏过程。本研究应用有限元法(FEM )对插桩过程进行了模拟,得到地基土的破坏机制以及中间荷载下土体的应力、应变情况,通过和各理论公式计算的极限承载力进行对比分析,分析影响地基极限承载力的因素。研究表明,基础宽度与硬土层厚度的比值 B/H越大,下卧软土层越容易发生塑性破坏,极限承载力明显下降,当B/H<0.286时,可以忽略下卧软土层对地基承载力的影响。  相似文献   

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