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过去的研究认为,黑潮延伸体的年代际振荡受来自其下游的太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)相关联的信号主导,但最近的观测表明这种调控机制在2017年9月之后不再成立。与此同时,黑潮延伸体的上游即日本南部黑潮正在发生一次大弯曲事件。利用26年(1993–2018年)的卫星高度计提供的海表高度距平数据和自组织映射(SOM)方法,本文研究了日本南部黑潮与黑潮延伸体的时空模态及其因果关系。结果表明,SOM能有效地提取两个海区的典型空间模态,且它们的演变轨迹表明当日本南部黑潮处于大弯曲(离岸型非大弯曲)路径时,黑潮延伸体趋于稳定(不稳定)态。基于SOM识别得到的海表面高度距平(SLA)特征区及特征时间模态,我们进一步利用一种最近发展的定量因果分析方法研究了两个流系之间的因果关系。研究发现,当黑潮大弯曲发生时,日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体之间存在双向因果,但因果关键区不同。前者对后者的影响集中在纪伊半岛东南侧及黑潮延伸体“两脊一槽”区域,而后者对前者的影响则集中在黑潮延伸体“两脊一槽”区域及黑潮再循环流区域。这说明黑潮大弯曲的发展对黑潮延伸体的稳定性有重要作用,同时黑潮延伸体通过调制南部再循环流影响日本南部黑潮的路径。不同的是,当离岸型非大弯曲路径发生时,只有从日本南部黑潮向黑潮延伸体的单向因果关系,且因果性主要集中在伊豆海脊及再循环流区域。这与该时期海表高度负异常沿日本南岸不断向位于下游的黑潮延伸体再循环流的传播有关,它使得黑潮延伸体变得不稳定。  相似文献   

Using AVISO satellite altimeter observations during 1993–2015 and a manual eddy detection method, a total of 276 anticyclonic rings and 242 cyclonic rings shed from the Kuroshio Extension(KE) were identified, and their three-dimensional(3D) anomaly structures were further reconstructd based on the Argo float data and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC) cruise and buoy data through an interpolation method. It is found that the cyclonic(anticyclonic) rings presented consistent negative(positive) anomalies of potential temperature;meanwhile the relevant maximum anomaly center became increasingly shallow for the cyclonic rings whereas it went deeper for the anticyclonic rings as the potential temperature anomaly decreased from the west to the east. The above deepening or shoaling trend is associated with the zonal change of the depth of the main thermocline. Moreover, the composite cold ring between 140° and 150°E was found to exhibit a double-core vertical structure due to the existence of mode water with low potential vorticity. Specifically, a relatively large negative(positive) salinity anomaly and a small positive(negative) one appeared for the composite cyclonic(anticyclonic) ring at the depth above and below 600 m, respectively. The underlying driving force for the temperature and salinity anomaly of the composite rings was also attempted, which varies depending on the intensity of the background current and the temperature and salinity fields in different areas of the KE region, and the rings’ influences on the temperature and salinity could reach deeper than 1 000 m on average.  相似文献   

海流的拉格朗日运动对于研究物质输送有着重要意义,拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)作为研究海流结构的新型方法,相比于传统欧拉方法更为客观。本文提出了一种新的计算LCSs束的方法,基于25年的平均速度场,利用变分方法计算得到黑潮区域的气候态LCSs,并通过简化合并的方法得到了气候态LCSs束,该LCSs束能够突出地显示出海流特性和运输模式,其代表的平均拉格朗日环流有很强的约束作用,且具有鲁棒性。最终我们获得了气候态下12个月份的流场结构图,揭示了月周期性拉格朗日环流规律。本文还利用虚拟粒子输运、多年浮标轨迹以及气候态温盐异常3种方法进行了验证,与拉格朗日运输模式相吻合,证明了海流拉格朗日拟序结构的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

基于西北太平洋Argo数据资料,利用参数化方法,从Argo温盐剖面数据中提取出一系列特征动力参数,定量分析黑潮延伸体海域水体的三维热结构的时-空变化特征、季节变化特征及其与地形和环流的关系.结果表明:黑潮延伸体海域水体的海表面温度存在着明显的冬春弱,夏秋强的季节变化特征,冬季平均海表面温度为15℃,夏季则达到了27℃;...  相似文献   

本文基于坐底式逆向回声仪(current and pressure recording inverted echo sounder, CPIES)实测海底压强和海底流速数据对黑潮延伸体时变正压动力过程和动能串级进行研究。先对CPIES数据进行去噪、网格化、调平等预处理,获得黑潮延伸体正压动力高度网格和海底流速网格,后进一步计算得到正压动力高度分布图、正压涡动能分布图以及正压动能通量谱。结果表明:1)在无外力作用时,正压动力高度起伏会使海水从动力高的地方向低的地方流入从而产生较高的涡动能,而一旦有外力强迫,海水有从动力高度低的地方向高的地方流入的可能,从而使得正压动力高度不断增加涡动能增强;2)通过分析9个月长时间平均正压动能通量谱,验证了地转湍流理论中的正压反向动能串级; 3)对黑潮延伸体月平均正压动能通量作谱分析发现,涡动能的大小会影响动能通量幅值变化,当涡动能升高,动能通量谱振幅变大,正向/反向动能串级增强,反之亦然。此外,正压动能串级随着时间变化,表现为2004年6月至8月反向动能串级尺度向小尺度移动并且强度增强; 2004年9月反向动能串级突然减弱,2004年9月至11月出现了...  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the Kuroshio transport south of Japan has been investigated using the results of an assimilation model. Annual and semiannual variations of the transport and dynamic depth anomaly are reconstructed by CEOF (complex orthogonal empirical function) analysis. In the basin west of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, the annual component of the variation propagates westward with the phase speed of the long Rossby wave associated with the first baroclinic mode. The variation also shows a similar tendency to that reproduced in a wind-driven, two-layer model with a ridge. This suggests that the annual variation revealed in the assimilation model is associated with the baroclinic first mode of motion excited above the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. Furthermore, it is found that both the semiannual component and the annual component are important members determining the seasonal variation of the Kuroshio transport south of Japan. The semiannual component is revealed as a double gyre pattern in the basin west of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reverberation rejection with a dual-line towed array   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low-frequency bottom reverberation from explosive sources was measured with a dual-line horizontal towed array during a 1991 system engineering trial. The receiver's parallel line arrays were processed coherently in order to unambiguously resolve the reverberation field in azimuth. Initial beamforming that assumed a straight-and-parallel array configuration led to poor or erroneous ambiguity resolution, suggesting the system was deformed significantly from the assumed shape. In the absence of reliable shape measurement data, the array shape was deduced acoustically using tow ship signals and the direct blast of an explosive source. The estimated shape was then used in a shape-compensated beamformer to produce azimuthally unambiguous estimates of the reverberation field. Backlobe rejection of more than 20 dB was attained for both direct blast and distant reverberation energy  相似文献   

Mesoscale features in the eastward extension of the Kuroshio were investigated using assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) data into a three-layer quasi-geostrophic model. The T/P data exhibited an elongated state of the southern recirculation gyre in 1993–95 and 1997, between whose two periods the gyre had a contracted state in 1995–96. A few stationary eddies were located in the southern gyre during the contracted state. The baroclinic instability, which was indicated by the phase shift from the uppermost-to the lowest-layer anomalies toward the downstream side, was evident near the Kuroshio Extension (KE) path. Since the instability never appeared in the artificial model without bottom topography, the topographic barrier for the eastward flow in the lowest layer was a necessary condition for the instability. The instability synchronized with the transition in the western region of the KE axis from the elongated to the contracted states. This evolution was interpreted as if the baroclinic instability played some part in the KE states and was a trigger for the transition from the elongated to the contracted states.  相似文献   

极地积雪和海冰厚度是气候变化的重要指标,也是船舶在冰区航行需要掌握的主要参数。2014和2015年在南极普里兹湾中山站附近布放了一种新式的温度链浮标,该浮标每天进行4次常规温度观测和1次加热升温观测,用于实时获取积雪和海冰剖面温度及厚度数据的研究。通过分析剖面温度曲线和升温曲线反映出的大气、积雪、海冰和海水4种介质的热传导特性差异,可利用人工识别的方法(人工经验法)获得大气/积雪、积雪/海冰和海冰/海水界面的位置。根据统计不同介质在升温响应和垂直温度梯度等方面的特性,找到合理阈值,可通过编写程序自动判断各界面的位置(自动程序法)。本文利用这两种方法来判断不同物质界面位置从而计算得到积雪和海冰厚度。与现场人工观测的海冰厚度相比,人工经验法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为2.1 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.3 cm和6.5 cm(2015年),自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为-6.8 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.5 cm和 6.6 cm(2015年);对于积雪,人工经验法与现场人工观测的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为0.5 cm和 8.5 cm,而自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为4.7 cm和10.8 cm。自动程序法误差较人工经验法偏大,但考虑到整体冰厚和现场观测的误差,两种方法的结果均是可信的,精度是可以接受的。利用新式的温度链浮标实时获取南极普里兹湾积雪和海冰厚度是可行的。  相似文献   

Acoustic propagation in shallow water is greatly dependent on the geoacoustic properties of the seabottom. This paper exploits this dependence for estimating geoacoustic sediment properties from the bottom acoustic returns of known signals received on a hydrophone line array. There are two major issues in this approach: one is the feasibility of acoustic inversion with a limited aperture line array, the other is related to the knowledge of the geometry of the experimental configuration. To test the feasibility of this approach, a 40-hydrophone-4-m spaced towed array together with a low-frequency acoustic source, was operated at a shallow water site in the Strait of Sicily. In order to estimate the array deformation in real time, it has been equipped with a set of nonacoustic positioning sensors (compasses, tilt-meters, pressure gauges). The acoustic data were inverted using two complementary approaches: a genetic algorithm (GA) like approach and a radial basis functions (RBF) inversion scheme. More traditional methods, based on core sampling, seismic survey and geophone data, together with Hamilton's regression curves, have also been employed on the same tracks, in order to provide a ground truth reference environment. The results of the experiment, can be summarized as follows: 1) the towed array movement is not negligible for the application considered and the use of positioning sensors are essential for a proper acoustic inversion, 2) the inversion with GA and RBF are in good qualitative agreement with the ground truth model, and 3) the GA scheme tends to have better stability properties. On the other hand, repeated in version of successive field measurements requires much less computational effort with RBF  相似文献   

本文按多年平均,强型大弯曲和弱型大弯曲三种情况,分别对黑潮大弯曲内(左)侧的温度锋作了探讨.主要结果:(1)日本以南海域黑潮流轴内侧存在着明显的呈带状分布的温度锋.当黑潮发生大弯曲时,温度锋也出现 U 字型弯曲.锋宽10~20n mile,强度0.1~0.2℃/n mile,锋长285~442n mile.该锋随黑潮流轴的摆动而产生变异,季节性差异明显.(2)强型大弯曲和弱型大弯曲期间,温度锋的位置明显不同:前者位置偏南、偏西;后者偏北、偏东.(3)温度锋大致位于50~500m 水层内.冬季,温度锋下沉,其余三季上浮.随着深度的增加,锋面有明显的向右(南)倾斜移动现象。  相似文献   

A high-resolution ocean model forced with an annually repeating atmosphere is used to examine variability of the Kuroshio, the western boundary current in the North Pacific Ocean. A large meander (LM) in the path of the Kuroshio south of Japan develops and disappears in a highly bimodal fashion on decadal timescales. The modeled meander is comparable in timing and spatial extent to an observed feature in the region. Various characteristics of the LM are examined, including relative vorticity, transport, and velocity shear. The many similarities between the model and observations indicate that the meander results from intrinsic oceanic variability, which is represented in this climatologically forced model. Each LM is preceded by a smaller “trigger” meander that originates at the south end of Kyushu, moves up the coast, and develops into the LM. However, there are also many meanders very similar in character to the trigger meander that do not develop into LMs. Formation of an LM only occurs when a deep anticyclone associated with the trigger meander forms near Koshu Seamount. Furthermore, the major axis of that deep anticyclone must be oriented away from the coast, rather than alongshore. In the specific case of interaction of a trigger meander with a deep anticyclone with major axis oriented away from the coastline, LM formation occurs.  相似文献   

张瑞冰  侯一筠  刘亚豪 《海洋科学》2017,41(12):117-126
利用高分辨率ROMS(regional ocean modeling system)数值模式模拟东海地区的多年平均流态。数值模拟结果在黑潮的流速、路径、流量等方面与近年来对黑潮的认识相一致。利用模式结果,计算东海及邻近海域主要水道的水通量。结果表明:台湾海峡、中国台湾-西表岛之间水道是海水进入东海的主要通道,对马海峡、吐噶喇海峡、大隅海峡与西表岛-宫古岛-冲绳岛-庵美大岛之间水道是海水流出东海的主要通道。分析PN断面的流量的变化特征,结果表明黑潮流量在春季与夏季较大,秋季与冬季较小,年平均流量为24.16 Sv,与前人研究结果一致。计算跨越200 m等深线的年平均净向岸体积输送为0.99 Sv,在台湾东北与九州西南地区表现为黑潮入侵陆架地区,年平均入侵流量分别为1.907 Sv与0.065 Sv,在黑潮中段地区,跨越200 m等深线流量呈现交错状分布,年平均净通量为0.982 Sv,表现为由东海陆架地区流向黑潮。上述结果对黑潮与东海之间物质与能量交换研究有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

An important area of towed underwater acoustic research is the determination of the 3D positions of all hydrophones in the array. Although there are a number of methods available that provide position information at a small number of locations along the array, an interpolation scheme is needed that will permit the estimation of the position of all hydrophones so that further processing of acoustic data may proceed. An interpolation technique based on a twisted quartic spline approximation to a space curve is presented. This technique provides the advantages of numerical stability, necessary smoothness, and satisfaction of physical boundary conditions. Most importantly, it permits the estimation of the positions of all hydrophones in an array  相似文献   

Comprehensive wind tunnel measurements have been made of the drag coefficients of both the body and the faired cable of a towed system. The drag data has been embodied in theoretical calculations of the depth attained in tow, at speed up to 3 m s−1 (6 knots) with scopes up to 135 m (440 ft). The agreement with sea trial observations is excellent.The work has highlighted the importance of accounting for the variation of faired cable drag with cable angle and has shown that the drag increments due to gaps and misalignments between individual fairing elements cannot be ignored.Methods are derived for estimating these effects for application to other faired cable towed systems.  相似文献   

The variation of velocity and potential vorticity (PV) of the Kuroshio at the PN line in the East China Sea and the TK line across the Tokara Strait were examined in relation to the path variations of the Kuroshio in the southern region of Japan, using quarterly data from a conductivity-temperature-depth profiler and a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler during 1987–97. At the PN line the Kuroshio has a single stable current core located over the continental slope and a significant maximum of PV located just onshore of the current axis in the middle part of the main pycnocline. On the other hand, the Kuroshio at the TK line has double current cores over the two gaps in the Tokara Strait; the northern core has a much larger velocity than the southern core on average during periods of the large meander of the Kuroshio, while the difference in strength between the double cores is small during the non-large-meander (NLM) period. At the TK line, PV in the middle pycnocline is variable; it is small and nearly uniform throughout the section for 40% of the total observations, while it has a significant maximum near the northern core for 30% and two maxima corresponding to the double current cores for 23%. The small, nearly uniform PV occurs predominantly during the NLM period, and is closely related to the generation of the small meander of the Kuroshio southeast of Kyushu. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu, which meanders almost sinusoidally, are clarified in relation to the large meander of the Kuroshio by analyzing water temperature data during 1961–95 and sea level during 1984–95. The shape of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu is classified into three categories of small, medium, and large amplitude of meander. The small amplitude category occupies more than a half of the large-meander (LM) period, while the medium amplitude category takes up more than a half of the non-large-meander (NLM) period. Therefore, the amplitude and, in turn, the curvature of the Kuroshio axis is smaller on average during the LM period than the NLM period. The mean Kuroshio axis during the LM period is located farther north at every longitude south of Kyushu than during the NLM period, with a slight difference west of the Tokara Islands and a large difference to the east. A northward shift of the Kuroshio axis in particular east of the Tokara Islands induces small amplitude and curvature of the meandering shape during the LM period. During the NLM period, the meandering shape and position south of Kyushu change little with Kuroshio volume transport. In the LM formation stage, the variation of the Kuroshio axis is small west of the Tokara Islands but large to the east due to a small meander of the Kuroshio. In the LM decay stage, the Kuroshio meanders greatly south of Kyushu and is located stably near the coast southeast of Kyushu. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse acoustic-propagation character in the front area of Kuroshio Extension (KE). By analysing Argo data and the Sea surface height (SSH) data in this KEF area, a two-dimensional (2D) sound-speed feature model (SSPFM) characterising the KEF is proposed. The SSPFM has a transition zone with a width about 100 km and the sound channel changes from 1000 m south of KEF to 300 m north of KEF, resulting in a sharp gradient about 7 m/km. Along with the meandering character of the KEF axis, the sharp gradient results in a rather complicated acoustic environment in the KEF area. With reanalysis data from the hybrid coordinate ocean model, a three-dimensional (3D) sound-speed environment is established. The acoustic propagation character in the KEF area is then analysed with the 2D SSPFM and the 3D acoustic environment. Results show that the KEF affects acoustic propagation mainly by modifying the sound channel depth. Given that acoustic propagation in the KEF area is influenced mainly by the meandering KEF, with the near-real-time SSH data to locate the KEF, the 2D SSPFM is able to provide a near-real-time estimate of the underwater 3D acoustic environment.  相似文献   

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