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Moulton's Theorem says that given an ordering of masses m 1, ..., m nthere exists a unique collinear central configuration. The theorem allows us to ask the questions: What is the distribution of n equal masses in the collinear central configuration? What is the behavior of the distribution as n → ∞? These questions are due to R. Moekel (personal conversation). Central configurations are found to be attracting fixed points of a flow — a flow we might call an auxiliary flow (in the text it is denoted F(X)), since it has little to do with the equations of motion. This flow is studied in an effort to characterize the mass distribution. Specifically, for a collinear central configuration of n equal masses, a bound is found for the position of the masses furthest from the center of mass. Also some facts concerning the distribution of the inner masses are discovered.  相似文献   

In this paper we find a class of new degenerate central configurations and bifurcations in the Newtonian n-body problem. In particular we analyze the Rosette central configurations, namely a coplanar configuration where n particles of mass m1 lie at the vertices of a regular n-gon, n particles of mass m2 lie at the vertices of another n-gon concentric with the first, but rotated of an angle π /n, and an additional particle of mass m0 lies at the center of mass of the system. This system admits two mass parameters μ = m0/m1 and ε = m2/m1. We show that, as μ varies, if n > 3, there is a degenerate central configuration and a bifurcation for every ε > 0, while if n = 3 there is a bifurcation only for some values of ε.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the relative equilibria and their stability for a system of three point particles moving under the action of a Lennard-Jones potential. A central configuration is a special position of the particles where the position and acceleration vectors of each particle are proportional, and the constant of proportionality is the same for all particles. Since the Lennard-Jones potential depends only on the mutual distances among the particles, it is invariant under rotations. In a rotating frame the orbits coming from central configurations become equilibrium points, the relative equilibria. Due to the form of the potential, the relative equilibria depend on the size of the system, that is, depend strongly of the momentum of inertia I. In this work we characterize the relative equilibria, we find the bifurcation values of I for which the number of relative equilibria is changing, we also analyze the stability of the relative equilibria. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A theorem of Palmore's concerning coplanar central configurations of equal mass bodies was shown to be false for all even N 6 by Slaminka and Woerner. Using a variation of that argument I prove that Palmore's Theorem is false for all N 6.Northwestern University  相似文献   

In this paper we show that in the n-body problem with harmonic potential one can find a continuum of central configurations for n= 3. Moreover we show a counterexample to an interpretation of Jerry Marsden Generalized Saari's conjecture. This will help to refine our understanding and formulation of the Generalized Saari's conjecture, and in turn it might provide insight in how to solve the classical Saari's conjecture for n≥ 4. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider the problem: given a collinear configuration of n bodies, find the masses which make it central. We prove that for n ≤ 6, each configuration determines a one-parameter family of masses (after normalization of the total mass). The parameter is the center of mass when n is even and the square of the angular velocity of the corresponding circular periodic orbit when n is odd. The result is expected to be true for any n. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider some questions on central configurations of five bodies in space. In the first one, we get a general result of symmetry for the restricted problem of n+1 bodies in dimension n-1. After that, we made the calculation of all c.c. for n=4. In our second result, we extend a theorem of symmetry due to [Albouy, A. and Libre, I.: 2002, Contemporary Math. 292, 1-16] on non-convex central configurations with 4 unit masses and an infinite central mass. We obtain similar results in the case of a big, but finite central mass. Finally, we continue the study by [Schmidt, D.S.: 1988, Contemporary Math. 81 ] of the bifurcations of the configuration with four unit masses located at the vertices of a equilateral tetrahedron and a variable mass at the barycenter. Using Liapunov-Schmidt reduction and a result on bifurcation equations, which appear in [Golubitsley, M., Stewart, L. and Schaeffer, D.: 1988, Singularties and Groups in Bifurcation Theory, Vol. II, Springer-Verlag, New York], we show that there exist indeed seven families of central configurations close to a regular tetrahedron parameterized by the value of central mass.  相似文献   

Saari's Conjecture for the Planar Three-Body Problem with Equal Masses   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the N-body problem, it is a simple observation that relative equilibria (planar solutions for which the mutual distances between the particles remain constant) have constant moment of inertia. In 1970, Don Saari conjectured that the converse was true: if a solution to the N-body problem has constant moment of inertia, then it must be a relative equilibrium. In this note, we confirm the conjecture for the planar three-body problem with equal masses. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give a new derivation of the equations for the central configurations of the 1+n body problem. In the case of equal masses, we show that forn large enough there exists only one solution. Our lower bound forn improves by several orders of magnitude the one previously found by Hall.  相似文献   

An appropriate generalization of the Jacobi equation of motion for the polar moment of inertia I is considered in order to study the N-body problem with variable masses. Two coupled ordinary differential equations governing the evolution of I and the total energy E are obtained. A regularization scheme for this system of differential equations is provided. We compute some illustrative numerical examples, and discuss an average method for obtaining approximate analytical solutions to this pair of equations. For a particular law of mass loss we also obtain exact analytical solutions. The application of these ideas to other kind of perturbed gravitational N-body systems involving drag forces or a different type of mass variation is also considered. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The concept of central configuration is important in the study of total collisions or the relative equilibrium state of a rotating system in the N-body problem. However, relatively few such configurations are known. Aided by a new global optimizer, we have been able to construct new families of coplanar central configurations having particles of equal mass, and extend these constructions to some configurations with differing masses and the non-coplanar case. Meyer and Schmidt had shown that a theorem of Palmore concerning coplanar central configurations was incorrect for N equal masses where 6 N 20 but presented a simple analytic argument only for N = 6. Using straightforward analytic arguments and inequalities we also disprove this theorem for 2N equal masses with N 3.  相似文献   

We consider the non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics of a gyrostat in Newtonian interaction with n spherical rigid bodies. Using the symmetries of the system we carry out two reductions. Then, working in the reduced problem, we obtain the equations of motion, a Casimir function of the system and the equations that determine the relative equilibria. Global conditions for existence of relative equilibria are given. Besides, we give the variational characterization of these equilibria and three invariant manifolds of the problem; being calculated the equations of motion in these manifolds, which are described by means of a canonical Hamiltonian system. We give some Eulerian and Lagrangian equilibria for the four body problem with a gyrostat. Finally, certain classical problems of Celestial Mechanics are generalized.  相似文献   

Central configurations are critical points of the potential function of the n-body problem restricted to the topological sphere where the moment of inertia is equal to constant. For a given set of positive masses m 1,..., m n we denote by N(m 1, ..., m n, k) the number of central configurations' of the n-body problem in k modulus dilatations and rotations. If m n 1,..., m n, k) is finite, then we give a bound of N(m 1,..., m n, k) which only depends of n and k.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the linear stability of the relative equilibria for homogeneous and quasihomogeneous potentials. First, in the case the potential is a homogeneous function of degree −a, we find that any relative equilibrium of the n-body problem with a>2 is spectrally unstable. We also find a similar condition in the quasihomogeneous case. Then we consider the case of three bodies and we study the stability of the equilateral triangle relative equilibria. In the case of homogeneous potentials we recover the classical result obtained by Routh in a simpler way. In the case of quasihomogeneous potentials we find a generalization of Routh inequality and we show that, for certain values of the masses, the stability of the relative equilibria depends on the size of the configuration.  相似文献   

We prove that for generalized forces which are function of the mutual distance, the ring n + 1 configuration is a central configuration. Besides, we show that it is a homographic solution. We apply the above results to quasi-homogeneous potentials.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a complete classification of the isolated central configurations of the five-body problem with equal masses. This is accomplished by using the polyhedral homotopy method to approximate all the isolated solutions of the Albouy-Chenciner equations. The existence of exact solutions, in a neighborhood of the approximated ones, is then verified using the Krawczyk method. Although the Albouy-Chenciner equations for the five-body problem are huge, it is possible to solve them in a reasonable amount of time.  相似文献   

We prove the existence of infinitely many periodic solutions, with larger and larger minimal period, accumulating onto elliptic invariant tori for (an “outer solar-system” model of) the planar (N + 1)-body problem.   相似文献   

Stability in the Full Two-Body Problem   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Stability conditions are established in the problem of two gravitationally interacting rigid bodies, designated here as the full two-body problem. The stability conditions are derived using basic principles from the N-body problem which can be carried over to the full two-body problem. Sufficient conditions for Hill stability and instability, and for stability against impact are derived. The analysis is applicable to binary small-body systems such as have been found recently for asteroids and Kuiper belt objects.  相似文献   

Resumé On démontre dans cet article l'instabilité, pour tout n 4, des configurations d'équilibre relatif dans le problème des n corps, oú les n corps soumises aux attractions newtonniennes mutuelles se trouvent aux sommets d'un polygone régulier de n cotés. La preuve consiste à montrer que les équations aux variations, projetées sur le plan P des n corps, possèdent au moins deux exposants caractéristiques complexes connugués dont la parr'e réelle est strictement positive; alors que ces equations projetées sur un axe orthogonal à P possèdent des solutions ayant des termes séculaires.
We prove in this paper the instability, for all n 4, of the configurations of relative equilibrium in the n-body problem where the n bodies submitted to newtonian mutual attractions are at the vertices of a regular polypon with n sides. For this proof we show that the equations of variations projected to the n bodies plan P have at least two conjugate characteristic exponents with a strictly positive real part; while these equations projected to an orthogonal axis to P have some solutions with secular terms.

The purpose of this article is to emphasize the usefulness of STF-tensors in celestial mechanics. Using STF-mass multipole moments and Cartesian coordinates the derivations of equations of motion, the interaction- and tidal-potentials for an isolated system ofN arbitrarily shaped and composed, purely gravitationally interacting bodies are particularly simple. Using simple relations between STF-tensors and spherical harmonics it is shown how all Cartesian formulas can be converted easily into the usual spherical representations. Some computational aspects of STF-tensors and spherical harmonics are discussed. A list of useful formulas for STF-tensors is provided.  相似文献   

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