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The Zenaga Inlier shows a comprehensive record of the Eburnian and Pan-African Orogenies. The Eburnian is characterised by high-temperature regional metamorphism and complex magmatism. The early (Azguemerzi) granodiorite has an isotopic mantle signature and was emplaced diapirically during the Eburnian Orogeny causing local thermal metamorphism. The foliation observed in this granitoid is a result of the interference between its primary syn-emplacement foliation and the regional foliation under amphibolite-facies conditions. The northern part of Zenaga has been intruded by the leucocratic granites of Tazenakht. These granites are cut by mylonites and phyllonites, corresponding to the Pan-African shear zones and accompanied with sub-greenschist-facies metamorphism during the Pan-African Orogeny. The deformation was the result of a regional sinistral transpressive event. This study in the northern part of the West African Craton shows the superposition of the Pan-African on the Eburnian Orogeny and the presence of a major fault in the Anti-Atlas.  相似文献   

The Mamora aquifer, in the northern Moroccan Meseta, constitutes the main regional water resource. Its impermeable basement is mostly composed of blue marls. The lithostratigraphy of the basin aquifer is characterised by a sequence of sandstones, sandy limestones, conglomerates and sandy clays.The structure of the basement of the Mamora aquifer, deduced from electrical resistivity measurements, allowed the hydrogeological behaviour of the reservoir, and the direction of the groundwater flow, to be established. The combination of the lithological, morphological, piezometric, geophysical and structural investigations revealed a northward thickening of the substrate with groundwater flow towards the Rharb (to the north) and towards the Atlantic Ocean (northwest). This ‘multicriteria’ approach enabled a structural model to be defined, which correlated well with the aquifer geometry and the groundwater flow. The variability of the hydrogeological units, and the northward thickening of the sedimentary facies, were controlled by northeast-southwest orientated faults, which affect their impermeability.  相似文献   

Seismic data analysis of the Qasbat-Tadla Basin allows the deciphering of the main tectonic and sedimentary events that characterised the Hercynian orogen and its role in the basin's structural development. The global tectono-sedimentary framework involves structural evolution of an orogenic foreland basin and was the source of rising geotherms in an epizonal metamorphic environment. The complementary effects of these parameters has led to different source rock maturity levels, ranging from oil producing to graphite domains. Different maturity levels result from three distinct structural domains within the basin, each of which exhibit characteristic geodynamic features (tectonic contraints, rate of subsidence, etc.).  相似文献   

The coastal plain of Chaouia, located on the Atlantic shoreline of Morocco, has a semiarid climate and consists of two aquifers: schist in the northeast and carbonate in the southwest. These aquifers are affected by evaporation and by intensive pumping for irrigation and drinking water. The groundwater reserves are seriously affected and the salinity increased, especially near the ocean and in the Oum Er Rbia River. Therefore, for many wells, exploitation has ceased due to them being dried out or having high salinity. To determine the causes of the high salinity, 18O/16O isotopes were used to enable the identification of areas where groundwater is effected by the influence of ocean water.  相似文献   

The early Carboniferous series of the Adarouch area (northeast central Morocco) are subdivided into three sedimentological and biostratigraphical units. The first unit, which belongs to the Late Visean zones V3bβ and V3bγ, was deposited on shallow carbonate platforms. The second unit belongs to the Late Visean zone, V3c, and incudes terrigenous deposits, such as turbidites, shales and olistostromes. The third unit belongs to the Serpukhovian stage and consists of sandstones and limestones. A new biostratigraphical analysis, which is based on foraminiferal, algae and pseudoalgae, allows an accurate dating of the units. The deposits of the zones V3bβ and V3bγ contain characteristic calcareous microfossils, such as Stacheoides sp., Pseudoendothyra sp. and Ungdarella uralica. The V3c zone (300–400 m) is shown in two oolitic beds of the Mouarhaz and Akerchi Formations, respectively, with Janischewskina sp. and Asteroarchaediscus sp. The Serpukhovian stage is characterised by the disappearance of the algae Koninckopora and the appearance of the brachiopod Titanaria. The new data from the Adarouch area confirm the Moroccan biostratigraphical scale of the Moroccan meseta.  相似文献   

Before the Pan-African Orogeny, the Palæoproterozoic basement and its Neoproterozoic cover (limestones and quartzites) of the Zenaga Inlier were cross-cut by a swarm of doleritic dykes. They are more or less altered. The primary mineral assemblage consists of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, very rare orthopyroxene, ilmenite, apatite, micropegmatite and sometimes hornblende and biotite. Mineralogical and geochemical studies indicate that the dolerites are continental tholeiites. Two groups of dykes have been distinguished. Accordingly, rare earth elements, P2O5, Zr, Th, Ba and Sr contents are higher in group I than in group II, which is richer in V. Group I comprises the north-south and northwest-southeast swarms, while group II corresponds to northeast-southwest and east-west swarms, which were emplaced later. These geochemical variations may be explained by a higher degree of melting of the mantle source for the later group II. Doleritic dykes of Zenaga had been emplaced during an extensional episode, prior to Pan-African folding.  相似文献   

The main petrographical and geochemical patterns (major, trace and rare earth elements) of the epimetamorphosed volcanic rocks from the Mako Supergroup (Birimian) from the central and southern part of the western border of the Kedougou-Kenieba Inlier (Palæoproterozoic) are presented. The petrographic patterns indicate a predominance of tholeiites with the middle and upper parts of the lithological sequence containing scarce andesite, rhyodacite and rhyolitic end members of calc-alkaline affinity. The observed geochemical trend is compared with the patterns from other Palæoproterozoic areas of the West African Craton, as well as recent volcanic rocks, whose geotectonic setting is well constrained. The evolution of the Kedougou Inlier corresponds to an ocean island-arc environment, in agreement with previous research on epimetamorphic volcanodetrital and sedimentary formations, and Birimian granitoids. This research underlines the importance of island-arc accretions in crust generation during Palæoproterozoic times in West Africa.  相似文献   

Alkali ion concentrations were studied in hot sulphurated springs in the south of France. Strong correlations between elements (K-Rb, K-Cs and Na-Li) are found. The element concentrations are also closely related with deep temperature as estimated by classical geothermometers. A discussion of the origin of the interelement correlations is presented. Further studies on the behaviour of trace elements during mineral dissolution are needed and can yield interesting methods of investigation in geothermal exploration.


L'étude des concentrations des ions alcalins dissous dans les eaux thermales sulfurées du Midi de la France montrent de très nettes corrélations entre éléments (K-Rb, K-Cs et Na-Li) ainsi que des corrélations entre concentrations d'éléments et température profonde estimée à l'aide des géothermomètres classiques. Plusieurs suggestions quant à l'explication des relations observées sont présentées. Une bonne compréhension du comportement des ions en trace lors de la dissolution des minéraux par l'eau aurait certainement des retombées intéressantes en prospection géothermique.  相似文献   

In the Meskala-Kourimat area, the Bouabout Syncline aquifer system, intersected by the Igrounzar Wadi, feeds most of the karstic sources of the region. This aquifer is contained within Cenomanian and Turonian limestones and dolomitic limestones. The base of the system corresponds to the lower Cenomanian grey clays, and the top to the Senonian white marls. Hydrodynamic studies of various springs shows that each water source is different from the other, indicating a heterogeneous underground reservoir belonging to a complex karst system. The springs waters show a large chemical variability in space and time. These waters are a mixture of chloride, sulphate, Na and Mg. High Mg contents of some springs result from dissolution of evaporite, confirmed by low Ca/Mg ratios. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in spring water increases from upstream to downstream, probably as a response to residency time, but also due to interaction with Cenomanian evaporites. However, the springs are good for drinking water, as well as for irrigation. The monthly survey of selected springs indicated a large chemical variability but with little or no correlation between discharge and TDS.Stable isotope data (18O) suggests that the altitude of the recharge area, for this aquifer system, is 1200 m. The 18O gradient versus altitude, established on springs whose recharge areas are well known is, −0.25% versus SMOW/100 m. When compared with the ‘Meteoric Water Line’ established on worldwide spring water whose recharge areas are well known, the Essaouira Basin shows rain recharge without any significant evaporation.  相似文献   

The clay assemblages of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sediments of the Agadir Basin are affected by burial diagenesis. Apparent ages of these formations, from the K-Ar dating of fine grain size fractions (< 2 μm), decrease downward. This indicates an opening of the K-Ar isotopic system of detrital Hercynian minerals during burial. The extent of the isotopic rehomogenisation is more important in sandstones than in clayey marl facies. During burial diagenesis, a temperature of 165°C in clayey marl and 110°C in sandstone can be enough for isotopic rehomogenisation of fine-grained Hercynian illite. The migration of pore water seems to favour the diffusion of radiogenic 40Ar in sandstones.  相似文献   

The intra-mountainous Ida Ou Zal Basin developed as a graben during the Stephanian (Carboniferous) and Lower Permian. Along its borders from east to west are the remnants of basal conglomerates. Passing laterally towards the centre of the basin are fine-grained fluvial-lacustrine sediments or flood-plain deposits. The important accumulation (1800 m) of sediments, associated with climatic and tectonic changes, caused substantial subsidence in a late orogenic setting. The remnants of sporadic volcanic products (shards) found in the Ida Ou Zal and the Ida Ou Zika Basins suggest nearby simultaneous magmatic activity.A comparison between the basins of Ida Ou Zal and Ida Ou Ziki suggest that the two basins formed a single unit, called the Souss Basin, ultimately terminated between the Lower Permian and Upper Permian times by a sinistral movement of the N70-80° Agadir Ou Anzizen Fault (west branch of the Tizi N'Test Fault) at the very end of the Hercynian Orogeny in Morocco.  相似文献   

Résumé Au Lias inférieur (au moins au Sinémurien), la région du Todrha (feuille de Tinghir au 1/100.000) est caractérisée par une large plate-forme carbonatée peu profonde. Toutefois un sillon étroit et relativement profond s'est creusé parallèlement à la chaîne haut-atlasique et a contrôlé la sédimentation, la paléomorphologie et la paléoécologie.Dans cette région, on constate du sud au nord les faciès latéraux suivants: calcaires dolomitiques, calcaires massifs plus ou moins récifaux, calcaires lités biodétritiques et calcaires turbiditiques, calcaires dolomitiques massifs et enfin dolomies litées à tipis et calcaires oolithiques.
During the Lower Lias (Sinemurian), the area of Todrha has been characterised by a carbonate tidal flat platform, however a small trough with deeper water environments was situated parallel to today's central High Atlas mountains.In the Todrha region the following facies changes from south to north are developed: dolomitic limestones, reefal massive limestones, biodetritic bedded limestones and turbiditic limestones, massive dolomitic limestones and thinly bedded dolomites with teepees and oolitic limestones.

Zusammenfassung Während des Unterlias, zumindest im Sinemurium, bestand im Gebiet der Todrha eine Karbonat-Plattform im Gezeitenbereich. Sie wurde von einem schmalen Trog tieferen Wassers durchzogen, welcher parallel zum Streichen des zentralen Hohen Atlas verlief.Folgende Fazies sind im Todrha-Gebiet entwikkelt (von S nach N): Dolomitische Kalke, massige Riffkalke, biodetritische Bankkalke und turbidische Kalke, massige dolomitische Kalke sowie dünnbankige Dolomite mit Teepee-Strukturen und oolithische Kalke.

, , - , , / Todrha . , . Todrha : , , , , Teepee' .

The Mesozoic Anemzi intrusion belongs to the peri-Atlantic Mesozoic alkali magmatism. It is composed of gabbros (with or without olivine), monzodiorites and quartz-bearing syenites. Dolerite dykes of alcaline affinity occur nearby. The alkaline rocks are intrusive into mid-Jurassic limestones. Liquidus phases crystallised following the characteristic order of alkali magmas, i.e. olivine + spinel, plagioclase, clinopyroxene and amphibole. Clinopyroxene and amphibole compositions are governed by Ti-tschermakite substitutions. Clinopyroxene and amphibole in syenites are enriched in aegirine and richterite components, respectively. The mineralogical and chemical evolution in the Anemzi intrusion is consistent with low-pressure fractional crystallisation from an alkali lava under low to moderate fO2 (MW + [1 − 2 log units]). However, the parental liquid shows some geochemical characteristics of transitional magma, such as a high SiO2 content (48 wt%) and low La/YbN ratio (5). Silica activity decreased from the parental magma (0.56) to 0.08 after fractionation of the gabbros and then increased to 1.0 at the end of the magmatic differentiation. Compared with rocks of similar ages, belonging to the peri-Atlantic Cretaceous alkaline magmatism, the Anemzi intrusion is distinguished by low REE contents ([La/Yb]N = 6) and transitional basalt(s) as parental magma. This magma was emplaced through reactivation of Palæozoic fault systems.  相似文献   

Various techniques (horizontal and vertical derivatives, upward continuation, Euler deconvolution) have been applied to the gravity data from the Triffa's plain and the north flank of the Beni-Snassen massif to delineate various major geological structures such as faults and basins. These results allow the production of a structural map showing the fault systems for the survey area. This map forms the basis for planning future hydrogeological research in this region. To cite this article: D. Khattach et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

In the Middle Atlas of Morocco, alkali basaltic flows record successive weathering phases during the Quaternary. In fresh basalt interior and intermediate external zones, the first weathering stage is characterised by glass dissolution and the formation of a Si-Al poorly-crystallised product. Advanced weathering phases are characterised by 10 Å halloysite, kaolinite and goethite, located within the primary minerals or as secondary products in fissures. Olivine and iddingsite are transformed into Si-rich goethite, plagioclase into halloysite and pyroxene into a mixture of halloysite + geothite. Dissolution of Ti-magnetite and ilmenite yielded Ti-rich products. In these conditions, the weathering of basalts and development of a soil matrix are accompanied by the elimination of certain chemical elements, such as Si, Ca, Na and K, and the concentration of Fe and Al. In the soil, clay minerals such as illite and vermiculite, do not have any genetic relationship with weathered basalt and were probably introduced externally.  相似文献   

The atmosphere and the ocean are subject to many dynamical instabilities, which limit the time during which their behaviour can be deterministically forecasted. At longer timescales, the atmosphere can be predicted at best using statistical methods, as a response to external forcing linked to sea- and land-surface anomalies. Climate being defined as the mean of atmospheric states, it appears that it can be predicted up to a few months in advance, which is the characteristic time of the so-called slow components of the climate system. Forecasting can sometimes be extended to longer time ranges, especially when the coupled ocean–atmosphere system exhibits internal variability modes, with characteristic times of a few years. Seasonal climate forecasting is most often based upon Monte-Carlo simulations, where the various realisations correspond to slightly different initial conditions. The present sate-of-the-art in Europe (ECMWF) and/or in the USA (IRI) allows to forecast such major phenomena, as El Niño, up to six months in advance. Finally, some parameters may exhibit predictability at still longer time-ranges (inter-annual to decadal), but only for certain regions. The example of electricity production is used to underline the potentially large economical benefit of seasonal climate forecasting. To cite this article: J.-C. André et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1115–1127.


L'atmosphère et l'océan sont le siège d'instabilités dynamiques, qui limitent la durée pendant laquelle il est possible d'en prévoir l'évolution de façon déterministe. Au-delà, l'atmosphère n'est plus prévisible, au mieux, que de façon statistique, en fonction du forçage externe qu'exerce(nt) sur elle l'océan et/ou la surface des continents. Le climat (au sens d'une moyenne des états atmosphériques) se révèle ainsi prévisible jusqu'à des échéances temporelles de quelques mois, échelle de temps caractéristique des composantes dites « lentes » du système climatique. La prévision peut s'étendre à des échéances parfois plus longues, dans le cas où le système couplé océan–atmosphère posséderait des modes de variabilité temporelle de périodes caractéristiques de quelques années. La prévision climatique saisonnière est très souvent construite à partir de simulations de type Monte-Carlo, avec des ensembles de réalisations utilisant des conditions initiales légèrement différentes. Dans l'état actuel de ces prévisions, qu'elles soient réalisées en Europe (CEPMMT) ou aux États-Unis (IRI), il est possible de prévoir environ six mois à l'avance un certain nombre de phénomènes climatiques, en particulier ceux liés aux épisodes dits « El Niño », pour lesquels l'amplitude des variations est suffisamment importante. Il existe, par ailleurs, une prévisibilité à encore plus longue échéance (inter-annuelle à décennale), mais seulement pour certains paramètres et certaines régions. L'exemple de la production d'électricité montre l'importance économique potentielle très grande de la prévision climatique saisonnière. Pour citer cet article : J.-C. André et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1115–1127.  相似文献   

A geophysical study, based on 96 electrical resistivity measurements with a line length up to 4 km, was performed in the southern and southwestern parts of the Meknes Plateau, Morocco, which is a part of the Saiss Basin, located between the Rif Range to the north and the Middle Atlas Range to the south. This basin, whose maximum depth is 1.5km in the north, is filled with Triassic to Quaternary deposits overlying the Palæozoic basement and includes two main aquifers. The interpretation of the resistivity measurements, calibrated from deep boreholes, made it possible to obtain a new hydrogeological model for the Saiss Basin. The understanding of the basin structure is of primary importance for the water supply of this area, which has been affected by severe droughts in recent years.  相似文献   

Caradocian source rocks belonging to the Utica Group occur around and overlay the southeastern part of the Canadian Shield from the Ottawa embayment, in the southwestern part of St. Lawrence Lowlands, to the Anticosti Island basin. The kerogen of the source rocks is mainly made up of amorphous organic matter (transmitted light), resembling a solid bitumen framework in reflected light, and contains a small portion of zooclasts (graptolites and chitinozoans). The kerogen is often too mature to have preserved the structure of the original constituents, except those of graptolites and chitinozoans. Otherwise, UV fluorescent colonial alga and tasmanites are observed.In the eastern half of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, stratigraphic and tectonic burial is the main control of source rock thermal maturation. From an area located 50 km west of Quebec City, the estimated vitrinite reflectance (Ro-Std) of the source rock increases in both northeastern (Montmorency Falls) and southwestern (St. Maurice River) directions, from Ro-Std of 1.2 to 1.5 and 1.7%, respectively. The source rocks of the Ottawa embayment and Montreal area (western half of the basin) are overmature due to hydrothermal and igneous activities (2.3%<Ro-Std<2.8%).. In Chicoutimi and Lac Saint-Jean outliers, the source rocks show reflectances between 0.9 and 1.2%, slightly less than reflectance values in the Quebec City area (Ro-Std between 1.2 and 1.5%). On Anticosti Island, the thermal maturation is related to burial only and increases downdip of the inclined platform, from the northeast toward the southwest (Ro-Std between 0.9 and 2.1%).These observations suggest that the St. Lawrence platform and the southeastern Canadian Shield were buried by at least 3.5 km of Paleozoic strata prior to erosion to Grenville basement. This implies that most potential hydrocarbon fields are presumably also lost by erosion.


Des roches mères caradociennes, appartenant au Groupe d'Utica, sont trouvées autour et sur la partie sud-est du Bouclier canadien, du sous-bassin de la région d'Ottawa, dans la partie sud-ouest des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent jusqu'au bassin de l'île d'Anticosti. Le kérogène de ces roches mères est principalement constitué de matière organique amorphe (lumière transmise) ayant l'aspect d'un treillis fait de bitume solide lorsqu'il est observé en lumière incidente et contient une petite proportion de zooclastes (graptolites et chitinozoaires). Ce kérogène est souvent trop mature pour avoir préservé la structure originale de ses constituants, sauf celle des graptolites et des chitinozoaires. Dans le cas contraire, on observe des colonies algaires et des tasmanites fluorescentes à la lumière ultraviolette.Dans la moitié est des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent, l'enfouissement stratigraphique et tectonique contrôle la maturation thermique de la roche mère. D'un point situé à 50 km à l'ouest de Québec, la réflectance standardisée à celle de la vitrinite (Rh-Std) de la roche mère augmente tant vers le nord-est (Chutes Montmorency) que vers le sud-ouest (rivière Saint-Maurice), et varie entre 1,2 et 1,5 ou 1,7% respectivement. D'autre part, les roches mères des régions d'Ottawa et de Montréal (ouest du bassin) sont supramatures à cause d'activités hydrothermales et ignées (2,3%<Rh-Std<2,8%). Dans les buttes témoins du Saguenay et du Lac-Saint-Jean, les roches mères montrent des valeurs de la Rh-Std comprises entre 0,9 et 1,2%, légèrement inférieures à celles de la région de Québec (Rh-Std entre 1,2 et 1,5%). Dans l'île d'Anticosti, la maturation thermique est surtout reliée à l'enfouissement et s'accroît en direction de l'approfondissement de la plate-forme, du nord-est vers le sud-ouest (Rh-Std entre 0,9 et 2,1%).Ces observations suggèrent que la plate-forme du Saint-Laurent et le sud-est du Bouclier canadien furent enfouis sous au moins 3,5 km de strates paléozoïques avant que ces dernières soient érodées au niveau du socle grenvillien. Ceci implique que la majorité des gisements potentiels d'hydrocarbures furent probablement aussi perdus par érosion.  相似文献   

Marine deposits of Visean age are well exposed in the Marrakesh area. Two third order sequences are identified in the central High Atlas and Jebilet: SA, which is of Middle Visean age (CM); SB of Upper Visean age (Cf6αβγ); and a complex with olistoliths of Upper Visean-Lower Namurian age (Cf6δ-Cf7). The SA and SIB sequences consist of a relative low-lying system tract with turbidites, a retrograde transgressive system tract and a prograde high-lying system tract. The relative low level comprises a turbiditic fan fed by tectonic uplift, which does not strictly coincide with eustatic processes. The transgressive system tract retrogrades firstly on the slope during tectonic reactivation with slumps, channels and silty levees, secondly on the shelf edge with a mixture of turbiditic and storm deposits and finally on the shelf with storm deposits and reef building. The high level system tract progrades on the shelf by a delta fan. This model is similar to sequences described in Spain and Italy by Mutti (1992), where tectonism is dominant.Nevertheless, eustasy, as described by Vail et al. (1977) played a part, since the same sequences are found in the chart of Ross and Ross (1987): S1, which of Middle Visean age (Cf5) and S2 which is of Upper Visean age (Cf6αβγ). Only the comparison between regional sequences described in Morocco and the sequences of the European platform allow tectonics and eustasy to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Sediments from the peat-bog La Muzelle (Massif des Ecrins, Iserc, France, alt. 2,150 m) were analyzed. The site was reached by a Pinus forest and an Abies forest during the Allerød and the Atlantic, and during the Bølling a shrubland was noted. Forests have been degrading into lawns without intermediary heath long before the appearance of the first signs of human action. The glacier has been receding ever since the Late Würm, except during the Younger Dryas when big frontal moraines were formed close to the peat-bog. The nature of the sediments allowed a determination of several frontal positions of the glacier. No notable re-advance could be evidenced during the Older or Oldest Dryas nor during the Holocene; only a minor oscillation may have occurred at the beginning of the Allerød.  相似文献   

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