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针对全球导航卫星系统GNSS(global navigation satellite system)面临的欺骗干扰问题,提出了一种基于子空间相关运算的GNSS导航信号欺骗干扰检测算法,该方法以单周期伪随机序列的中频采样信号作为样本,依据设定的多普勒频移搜索步长,获得多组采样序列,并计算自相关矩阵,经特征值分解构建了以伪随机序列为基础的信号子空间。通过已知的伪随机序列循环移位对信号子空间进行相关运算,根据相关峰值数量判断是否存在欺骗干扰。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性,并从搜索范围、搜索步长、信噪比等多个角度验证了算法的鲁棒性,结果表明:本方法能够较好地抑制信号的普勒频移的影响,并在较低信噪比情况下仍具有较高的检测精度。  相似文献   

城市空间结构是自然、社会经济因素综合作用于城市物质空间后表现出来的具体形态,社会经济发展条件的改变必然会引起城市空间的重新组合.文章分析了大连在俄日殖民统治下形成的城市空间结构历史格局的基础上,以及在先后经历中央计划经济和市场经济体制的两次社会经济转型的过程中,城市空间结构所发生的相应重组,旨在从影响城市空间结构重组的众多机制中提取基于社会经济转型机制与城市空间重组的对应关系,并且提出了以社会经济转型为主导的城市空间结构演化机制模式,认为政府各项城市发展战略、政策和规划的制定和实施是各机制作用于城市空间的核心环节,因此要加强政府转型期的职能转变,科学合理地开展城市规划和城市建设,逐步优化城市空间结构.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高测量海水盐度的准确度,提出了一种新的测量方法.该方法改进了测量原理,利用核磁共振适合于液体的性质,对海水样品内所含元素进行精确的定量分析,通过建立数学模型并进一步分析处理后得到海水盐度的精确值.这种方法是由实际工作中得到的一种创新思想,目前仍然处于理论研究阶段,而且国内外还没有开展这方面的研究工作.今后会...  相似文献   

通常情况下 Wire- frame(线框图 )不能唯一描述 3D object。本文给出 1种基于 Wire- frame的 3D object重构求解算法。该算法获得唯一解时 ,则表明 Wire- frame对应唯一的 3D object;多个解时 ,则给出所有的可行解  相似文献   

基于核磁共振的代谢组学技术是系统生物学研究的重要组成部分,近年来已被广泛应用于海洋生物学中。由于海洋环境具有高盐度的特点,海洋生物与其他生物相比,体内代谢物浓度差异极大。通常来说,海洋生物为应对高盐度的海水环境,其体内的渗透调节物,例如牛磺酸、甜菜碱、氮氧三甲胺等的浓度往往是其他代谢物的数百倍,造成体内代谢物所占代谢组权重的极不均衡。因此,选择合适的代谢组数据预处理方法,是准确分析海洋生物代谢组差异的关键。本研究以褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)幼鱼为研究对象,经低盐胁迫48小时后,利用一维核磁共振氢谱,分析了褐牙鲆幼鱼全组织在低盐胁迫后的代谢组变化,比较了三种不同预处理方法 (单位方差换算、帕莱托换算与对数化-中心化处理)对于低盐胁迫诱导的代谢响应分析的差异。结果表明,褐牙鲆幼鱼体内的渗透调节物-氮氧三甲胺浓度是其他代谢物浓度的200倍以上,而低盐胁迫可诱导褐牙鲆幼鱼体内显著的代谢响应。其中,对数化-中心化处理的代谢组数据,经正交偏最小二乘判别分析后,能发现8个低盐胁迫诱导的差异代谢物(不含1个未知代谢物),与代谢物定量结果一致,多于其他两种预处理方法 (单位方差换算、帕莱托换算)的代谢组分析结果,适合用于褐牙鲆代谢组学分析。以上研究结果为褐牙鲆代谢组数据的准确分析提供了方法学依据。  相似文献   

自然水体中太阳光激发的叶绿素a荧光的最早观测记录可以追溯到1967年.Tyler et al.发现,在自然水体的反射光谱中685 nm附近存在一个比较明显的反射峰[1],当时解释为由于670nm处的叶绿素吸收而导致的“异常色散”[2].随着Morel et al.[3]和Neville et al.[4]进一步的研究,人们认识到这应该是太阳光激发的叶绿素荧光峰,但这一荧光的量子产量非常低,Gordon估算了它的值在0.002到0.020之间[5].  相似文献   

Accurate detection of liver fibrosis stage and fibrosis procession is crucial for assessing prognosis and candidacy for treatment of patients with chronic hepatic disease. A significant need exists for developing a noninvasive technique for quantitative detection of liver fibrosis stage. Magnetic resonance elasto-graphy (MRE) is one of the most repidly advancing technologies for classifying the liver fibrosis. This study establishes a platform for liver fibrosis classification, and discusses some details in developing stimulator and displacement-phase imaging pulse. At last, the preliminary result and analysis of phantom experiment are given, which would form a basis for subsequent research on phantom MRE and its clinic application.  相似文献   

含水合物储层的宏观物性表现是由储层沉积物的微观孔隙特征所控制的。理解沉积物在水合物生成过程中微观孔隙结构特征变化对于其物性特征的预测和分析有重要意义。本文利用低场核磁共振(LFNMR)技术监测了不同砂样中氙气水合物的生成过程,利用横向弛豫时间(T2)谱对生成过程中的微观孔隙结构及水相渗透率演化规律进行了分析。研究表明,水合物优先生成于沉积物较大孔隙中,在半径较小的孔隙中水合物很难生成;生成前期水合物的生长速率较快,后期逐渐减缓;水合物的生成导致沉积物孔隙尺寸和分布的变化,表现为随着水合物的生成,沉积物水相孔隙空间的最大孔隙半径和平均孔隙半径逐渐减小,孔隙空间的分形系数逐渐增大;沉积物水相渗透率随水合物生成过程中水合物饱和度的增加,先迅速减小后缓慢减小;具有不同孔隙结构特征的样品水相渗透率变化规律存在差异;相较于SDR模型和Kozeny-Carman模型,分形方法能够更好地体现孔隙结构变化对渗透率的影响。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于U-Net神经网络的声波测井曲线重构方法。通过编码器提取自然伽马(GR)、密度(RHOB)等测井曲线的数据特征,利用解码器建立数据特征与声波测井曲线之间的映射关系,实现了声波测井曲线的精准重构。实验结果表明,该方法在保留原始声波测井低频信息的基础上,兼顾了输入测井曲线的高频特征,实现了对原始声波测井泥岩层段数据噪音的有效压制,在渤中凹陷东南环测井数据重构中取得了良好的效果,验证了该方法较高的精度和实用性。  相似文献   

随着油气勘探程度的不断提高,勘探对象越来越复杂,为了增储上产,开展有效的储层预测成为油气勘探的重点。受分辨率的限制,利用常规地震剖面进行储层预测很难满足油田生产的需求。为此,对子波分解与重构理论进行了深入研究。结合实际资料,建立了能反映储层情况的地质模型,对模型进行正演模拟,明确了特殊地质体的地震响应特征。发现低频端包含了较多的储层信息,对储层空间展布的精细预测具有非常重要的作用。模型试验和实际资料处理表明,该方法能充分挖掘地震资料的有效信息,较好地进行储层预测。将该技术应用到研究工区的储层预测中,获得了与钻井结果相吻合的良好效果。  相似文献   

Solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has recently been used to characterize phosphorus species within marine particles. However, the effects of sample collection, storage and preparation have not been thoroughly examined. In this study, samples of settling particulates collected from a 1200-m sediment trap located in Monterey Bay, California, were subjected to various storage options (i.e., no storage, refrigeration, freezing, and oven-drying and grinding) prior to extraction for solution 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Freezing, refrigerating and drying samples for periods of up to 6 months prior to extraction with 0.25 M NaOH + 0.05 M Na2EDTA increased the concentration of extracted P by an average of 16% relative to samples extracted without storage. Pre-extraction storage also introduced some minor changes in P speciation, by increasing the percentage of orthophosphate by up to 15% and decreasing the percentage of pyrophosphate by up to 5%, relative to the abundances of these P species in samples extracted without storage. Drying caused the biggest changes in speciation, specifically decreasing more extensively the relative percentage of pyrophosphate compared to other treatments. Nevertheless, observed changes in speciation due to sample storage within a specific sample were small relative to differences observed among samples collected sequentially in the same area, or reported differences among samples collected at different locations. Samples were also analyzed by solid-state 31P-NMR spectroscopy before and after extraction, to examine extraction-related changes in P speciation. Comparison of solution with solid-state 31P NMR indicates that extraction with NaOH–EDTA removes the majority of organic esters, but only a variable portion of phosphonates (39–67%). In addition, there was preferential extraction of Ca-associated phosphate over Mg-, Fe- and Al-associated phosphate. Solution 31P NMR enables much higher resolution of P species within samples, particularly when it is important to speciate orthophosphate monoesters and diesters, or if polyphosphates are present. However, combining solid-state 31P NMR with solution 31P NMR spectroscopy for marine particles should be conducted when examining inorganic P speciation and the abundance of phosphonates.  相似文献   

通过结构为ITO/NPB(60 nm)/ Alq3 ∶1 wt% rubrene(20 nm)/ Alq3(3 nm)/ Alq3 ∶1 wt% rubrene(20 nm)/ Alq3(20 nm)/LiF/Al的双量子阱的黄色有机电致发光器件,研究了不同磁场强度下的发光效率和电流变化特性. 研究结果表明该器件的电流是随着磁场强度的增加而单调下降的,显示了器件的电阻是随着磁场强度的增加而增加的. 同时也得到了该结构有  相似文献   

As shale oil occurs primarily in micro–nano pores and fractures, research about the effect of pore structure on shale oil accumulation has great significance for shale oil exploration and development. The effect of pore structure on shale oil accumulation in the lower third member of the Shahejie formation (Es3l), Zhanhua Sag, eastern China was investigated using gas adsorption, soxhlet extraction, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis, and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) observation. The results indicated that the samples contained a larger amount of ink-bottle-shaped and slit-shaped pores after extraction than before extraction. The pore volume and specific surface area of the samples were approximately 2.5 times larger after extraction than before extraction. Residual hydrocarbon occurred primarily in the free-state form in pores with diameters of 10–1000 nm, which can provide sufficient pore volume for free hydrocarbon accumulation. Therefore, pores with diameters of 10–1000 nm were regarded as “oil-enriched pores”, which are effective pores for shale oil exploration, whereas pores with diameters smaller than 10 nm were regarded as “oil-ineffective pores”. Samples with only well-developed small pores with diameters smaller than 1000 nm showed high oil saturation, whereas samples with both small pores and also relatively large pores and micro-fractures presented low oil saturation. As the minimum pore size allowing fluid expulsion is 1000 nm, pores with diameters greater than 1000 nm were considered as “oil-percolated pores”. Large pores and micro-fractures are generally interconnected and may even form a complex fracture mesh, which greatly improves the permeability of shale reservoirs and is beneficial to fluid discharge.  相似文献   

TiO2 nano powders with Mn concentration of 0 at%-12 at% were synthesized by the sol-gel process, and were annealed at 500 ℃ and 800 ℃ in air for 2 hrs. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements indicate that the Mn-TiO2 nano powders with Mn concentration of 1 at% and 2 at% annealed at 500 and 800 ℃ are of pure anatase and rutile, respectively. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations reveal that the crystal grain size increases with the annealing temperature, and the high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigations further indicate that the samples are well crystallized, confirming that Mn has doped into the TiO2 crystal lattice effectively. The room temperature ferromagnetism, which could be explained within the scope of the bound magnetic polaron (BMP) theory, is detected in the Mn-TiO2 samples with Mn concentration of 2 at%, and the magnetization of the powders annealed at 500 ℃ is stronger than that of the sample treated at 800 ℃. The UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectra results demonstrate that the absorption of the TiO2 powders could be enlarged by the enhanced trapped electron absorption caused by Mn doping.  相似文献   

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