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This paper presents new evidence from the Dhamar highlands, Yemen, of paleohydrologic response to fluctuations in Holocene climate. Stratigraphic, geochemical, and chronological analyses of highland peat and lacustrine deposits contribute to knowledge of the timing of early Holocene moisture changes on the Arabian Peninsula, providing a backdrop to understanding early cultural development in the Arabian highlands. The location of the Dhamar highlands, characterized by intermontane valleys surrounded by the highest mountains on the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent to the Indian Ocean is ideal for examining the influence of the Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) on the moisture history of this region. Fluctuations in the lacustrine and paleosol records of the Dhamar highlands reflect both local changes in paleohydrology and regional influences on the Holocene paleoclimatic conditions in southwest Arabia. In addition, a peat deposit with a radiocarbon age of 10,253 – 10,560 cal yr BP documents some of the earliest Holocene high moisture conditions on the Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Lacustrine sediments from southeastern Arabia reveal variations in lake level corresponding to changes in the strength and duration of Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) summer rainfall and winter cyclonic rainfall. The late glacial/Holocene transition of the region was characterised by the development of mega-linear dunes. These dunes became stabilised and vegetated during the early Holocene and interdunal lakes formed in response to the incursion of the IOM at approximately 8500 cal yr BP with the development of C3 dominated savanna grasslands. The IOM weakened ca. 6000 cal yr BP with the onset of regional aridity, aeolian sedimentation and dune reactivation and accretion. Despite this reduction in precipitation, the lake was maintained by winter dominated rainfall. There was a shift to drier adapted C4 grasslands across the dune field. Lake sediment geochemical analyses record precipitation minima at 8200, 5000 and 4200 cal yr BP that coincide with Bond events in the North Atlantic. A number of these events correspond with changes in cultural periods, suggesting that climate was a key mechanism affecting human occupation and exploitation of this region.  相似文献   

The summits of the table mountains (tepuis) from the Neotropical Guayana region are remote environments suitable for palaeoecological studies with evolutionary, biogeographical and palaeoclimatic implications. Here, using palynological analyses of two radiocarbon‐dated peat bogs from a tepui summit, the Holocene palaeovegetational trends are reconstructed, and related to possible forcing factors. Because of the pristine character of the Guaiquinima summit, the recorded palaeoenvironmental changes are probably due to natural causes, which makes them valuable archives of the natural component of climatic change at a millennial time scale. The sequence begins with pioneer communities or meadows similar to present‐day ones, between about 8.4 and 4.5 ky BP. After this date, and until about 2 kyr BP the expansion of gallery forests suggests an increase in precipitation, documented also at regional (Neotropical) level. Between ca. 2 kyr BP and the last century, gallery forests are replaced by forests characteristic of the upper Guaiquinima altitudes, coinciding with a regional phase of reduced moisture. The present‐day meadows, established relatively quickly during the last century, substituted the former upland forests. In the locality studied, the main controlling factor of the vegetation during the Holocene seems to have been the moisture balance. In contrast to other tepui summits, there is no clear evidence for changes linked to temperature oscillations. This could be due to the elevation of the site, far from any characteristic ecological boundary, that makes it insensitive to this parameter. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

华南西部晚二叠世碳同位素地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对黔桂地区7条晚二叠世碳酸盐岩型煤系剖面进行了碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素测定,发现晚二叠世吴家坪阶与长兴阶碳酸盐岩的δ13C值有明显差异,前者δ13C多大于3.0‰,后者多小于3.0‰,进一步对晚二叠世δ13C的变化原因的分析表明,δ13C的变化可能与晚古生代末期聚煤作用的减弱密切相关,后者造成自然界碳库中的12C的富集,从而使得海水以及在其中沉淀出的碳酸盐岩中的δ13C值降低。此外,植物光合作用从大气中吸收CO2的量也随陆地植被减少而减少,结果造成大气中的CO2的大量富集,从而进一步产生温室效应,制约生物界的发展。联系到这一阶段生物界的衰亡灭绝,可以认为温室效应是晚二叠世生物逐渐衰亡及晚二叠世末群体灭绝的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

There has been limited previous research about Holocene climate variability in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. Here we examine centennial‐scale changes in diatom assemblages and stable isotopic ratios since 10 000 cal a BP in a high‐accumulation‐rate sediment core from the Conrad Rise. Although abundances of dominant diatom taxa (Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and Thalassiothrix antarctica) are comparatively constant, relative abundances of secondary taxa fluctuate. Before c. 9900 cal a BP, winter sea‐ice and cold water covered the Conrad Rise. Following deglaciation the sea‐ice retreated from the Conrad Rise, lagging that of the Atlantic and eastern Indian Sectors by about 1500 a. The Polar Front moved southward during the early Holocene optimum and north Antarctic Zone waters covered the Conrad Rise for about 650 a. After 9300 cal a BP, solar insolation strongly influenced sea surface temperature and primary productivity in the Southern Ocean. In the high‐latitude Indian Sector, productivity increased 1500 a after the onset of late Holocene neoglaciation. Periodic δ18O and cold‐water diatom taxa spikes (at intervals of 200 and 300–500 a, respectively) occurred after 9300 cal a BP, probably associated with solar activity. Fluctuations in short‐term sea surface temperature and cold‐water taxa are synchronous with changes in δD observed in an east Antarctic ice core. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The PU‐2 stalagmite from Ursilor Cave provides the first dated Romanian isotope record for the Holocene. The overall growth rate of the speleothem was 3.5 cm kyr?1, corresponding to a temporal resolution of 142 y between each isotope analysis. The ‘Hendy’ tests indicate that isotopic equilibrium conditions occurred during the formation of PU‐2, and hence that it is suitable for palaeoclimatic studies. The relationship between δ18O and temperature was found to be positive. This can be interpreted either as rain‐out with distance from the west‐northwest ocean source of evaporation or shifts in air mass source with changing North Atlantic Oscillation indices. Applying five U–Th thermal ionisation mass spectrometric (TIMS) dates to a 17.5 cm isotope profile (δ18O and δ13C) along the stalagmite growth axis enabled a tentative interpretation of the palaeoclimate signal over the past 7.1 kyr. Spikes of depleted isotopic δ18O values are centred near ca. 7, ca. 5.2 and ca. 4 ka, reflecting cool conditions. The record shows two warm intervals between ca. 3.8 and ca. 3.2 ka (the maximum warmth) and from ca. 2 to ca. 1.4 ka, when the δ18O values were less negative than present. The ‘Holocene Climate Optimum’ spanning the time interval from ca. 6.8 to ca. 4.4 ka is not well expressed in the PU‐2 stalagmite. Individual spikes of lighter δ13C are interpreted as indicative of periods of heavy rainfall, at ca. 7, ca. 5.5, and ca. 3.5 ka. The overall trend to lighter δ13C in the PU‐2 stalagmite may reflect a gradual decrease in water–rock interaction. The results demonstrate that the effect of North Atlantic oceanic changes extended to the investigated area. Nevertheless, some differences in temporal correlation and intensity of stable isotopic response to these climatic events have been found, but the exact nature of these differences and the underlying mechanism is yet to be determined. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A continuous sediment record since 12.3 cal ka bp from Lake Wuxu (south‐eastern Tibetan Plateau) was investigated in terms of the Holocene evolution of the Indian Summer Monsoon. The molar C/N ratio and stable C isotope were used to identify the source of the organic matter as well as climate conditions. The evolution of Lake Wuxu was summarized wihtin two periods. During the first period (early to mid‐Holocene), the lake received increased fluvially transported materials, reflecting variation in the summer monsoon with solar insolation. The lake level declined and water residence time increased because of reduced river discharge during the second period (late Holocene) corresponding to a weakening of the summer monsoon. The organic material revealed a major contribution from lake primary productivity, which showed identical patterns with a high‐resolution isotope record from Dongge Cave, as well as total solar irradiance. Our record from Lake Wuxu indicates that the Holocene evolution of the Indian Summer Monsoon has been driven by the solar forcing at decadal/centennial to millennial time scales. Furthermore, an abrupt decline in the monsoon was detected at around 4.0 cal ka bp , which is probably caused by an increased frequency of EI Nino‐Southern Oscillation events. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对甘肃临夏塬堡全新世剖面古土壤有机质碳同位素分析表明, δ13 C变化范围在-28.23‰~25.19‰之间, 平均值为-26.88‰. 结合该剖面孢粉分析结果, 观察到在孢粉所反映的温暖湿润气候期间,δ13 C表现为高值, 而在干燥寒冷期间, δ13 C表现为低值. 说明由于气候变化引起了地表植被类型的改变, 导致了古土壤中有机质δ13 C发生了变化. δ13 C的变化特征分别对应于3个不同的气候演化阶段:早全新世、中全新世和晚全新世阶段, 其所反映的全新世气候特征与我国其它地区的分析结果基本一致. 分析表明, 古土壤中有机质δ13 C是气候变化的一个良好指标.  相似文献   

Characteristics of environmental change along the Holocene (<6 ka BP) bank margin of south‐west Exuma Sound, Bahamas, are defined by comparing mineral, isotope and lithologic stratigraphic patterns in deep‐water (1081 m) slope strata in ODP Hole 631A (Exuma Sound) with proximal (≈6 km) shoal‐water and insular geology of the Lee Stocking Island (LSI) region. After platform submergence, a bank‐top transition from non‐skeletal‐ to skeletal‐dominated deposition occurred in the LSI region by ≈3·8 ka, and is recorded in the adjacent slope sediments by a contemporaneous change in the abundance of transported allochems. The transition at Site 631 is punctuated by an anomalous shift in foraminiferal δ13C (–1‰) and δ18O (–3‰), which may represent a period of climate change that established a brackish coastal zone at least 6 km wide, coincident (≈3·8–4 ka) with bank‐top erosion and pedogenesis. Non‐skeletal allochems reappeared in Hole 631A sediments as the dominant transported allochem type by ≈2·4 ka, then again over the last several hundred years, and are contemporaneous with periods of increased platform‐margin circulation in the LSI region. Such rejuvenation of platform circulation may have resulted from rapid relative rises in sea level, superimposed on the net gradual post‐glacial rise. At Site 631, a prominent (25%) decline in aragonite abundance occurred during the period from 2·4 ka to the last few hundred years, and coincided with an increase in magnesian calcite and skeletal debris, and a positive shift in foraminiferal δ18O values. These patterns lend support to the hypothesis that, during this period, the LSI margin was barred by skeletal shoals, allowing bank‐top trapping of aragonite and hypersaline water, with increased coastal salinity (resulting from reflux of hypersaline waters through the shoals) and/or cooled coastal waters (caused by reduced exchange of warmed bank‐derived water relative to wind‐generated upwelling). Along the Exuma slope, a diagenetic overprint may further enhance the recent decline in aragonite accumulation. Integration of Holocene deep‐water slope and bank‐top stratigraphies along the bank margin of south‐west Exuma Sound reveals a pattern of punctuated environmental change superimposed on longer term development of interglacial conditions.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic subdivision of peat in the Gorobets River valley, the largest river on Shikotan Island, is conducted based on the study of palynological and diatom assemblages, tephrostratigraphy, and radiocarbon dating. The study object is one of the oldest peats in the South Kurile region and reflects the development of natural environments beginning from the early Holocene. Nine phases are distinguished in the development of vegetation on Shikotan Island. The changes in vegetable communities were determined by climatic fluctuations during the Holocene. Their ages, the factors responsible for the appearance and extinction of particular coniferous, small-, and broad-leaved taxa, and changes in their landscape-forming role during different periods of the Holocene, as well as specific features in the formation of the present-day vegetation on the Lesser Kurile Ridge representing a separate floral area, are established. In addition to the climatic and sea-level fluctuations, the development of the island landscapes was determined to a significant extent by its topography, size, and isolation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated long‐term changes in effective moisture in sub‐Saharan Africa. Here, we reconstruct Holocene environments using a ~7 m lake‐sediment sequence recovered from the northeastern Nigerian Sahel and attempt to distinguish basin‐specific changes from regional climatic variations. The sequence was analysed for sedimentological properties, mineral magnetism and pollen, and dated by 137Cs, 210Pb excess and 14C. Extremely arid conditions of the terminal Pleistocene ended ca. 11 500 cal. BP (calendar years) when climate ameliorated and a lake developed until the occurrence of an arid event leading to lake desiccation at ~11 200 cal. BP. Following this, climate ameliorated and a water body re‐emerged. Very wet conditions predominated 11 200–5600 cal. BP, followed by drought between 5600 and 5500 cal. BP and a return to moderate humidity from 5500 to 4000 cal. BP. After 4000 cal. BP, a marked deterioration occurred, culminating in lake desiccation at ca. 800 cal. BP. After this time the climate remained generally dry and the re‐emerging lake was shallow. Comparison of these results with other well‐dated sequences in the region demonstrates the importance of basin‐specific influences on the palaeolimnological records in addition to regional climatic controls. Disentangling these different controls, as well as the reconstruction of Holocene climate, therefore requires a multiple‐basin approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郝金华 《地质与勘探》2010,46(3):367-376
本文侧重于矿物学特征分析对纳日贡玛赋矿斑岩进行了研究,结果表明:斑岩中黑云母斑晶种属为含铁金云母和富镁黑云母,角闪石种属为镁角闪石、透闪石与阳起石。纳日贡玛含矿斑岩属于I型花岗岩类,由幔源岩浆同熔壳源物质而形成;斑岩结晶压力值为1.18×108~1.39×108Pa;闪长玢岩和黑云母花岗斑岩的结晶温度为550℃~650℃,而浅色花岗斑岩则下降为500℃~550℃。斑岩中黑云母的Mg/Fe、Ti、Al、K、Na、Ca及F、Cl等元素含量及比值可以显示纳日贡玛具有良好的含矿性。纳日贡玛结晶压力、温度都较玉龙矿带低,反映纳日贡玛结晶岩浆房更靠近地表。纳日贡玛岩浆源区向壳源区靠近,而玉龙矿带则更靠近幔源区,表明成岩源区中壳幔物质混合比例的不同。  相似文献   

Shallow-water carbonates are invaluable archives of past global change. They hold the record of how neritic biologic communities reacted to palaeoenvironmental changes. However, attempts to decipher these geological archives are often severely hampered by the low stratigraphic resolution attained by biostratigraphy. This is particularly the case for the Upper Cretaceous carbonate platforms of the central Tethyan realm: their biostratigraphy suffers from very low resolution and poor correlation with the standard biochronologic scales based on ammonites, planktic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton.In this paper we show how this problem can be tackled by integrating biostratigraphy with isotope stratigraphy. We present a detailed record of the benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and carbon and strontium isotope stratigraphy of three upper Cenomanian-middle Campanian sections belonging to the Apennine Carbonate Platform of southern Italy. For the upper Cenomanian-Turonian interval, the carbon isotope curves of the studied sections are easily correlated to the reference curve of the English Chalk. The correlation is facilitated by the matching of the prominent positive excursion corresponding to the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. For the Coniacian-middle Campanian interval, the correlation is mainly based on strontium isotope stratigraphy. We use the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the low-Mg calcite of well preserved rudist shells to obtain accurate chronostratigraphic ages for many levels of the three studied sections. The ages obtained by Sr isotope stratigraphy are then used to better constrain the matching of the carbon isotope curves.From the high-resolution chronostratigraphic age-model stablished by isotope stratigraphy, we derive the chronostratigraphic calibration of benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphic events. For the first time the benthic foraminiferal biozones of the Apennine Carbonate Platform can be accurately correlated to the standard ammonite biozonation. This result is of great relevance because the biostratigraphic schemes of other carbonate platforms in the central and southern Tethyan realm are largely based on the same biostratigraphic events.  相似文献   

西藏南部上白垩统高分辨率全岩碳同位素地层学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏南部上白垩统半远洋沉积高分辨率碳、氧同位素实验结果显示:δ^13C值在Cenomanian末期正偏并形成正偏“高原”,从Turonian期开始总体呈现长期持续负偏,到Campanian早期负偏达到最低值。这种长期变化格局与世界有关地区的碳同位素偏移和同期全球海侵海退旋回型式匹配性甚好,印证了晚白垩世δ^13C值长期偏移趋势可作为大区域乃至全球海平面变化的指针。短期δ^13C值波动方面,Cenomanian末期、Turonian中一晚期、Turonian-Santonian界线时期、Campanian期都存在与世界相关地区的可比性,但Coniacian-Santonian期全球碳同位素偏移型式存在较大差异。  相似文献   

A paleolimnological study of lake-level changes in Lake 239 (Rawson Lake), a headwater lake in the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, indicates large fluctuations have occurred over the Holocene. Analyses are based on diatoms, the proportion of chrysophyte scales to diatoms and organic matter content from near-shore sediment cores. Quantitative estimates of lake level are based on a diatom-inferred depth model that was developed from surficial sediments collected along several transects in Lake 239. Declines of ∼ 1-3 m occurred during the late Holocene, whereas declines of at least 8 m occurred during the more arid mid-Holocene. These results provide the first substantive evidence of large declines in lake level in northwestern Ontario during the mid-Holocene. Conditions during the mid-Holocene may provide a partial view of future conditions under increasing global temperatures.  相似文献   

Grain size and mineral composition of core sediments were used to investigate influences of various terrestrial and marine conditions, which have prevailed on the southwestern Black Sea shelf during the Holocene. Siliciclastic mud with small amounts of sand and gravel from nearby coastal hinterland is the principal sediment type, whereas sediments deposited near the shelf edge and the Istanbul Strait and off the Duru Lake (a paleo-river mouth) constitued large quantities of sand and gravel of both biogenic and terrigenic origin. Variable amounts of aragonite, 1 nmmicas, quartz, feldspars, calcite and dolomite constitute the dominant non-clay minerals in bulk sediments. The clay mineral assemblage in the 〈 2 μm fraction is made up of smectite, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. Aragonite and calcite are mainly derived from benthic accumulations, whereas feldspars (mainly plagioclase) and smectite reflect magmaticvolcanic provenance and the distribution of 1 nm-micas and chlorite correlate with nearby metamorphic sources onland. Nevertheless, grain size and mineral distribution generally indicate a combination of effects of wind and wave climate, longshore and offshore cyclonic currents, changing sea-level stands and nearby source rock and morphological conditions. It is also suggested that at least part of clay minerals could be derived from the northwesterly Danube River input.  相似文献   

The impact of Southern Oscillation on thecyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal duringthe summer monsoon has been investigated.The analysis of correlation coefficients(CCs) between the frequency of monsoondepressions and the Southern OscillationIndex (SOI) reveals that more depressionsform during July and August of El Niñoyears. Due to this, the seasonal frequencyof monsoon depressions remains little higherduring El Niño epochs even though thecorrelations for June and September are notsignificant. The CCs for July and August aresignificant at the 99% level.The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)is known to affect Indian MonsoonRainfall (IMR) adversely. The enhancedcyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal duringJuly and August is an impact of ENSO whichneeds to be examined closely. Increasedcyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal may bereducing the deficiency in IMR duringEl Niño years by producing more rainfallover the eastern parts of India duringJuly and August. Thus there is a considerablespatial variation in the impact of ENSOon the monsoon rainfall over India and El Niñoneed not necessarily imply a monsoonfailure everywhere in India.The area of formation of monsoon depressionsshifts eastward during El Niño years.Warmer sea surface temperature (SST) anomaliesprevail over northwest and adjoiningwestcentral Bay of Bengal during premonsoon andmonsoon seasons of El Niño years.May minus March SOI can provide useful predictionsof monsoon depression frequencyduring July and August.  相似文献   

A sediment core from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) was analyzed for grain size and organic geochemistry parameters (TOC and δ13Corg). The results showed that high mean grain-size value and increased sand content were correlated with the high TOC and negative δ13Corg. These results indicated high river runoff in the PRE area. Peak river discharge occurred during the periods 1900–1750, 1500–1600, 1400–1200, 1000–900 and 750–600 cal yr BP. The main changes recorded in grain-size distributions, TOC contents, and δ13Corg variations appear to be directly related to monsoon precipitation in the sediment source area. An increased East Asian summer monsoon rainfall (EASM) and/or an enhanced East Asian winter monsoon rainfall could result in the increasing of monsoon rainfall. Typhoon related rainfalls could act as positive influence on precipitation levels. The study of the correlations between the rainfall records and ENSO activities revealed a close relationship between the monsoon rainfall in the PRE and the tropical Pacific variations. The frequent occurrence of ENSO might result in the southern migration of the EASM rain belt and lead to more typhoon-derived rainfall in the PRD during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of syngenetic and epigenetic ice wedges, radiocarbon age, and pollen spectra of the surrounding deposits were studied during long term investigations at the "Belyi Klyuch" site on the first(6-8 m height) terrace of the Chara River(720 m.a.s.l.) in northern Transbaikalia to assess climatic conditions during ice-wedge formation. It was revealed that Holocene ice wedges had been formed from 10 to 7.5 ka 14 C BP. The isotope composition(δ~(18)O, δ~2 H) of relict ice wedges is the lightest and amounts-23‰ and-185‰, correspondingly. The isotopic compositions of ice lenses from sandy loam above ice wedges are-15.7‰, and-133‰; of small ice wedge in peat and sand are-15.3‰ and-117.9‰, accordingly.Interpretation of the ice wedge isotope composition has yielded that mean winter temperatures during cold stages of Holocene optimum were lower than today, during warm stages they were close to modern ones. During the coldest stages of Holocene optimum the total annual freezing index varied from-5100 to-5700 ℃ degree days, i.e. 300-600 ℃ degree days colder than during extremely severe modern winters. The total annual thawing index varied from 1300 to 1800 ℃ degree days, which was slightly higher than modern ones.  相似文献   

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