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The sedimentary succession of a Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to basal Kimmeridgian) carbonate ramp is described and interpreted. The study area is located in the central part of the Lower Saxony Basin in NW Germany, which forms part of the Central European Basin. Eight well-exposed and undeformed sections of the study area (Süntel area, Wesergebirge and eastern part of the Wiehengebirge) provide detailed information about lithofacies and lateral thickness variations. Biostratigraphically, the age of these sediments is poorly constrained. Twenty microfacies types are recognized that can be grouped into seven facies associations: (a) strongly bioturbated marlstones deposited near storm wave base (SWB), (b) foraminifera-rich wackestones, (c) wackestones and floatstones with biostromes and (d) bioclastic limestones deposited between SWB and fair-weather wave base (FWWB), (e) oolitic and iron-oolitic limestones and (f) siliciclastic sediments deposited above FWWB, and (g) lagoonal deposits. These facies associations characterize a storm dominated shallow mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. Based on facies changes, quartz content, and gamma ray logs, the Korallenoolith Formation can be subdivided into a lower carbonate-dominated and an upper siliciclastic-dominated part, build up by different scales of small- to large-scale deepening- and shallowing-upward cycles. A preliminary correlation of measured outcrops of this formation is presented.  相似文献   

The southwestern part of the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) is characterized by gravity and magnetic anomalies and by an extremely high thermal maturity of organic matter. This was for many years attributed to a Late Cretaceous intrusion, but actually deep burial is being debated. The complex thermal history of the area has been studied by fission track analysis. Zircon data provide evidence for widespread (hydro)thermal activity during the Permian and Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous. Apatite ages indicate a major cooling event in the mid Cretaceous (∼89–72 Ma) reflecting the time of inversion of the LSB. During the Cretaceous, the cooling of the basin centre was rapid compared to the basin margins. Apatite fission track ages from borehole samples which are recently within the upper part of the APAZ indicate a young heating of the sedimentary sequences until present.  相似文献   

The Lower Saxony Basin, Germany, is one of the several sedimentary basins within the Central European Basin system. In its southwestern part, anomalously high maturity of organic matter has been observed to reach 4.5% VRr in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in an area which coincides with a magnetic and a positive gravimetric anomaly. This anomaly was often interpreted as the consequence of a deep-seated igneous intrusion, the so-called Bramsche Massif. However, results obtained from calibrated numerical modelling are not in accordance with this scenario. Instead, a burial by approximately 4 km of now-eroded Cretaceous rocks was revealed to be the probable cause for the anomaly. Data and modelling results from six boreholes and two pseudo-wells support this view.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a collaborative research project of the Geological Survey of Lower Saxony (NLfB) and the Programme Group Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (STE) of Research Centre Jülich on the GIS-based determination of the mean long-term groundwater recharge in Lower Saxony using high-resolution digital data (Dörhöfer and others 2001). The model calculations were performed on the basis of the water-balance model GROWA (Kunkel and Wendland 2002) with a spatial resolution of 100x100 m2. The accuracy of the calculated groundwater recharge values for the period 1961–1990 was verified on the basis of data from gauging stations and displayed a good agreement between observed runoff values and model results.  相似文献   

H.G. Owen   《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):921-938
The ammonite biostratigraphy of the 279.35 m of sediments of mid-Late Albian–Early Albian age traversed by the Kirchrode II (1/94) boring is described. The borehole was drilled in the Hermann-Löns Park, Kirchrode (Hannover), northwest Germany, in the central region of the Lower Saxony sedimentary basin. The core commenced within the Kirchrode Mergel Member of the Gault Formation in sediments of Callihoplites auritus Subzone age and showed a Late Albian ammonite zonal succession similar to that previously described by Wiedmann and Owen from the lower part of the nearby Kirchrode I (1/91) core, with which it is correlated. The thick underlying clay sediments of the Minimus Ton Member (Middle Albian–late Early Albian) provided a relatively sparse ammonite fauna. In the Middle Albian part of the sediment succession, several hiatuses are present and only sediments of the lower Euhoplites loricatus Zone (Anahoplites intermedius Subzone) and the Hoplites dentatus Zone (Hoplites spathi Subzone) have been identified. This is followed downward by a thick sedimentary succession through the upper part of the Early Albian Douvilleiceras mammillatum Superzone (Otohoplites auritiformis Zone). Earlier mammillatum and perhaps latest Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone portions of the core straddling the Minimus Ton/Schwicheldt Ton boundary, did not yield ammonites. The underlying sediments at the top of the Schwicheldt Ton Member, consist of dark clays and mudstones with a good representation of the Leymeriella (Neoleymeriella) regularis Subzone and the uppermost part of the Leymeriella acuticostata Subzone (Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone). Of particular importance is the succession through the sediments of the L. (N.) regularis Subzone, hitherto poorly known in north Germany. A brief comparison and correlation is made with other surface and borehole sections in northern Germany and elsewhere. The Boreal and more cosmopolitan Tethyan elements of the fauna are indicated and discussed. An appendix of ammonites obtained from the Mittellandkanal section at Misburg of latest Albian, Arraphoceras (Praeschloenbachia) briacensis Subzone age, completes the study.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic metaturbidites in the Lower Ugab Domain, Namibia, contain a complex network of four sets of quartz-calcite veins, overprinted by km-scale folds associated with four regional foliations. The veins formed by fluid overpressure predating the main deformation. Deformation structures developed at the junction of two mobile belts during the assembly of Gondwana, the NS Kaoko Belt, and the EW trending Damara Belt. Km-scale NS trending folds were initiated during EW constriction in the Kaoko Belt, while their further development and all subsequent events are related to constriction in the EW-Damara Belt, with coeval sinistral strike slip in the Kaoko Belt. Deformation of the veins, and development of four orthogonal foliations are due to gradual changes in the bulk tectonic framework rather than separate orogenic events. The veins are deformed in a complex manner allowing a full 3D reconstruction of regional sequence of events. The local complex tectonics could be reconstructed because of the perfect local exposure and the multitude of veins: it illustrates the potential complexity of tectonic events and structural evolution in apparently simple slate belts.  相似文献   

南海莺歌海盆地内地层普遍发育超压,东方区和乐东区是莺歌海盆地天然气成藏有利区的核心地带。其中,东方区位于底辟带中心,超压形成时间较早(9—5 Ma),主要物源来自西部昆嵩隆起区;乐东区位于莺东斜坡带,超压形成时间较晚(5—2 Ma),主要物源区为东部海南隆起区。本研究通过铸体薄片、荧光薄片、扫描电镜、电子探针、含烃包裹体微束荧光分析、流体包裹体激光拉曼成分与均一温度、X射线衍射黏土矿物等分析测试研究方法,对东方区和乐东区超压背景下黄流组砂岩储集层的岩石学与物性特征、烃类充注与成岩作用特征进行对比分析。结果显示: (1)东方区黄流组砂岩的压实作用、胶结作用较弱,物性较好(平均孔隙度17.68%,平均渗透率11.11×10-3 μm2),处于中成岩A期晚期;乐东区黄流组砂岩整体压实作用、胶结作用较强,物性较差(平均孔隙度8.94%,平均渗透率1.52×10-3 μm2),处于中成岩B期。(2)研究区储集层物性主要受沉积作用、超压背景和成岩作用的控制。物源、沉积中心与沉降中心、沉积相类型,超压形成时间和烃类充注规模共同影响了储集层的成岩作用特征及成岩—孔隙演化过程。(3)超压在一定程度上抵抗了压实作用强度,抑制了胶结作用,促进了溶蚀作用。  相似文献   

南海莺歌海盆地内地层普遍发育超压,东方区和乐东区是莺歌海盆地天然气成藏有利区的核心地带。其中,东方区位于底辟带中心,超压形成时间较早(9—5 Ma),主要物源来自西部昆嵩隆起区;乐东区位于莺东斜坡带,超压形成时间较晚(5—2 Ma),主要物源区为东部海南隆起区。本研究通过铸体薄片、荧光薄片、扫描电镜、电子探针、含烃包裹体微束荧光分析、流体包裹体激光拉曼成分与均一温度、X射线衍射黏土矿物等分析测试研究方法,对东方区和乐东区超压背景下黄流组砂岩储集层的岩石学与物性特征、烃类充注与成岩作用特征进行对比分析。结果显示: (1)东方区黄流组砂岩的压实作用、胶结作用较弱,物性较好(平均孔隙度17.68%,平均渗透率11.11×10-3 μm2),处于中成岩A期晚期;乐东区黄流组砂岩整体压实作用、胶结作用较强,物性较差(平均孔隙度8.94%,平均渗透率1.52×10-3 μm2),处于中成岩B期。(2)研究区储集层物性主要受沉积作用、超压背景和成岩作用的控制。物源、沉积中心与沉降中心、沉积相类型,超压形成时间和烃类充注规模共同影响了储集层的成岩作用特征及成岩—孔隙演化过程。(3)超压在一定程度上抵抗了压实作用强度,抑制了胶结作用,促进了溶蚀作用。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the turtle fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula has been very limited until now. There are several fossil sites where Lower Cretaceous associations of continental vertebrates have been found. Although turtles have been identified in some of them, most of these specimens have not been studied, so the diversity is unknown. Among all these findings, the turtles from the Cameros Basin are considered particularly relevant, both in their abundance and diversity. Their study has allowed the identification of several taxa. At least one representative of Solemydidae and three taxa of Eucryptodira are recognized. This study establishes kinship and biogeographic relationships between the taxa in Cameros with those found in other Spanish fossil sites and with those of other European regions.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西北(以下简称“柴西北区”)古近系-新近系异常超压普遍存在。对超压的空间分布特征和形成机制的研究是评价该地区油气成藏条件与资源潜力的关键。依据柴西北区钻井实测压力数据及基于等效深度法计算的地层压力结果,对研究区异常高压的平面和剖面分布特征进行分析。在此基础上,结合柴西北区典型钻井泥岩声波时差曲线特征、不同时期沉积速率、各地层岩性特征、有机质生烃潜力及柴西北地区遭受的构造挤压作用,对研究区超压的形成机制进行分析,并对各控制要素在超压形成过程中的贡献进行定量评价。研究结果表明:柴西北区地层超压起始深度位于大约1 500 m,主要发育在古始新统路乐河组-中新统上干柴沟组内,总体上异常高压随深度加深逐渐增大。研究区超压的形成是多种因素综合作用的结果,其中欠压实作用、有机质生烃和构造挤压作用是该区超压形成演化的重要原因。对控制超压形成的各要素定量评价结果显示:欠压实作用是柴西北区超压形成的最重要控制因素,其贡献率高达60%;构造挤压作用次之,其贡献率在20%~30%左右;有机质生烃演化作用对超压形成也有影响,但贡献率相对较小。此外对柴西北区咸湖环境下的盐度分布特征研究初步表明,地层孔隙流体盐度和咸水半咸水环境下沉积的含盐塑性地层对超压的形成和保存也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东部下志留统下砂岩段储层特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木盆地东部的志留系为一套海相碎屑岩沉积,现今仅保存有下志留统,分布在铁南2井、维马1井以南、阿南1井以北的东西向狭长地带内。下志留统的下砂岩段是油气勘探的主要目的层之一,发育扇三角洲沉积体系。下砂岩段储层岩性为岩屑砂岩,储集空间类型主要为剩余原生粒间孔,压实作用是影响储层物性的主要因素。在下砂岩段储层中,中砂岩的储集性能相对较好,其孔隙度多数在10%以上,是下砂岩段的主要含油气储层。后期的成岩作用改善了局部层段的储层物性。经历了漫长的地质演化后,下砂岩段依然保存有物性条件较好的储层段,可能蕴涵了商业油气储量。  相似文献   

Diverse thoracican cirripedes from the Hauterivian of the Hannover district of northern Germany are described, including seven species, belonging to five genera. Of these, a new genus belonging to the Scalpellidae, Jaegerscalpellum, includes one Hauterivian species, J. elegans sp. nov., an Aptian species, J. comptum (Withers, 1910) and an Albian species, J. politum (Darwin, 1851) are also referred to it. A new Cretiscalpellum, C. mutterlosei sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian, and C. matrioni sp. nov. is described from the Middle Albian of France. The oldest record of the Unilatera Gale, 2018, Pedupycnolepas pulcher sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian; this displays typical shell structure of the group, retained by living Verrucidae. Finally, four species of Zeugmatolepadidae, subfamily Martillepadinae, are recorded from the Hauterivian, including Martillepas hausmanni (Koch and Dunker, 1836), M. decoratus sp. nov., M. auriculum sp. nov. and Etcheslaepas borealis (Collins, 1990). The Hauterivian fauna from Hannover shows affinities both with Late Jurassic and later Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian) forms, and includes the earliest scalpellids, unilateran (Pedupycnolepas) and Cretiscalpellum species known. It constrains the age of the Cretaceous cirripede evolutionary radiation to the earliest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

下扬子地区的构造复杂性使该地区油气勘探存在极大的难度和风险,如何在复杂构造区取得油气勘探突破是近年关注的焦点。2019年皖为页1井在下扬子无为凹陷三叠系周冲村组首次发现2套异常高压含天然气层,最高地层压力系数达1.9,取得下扬子油气调查的重大突破性进展,为下扬子油气勘探困局打开了一扇窗口。基于该超压含气层的新发现,综合研究表明,无为凹陷天然气富存得益于4个关键控制要素的有机组合:①深层稳定基底;②对冲过渡带原地体;③深水裂陷黑色页岩有利相带;④多套膏盐有利封盖等。为无为凹陷提供了稳定构造背景、良好构造保存、有利烃源岩及优质盖层等条件。上述地质要素同样有利于该凹陷二叠系页岩气富集,由此提出了构造复杂区三叠系常规天然气与二叠系页岩气一井双探的新思路。上述关键4个要素在下扬子区域上的配置关系显示,望江凹陷与无为凹陷具有相似的地质条件,是下一步油气勘探的首选有利区。  相似文献   

A single confidently dated species of cephalopod is so far known in the Tremadocian of the southern Central Andean Basin (NW Argentina and southern Bolivia). This species belongs to the Eothinoceratidae and has a strong affinity mainly with Avalonia. During the Floian, a notable increase in diversity took place, with the appearance of a variety of families represented by several genera, in particular, within the Family Eothinoceratidae. In addition to the previously described species from southern Bolivia, we evaluate the other records of that family from the Central Andean Basin, and propose the following new taxa: Saloceras sikus sp. nov., Saloceras quena sp. nov., Mutveiceras gen. nov., and Mutveiceras cienagaensis sp. nov. We also describe Margaritoceras diploide, Margaritoceras sp., and Mutveiceras sp. From a palaeogeographic perspective, the cephalopod fauna shows affinities mainly with those of England, Wales, and the Montagne Noire (cold water Gondwana and peri‐Gondwana). As with other cephalopod faunas of mid to high palaeolatitudes, eothinoceratids occur along with other cephalopods forming assemblages of low morphological diversity. We interpret the forms described here as demersal with a subvertical poise, but capable of making rapid buoyancy changes, living in a wide spectrum of shallow offshore to shoreface settings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地下奥陶统白云岩类型及其成因*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
下奥陶统白云岩是塔里木盆地最现实的重点勘探领域。文中在分析塔里木盆地早奥陶世构造、沉积及古气候等地质背景的基础上,以前人对白云岩的结构分类为基础,从白云岩发育产状出发,将塔里木盆地下奥陶统白云岩划分为灰岩中零散白云石、灰岩中斑状白云石、层状白云岩和沿断裂分布白云岩4类,白云石含量层位上自下而上具有总体减少的趋势。各类白云岩在岩石学特征和发育分布上具有较为明显的差异,局部可重叠出现。灰岩中零散白云石和斑状白云石的岩石学和地球化学及发育分布特征均反映其主要由浅埋藏白云石化作用形成;层状白云岩和沿断裂分布白云岩形成于中深埋藏白云石化作用;各类白云岩的产状特征差异受控于沉积期海平面变化、海水性质及埋藏条件等因素。沿断裂分布白云岩的形成和分布与断裂密切相关,是重要的储集岩石类型。白云岩储集层的形成主要是后期改造的结果,埋藏白云石化作用并未对大规模白云岩储集层的形成起到建设性作用,伴生或后期流体再运移导致的溶蚀作用为其主要成因。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地下寒武统微生物礁储集性研究及油气勘探意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过塔北西部-柯坪地区大量的野外露头观测及室内薄片观察与物性分析,对塔里木盆地下寒武统肖尔布拉克组上二亚段微生物礁白云岩储集性进行了精细研究。该层微生物礁仅在研究区南部三个剖面有发现,其中在昆盖阔坦剖面发育数量最多、体积最大,呈近东西向带状、串珠状分布;英尔苏和苏盖特布拉克两剖面发育数量和体积皆较小,呈现由南到北逐减趋势。微生物礁白云岩具有粒内孔、晶间孔、溶孔、格架孔、微裂缝和缝合线6种储集空间,但储集性能远低于预期目标,平均孔隙度与渗透率分别仅有1.84%和0.91×10-3 μm2,属于特低孔特低渗储集体。结合前人工作不难发现,塔里木盆地下寒武统甚至更老地层的微生物礁不应再作为台缘带油气勘探的重点对象,而台缘微生物颗粒滩更具有勘探潜力。  相似文献   

民和盆地下白垩统遗迹化石的类型与气候的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
民和盆地下白垩统首次发现7个遗迹属,早期的朱家台组为Skolithos-Planolites组合,中期的盐锅峡组为Thalassinoides-Palaeophycus组合,晚期的红古城组为Planolites-Scoyenia组合。这些遗迹属在纵向上可以出现相行为。表明水深不是主控因素,而是古气候的作用。  相似文献   

The paper systematically analyzes the hydrocarbon migration characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous in the Erlian Basin, based on the geochemical data of mudstone and sandstone in the main hydrocarbon-generating sags. (1) The source rocks in K1ba and K1bt1 are estimated to be the mature ones, their hydrocarbon expulsion ratio can reach 32%-72%. The Type-I sags in oil windows possess good hydrocarbon generation and expulsion conditions, where commercial reservoirs can be formed. (2) According to the curves of the mudstone compaction and evolution of clay minerals, the rapid compaction stage of mudstones is the right time of hydrocarbon expulsion, i.e., primary migration. (3) The timing between hydrocarbon generation and expulsion is mainly related to the accordance of the oil window and the rapid compaction stage of mudstones in the hydrocarbon generation sags of Type-I. That forms the most matching relation between hydrocarbon generation and migration. (4) The faults and unconformities are the important paths for the secondary hydrocarbon migration. Especially, the unconformity between K1ba and K1bt1 has a favorable condition for oil accumulation, where the traps of all types are the main exploration targets. (5) Hydrocarbon migration effect, in the Uliastai sag, is most significant; that in the Saihan Tal and Anan sags comes next, and that in the Bayandanan and Jargalangt sags is worst.  相似文献   




黄铁矿是富有机质沉积的特征矿物。根据TOC/S、TOC/DOP、S/Fe关系以及S TOC Fe多重线性回归分析结果对三水盆地古近系〖HT5”,6”〗土〖KG-*3〗布〖HT5”SS〗心组红岗段黑色页岩中沉积黄铁矿的形成及其控制因素进行了分析。土布心组红岗段黑色页岩的黄铁矿有成岩黄铁矿和同生黄铁矿两种成因组分。红岗段下部(亚段A)有机碳含量普遍较低,底部水体以弱氧化条件为主,硫酸盐还原作用发生于沉积物/水界面以下,黄铁矿为成岩成因,其形成主要受有机质的限制。红岗段中上部(亚段B和C)的沉积条件变化频繁,其有机碳含量变化幅度大。富有机质(TOC>4%)岩层形成于缺氧的底部水体条件下。水体中可含H2S,碎屑铁矿物在埋藏之前即与之在水体中反应形成同生黄铁矿。这一过程不受有机质的限制,而是受活性铁与H2S接触时间的限制。同时,由于大量淡水输入导致硫酸盐浓度的降低,从而对硫化物形成有一定的限制作用。对于低有机质(TOC<4%)样品,黄铁矿由同生和成岩组分组成。其中以成岩黄铁矿为主,其形成过程主要受有机质限制,而同生黄铁矿受铁矿物与H2S接触时间的限制。  相似文献   

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