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Before the Pan-African Orogeny, the Palæoproterozoic basement and its Neoproterozoic cover (limestones and quartzites) of the Zenaga Inlier were cross-cut by a swarm of doleritic dykes. They are more or less altered. The primary mineral assemblage consists of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, very rare orthopyroxene, ilmenite, apatite, micropegmatite and sometimes hornblende and biotite. Mineralogical and geochemical studies indicate that the dolerites are continental tholeiites. Two groups of dykes have been distinguished. Accordingly, rare earth elements, P2O5, Zr, Th, Ba and Sr contents are higher in group I than in group II, which is richer in V. Group I comprises the north-south and northwest-southeast swarms, while group II corresponds to northeast-southwest and east-west swarms, which were emplaced later. These geochemical variations may be explained by a higher degree of melting of the mantle source for the later group II. Doleritic dykes of Zenaga had been emplaced during an extensional episode, prior to Pan-African folding.  相似文献   

The Pan-African NE–SW elongated Bandja granitic pluton, located at the western part of the Pan-African belt in Cameroon, is a K-feldspar megacryst granite. It is emplaced in banded gneiss and its NW border underwent mylonitization. The magmatic foliation shows NE–SW and NNE–SSW strike directions with moderate to strong dip respectively in its northern and central parts. This mostly, ferromagnetic granite displays magnetic fabrics carried by magnetite and characterized by (i) magnetic foliation with best poles at 295/34, 283/33 and 35/59 respectively in its northern, central and southern parts and (ii) a subhorizontal magnetic lineation with best line at 37/8, 191/9 and 267/22 respectively in the northern, central and southern parts. Magnetic lineation shows an ‘S’ shape trend that allows to (1) consider the complete emplacement and deformation of the pluton during the Pan-African D 2 and D 3 events which occurred in the Pan-African belt in Cameroon and (2) reorganize Pan-African ages from Nguiessi Tchakam et al. (1997) compared with those of the other granitic plutons in the belt as: 686 ±17 Ma (Rb/Sr) for D 1 age of metamorphism recorded in gneiss; and the period between 604–557 Ma for D 2–D 3 emplacement and deformation age of the granitic pluton in a dextral ENE–WSW shear movement.  相似文献   

Plutons of the Naraku Batholith were emplaced into Proterozoic metasediments of the northern portion of the Eastern Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier during two intrusive episodes approximately 200 million years apart. Structural relationships and geochronological data suggest that the older plutons (ca 1750 Ma) are contemporaneous with granites of the Wonga Batholith to the west. The Dipvale Granodiorite and the Levian Granite represent these older intrusive phases of the Naraku Batholith, and both contain an intense tectonic foliation, S1, which is interpreted to have formed during the north‐south shortening associated with D1 of the Isan Orogeny. The geometry of S1 form surfaces at the southern end of the Dipvale Granodiorite, and of the previously unrecognised sheeted contact, defines a macroscopic, steeply south‐southwest‐plunging antiform, which was produced by the regional D2 of the Isan Orogeny. S1 form surfaces in the Levian Granite define open F2 folds with wavelengths of several hundred metres. The structural age of emplacement of the Dipvale Granodiorite and the Levian Granite is interpreted to be pre‐ or syn‐ the regional D1. An intense foliation present in some of the younger (ca 1505 Ma) granites that comprise the bulk of the Naraku Batholith is interpreted to represent S3 of the Isan Orogeny. Foliations commonly have similar styles and orientations in both the pre‐D1 and younger plutons. This emphasises the simplicity with which regional fabrics can be, and probably have been, miscorrelated in the Eastern Fold Belt, and that the classification of granites in general on the basis of structural and geometric criteria alone is fraught with danger.  相似文献   

Precambrian granites of the Sharm El-Sheikh area in south Sinai, Egypt belong to collisional and post-collisional Magmatism (610–580 Ma). The granites are widely distributed in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. South Sinai includes important components of successive multiple stages of upper crust granitic rocks. The earliest stages include monzogranite and syenogranites while the later stages produced alkali feldspar granites and riebeckite-bearing granites. Numerous felsic, mafic dikes and quartz veins traverse the study granites. Petrographically, the granitic rocks consist mainly of perthite, plagioclase, quartz, biotite and riebeckite. Analysis results portray monzogranites displaying calc-alkaline characteristics and emplaced in island-arc tectonic settings, whereas the syenogranites, alkali-feldspar granites and the riebeckite bearing-granites exhibit an alkaline nature and are enriched in HFSEs similar to granites within an extensional regime. Multi-element variation diagrams and geochemical characteristics reinforce a post-collision tectonic setting. REEs geochemical modeling reveals that the rocks were generated as a result of partial melting and fractionation of lower crust basaltic magma giving rise to A1 and A2 subtype granites. They were subsequently emplaced within an intraplate environment at the end of the Pan-African Orogeny.  相似文献   


The high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the northern part of the Mandara Hills are part of the well-exposed post-collisional plutons in northeastern Nigeria. The calc-alkaline rock association consists of quartz monzodiorite, hornblende biotite granite, biotite granites and aplite which intruded the older basement consisting mainly of low-lying migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Orogeny. Petrological and geochemical studies have revealed the presence of hornblende, iron oxide, and metaluminous to slightly peraluminous characteristics in the granitoids which is typical of I-type granite. The granitoids are also depleted in some high field strength elements (e.g. Nb and Ta) as well as Ti. Plots of Mg# versus SiO2 indicate that the granite was derived from partial melting of crustal sources. Lithospheric delamination at the waning stage of the Pan-African Orogeny possibly triggered upwelling of hot mafic magma from the mantle which underplated the lower crust. This, in turn, caused partial melting and magma generation at the lower to middle-crustal level. However, the peculiar geochemical characteristics of the quartz monzodiorite especially the enrichment in compatible elements such as MgO, Cr, and Ni, as well as LILE element (e.g. K, Ce, Cs, Ba, and Sr), signify that the rock formed from an enriched upper mantle source. The emplacement of high-K granites in the Madara Hill, therefore, marked an important episode of crustal reworking during the Neoproterozoic. However, further isotopic work is needed to confirm this model.



The Roc de Frausa Massif, located at the Eastern Pyrenees, is formed by a stratoid Pre-Hercynian deformed granite (orthogneiss) interbedded with metasedimentary series. Hercynian granitoids (St. Llorenç — La Jonquera pluton) surround the southern and eastern part of the massif and Hercynian basic igneous rocks (Ceret stock) occupy the central part of it. The Pre-Hercynian granite and the sedimentary series were involved, during the Hercynian orogeny, in complex polyphasic tectonics and metamorphism. As a result, an ubiquitous penetrative foliation was developed during the earlier stages. This foliation was subsequently folded into a complex antiformal structural formed by a double dome : Roc de Frausa dome and Mas Blanc dome. Main lithological boundaries (gneiss — metasediments and metasediments — granitoids) are broadly parallel to the regional foliation, and they all display the dome geometry. Interference fold pattern between two late phases, an ealier one with NE-SW trending folds and a younger one with NW-SE trending folds is responsible for the dome geometry. Mylonitic deformation, with W-E to NW-SE orientations has been attributed to the last folding phase. Regional metamorphic climax and contact metamorphism, the last one resulting from Hercynian granitoid emplacement, preceeded the above mentioned late folding event, which developed under retrograde metamorphic conditions. Regional peak metamorphism is recognized by the static crystallization of cordierite + potassium feldspar. This paragenesis indicates pressure — temperature conditions of about 3.1 Kbar and 660 °C maximum. Contact metamorphism overprints the earlier regional metamorphism. Parageneses and thermal gradient of contact metamorphism around La Jonquera pluton are very similar to those related to regional metamorphism, whereas parageneses produced around Ceret stock present garnet + potassium feldspar. Geothermometry indicates metamorphic conditions locally higher for this paragenesis (around 700 °C).  相似文献   

Structural, metamorphic and isotopic data obtained from the Nogoli Metamorphic Complex of western Sierra de San Luis indicate that the Early Paleozoic Famatinian Orogeny overprinted an already structured and metamorphosed older basement. The older geological features are relict NW trending fabric associated with high-grade (amphibolite facies) regional metamorphism preserved within thin strips of schists and paragneisses and in the core of mafic to ultramafic lenses. Arc magmatism, medium P (Barrovian type)/high T (amphibolite to granulite facies) regional metamorphism and penetrative NNE to NE trending foliation are related to the building of the Famatinian orogenic belt. The P-T conditions of the Famatinian prograde metamorphism reached a pressure peak of ca. 8 kb, with a thermal peak from -750°C up to -820°C. U-Pb conventional and chemical dating and Ar-Ar plateau ages constrain the peak of the main orogenic phase related to the Famatinian belt to 470–457 Ma (Early to Mid-Ordovician). Greenschist facies retrograde metamorphism closely associated with shear zones and secondary Ar-Ar plateau and Sm-Nd ages suggest that a late to post-orogenic phase of the Famatinian belt was active at least since -445 Ma. This phase continued during the Silurian to Late Devonian times through multiple reactivation of early shear zones. The Famatinian Orogeny reset a previous thermal history and therefore, the timing of the relict fabric could not be constrained conclusively with radiometric dates. Despite this difficulty, a range of 520 to 490 Ma suggests some inheritance from Pampean events registered by the older NW-SE fabric. The Early to Mid-Ordovician regional metamorphism and ductile deformation of the western Sierra de San Luis is interpreted as the orogenic effects of the collision of the allochthonous Cuyania terrane with the autochthonous proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana during the Famatinian Orogeny.  相似文献   

The Wadi El-Shush area in the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt is occupied by the Sibai core complex and its surrounding Pan-African nappe complex. The sequence of metamorphic and structural events in the Sibai core complex and the enveloping Pan-African nappe can be summarized as follows: (1) high temperature metamorphism associated with partial melting of amphibolites and development of gneissic and migmatitic rocks, (2) between 740 and 660 Ma, oblique island arc accretion resulted in Pan-African nappe emplacement and the intrusion of syn-tectonic gneissic tonalite at about 680 ± 10 Ma. The NNW–SSE shortening associated with oblique island arc accretion produced low angle NNW-directed thrusts and open folds in volcaniclastic metasediments, schists and isolated serpentinite masses (Pan-African nappe) and created NNE-trending recumbent folds in syn-tectonic granites. The NNW–SSE shortening has produced imbricate structures and thrust duplexes in the Pan-African nappe, (3) NE-ward thrusting which deformed the Pan-African nappe into SW-dipping imbricate slices. The ENE–WSW compression event has created NE-directed thrusts, folded the NNW-directed thrusts and produced NW-trending major and minor folds in the Pan-African nappe. Prograde metamorphism (480–525 °C at 2–4.5 kbar) was synchronous with thrusting events, (4) retrograde metamorphism during sinistral shearing along NNW- to NW-striking strike-slip shear zones (660–580 Ma), marking the external boundaries of the Sibai core complex and related to the Najd Fault System. Sinistral shearing has produced steeply dipping mylonitic foliation and open plunging folds in the NNW- and NE-ward thrust planes. Presence of retrograde metamorphism supports the slow exhumation of Sibai core complex under brittle–ductile low temperature conditions. Arc-accretion caused thrusting, imbrication and crustal thickening, whereas gravitational collapse of a compressed and thickened lithosphere initiated the sinistral movement along transcurrent shear zones and low angle normal ductile shear zones and consequently, development and exhumation of Sibai core complex.  相似文献   

The Petermann Orogeny is a late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian ( c . 560–520  Ma) intracratonic event that affected the Musgrave Block and south-western Amadeus Basin in central Australia. In the Mann Ranges, within the central Musgrave Block, Mesoproterozoic granulite facies gneisses, granites and mafic dykes have been substantially reworked by deep crustal non-coaxial strain of late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian age. Dolerite dykes have recrystallized to garnet granulite facies assemblages, associated with the development of a mylonitic fabric at P =12–13  kbar and T  =700–750 °C. Migmatization is restricted to discrete shear zones, which represent conduits for hydrous fluids during metamorphism. Peak metamorphism was followed by decompression to c . 7  kbar, reflecting exhumation of the terrane along the south-dipping Woodroffe Thrust. In scattered outcrops north of the Mann Ranges, peak metamorphism occurred at P =9–10  kbar and T  = c . 700 °C. The Woodroffe Thrust separates these deep crustal mylonites from granites that were metamorphosed during the Petermann Orogeny at P = c . 6–7  kbar and T  = c . 650 °C. The similarity in peak temperatures at different crustal levels implies an unusual thermal regime during this event. The existence of a relatively elevated geotherm corresponding with Th- and K-enriched granites that were in the mid-crust during the Petermann Orogeny suggests that radiogenic heat production may have substantially contributed to the thermal regime during metamorphism. This potentially has implications for the mechanisms by which intra-plate strain was localized during this event.  相似文献   

Pan-African Magmatism, and Sedimentation in the NW Himalaya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Correlation of early Palaeozoic, Pan-African (500 ± 50 Ma) granites that intruded the Chail, Salkhala, Haimanta Formations in the Lesser Himalaya, Zanskar crystallines, and Lower Taglang La of Tso-Morari crystallines in the northwestern Himalaya, is based on the field relationship, tectonic setting, mineralogical, and geochemical characteristics, and isotope dating of the granites. These granite plutons exhibit identical petrographical, and geochemical character. The mineralogical composition of the granites is quite similar, consisting of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, biotite, muscovite, garnet, tourmaline, ± cordierite, andalusite, and sillimanite fibrolite. The granite which are massive, and inequigranular in the core of the plutons, show strongly foliated character indicating development of ductile shear zone at the margins. These are peraluminous S-type granites having high A/CNK value (> 1). Presence of normative corundum, rounded shape of zircon, and high initial Sr ratio suggest crustal source of the granites. Mantle normalized spider-diagram exhibits similar characters for all these granitoids. The intrusion of the Pan-African granites mark an abrupt end of the sedimentation that continued virtually uninterrupted from Palaeoproterozoic. The sudden break in sedimentation towards the terminal phases of the Lower Cambrian has been observed in almost all parts in Lesser as well as the Tethys Himalaya. Occurrences of large number of plutons along different tectonic belts of northwestern Himalaya are indicative of widespread tectono-thermal event during early Palaeozoic (500 ± 50 Ma). The bracketing of the two features like, the break in sedimentation during post-Late Cambrian, and the intrusion of granites around 500 ± 50 Ma, is considered to be the result of a strong diastrophic orogenic event correlatable to the late phases of the Pan-African Orogeny in Africa.  相似文献   

东喜马拉雅构造结南迦巴瓦岩群花岗质片麻岩的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
野外地质填图和研究发现,东喜马拉雅构造结高喜马拉雅结晶岩系中有古老的花岗岩侵入,并在鲁霞地区圈定了9个花岗质侵入体。古老的花岗质岩石主要侵位于南迦巴瓦岩群直白岩组中,与南迦巴瓦岩群一起经历了麻粒岩相变质作用而形成花岗质片麻岩套。岩石类型有花岗闪长质片麻岩、黑云母花岗质片麻岩、闪长质片麻岩等。岩石化学研究表明这些花岗片麻岩套具“S”型特征,可能有深部幔源物质的加入。花岗岩形成深度在2~5km之间.侵位时代为552~525Ma,为新元古代晚期,属泛非期陆内演化阶段的产物。高喜马拉雅地区在元古宙末期形成了结晶基底。  相似文献   

Petrological study and zircon typology provide important information that is related to the classification and genesis of Neoproterozoic granitoids in the Khzama area (northeast Siroua). The Pan-African granitoids show a transition from island-arc magmatism to alkaline magmatism. A space and time zonation of magmatism from the north to the south is evident. Early Pan-African granitoids were generated from various magma sources through different petrogenetic mechanisms. The first association corresponds to the low-K calc-alkaline plutons of Ait Nebdas, the second one correponds to high-K calc-alkaline post-collisional granites (Tamassirte-Tiferatine and Ifouachguel). Finally, shoshonitic magmatism (Irhiri) ends the magmatic evolution of the region. Thus, the late Pan-African granitic plutonism began with calc-alkaline associations and ended with K-alkaline magmatism in a transtensional setting, heralding the onset of the Moroccan Palæozoic cycle.  相似文献   

The Ngondo Complex is one of the Pan-African plutons intruded in the West Cameroon Pan-African Orogenic Belt. The complex consists of three major groups of rocks: basic to intermediate rocks (diorites, granodiorites and minor gabbros), fined-grained granites and coarsed-grained granites successively emplaced in a metamorphic country rock of amphibolite-facies. Synkinematic emplacement of the complex, in relation with a ductile mega shear zone, is documented by a study of microstructures and foliation patterns which indicate a continuous transition from magmatic to high temperature solid-state deformation. The geometry of the internal foliation trajectories and the joint orientation in the complex suggest that the emplacement of the three groups of rocks was totally controlled by a N30° sinistral shear zone. Emplacement mechanisms, which are related in time and space to a continuum of deformation, may indicate a relative rheological change of the crust from ductile to brittle behaviour.  相似文献   

The Carajás region, located in the southeastern part of the Amazon Craton, has been considered one of the most important mineral provinces in the world. The Serra do Rabo Granite (SRG) crops out near the eastern termination of the Carajás fault as two granite stocks, elongated approximately in an E–W direction, concordant with the regional structures. Leucomicrocline granite, hornblende–microcline granite, biotite–hornblende–microcline granite, hornblende syenogranite, and subordinate aplite are identified. The granites are grayish pink and coarse to medium grained and have mainly hypidiomorphic granular texture. Granophyric textures are common. The accessory minerals are ilmenite, apatite, zircon, allanite, and rare pyroxene.The SRG rocks are either massive or foliated, with a slightly anastomosed continuous S1 foliation (E–W/subvertical) outlined by the preferred orientation of quartz, feldspars, and mafic minerals. Locally, decimeter- to meter-wide mylonite/ultramylonite bands (S1m) occur along the E–W foliation. The S1 foliation was developed under higher temperatures than those of the S1m mylonite foliation. The SRG structural evolution was controlled by progressive deformation under decreasing temperature, indicative of syntectonic emplacement. The SRG also has relatively high SiO2, K2O, and Na2O contents; high FeO*/(FeO*+MgO) ratios; high Zr, Ba, Nb, and Ga; and very high rare-earth element contents. The chemical signature is moderately alkaline and metaluminous, comparable to that of the A-type, A2, and ALK-3 granites. The origin of the SRG magmas may be related to the partial melting of crustal sources, such as previously metamorphosed calc-alkaline granites.The SRG crosscuts supracrustal rocks, promoting low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism. The interaction between regional compressive stresses and the ballooning effect of the granite stocks promoted slight aureole flattening and rheological changes in the supracrustal rocks. The U–Pb zircon age of 2743±1.6 Ma is interpreted as the age of zircon crystallization, granite stock emplacement, and regional horizontal shortening. Other 2.7 Ga syntectonic alkaline granites (e.g. Estrela, Plaquê, Planalto) have been reported in the region.  相似文献   

The central Menderes Massif (western Turkey) is characterized by an overall dome-shaped Alpine foliation pattern and a N-NNE-trending stretching lineation. A section through the southern flank of the central submassif along the northern margin of Büyük Menderes graben has been studied. There, asymmetric non-coaxial fabrics indicate that the submassif has experienced two distinct phases of Alpine deformation: a top-to-the N-NNE contractional phase and a top-to-the S-SSW extensional event. The former fabrics are coeval with a regional prograde Barrovian-type metamorphism at greenschist to upper-amphibolite facies conditions. This event, known as the main Menderes metamorphism, is thought to be the result of internal imbrication of the Menderes Massif rocks along south-verging thrust sheets during the collision of the Sakarya continent in the north and the Anatolide-Tauride platform in the south across the Gzmir-Ankara suture during the (?)Palaeocene-Eocene. Top-to-the S-SSW fabrics, represented by a well-developed ductile shear band foliation associated with inclined and/or curved foliation, asymmetric boudins, and cataclasites, were clearly superimposed on earlier contractional fabrics. These fabrics are interpreted to be related to a low-grade (greenschist?) retrogressive metamorphism and a continuum of deformation from ductile to brittle in the footwall rocks of a south-dipping, presently low-angle normal fault that accompanied Early Miocene orogenic collapse and continental extension in western Turkey. A similar tectono-metamorphic history has been documented for the northern flank of the dome along the southern margin of the Gediz graben with top-to-the N-NNE extensional fabrics. The exhumation of the central Menderes Massif can therefore be attributed to a model of symmetric gravity collapse of the previously thickened crust in the submassif area. The central submassif is thus interpreted as a piece of ductile lower-middle crust that was exhumed along two normal-sense shear zones with opposing vergence and may be regarded as a typical symmetrical metamorphic core complex. These relationships are consistent with previous models that the Miocene exhumation of the Menderes Massif and Cycladic Massif in the Aegean Sea was a result of bivergent extension.  相似文献   

Summary The Lanterman Fault Zone, a major terrane boundary in northern Victoria Land, displays a polyphase structural evolution. After west-over-east thrusting, it experienced sinistral strike-slip shearing. Sheared metabasites from the Wilson Terrane (inboard terrane) preserve a record of retrograde metamorphic evolution. Shearing took place under amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions (roughly comparable to those reached during regional metamorphism) which later evolved to greenschist-facies conditions. In contrast, the Bowers Terrane (outboard terrane) preserves a prograde metamorphic evolution which developed from greenschist-facies to amphibolite-facies metamorphism during shearing, followed by greenschist-facies metamorphism during the late deformational stages. Laser step-heating 40Ar–39Ar analyses of syn-shear amphibolite-facies amphiboles yielded ages of 480–460 Ma, in agreement with a ∼480-Ma age obtained from a biotite aligned along the mylonitic foliation. These ages are younger than those (∼492 to ∼495 Ma) obtained from pre-shear amphibole relics linked to regional metamorphism of the Wilson Terrane. Results attribute the structural and metamorphic reworking during shearing to the late stages of the Cambrian-Ordovician Ross Orogeny and to the Middle-Late Ordovician probably in relation to the beginning of deformation in the Lachlan Orogen, thus precluding any appreciable impact of the Devonian-Carboniferous Borchgrevink event in the study area.  相似文献   

The Palimé–Amlamé Pluton (PAP) in southern Togo, consists of silica-rich to intermediate granitoids including enclaves of mafic igneous rocks and of gneisses. They are commonly called the “anatectic complex of Palimé–Amlamé” and without any convincing data, they were interpreted either as synkinematic Pan-African granitoids or as reworked pre Pan-African plutons. New field and petrological observations, mineral and whole-rock chemical analyses together with U–Pb zircon dating, have been performed to evaluate the geodynamic significance of the PAP within the Pan-African orogenic belt. With regard to these new data, the granitoids and related enclaves probably result from mixing and mingling processes between mafic and silicic magmas from respectively mantle and lower crust sources. They display Mg–calc-alkaline chemical features and present some similarities with Late Archaean granites such as transitional (K-rich) TTGs and sanukitoids.

The 2127 ± 2 Ma age obtained from a precise U/Pb concordia on zircon, points out a Paleoproterozoic age for the magma crystallization and a lower intercept at 625 ± 29 Ma interpreted as rejuvenation during Pan-African tectonics and metamorphism. Based on these results, a Pan-African syn to late orogenic setting for the PAP, i.e. the so-called “anatectic complex of Palimé–Amlamé”, can be definitively ruled out. Moreover according to its location within the nappe pile and its relationships with the suture zone, the PAP probably represents a fragment of the West African Craton reactivated during the Pan-African collision.  相似文献   

Foliated garnet-bearing amphibolites occur within the West Bore Shear Zone, cutting through granulite facies gneisses of the Strangways Metamorphic Complex. In the amphibolites, large euhedral garnet (up to 3 cm) occurs within fine-grained recrystallized leucocratic diffusion haloes of plagioclase–quartz. The garnet and their haloes include a well-developed vertical foliation, also present in the matrix. This foliation is the same as that cutting through the unconformably overlying Neoproterozoic Heavitree Quartzite. The textures indicate syn- to late kinematic growth of the amphibolite facies mineral assemblages.
All mineral assemblages record an arrested prograde reaction history. Noteworthy is the growth of garnet at the expense of hornblende and plagioclase, and the breakdown of staurolite–hornblende to give plagioclase–gedrite. These dehydration reactions indicate increasing P – T  conditions during metamorphism, and suggest heating towards the end of a period of intense deformation. Temperature estimates for the garnet–amphibolite and related staurolite–hornblende assemblages from the shear zone are about 600 °C. Pressure is estimated at about 5 kbar.
An Sm–Nd isochron gives an age of 381±7 Ma for the peak metamorphism and associated deformation. This age determination confirms that amphibolite facies conditions prevailed during shear zone development within the Strangways Metamorphic Complex during the Alice Springs Orogeny. These temperature conditions are significantly higher than those expected at this depth assuming a normal geothermal gradient. The Alice Springs Orogeny was associated with significant crustal thickening, allowing exhumation of the granulite facies, Palaeoproterozoic, lower crust. Along-strike variations of the tectonic style suggest a larger amount of crustal shortening in the eastern part of the Alice Springs Orogeny.  相似文献   

The western Anti-Atlas was formed by a Precambrian basement in the core of anticlines, surrounded by a Neoproterozoic and Palæozoic cover. The structural study of the Tata regional rocks shows a heterogeneous deformation, characterised especially by two types of folds in two orthogonal directions: north-south to north-northeast-south-southwest-trending and east-west-trending.The north-south structures are present in all of the Palæozoic cover and belong to the major Variscan compression of Late Carboniferous age by a comparison of the other domains of the western Anti-Atlas. Alternatively, east-west folding is assigned only to the lower part of the cover and consists of a ductile heterogeneous deformation, especially marked at the basement-cover interface. These folds are associated with a subhorizontal cleavage, indicating a southern vergence of the structures. A discussion of the age and the tectonic style of these structures is proposed, as well as their significance within the Variscan belt along the northern margin of the West African Craton.  相似文献   

Outcrops of talc schists extending over >1 km have been discovered within the garnet- and muscovite-bearing mica schist of the Pan-African belt near Yaoundé (Cameroon). Mineralogical studies show that a metamorphism of the upper greenschist facies was prolonged by hydrothermal reactions. This latter led to the transformation of hornblendites into talc schists. Chemically, talc schists and relicts of hornblendite remind ultrabasic rocks, and REE patterns point to E-MORB and peridotite. It is thus suggested that the talc schists and relicts of hornblendite may correspond to slices of a dismembered Pan-African ophiolite set. To cite this article: C. Nkoumbou et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

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