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Jef Caers 《Mathematical Geosciences》2011,43(4):503-504
Association Announcement
Dr. Lawrence Drew—International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Krumbein Medalist 2010 相似文献2.
Past and Future of Mathematical Geology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
FrederikPAgterberg 《中国地质大学学报(英文版)》2003,14(3):191-198
This is a brief review of alternative methods of problem-solving in geoscience with emphasis on the role of mathematical geology. It is desirable to maintain a clear-cut distinction between reliable facts which can be stored in data banks and concepts that can be incorporated in the speciflcations of sta-tistical models designed for specific purposes. If possible, subjective probabilities shclld be incorporated in hypotheses that are to be tested by statistical inference. 相似文献
Potential applications of Nano-scale science and technology are discussed in mineralogy,ore deposits,cosmochemistry and environmental sciences.Adsorption of nanometersized gold was experimentally studied on a variety of minerals and rocks. 相似文献
Mathematical and physical modeling to justify a new geophysical method—electrical anisotropy logging
Results of theoretical and experimental studies obtained for an electromagnetic logging probe of new design are presented. As in the case of an induction logging probe, the magnetic dipole of the new probe produces a harmonically varying electromagnetic field, and the parameter to be measured is the electric voltage in the short receiving MN line. The theoretical studies have shown that under certain conditions, the results of measurement with this probe depend on the electrical anisotropy coefficient and do not depend on the longitudinal and transverse electrical resistivities of the anisotropic medium. A technique for determining the electrical anisotropy coefficient was tested on experimental data obtained by physical modeling. 相似文献
There is a type of asphalt that originated from differentiation from reservoir bed (named reservoir bed-differentiated asphalt)in the Silurian asphaltic sandstones of the Tarim Basin.These asphalts are the result of second-time charging of hydrocarbons into the Silurian reservoir,which were derived from Lower Paleozoic source rocks.Asphalt was differentiated from the reservoir bed in the hydrocarbon gathering area of secondary migration.The different-tiation is caused by changes in reservoir physical properties when pearl or chain hydrocarbons migrating through and gathering in the reservoir bed,and light components are lost and heavy ones are involved in the formation of asphalt or heavy oil.There are two kinds of occurrence of these asphalts in the Silurian system of the Tarim Basin.One is the poor heavy oil layer with lower oil saturation in trap and the other is scattered hydrocarbon distributed along the trans-port layer and unconformity surface.Reservoir bed-differentiated asphalts have two characteris-tics:total hydrocarbon content is high in extractable organic matter and the ratio of saturated to aromatic hydrocarbon is usually greater than unity.The physically modeling experiment has confirmed these characteristics and the genesis of the reservoir bed-differentiated asphalts. 相似文献
Computer Modeling and Simulation of Geofluids: A General Review and Sample Description 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Thermodynamic properties of fluids are essential for the understanding of the geochemical behavior of various processes,The paper introduces the most updated computer modeling and simulation methods in the study of thermodynamics of geofluids,inclduing semiempirical models(such as equation of state)and molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation.A well-established semi-empirical model can interpolate and extrapolate experimental data and yield much physicochemical information.Computer modeling may produce“experimental data“ yield much physicochemical information.Computer modeling may produce“experimental data“even under experimentally difficult conditions.They provide important methods for the study of geological fluid systems on the quantitative basis. 相似文献
适值第30届国际地质大会十分成功地在北京召开之际,三个卓越的中国地球科学家,赵逊、银剑钊和杨岳清发表了一本新书——《Geosciences and Human Society》(《地质科学与人类社会》,地质出版社,北京,中国)。应该说,这本书是作者们早期有关学术观点之一的总结,即:在自然资源开发与环境保护之间找到一个平衡点。当然,就象一个硬币具有不同的两面一样,自然资源开发和环境保护这一命题是十分复杂的,它受控于多种因素,如自然条件、社会形 相似文献
Kaixuan TAN Zhwngji YI Aili TAN Liangshu XIA 《中国地球化学学报》2006,25(B08):28-29
Effluent from tailings impoundments of sulfide mine is an important environmental problem. The oxidation of sulfide minerals in tailings impoundments and consequent release of acid and contaminants, including heavy metals and arsenic, to tailings pore-water can last for decades to centuries. Pollution of water bodies including surface water and groundwater occurs when infiltration of precipitation is unhindered, bottom liners are absent and no drainage collection is installed. So there is a great need to develop reliable modeling techniques for characterizing geochemical interactions taking place within the tailings and predicting potential future environmental hazard which favor further prevention and remediation of the acidic mine drainage (AMD). In this paper, a comprehensive dynamic model for tailings-water interaction was established on the basis of considering the coupling and feedback among many factors and processes such as sulfide oxidation, gangue dissolution, oxygen diffusion, water flow and mass transport, 相似文献
No .1StableIsotopeEquilibriumTestbetweenBenthicForaminiferCibicidoidesandUvigerinaatODPSite 114 3,SouthernSouthChinaSeaTIANJun ,WANGPin xian ,CHENGXin rong (0 0 1)…………Mid PleistoceneRevolutionRecordedbyPulleniatinaobliquiloculataintheSouthernSouthChinaSeaXUJian ,WANGPin xian ,HUANGBao qi ,etal (0 0 7)…………………………………………………PreliminaryStudyonAncientHumanDNAfromYangshaoCultureLAIXu long ,YANGShu juan ,TANGXian hua ,etal (0 15 )…………………………… 相似文献
No. 1
Interaction between Crust and Weakening Lithospheric Mantle: Taking the Yanshan Orogenic
Belt as an Example LU Feng-xiang , ZHENG Jian-ping , ZHANG Ruisheng , et al (001)
Highly Chemical Heterogeneity of Subcontinental Lithosphere Mantle beneath North China and Its Major
Transformation ZHOU Xinhua , ZHANG Hong- fu (008)
Formation of the Taihangshan Gravity Lineament by the Diachronous Lithospheric Thinning of the North
China Craton XUYi-g… 相似文献
3-D Geological Modeling–Concept, Methods and Key Techniques 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
3-D geological modeling plays an increasingly important role in Petroleum Geology, Mining Geology and Engineering Geology. The complexity of geological conditions requires different modeling methods in different situations. This paper summarizes the general concept of geological modeling; compares the characteristics of borehole-based modeling, cross-section based modeling and multi-source interactive modeling; analyses key techniques in 3-D geological modeling; and highlights the main difficulties and directions of future studies. 相似文献
No .1EarlyPermianRadiolariansfromBabuOphioliticM啨langeinSoutheasternYunnan .FengQinglai,LiuBenpei.2 7(1) :1- 3.TheEarlyPermianradiolarianswerefoundfromthechertoftheBabuophioliticm啨langeinsoutheasternYunnan .ThisradiolarianassemblageincludesPseu doalbaillellasca… 相似文献
NumericalModelingofEpisodicCompactionandItsEfectingParametersinGeopresuredShales*XieXinongFacultyofEarthResources,ChinaUniver... 相似文献