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The western sector of the Tagliamento River basin (Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region; northern Italy) is characterized by important water resources, both superficial and underground. In particular, in the Quaternary deposits of the plain, up to a depth of 500 m, six artesian aquifer systems exist. A large amount of lithological, geomorphological, and hydrogeological data is presented, allowing for definition of (a) the principal aquifer system of the area to a depth of about 500 m; (b) geometrical characteristics of the aquifers (thickness, lateral extension, etc); (c) the hydraulic parameters (hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity); (d) chemico-physical characteristics of the water; and (e) vulnerability to pollution of the aquifer systems. In a test area, where many boreholes were drilled for fresh water supply, the conceptual hydrogeological model was integrated by a detailed and repeated three-dimensional (3D) resistivity survey using combined electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) soundings. ERT investigation was mainly used to get detailed information about geometry and porosity of the overburden and to calibrate the shallowest TDEM information.  相似文献   

Subsurface geophysical surveys were carried out using a large range of methods in an unconfined sandstone aquifer in semiarid south-western Niger for improving both the conceptual model of water flow through the unsaturated zone and the parameterization of numerical a groundwater model of the aquifer. Methods included: electromagnetic mapping, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), resistivity logging, time domain electromagnetic sounding (TDEM), and magnetic resonance sounding (MRS). Analyses of electrical conductivities, complemented by geochemical measurements, allowed us to identify preferential pathways for infiltration and drainage beneath gullies and alluvial fans. The mean water content estimated by MRS (13%) was used for computing the regional groundwater recharge from long-term change in the water table. The ranges in permeability and water content obtained with MRS allowed a reduction of the degree of freedom of aquifer parameters used in groundwater modelling.  相似文献   

The vertical electrical sounding (VES) survey was carried out by using Schlumberger array in (12) points distributed along two profiles, except VES 6 was not located within any profile. The 2D imaging survey was carried out using Wenner array in four stations. The VES results revealed the presence of two groundwater aquifers. The first is Euphrates aquifer and the second is Dammam aquifer. While the results of 2D imaging survey distinguished two secondary aquifers in addition to previous aquifers located within Dammam formation. Also, 2D imaging gave a more accurate picture for the distribution of electrical horizons especially for the depths which ranges between 2.5 and 73 m. While the VES gives information for larger depths than that of 2D, which ranges between the earth’s surface and a depth 140 m. The geo-electrical sections of VES showed electrical horizons (layers) with sharp boundaries. But the 2D inverse models revealed the lateral and vertical variations of the resistivity within each horizon especially for shallow depths due to large volume of data available in 2D measurement. These variations were not shown in the geo-electrical sections of VES points. Comparison of VES and 2D imaging techniques revealed that the 2D imaging was the best for determined the shallow aquifers as observed from this study. It can be concluded that 2D resistivity imaging and VES can provide very useful guide for borehole drilling particularly where there is no existing well.  相似文献   

Investigation for high yielding water wells in the khondalitic terrain (graneti ferrous silliminite gnesiss) is mostly faced with the problem of identification of the extent of the depth of kaolinisation of the aquifer. The traditional Vertical Electrical Sounding survey, Seismic Refraction survey and Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic survey could not identify the kaolinisation of the aquifer in the present investigations. The Two Dimensional (2D) Resistivity and Induced Polarization (IP) Imaging surveys are attempted for the identification of kaolinised layer and depth of kaolinisation. Number of 2D Resistivity and IP Imaging profiles were conducted near Chipurupally in Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh, India along successful and failed wells located within short distances. Resistivity and IP measurements were carried out using an ABEM SAS 4000 Terrameter. The resistivity and I.P. images have provided a clear view of the thickness of the highly weathered zone (kaolinised zone) at both successful and failed wells. The highly weathered zone is identified with the resistivity values below 25 ohm.m. The depth of highly weathered material at failed well is extended about 8–10 m more deeper than the successful wells at some places to as much as 20 m more deep at some other places. This extended deeper kaolinisation of the aquifer is responsible for failure of wells. Layers having resistivities between 25–65 Ohm.m are identified as aquifer layers which are composed of moderately weathered and fractured khondalitic suit of rocks (Garnti ferrous sillimanite/biotite gneiss). Layers with resistivities greater than 65 Ohm.m are interpreted to have basement characteristics belonging to the granite gneiss. Interestingly IP imaging has not provided any greater insights in delineating the kaolinistion of the aquifer when compared to resistivity Imaging, in fact resitivity imaging has shown greater depths of kaolinisation than IP Imaging.  相似文献   

The Service National des Ressources en Eau (SNRE) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Haiti, in cooperation with the UNDTCD, carried out a geophysical investigation in the Northern Plain of Haiti. It included a reinterpretation of the available resistivity soundings and the realization of eight additional soundings and 11 electromagnetic profiles. The mathematical interpretation of the soundings permitted the determination of the true resistivity of different lithologies present in the area and the mapping of the thickness of the alluvial aquifer. The results of the five electromagnetic resistivity profiles in the Trou du Nord area are presented, with a total lenght of 17.4 km. They show distinctive resistivity anomalies, which are assumed to represent buried river channels filled with coarse sands and gravels. One of the anomaly zones was explored in more detail and shows clearly lateral resistivity differences at greater depths. The data interpretations have been checked through response calculations of geoelectrical layer models.  相似文献   

A methodological approach is described which combines geophysical and geochemical data to delineate the extent of a chlorinated ethenes plume in northern France; the methodology was used to calibrate a hydrogeological model of the contaminants’ migration and degradation. The existence of strong reducing conditions in some parts of the aquifer is first determined by measuring in situ the redox potential and dissolved oxygen, dissolved ferrous iron and chloride concentrations. Electrical resistivity imaging and electromagnetic mapping, using the Slingram method, are then used to determine the shape of the pollutant plume. A decreasing empirical exponential relation between measured chloride concentrations in the water and aquifer electrical resistivity is observed; the resistivity formation factor calculated at a few points also shows a major contribution of chloride concentration in the resistivity of the saturated porous medium. MODFLOW software and MT3D99 first-order parent–daughter chain reaction and the RT3D aerobic–anaerobic model for tetrachloroethene (PCE)/trichloroethene (TCE) dechlorination are finally used for a first attempt at modeling the degradation of the chlorinated ethenes. After calibration, the distribution of the chlorinated ethenes and their degradation products simulated with the model approximately reflects the mean measured values in the observation wells, confirming the data-derived image of the plume.  相似文献   

Twenty profiles of vertical electric soundings (VES) were obtained in a riverside alluvium at the Buyeo area, South Korea, to examine the variations of subsurface geology and associated groundwater chemistry. The combination of the VES data with the borehole data provided useful information on subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. The vestige of an ancient river channel (e.g. oxbow lake) was identified on the resistivity profiles by the lateral continuation of a near-surface perched aquifer parallel to the river. Such a perched aquifer is typically developed in the area with a clay-rich silty surface alluvium which prohibits the infiltration of oxygen. Therefore, groundwater below the oxbow lake shows a very low nitrate concentration and Eh values under the strong anoxic condition. The distribution of water resistivity is correlated with that of measured total dissolved solids concentration in groundwater, while the earth resistivity of the aquifer shows a significant spatial variation. It is interpreted that the earth resistivity of the aquifer is mainly controlled by the soil type rather than by the water chemistry in the study area.  相似文献   

The study area is a small coastal plain in north-eastern Tunisia. It is drained by an ephemeral stream network and is subject to several pollutant discharges such as oilfield brine coming from a neighboring oil company and wastewater from Somâa city, located in the upstream of the plain. Furthermore, a hydraulic head near the coastal part of the aquifer is below sea level, suggesting that seawater intrusion may occur. A time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) survey, based on 28 soundings, was conducted in Wadi Al Ayn and Daroufa plains to delineate the saline groundwater. Based on longitudinal and transversal resistivity two-dimensional pseudosections calibrated with boring data, the extent of saline water was identified. Geochemical tracers were combined with the resistivity dataset to differentiate the origin of groundwater salinization. In the upstream part of the plain, the infiltration of oilfield brine through the sandy bed of Wadi Al Ayn seems to have a considerable effect on groundwater salinization. However, in the coastal part of the aquifer, groundwater salinization is due to seawater intrusion and the saltwater is reaching an inland extent around 1.3 km from the shoreline. The contribution ratios of saline water bodies derived from the inverted chloride data vary for the oilfield brine from 1 to 13 % and for the seawater from 2 to 21 %.  相似文献   

A hybrid modeling approach is proposed for near real-time three-dimensional (3D) mapping of surficial aquifers. First, airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic (FDEM) measurements are numerically inverted to obtain subsurface resistivities. Second, a machine-learning (ML) algorithm is trained using the FDEM measurements and inverted resistivity profiles, and borehole geophysical and hydrogeologic data. Third, the trained ML algorithm is used together with independent FDEM measurements to map the spatial distribution of the aquifer system. Efficacy of the hybrid approach is demonstrated for mapping a heterogeneous surficial aquifer and confining unit in northwestern Nebraska, USA. For this case, independent performance testing reveals that aquifer mapping is unbiased with a strong correlation (0.94) among numerically inverted and ML-estimated binary (clay-silt or sand-gravel) layer resistivities (5–20 ohm-m or 21–5,000 ohm-m), and an intermediate correlation (0.74) for heterogeneous (clay, silt, sand, gravel) layer resistivities (5–5,000 ohm-m). Reduced correlation for the heterogeneous model is attributed to over-estimating the under-sampled high-resistivity gravels (about 0.5 % of the training data), and when removed the correlation increases (0.87). Independent analysis of the numerically inverted and ML-estimated resistivities finds that the hybrid procedure preserves both univariate and spatial statistics for each layer. Following training, the algorithms can map 3D surficial aquifers as fast as leveled FDEM measurements are presented to the ML network.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a geostatistical approach to model a groundwater aquifer in 3-D. The study aims at utilizing geostatistics as a tool for characterizing zones of better-water quality in a brackish-saline aquifer. In particular, the geostatistical model was constructed to characterize the aquifer’s salinity, represented by total dissolved solids (TDS), using logs of porosity and resistivity. Quality-checked estimated TDS vertical profiles were employed to construct and model horizontal and vertical semivariograms. Parameters of semivariogram models were used to develop both the kriging plan and the generated model. Results of this modeling process are shown in the form of horizontal salinity distribution maps. The aquifer was sliced into 20 layers, each 20 m thick, to represent its overall thickness. Salinity layers maps reflect vertical stratification of TDS concentrations in the aquifer and show that water quality deteriorates with depth and toward the northern part of the aquifer. Relatively better-quality water (TDS ≤10,000 mg/l) can be found at depths between 100 and 250 m below the aquifer’s top in both eastern and southeastern parts. Water in the same interval to the western and southwestern parts reflects the presence of higher TDS concentration. From a planning point of view, it is more feasible to target the eastern part of the aquifer for pumping and desalination purposes. In addition, the generated model could be utilized as an initial condition for flow simulation.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination is one of the most significant problems in arid countries. Al-Quwiy’yia region is an example of an area where the groundwater is contaminated as a result of infiltration of waste water in low-lying areas adjacent to inhabited zones. Such contamination poses significant environmental threats for the surrounding environment and groundwater. Surface observations and spatial distribution of contamination observed in the shallow aquifer indicate that the main contamination sources were from sewage as well as from waste water dumping. However, the main source of water supply for the whole area is groundwater abstracted from the relatively shallow aquifer. Therefore, the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) and 2D electrical resistivity tomography (2D ERT) have been applied close to the waste water dump site to characterize the response of pollution plumes. Both of these geoelectrical techniques are sensitive to electrical conductivity as well as to other physical properties, which are greatly influenced by the polluted groundwater. Therefore, it is possible to profile the contamination plumes, both vertically and horizontally, in the vicinity of the measured stations. The ERT profiles gave detailed information about the lateral distribution of the contaminated groundwater, whereas the TEM demonstrated the vertical extensions.  相似文献   

TDEM (time domain electromagnetic) traverses in the Dead Sea (DS) coastal aquifer help to delineate the configuration of the interrelated fresh-water and brine bodies and the interface in between. A good linear correlation exists between the logarithm of TDEM resistivity and the chloride concentration of groundwater, mostly in the higher salinity range, close to that of the DS brine. In this range, salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. The configuration of the fresh–saline water interface is dictated by the hydraulic gradient, which is controlled by a number of hydrological factors. Three types of irregularities in the configuration of fresh-water and saline-water bodies were observed in the study area: 1. Fresh-water aquifers underlying more saline ones ("Reversal") in a multi-aquifer system. 2. "Reversal" and irregular residual saline-water bodies related to historical, frequently fluctuating DS base level and respective interfaces, which have not undergone complete flushing. A rough estimate of flushing rates may be obtained based on knowledge of the above fluctuations. The occurrence of salt beds is also a factor affecting the interface configuration. 3. The interface steepens towards and adjacent to the DS Rift fault zone. Simulation analysis with a numerical, variable-density flow model, using the US Geological Survey's SUTRA code, indicates that interface steepening may result from a steep water-level gradient across the zone, possibly due to a low hydraulic conductivity in the immediate vicinity of the fault. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In this study, a groundwater exploration survey was conducted using the DC Resistivity (DCR) method in a hydrogeological setting containing a perched aquifer. DCR data were gathered and an electrical tomography section was recovered using conventional four-electrode instruments with a Schlumberger array and a two-dimensional (2D) inversion scheme. The proposed scheme was tested over a synthetic three-dimensional (3D) subsurface model before deploying it in a field situation. The proposed method indicated that gathering data with simple four-electrode instruments at stations along a line and 2D inversion of datasets at multiple stations can recover depth intervals of the studied aquifer in the hydrogeological setting even if it has a 3D structure. In this study, 2D inversion of parallel profiles formed a pseudo-3D volume of the subsurface resistivity structures and mapped out multiple resistive (>25 ohm·m) bodies at shallow (between 50–100 m) and deep sections (>150 m). In general, the proposed method is convenient to encounter geological units that have limited vertical and spatial extensions in any direction and presents resistivity contrast from groundwater-bearing geologic materials.  相似文献   

In the rural Guatemalan Central Highlands, drinking water wells are a rare commodity due to lack of data regarding depth and sustainability of groundwater. At a study well in Lemoa, aquifer sustainability and other characteristics were estimated using hydrograph data and Theiss recovery method for pumping tests. These tests showed that while specific capacity remained fairly constant, transmissivity increased, indicating development of the well subsequent to installation of the study well. The time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) method was evaluated at the site as a prospective groundwater prospecting technique. Characterization of subsurface conditions using TDEM is feasible with local subsurface data for correlation; however, it is limited to delineating low electrical resistive zones without geologic data for correlation. Data showed that groundwater produced from volcanic alluvium at approximately 79 m in depth is sustainable at the study area at current use rates.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic pressure influences the two-way interactions between shallow aquifers and coastal lagoons. Aquifer overexploitation may lead to seawater intrusion, and aquifer recharge from rainfall plus irrigation may, in turn, increase the groundwater discharge into the lagoon. We analyse the evolution, since the 1950s up to the present, of the interactions between the Campo de Cartagena Quaternary aquifer and the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain). This is a very heterogeneous and anisotropic detrital aquifer, where aquifer–lagoon interface has a very irregular geometry. Using electrical resistivity tomography, we clearly identified the freshwater–saltwater transition zone and detected areas affected by seawater intrusion. Severity of the intrusion was spatially variable and significantly related to the density of irrigation wells in 1950s–1960s, suggesting the role of groundwater overexploitation. We distinguish two different mechanisms by which water from the sea invades the land: (a) horizontal advance of the interface due to a wide exploitation area and (b) vertical rise (upconing) caused by local intensive pumping. In general, shallow parts of the geophysical profiles show higher electrical resistivity associated with freshwater mainly coming from irrigation return flows, with water resources mostly from deep confined aquifers and imported from Tagus river, 400 km north. This indicates a likely reversal of the former seawater intrusion process.  相似文献   

As part of a larger regional research program “KarstEAU”, the authors have applied electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) techniques to characterize heterogeneities in the Port-Miou coastal karst aquifer (Cassis, SE France). Field surveys were carried out on intensely fractured and karstified Urgonian carbonates. Extensive research has characterized macro- and micro-scale geology of the Port-Miou area and particularly underground water-filled conduits and fault/fracture and karst systems within a former quarry. The authors applied 2D ERT along two surface profiles of length 420 and 595 m to test capability for delineating subsurface conduits and possibly relationship between conduit and fault/fracture/karst orientation; and 3D ERT with a dense 120 electrode array at 1 m spacing (11 × 10 m) was applied over an area of the quarry that had been profiled using 3D georadar and which has had intensive nearby structural geological interpretation. The 2D profiling imaged several underground conduits at depths to >50 m below ground surface and below sea level, including possibly the main Port Miou submarine spring and smaller springs. The 2D profiling within the quarry provided a better understanding of the connectivity between major fractures and faults on the quarry walls and secondary springs along the coast supporting flow of the secondary springs along interpreted fracture orientations. In addition, 2D inversion-derived conductivity models indicate that high resistivity zones above sea-level are associated with non-saturated zones and low resistivity anomalies in the non-saturated zone are associated with residual clays in paleokarsts. A partitioned lower resistivity zone below sea-level can be associated with a higher porosity/permeability zone with fractures and karstic features. Inversion models of the dense 3D ERT data indicate a higher resistivity volume within the larger surveyed block. The survey characterized the non-saturated zone and the ERT resistivities are correlated with karst features interpreted by 3D georadar and visible in the inferior wall of the quarry.  相似文献   

The time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) geophysical method was employed to detect saline groundwater bodies within and in the close margins of the Arava Rift Valley. The Arava Valley aquifers are known to occupy fresh to saline groundwater. The lateral subsurface inflow to the Arava from west and east is characterized by fresh to brackish waters. The results of the present study indicate that salination of groundwater is controlled by both present day and ancient base levels, namely by the Dead Sea in the north and by the Gulf of Elat in the south. The configuration obtained by the TDEM survey exhibits interfaces and palaeo-interfaces between fresh to brackish waters and underlying seawater or diluted seawater intruded inland from both base levels as well as brines intruded from the northern base level. The central Arava structural and hydrological divide seems to escape seawater or brine encroachment at least to the considerable depth of the TDEM measurements.  相似文献   

Khuff Formation is of utmost importance in Saudi Arabia for oil and gas reservoir although it is composed mainly of limestone. This reason refers to the existence of intensive fractures which play a vital role in the increase in porosity and permeability of this formation. The fracture pattern in the study area was verified through 2D and 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR)-defined and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)-defined surveys. In this respect, ten of 2D GPR surveys were collected along an intersected grid of profiles covering the study area while ERT data were collected along three profiles of the GPR grid. The results were interpreted in light of the field-based structural and stratigraphic assessment of the outcropping rocks. The analysis of the inverted ERT and filtered GPR sections revealed the presence of fractures. Several resistivity and electromagnetic reflection anomalies were laterally and vertically identified across the measured sections clarifying fractures that extend to a depth of 24 m in the limestone. Most fractures are oriented vertical to sub-vertical dipping both east-west and north-south.  相似文献   

 High radon fluxes in the seismically active Dead Sea Rift seem to be affected by the hydrological system and the different salinities of groundwater bodies involved. The time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) method was employed to delineate those different bodies and the configuration of the interfaces between them. The present hydrological system and the related brines and interfaces are controlled by the Dead Sea base level, presently at 408 m below MSL. TDEM measurements detect low resistivity (<1 ohm/m) units representing brines and the interface between them as well as the overlying fresher water bodies. In addition, high resistivity (freshwater) units are also detected, underlying the brines, related herein to a multiple hydrological system. Low-resistivity brines, detected above the present base level, are interpreted herein as yet unflushed ones which correspond to a former higher base level. Higher sequences, below historical (sixteenth century) base levels, are already devoid of brines, which gives an indication as to the rate of flushing. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 23 July 1996  相似文献   

The characterization of river–aquifer connectivity in karst environments is difficult due to the presence of conduits and caves. This work demonstrates how geophysical imaging combined with hydrogeological data can improve the conceptualization of surface-water and groundwater interactions in karst terrains. The objective of this study is to understand the association between the Bell River and karst-alluvial aquifer at Wellington, Australia. River and groundwater levels were continuously monitored, and electrical resistivity imaging and water quality surveys conducted. Two-dimensional resistivity imaging mapped the transition between the alluvium and karst. This is important for highlighting the proximity of the saturated alluvial sediments to the water-filled caves and conduits. In the unsaturated zone the resistivity imaging differentiated between air- and sediment-filled karst features, and in the saturated zone it mapped the location of possible water- and sediment-filled caves. Groundwater levels are dynamic and respond quickly to changes in the river stage, implying that there is a strong hydraulic connection, and that the river is losing and recharging the adjacent aquifer. Groundwater extractions (1,370 ML, megalitres, annually) from the alluvial aquifer can cause the groundwater level to fall by as much as 1.5 m in a year. However, when the Bell River flows after significant rainfall in the upper catchment, river-leakage rapidly recharges the alluvial and karst aquifers. This work demonstrates that in complex hydrogeological settings, the combined use of geophysical imaging, hydrograph analysis and geochemical measurements provide insights on the local karst hydrology and groundwater processes, which will enable better water-resource and karst management.  相似文献   

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