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Sinonovacula constricta is one of the important economic aquaculture species in China. In this study, we constructed genetic linkage maps of S. constricta based on 300 microsatellite markers derived from RAD-seq using an F1 full-sib family. The female map contained 204 microsatellites assigned to 22 linkage groups, which covered 1529.5 cM with an average interval of 10.3 cM. The male consisted of 187 microsatellites in 19 linkage groups corresponding to the haploid chromosome number(n(28)19), which spanned 1429.3 cM with an average interval of 8.7 cM. The genome coverage was approximately 83.5% and 81.4%, respectively. An integrated map was constructed according to the common markers in parental linkage groups, which had a total length of 1683.8 cM with an average interval of 7.3 cM. The genome coverage of the integrated map was approximately 86.3%. The genetic linkage map would form the foundation for further studies on the quantitative trait loci(QTL), as well as accelerating the breeding process of this species.  相似文献   

Long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs) regulate a variety of biological processes, including sexual reproduction and differentiation. Saccharina japonica, a commercially important brown alga in China, shows remarkable sexual dimorphism in haploid gametophytes. The sex of Saccharina japonica gametophytes is determined by UV sexual system. However, no results have been reported on the lncRNAs involved in the sex-related gene regulation of S. japonica. This study identified a number of lncRNAs and assessed ...  相似文献   

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSR) function widely and locate dependently in genome. However, their characteristics are often ignored due to the lack of genomic sequences of most species. Kelp (Saccharina japonica), a brown macroalga, is extensively cultured in China. In this study, the genome of S. japonica was surveyed using an Illumina sequencing platform, and its microsatellites were characterized. The preliminarily assembled genome was 469.4 Mb in size, with a scaffold N50 of 20529 bp. Among the 128370 identified microsatellites, 90671, 25726 and 11973 were found in intergenic regions, introns and exons, averaging 339.3, 178.8 and 205.4 microsatellites per Mb, respectively. These microsatellites distributed unevenly in S. japonica genome. Mononucleotide motifs were the most abundant in the genome, while trinucleotide ones were the most prevalent in exons. The microsatellite abundance decreased significantly with the increase of motif repeat numbers, and the microsatellites with a small number of repeats accounted for a higher proportion of the exons than those of the intergenic regions and introns. C/G-rich motifs were more common in exons than in intergenic regions and introns. These characteristics of microsatellites in S. japonica genome may associate with their functions, and ultimately their adaptation and evolution. Among the 120140 pairs of designed microsatellite primers, approximately 75% were predicted to be able to amplify S. japonica DNA. These microsatellite markers will be extremely useful for the genetic breeding and population evolution studies of kelp.  相似文献   

Saccharina japonica is a common macroalga in sublittoral communities of cold seawater environments,and consequently may have highly effi cient ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(Rubisco)activity for carbon assimilation.In our study,we cloned the full-length Rubisco gene from S.japonica(SJ-rbc).It contained an open reading frame for a large subunit gene(SJ-rbcL)of 1 467 bp,a small subunit gene(SJ-rbcS)of 420 bp,and a SJ-rbcL /S intergenic spacer of 269 bp.The deduced peptides of SJ-rbcL and SJ-rbcS were 488 and 139 amino acids with theoretical molecular weights and isoelectric points of 53.97 kDa,5.81 and 15.84 kDa,4.71,respectively.After induction with 1 mmol/L isopropyl-β-Dthiogalactopyranoside for 5 h and purifi cation by Ni 2+ affi nity chromatography,electrophoresis and western blot detection demonstrated successful expression of the 55 kDa SJ-rbcL protein.Real-time quantitative PCR showed that the mRNA levels of SJ-rbcL in gametophytes increased when transferred into normal growth conditions and exhibited diurnal variations: increased expression during the day but suppressed expression at night.This observation implied that Rubisco played a role in normal gametophytic growth and development.In juvenile sporophytes,mRNA levels of SJ-rbcL,carbonic anhydrase,Calvin-BensonBassham cycle-related enzyme,and chloroplast light-harvesting protein were remarkably increased under continuous light irradiance.Similarly,expression of these genes was up-regulated under blue light irradiance at 350 μmol/(m 2·s).Our results indicate that long-term white light and short-term blue light irradiance enhances juvenile sporophytic growth by synergistic effects of various photosynthetic elements.  相似文献   

The use of a microwave-assisted extraction(MAE) method for the extraction of phlorotannins from Saccharina japonica Aresch(S.japonica) has been evaluated with particular emphasis on the influential parameters,including the ethanol concentration,solid/liquid ratio,extraction time,extraction temperature,and microwave power.The MAE procedure was optimized using single-factor design and orthogonal array design(OAD).The content of total phlorotannins in S.japonica was determined using a Folin-Ciocalteu(FC) assay.A maximum total phlorotannin content of 0.644 mg of phloroglucinol equivalent per gram of dry weight plant(mg PGE/g DW) was obtained using the optimized model,which included an ethanol concentration of 55%,solid/liquid ratio of 1:8,extraction time of 25 min,irradiation power of 400 W,and temperature of 60°C.Under similar conditions,the application of a conventional extraction method led to a lower phlorotannin yield of 0.585 mg PGE/g WD.These results demonstrated that the MAE approach provided better results for the extraction of phlorotannins from S.japonica and was a promising technique for the extraction of phenolic compounds from S.japonica and other materials.In addition,screening tests for the inhibitory activity showed that the phlorotannin-containing extracts significantly inhibited the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells(HepG2) by inducing their apoptosis.The morphological changes that occurred during cell apoptosis were characterized using Hoechst33258 staining.  相似文献   

基于集合卡尔曼变换的区域集合预报初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了深入研究集合卡尔曼变换(Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter,ETKF)初值扰动方法,提高集合预报质量,从全球大集合预报资料中提取初始扰动场,建立区域模式的ETKF初值扰动方案,对2008年7月22日发生在中国东部的一次暴雨过程进行集合预报试验,并分析ETKF方案构造的扰动场特征和集合预报效果。结果表明,由ETKF初始扰动方案产生的扰动场大小与分布合理,能够反映观测站点的空间分布,能够保持所有正交、不相关方向的误差方差。集合预报降水落区相对控制预报有所改善,集合平均小雨和中雨TS评分和BS评分总体优于控制预报。24h集合预报的Talagrand分布优于36h预报。试验结果揭示了ETKF初值扰动方案的基本性质及利用ETKF方法进行区域集合预报的可行性。  相似文献   

【目的】筛选褐点石斑鱼(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)及其杂交子一代(E. fuscoguttatus♀×E. polyphekadion♂,F1)的差异表达基因,探讨褐点石斑鱼及F1代之间的生长差异性。【方法】采用Illumina HiSeq 2000测序平台对同龄的褐点石斑鱼及其杂交F1的脑、肝脏和肌肉组织进行转录组测序,通过edgeR软件包筛选差异表达基因,并对差异表达基因进行GO(Gene Ontology)功能注释和KOG注释,最后通过实时荧光定量PCR验证转录组数据。【结果】测序的原始数据经过质量控制和组装共得到54 610条unigenes。组装的unigenes共有28 832条unigenes得到注释,共获得20234条差异表达基因,其中有10218条上调,10016条下调。GO功能注释显示共34061条unigenes聚类到涉及生物过程、分子功能和细胞组分的53个功能类别,其中被较多基因聚类到的功能类别为细胞过程、结合、单一生物过程、代谢过程和催化活性等。KOG注释发现,42 753 unigenes被注释到25个功能类别中,其中较多涉及信号转导机制、基因功能预测、翻译后修饰,蛋白质周转和分子伴侣、转录等。进一步筛选到一批和生长相关的差异表达基因,如GH、GHRH、PRL、SLP、AVTp等,这些差异表达基因在F1中的表达水平均高于其亲本褐点石斑鱼,与杂交F1相较于褐点石斑鱼生长快速的性状相符。【结论】研究完成了对褐点石斑鱼及其杂交F1的转录组测序、组装,获得了测序数据在不同数据库的功能注释信息,同时筛选了一批生长相关差异表达基因,这些基因在F1中的表达水平均高于其亲本褐点石斑鱼,与现实生长性状相符。  相似文献   

信息熵方法是建立在信息论基础上的信息量评价方法,目前多用于地图信息的量测,尚无针对地形库中的几大要素特征的综合性的信息量分析评价方法.本文在分析已有地图信息量测方法基础上,选择国家1:1 000 000地形数据库中9幅地图的居民地要素层,建立Voronoi图,全面分析评价了该要素层的统计信息量、几何信息量、拓扑信息量和专题(属性)信息量.实验表明,对地形数据库中的要素层采用全面评价的方法是可行和必要的,能更好地反映要素的分布特征和专题(属性)特征.  相似文献   

随着传感器和其他数据采集技术的不断进步以及对地观测网络的建设和启动,空间数据的高性能处理和分析成为摆在地学工作者面前的瓶颈。本文以此为出发点,按照不同地学领域(陆地、大气、海洋)的空间数据载体的形态的不同,将空间数据划分为反映固态基质信息的陆地空间数据,反映液态基质信息的陆地水文空间数据,反映液态基质信息的海洋流体空间数据和反映气态基质信息的大气流体空间数据四类,并对每类数据的最小单元问题进行了初步的分析。本文详细阐述了地学空间计算的涵义,并根据计算行为模式及计算的侧重点的不同,将地学计算过程分为深度计算过程与主动计算过程(即“数据→特征→知识”的一般计算过程),并就此进行了阐释。以基于特征的遥感信息提取和目标识别工作为例,对上述理论进行了说明和验证。最后对空间数据计算模式相关问题进行了总结,并对以后的研究做了展望。  相似文献   

基于道路结构特征识别的城市交通状态空间自相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 城市道路交通状态具有空间自相关特征。路段交通状态的变化会很快影响到邻近路段,导致一定空间范围内路段的交通状态发生改变。揭示城市交通状态的空间自相关特征,对交通规划、交通控制与诱导具有重要意义。然而,受到城市路网空间结构和道路拓扑特征的影响,城市道路交通状态的空间自相关并非各向同性,也并非均匀地向上下游扩散,而是有选择性地集中在部分邻近路段上。因此,仅考虑路段地理空间下的上下游邻近性,难以全面度量路段间交通状态的相互影响,识别出交通状态空间相关性强的道路集合。本文借鉴复杂网络分析方法,定量化分析了城市路网的模块化与层次性特征,利用城市路段在空间上的聚集特征和路段在网络中拓扑角色的差异,提出了一种新的交通状态自相关路段邻近性判别规则,即空间邻近且拓扑等价规则,以此规则实现交通状态空间相关路段聚类过程,更好地揭示城市路段之间的交通状态空间相关性。  相似文献   

基于AutoCAD数据建立地理信息系统空间数据库的方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有AutoCAD数据导入GIS(地理信息系统)空间数据库的需求,在阐述AutoCAD数据与GIS数据特点的基础上,分析了数据库建立过程中遇到的困难及解决措施,提出了3种利用AutoCAD数据建立GIS空间数据库的方法,并将其运用于广东省南海市某县的城市信息化工作,取得较好效果,证明了方法的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

简要给出基于星间双向测距的BDS-3导航卫星自主定轨模型,然后基于BDS-3基本系统的18颗MEO的星间链路测距数据开展自主定轨处理及性能分析。结果表明,BDS-3星间链路测距功能运行稳定、连续性较好,单星可用链路数目约为8.5条,星间建链几何构型PDOP值约为1.34;连续30 d的集中式自主定轨处理正常稳定,与事后精密产品比较得出,所有卫星的轨道URE的平均RMS为0.47 m,相对时间同步误差的平均RMS为0.31 ns。  相似文献   

As a novel food quality monitoring technology, intelligent freshness indicator has received wide attention in recent years.However, its poor safety and stability are the main problems hindering its practical application. Hence a new pH-sensing indicator based on bromocresol green(BCG) was developed in this study for nondestructive and real-time monitoring the freshness of marine fishes. The indicator was designed with a three-layer structure, using the polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) membrane with...  相似文献   

获取含水层水力参数空间非均质分布信息是研究地下水渗流、地下水污染物运移等诸多地下水问题的重要基础。然而,受常规勘察技术所限,含水层的非均质性难以直接刻画,尤其在裂隙介质含水层中,水力参数分布的非均质性更加突出,进一步增加了刻画的难度。针对该问题,本研究首先通过德国哥廷根大学北校区内的Neutra试验场地进行的64次抽水试验,获取了该场地不同深度观测点的水头响应曲线,然后使用解析方法对64组数据进行分析和参数评估,同时采用水力走时的方法对井间水力参数分布进行反演计算,最后将得到的结果分别与经典解析解参数估计和热示踪试验结果进行对比验证。结果表明,解析解参数估计的结果虽然能够在一定程度上展现含水层的垂向非均质性,但是无法刻画井间含水层水力参数的非均质分布;与热示踪试验结果的对比验证了基于水力走时反演的水力层析法在刻画裂隙介质水力参数的空间非均质分布的可靠性。   相似文献   

基于WebGIS的银行客户服务系统的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建基于WebGIS的银行客户服务系统是银行客服部门提供地理位置相关服务的较好模式和应用趋势。本文讨论了一种基于WebGIS技术的银行客户服务系统的体系结构和功能设计,在中国银行华北客户服务中心实现了系统实例。系统开发采用.NET开发环境,WebGIS软件平台选用SuperMap IS.NET;采用SuperMapSDX+空间数据库引擎技术,通过SQL Server一体化管理北京市中国银行网点、公交网络和基础地理信息等空间和属性数据。系统具有地图操作、网点信息维护、全面的信息查询和统计分析功能。系统部署在客服中心的服务器上,客服坐席员通过浏览器访问系统。与传统的坐席员通过记忆和查找纸质地图解答客户提问相比,通过该系统能极大提高坐席员对用户的反应时间和服务质量。同时系统能自动将各类客户查询信息保存到数据库中,并与空间位置关联,对这些信息进行可视化的统计分析,为银行网点分布和选址提供辅助决策。  相似文献   

提出了孤立字词语音识别的一个新算法,即新型的识别算法。通过此算法,系统可以在不降低系统识别精度的前提下,大大精简运算量,提高识别系统整体的识别效率。实验证明,该算法在基于模板的孤立字词语音识别中可以达到100%的识别精度,在基于非模板的孤立字词的语音识别中,其识别精度也可以达到90%以上,并且与传统的识别方法相比,缩短了训练时间,提高了识别速度。在孤立字词的语音识别中具有自己独到的优势。构建一个使用方便的语音识别系统,将算法应用到实践中解决人们现实生活中遇到的各种问题。  相似文献   

金土工程是国土资源信息化实现质的飞跃的重要契机,目前已在各级国土资源管理部门开展建设.本文严格按照国土资源部金土工程一期建设的要求,树立了“科学+制度”的现代国土资源管理理念,并结合本级金土工程建设的实际情况,综合运用了面向服务的技术架构、数据库整合技术、地理信息服务架构等技术,分析了关键的技术问题,探索了基于“一张图”的金土工程建设模式.  相似文献   

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