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Atmospheric water vapor is an essential climate variable (ECV) with extensive spatial and temporal variations. Mi- crowave humidity observations from meteorolog...  相似文献   

利用2018年1月至2019年12月河北省中南部地区的微波辐射计和探空数据,将两种探测设备取得的资料在时间和空间上进行点对点匹配,共筛选出187条晴空廓线、1176条云天廓线和12条毛毛雨天廓线,定量分析了各个高度层的晴天、云天和毛毛雨天气条件下两种大气探测设备的温度、相对湿度和水汽密度廓线的相关性及误差情况。结果表明:3种天气条件下的微波辐射计与无线电探空仪温度和水汽密度的相关性整体较好,地基微波辐射计观测的大气参数分布存在不同程度的差异,但是微波辐射计和探空的变化趋势一致性较好,并且无线电探空仪观测的大气参数和微波辐射计反演的温度、相对湿度和水汽密度相关性整体上均呈现低层大气优于高层大气,温度相关性最好,水汽密度次之,相对湿度最低。通过对比各个高度层的拟合程度,发现3.5 km以下的低层大气参数精度更可靠,对于需要间接计算的大气物理量,如K指数、有效位能、积分水汽含量等,使用低层数据计算的大气物理量精度会更好。本文开展的地基微波辐射计反演的大气物理参数与探空仪观测对比研究工作,对提高微波辐射计在大气物理和人工影响天气的探测精度方面具有参考意义。  相似文献   

准确测量大气中云和气溶胶的辐射特性对数值天气预报和气候变化具有重要意义。搭载在风云三号降水卫星上的偏振载荷是国内首个具有短波红外通道的多角度偏振成像仪(Polarization and Multi-Angle Imager, PMAI),计划于2023年年初发射,为气溶胶-云-降水观测链条提供重要支撑。该仪器运行在非太阳同步的倾斜轨道,可提供3 km(星下点)空间分辨率和700 km幅宽的图像。PMAI的观测通道包括1030 nm、1370 nm、1640 nm的偏振通道和相应的非偏振通道,可提供14个角度的观测信息。PMAI将利用自然目标的在轨替代定标和同平台仪器的交叉定标,实现5%的辐射测量精度。观测和仿真数据表明PMAI拥有描述云和气溶胶特性的独特优势。全新的短波红外通道的多角度偏振测量可以优化云相态识别和云微物理参数反演、气溶胶的地气解耦以及地表方向反射特征的表述。处于非太阳同步轨道的PMAI具有独特观测几何,可以获得大气粒子辐射更宽的散射角分布信息。此外,PMAI可联合同平台中分辨率光谱成像仪的可见近红外和热红外通道的观测信息,进行云和气溶胶的协同反演。  相似文献   

地基微波辐射计探测大气边界层高度方法   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用2013年中国科学院大气物理研究所香河大气综合观测试验站的地基微波辐射计和激光雷达观测数据,以激光雷达探测的大气边界层高度为参考,分别利用非线性神经网络和多元线性回归方法建立微波亮温直接反演大气边界层高度的算法,并对比两种方法的反演能力, 同时分析非线性神经网络算法在不同时段及不同天气状况下反演结果的差异。结果表明:非线性神经网络算法的反演能力优于多元线性回归算法,其反演结果与激光雷达探测的大气边界层高度有较好一致性,冬、春季的相关系数达到0.83,反演精度比线性回归算法约高26%;对于不同时段和不同天气条件,春季的反演结果最好,晴空的反演结果好于云天; 四季和不同天气状况的划分也有利于提高反演精度。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the in-orbit calibration uncertainty(CU)for the microwave radiation imager(MWRI)on board the Chinese polar-orbiting meteorological satellit...  相似文献   

正1Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Satellites,China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China2National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China  相似文献   

星载被动微波遥感反演降水算法回顾   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李小青 《气象科技》2004,32(3):149-154
根据不同的降水反演方法对多种利用SSM/I、TMI反演降水的算法进行归类总结,按下垫面检测和降水反演算法两大步骤进行简要描述,并分经验法、半经验(半物理)法、物理模式法及物理廓线法4类方法对多种算法作了回顾。  相似文献   

微波辐射计反演产品评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
刘建忠  张蔷 《气象科技》2010,38(3):325-331
利用北京南郊探空资料,对从美国进口的微波辐射计近3年反演资料,从总体平均、早晚平均、平均年变化以及不同天空状况4个方面进行分析、评价,以了解该设备的性能和产品特点。结果表明:①温度均方根误差从近地面到5000 m,误差逐渐增大,5000 m以上又逐渐减小。相对误差总体平均不到0.2,且均为正,表明仪器反演的温度比探空的偏高。②湿度从近地面到3000 m误差逐渐增大,3000 m以上逐渐减小。总体平均相对湿度的误差均为正,表明仪器反演出的相对湿度比探空的偏高。③从温、湿度误差的早晚对比看,20:00的误差相对比08:00小。④从不同天空状况看,温度碧空、多云间晴效果较好,多云转阴、阴天效果较差;湿度多云转阴、阴天效果较好。⑤从温、湿度误差的年变化来看,温度均方根误差1500 m以下年内变化幅度较小,1500 m以上变化幅度较大,呈现出8月误差最小,3、4月最大;相对湿度的均方根误差在1500 m以下年内变化比较相似,1500 m以上脉动变化比较大。  相似文献   

Accurate brightness temperature(BT) is a top priority for retrievals of atmospheric and surface parameters.Microwave Radiation Imagers(MWRIs) on Chinese Fengyun-3(FY-3) serial polar-orbiting satellites have been providing abundant BT data since 2008. Much work has been done to evaluate short-term MWRI observations, but the long-term performance of MWRIs remains unclear. In this study, operational MWRI BTs from 2012–19 were carefully examined by using simultaneous Advanced Microwave Scanning Radi...  相似文献   

Validated satellite-derived sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are widely used for climate monitoring and ocean data assimilation systems. In this study, the Fengyun-3A (FY-3A) SST experimental product is evaluated using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)-merged and in situ SSTs. A comparison of AVHRR-merged SSTs reveals a negative bias of more than 2K in FY-3A SSTs in most of the tropical Pacific and low-latitude Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The error variance of FY-3A SSTs is estimated using three-way error analysis. FY-3A SSTs show regional error variance in global oceans with a maximum error variance of 2.2 K in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a significant seasonal variation of error variance is present in FY-3A SSTs, which indicates that the quality of FY-3A SST could be improved by adjusting the parameters in the SST retrieval algorithm and by applying regional and seasonal algorithms, particularly in key areas such as the tropical Pacific Ocean. An objective analysis method is used to merge FY-3A SSTs with the drifter buoy data. The errors of FY-3A SSTs are decreased to-0.45K comparing with SST observations from GTSPP.  相似文献   

MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计的资料质量评估和探测特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
韩珏靖  陈飞  张臻  赵云武 《气象》2015,41(2):226-233
应用常规探空、MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计和自动气象站数据,比较了微波辐射计与探空的差异,温度和相对湿度的平均观测偏差分别为3.2℃和29%,相关系数分别为0.98以上和0.5左右。分析了不同天气下微波辐射计的探测特征,发现相对湿度和液态水含量的垂直变化与降水、强对流和大雾的发生有良好对应:降水和强对流过程中,6 km以下的相对湿度提前增大(湿度增大的提前时间在降水中较长,在强对流中较短),3.5 km以下液态水含量增加,尤其在2.253.25 km处有明显的激增;大雾伴随33.5 km以下相对湿度增大和1.5 km以下液态水含量激增。A指数和对流性稳定指数(Iconve指数在出现明显降水后可能失去指示意义,在刚开始降水(尤其是明显降水)阶段及大雾中表现良好。  相似文献   

对比了2017~2019年重庆沙坪坝MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计和Metop-A掩星资料气温、湿度廓线探测之间的差异,并对两次天气过程中微波辐射计的探测特征进行分析,结果表明:(1)微波辐射计与掩星气温在整个探测高度上均为显著正相关,且低层高于高层;夏半年偏差小于冬半年;,4km以下微波辐射计探测气温高于掩星气温,降雨时偏差更大。(2)微波辐射计与掩星相对湿度相关性稍高于气温;,夏半年相关性高于冬半年,,偏差小于冬半年;降水天气时,1km以下及4~-6km之间,微波辐射计相对湿度的负偏差值明显比无降水时大。(3)降水时段,微波辐射计探测5km以下为高湿区,暖湿气团上升过程中凝结潜热和绝热冷却作用,中低层出现了逆温层;辐射雾出现时,微波辐射计探测到近地面层相对湿度增大和气温降低。  相似文献   

MP-3000A微波辐射计是一种新型35通道微波辐射计。相对于探空和GPS水汽探测,它可以连续得到从地面到10km高度上高分辨率的温度、相对湿度和水汽廓线以及较低分辨率的液态水廓线。廓线从0m~10km共58个数据层,利用探测区域的历史探空资料和神经网络算法正向模拟微波辐射量,从而得出温湿廓线。本文介绍了MP-3000A微波辐射计的主要功能、工作原理和误差来源。  相似文献   

Fengyun-4 (FY-4), the latest collection of Chinese geostationary meteorological satellites, monitors the Eastern Hemisphere with high spatiotemporal resolutions. This study developed a cloud optical and microphysical property product for the Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI) onboard the FY-4 satellites. The product focuses on cloud optical thickness (COT) and cloud effective radius (CER) using a bi-spectral retrieval algorithm, and also includes cloud mask and phase using machine learning (ML) algorithms as prerequisites for COT and CER retrievals. The ML-based algorithm develops four independent models using Random Forest methods for cloud mask, liquid water, ice, and mixed-phase/multi-layer clouds, respectively. A two-habit ice and sphere water cloud model are employed to give their optical properties. Look-up tables of cloud reflectance in the COT and CER sensitive channels are built for efficient forward simulations, and the retrieval is performed by an optimal estimation algorithm. Compared with collocated active observations, the cloud mask and phase results give true positive rates of ∼95% and ∼85% and are more sensitive to mixed-phase clouds. Meanwhile, the AGRI-based COT and CER agree closely with those given by the collocated MODIS and AHI cloud products, and the correlation coefficients between MODIS and the AGRI results are 0.76 and 0.63 for COT and CER, respectively. The COT and CER retrievals will be persistently maintained and improved as the operational product for FY-4/AGRI.摘要风云四号作为中国新一代静止气象卫星, 提供了高时空分辨率的监测产品. 本文介绍风云四号搭载的先进地球同步轨道辐射成像仪AGRI的云光学和微物理特性产品. 该产品包含了基于双光谱通道反演的云光学厚度和云粒子有效半径产品, 以及基于机器学习的云识别和云相态产品. 与时空匹配的主动卫星观测结果对比显示, 该产品的云识别和云相态的准确率分别在95%和85%; 该产品提供的云光学厚度和云有效粒径与经典的MODIS产品的相关系数达到0.76和0.63. 团队将持续优化和更新该云光学和微物理特性定量产品, 服务风云四号卫星定量应用.  相似文献   

The Microwave Radiation Imager(MWRI) on board Chinese Fengyun-3(FY-3) satellites provides measurements at 10.65, 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, and 89.0 GHz with both horizontal and vertical polarization channels. Brightness temperature measurements of those channels with their central frequencies higher than 19 GHz from satellite-based microwave imager radiometers had traditionally been used to retrieve cloud liquid water path(LWP) over ocean. The results show that the lowest frequency channels are the most appropriate for retrieving LWP when its values are large. Therefore, a modified LWP retrieval algorithm is developed for retrieving LWP of different magnitudes involving not only the high frequency channels but also the lowest frequency channels of FY-3 MWRI. The theoretical estimates of the LWP retrieval errors are between 0.11 and 0.06 mm for 10.65-and 18.7-GHz channels and between0.02 and 0.04 mm for 36.5-and 89.0-GHz channels. It is also shown that the brightness temperature observations at10.65 GHz can be utilized to better retrieve the LWP greater than 3 mm in the eyewall region of Super Typhoon Neoguri(2014). The spiral structure of clouds within and around Typhoon Neoguri can be well captured by combining the LWP retrievals from different frequency channels.  相似文献   

卫星微波仪器接收的来自地气系统的被动热辐射与主动传感器发射的信号相混合,被称为无线电频率干扰 (RFI),在主动及被动微波遥感探测领域已成为越来越严重的问题。海洋表面反射的静止通讯、电视卫星下发信号是干扰海洋上星载被动微波辐射计观测的主要来源。该文以先进的微波扫描辐射计AMSR-E为例,采用双主成分分析方法对美国陆地上大面积水体、附近洋面和中国海岸线附近的RFI进行识别,研究表明:美国附近洋面区域星载微波辐射计18.7 GHz通道观测主要受静止电视卫星DirecTV的干扰,由于海表反射引起的RFI非常依赖于静止卫星和星载被动仪器的相对几何位置,只有当闪烁角θ(观测视场镜面反射的静止电视卫星信号方向与视场到星载仪器方向之间的夹角) 较小时卫星观测易受到污染。美国海洋区域较强RFI分布在五大湖区域,离内陆越近RFI越强,东西海岸RFI较强,而整个南海岸干扰相对较弱。中国海岸线附近AMSR-E 6.925 GHz通道观测受RFI影响,而18.7 GHz通道观测未受到干扰。  相似文献   

Fengyun-3 D(FY-3 D) satellite is the latest polar-orbiting meteorological satellite launched by China and carries 10 instruments onboard. Its microwave temperature sounder(MWTS) and microwave humidity sounder(MWHS) can acquire a total of 28 channels of brightness temperatures, providing rich information for profiling atmospheric temperature and moisture. However, due to a lack of two important frequencies at 23.8 and 31.4 GHz, it is difficult to retrieve the total precipitable water vapor(TPW) and cloud liquid water path(CLW) from FY-3 D microwave sounder data as commonly done for other microwave sounding instruments. Using the channel similarity between Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership(NPP) advanced technology microwave sounder(ATMS) and FY-3 D microwave sounding instruments, a machine learning(ML) technique is used to generate the two missing low-frequency channels of MWTS and MWHS. Then, a new dataset named as combined microwave sounder(CMWS) is obtained,which has the same channel setting as ATMS but the spatial resolution is consistent with MWTS. A statistical inversion method is adopted to retrieve TPW and CLW over oceans from the FY-3 D CMWS. The intercomparison between different satellites shows that the inversion products of FY-3 D CMWS and Suomi NPP ATMS have good consistency in magnitude and distribution. The correlation coefficients of retrieved TPW and CLW between CMWS and ATMS can reach 0.95 and 0.85, respectively.  相似文献   

将乌鲁木齐探空站400 MHz电子探空数据与MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计探测数据进行比较,主要分析了距地高度在0~10000 m的58个高度层的温度、相对湿度误差情况,分析了误差产生的因为,简单介绍了地基微波辐射计物理量垂直廓线图的实际应用情况.认为MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计提供的物理量垂直廓线图在监测和分析天气系统方面有一定的优势;地基微波辐射计的探测准确性远低于传统气球探空,准确性不高是目前的主要问题;地基微波辐射计还需要在实践中不断改进和完善;气象技术人员还需要不断积累地基微波辐射计的应用经验和技巧;地基微波辐射计在气象领域的前景较好.  相似文献   

风云三号气象卫星掩星大气产品精度的初步检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖蜜  张鹏  毕研盟  杨光林 《气象学报》2015,73(6):1131-1140
风云三号气象卫星C星于北京时间2013年9月23日成功发射,其上搭载了中国第一个以掩星方式探测中性大气和电离层大气的民用新型有效载荷——全球导航卫星掩星探测仪(Global Navigation Satellite System Occultation Sounder, GNOS)。GNOS可以接收GPS(Global Positioning System)导航卫星和中国北斗导航卫星信号,进而得到全球范围内的中性大气和电离层大气的探测结果。利用常规无线电探空资料,对GNOS接收GPS信号的掩星探测大气产品(包括折射率、密度、温度以及湿度廓线)进行检验,结果表明:在近地面至25 km垂直范围内,GNOS掩星大气产品折射率廓线和干大气密度廓线的平均偏差在0.5%左右,标准偏差在2%左右;温度廓线的平均偏差约为0.5 K,标准偏差约为2 K;水汽廓线的标准偏差在6 km 以下为0.25—1.0 g/kg。对于风云卫星首次尝试的掩星观测技术,GNOS掩星产品的精度基本达到预定目标,在未来还有改进的空间。  相似文献   

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