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中国开发利用西北太平洋秋刀鱼资源的探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
西北太平洋的秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira),属颌针鱼亚目,竹刀鱼科,秋刀鱼属,又称竹刀鱼。体型细圆,棒状;背鳍后有5~6个小鳍,臀鳍后有6~7个小鳍;两颌多突起,但不呈长缘状,牙细弱;体背部深蓝色,腹部银灰色;吻端与尾柄后部略带黄色,最大体长可达40crn左右(图1)。  相似文献   

Atmospheric, hydrographic and fishery biological factors indicated that the abnormal northward shift in the distribution of Pacific saury might be the result of a strong flux of warm water into the Japan/East Sea in the late 1970s. Recruitment failure of saury in the late 1970s was attributed to the limitation of the productive area for primary production caused by oligotrophic warm water, and to mismatch of the time of the spring outburst with the earlier arrival of saury to the feeding ground. Comparison of monthly upper mixed layer depth (MLD) and critical depth supported the possibility of the mismatch phenomenon. However, an appropriate management scheme should be implemented to prevent recruitment overfishing for the stock when any sign of ocean climate changes is detected.  相似文献   

在二倍体与四倍体杂交产生的三倍体牡蛎群中检测到了非整倍体 ,其中 3n± 1非整倍体相对于三倍体的存活率为 6 0 .98%。非整倍体牡蛎作为一个群体 ,其生长与其三倍体同胞在体重上无明显差异 ,且与三倍体一样明显大于其二倍体对照组。非整倍体牡蛎的性腺发育情况与三倍体个体相当 ,也能产生成熟的生殖细胞  相似文献   

秋刀鱼(cololabis saira)作为高度洄游的大洋性鱼类,因其资源量大、分布广而成为我国远洋渔业重要的捕捞对象之一。本文根据2003~2015年我国大陆在北太平洋公海秋刀鱼的生产调查数据,结合所获得的环境数据,以秋刀鱼单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort,CPUE)为适应性指数(suitability index,SI),利用几何平均法、算术平均法、最大值法和最小值法分别建立基于海水海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)、海表面高度(sea surface height,SSH)和海表面叶绿素a浓度(sea surface chlorophyll,SSC)的综合栖息地指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)模型。并利用2015年5~11月生产数据用于HSI模型验证,T检验结果表明算术平均值法拟合效果最好(P<0.05),模型准确度达70%以上,确立最适的秋刀鱼渔情预报模型,可为秋刀鱼的生产提供参考。  相似文献   

不同地理群体长牡蛎杂交子代的早期生长发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以中国、日本、韩国3个地理群体长牡蛎连续选育2代的个体作为亲本,进行了3×3完全双列杂交,建立了3个自交组合和6个杂交组合,分析了各实验组的受精率、孵化率、幼虫阶段的生长和存活、各杂交组子代的杂种优势以及卵源和交配方式对幼虫生长和存活的影响。结果表明,各实验组均有较高的受精与孵化率,除韩国群体♀×韩国群体♂自交组的受精和孵化率明显较低外,其他组之间没有显著差异。在整个幼体阶段,卵源和交配方式对幼虫的生长和存活有显著影响。3个自交组幼虫的生长没有显著差异(P>0.05),6个杂交组幼虫的生长不同程度快于3个自交组,其中中国群体♀×日本群体♂杂交组在整个幼虫阶段生长最快,表现出较大的生长优势,壳高生长的杂种优势率为2.40%~12.53%,其他杂交组也表现不同程度的生长优势。在存活率方面,韩国群体自交组表现出较低的存活率,中国群体♀×日本群体♂和中国群体♀×韩国群体♂2个杂交组的存活率均高于3个自交组,26日龄时的存活率分别为66.63%和61.80%,存活率的杂种优势分别为13.11%~26.52%和40.77%~69.18%,其他杂交组在存活率上没有显示杂种优势。  相似文献   

The hydrographic structure and variability in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Transition Area of the northwestern Pacific are briefly reviewed, focusing on the circulation, frontal structure and water-mass formation from surface to intermediate depths. This area is a key to understanding climate and ecosystem variations because signals can be detected earlier than major climate regime shifts and also because species replacement among small pelagic fishes could be related to environmental changes in this area. We need further studies of the effect of North Pacific Intermediate Water on surface currents and frontal structures and also studies on the formation and variability of water-masses in surface mixed layer. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

长牡蛎中国群体与日本群体杂交子一代的生长和存活比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以中国长牡蛎(C)和日本长牡蛎(J)为材料,进行了4个组合的杂交和自交实验,分析了各实验组受精率、孵化率,幼虫和稚贝的生长、存活以及杂交子代的杂种优势。结果表明,自交组的受精率介于杂交组之间,但是经单因素方差分析表明没有显著性差异; JJ组的孵化率最高,其次是JC和CC组, CJ组的孵化率最低,相同卵子来源的组合在孵化率上无显著差异。JJ组在幼虫期和稚贝期、养成期的壳高、壳长平均值均大于其他三组; JC组在幼虫期和稚贝期、养成期的壳高、壳长仅次于JJ组,其壳高、壳长和存活率杂种优势率均较为明显; CJ组的杂种优势率在幼虫期和稚贝养成期的各个生长性状上都表现为负值。杂交子一代中存在正交和反交结果不同的现象可能与母性效应、遗传因素和环境等因素有关。  相似文献   

根据2004—2014年的全球海洋Argo网格数据集(BOA_Argo)和ECMWF ERA-Interim再分析资料,计算了冬季太平洋副热带东部海区的水团变性率及水团形成率,对南北太平洋副热带东部新生成模态水的年际变化及其形成机制进行了研究。结果表明:北太平洋副热带东部模态水(NPESTMW)和南太平洋副热带东部模态水(SPESTMW)的新生成体积及核心密度在2004—2014年具有明显的年际变化:NPESTMW主要经历了2005—2009年和2010—2013年2次持续4~5a的体积和密度增加过程,其中体积最大值出现在2009年,最小值则出现在2005和2014年。南半球SPESTMW则经历了2007—2009年和2010—2013年共两次持续3~4a的体积和密度减小过程,其中体积的最小值出现在2009、2013年,最大值出现在2010年。合成分析发现,由冬季海面热通量异常引起的深混合层内与模态水密度相当的水团表层形成率异常,可能是导致NPESTMW和SPESTMW新生成水体积年际变化的重要因素;同时,SPESTMW新生成水的年际变化受局地风应力旋度的年际变化影响明显。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):610-626
This paper focuses on pilot activities being carried out under the Integrated Coastal Watershed Management component of the Pacific International Waters Project (IWP). The paper discusses a two-pronged approach being taken to address the root causes of identified threats to the international waters of 14 Pacific Island countries. National and local level activities are focusing on coastal fisheries, waste management and freshwater protection. The integrated strategic approach of participatory planning processes, social analysis, resource economics and communications in identification of environment problems, their causes and potential solutions for supporting behavioural change in relation to resource use and management is discussed. Some examples of country activities to date are provided. Although it is too early to assess a full range of lessons and project impacts, a number of key issues continue to provide challenges for the implementation of a large regional programme such as the IWP. They include: multi-sectoral stakeholder engagement; the establishment of partnerships needed to support integrated coastal management; and national capacity to implement community-based resource management projects.  相似文献   

We have measured helium isotopic ratios of thirty-seven Pacific water samples from various depths collected in adjacent regions of Honshu, Japan. The 3He/4He ratios vary significantly from 0.989 R atm to 1.208 R atm where R atm is the atmospheric ratio of 1.39 × 10−6. The mid-depth (750–1500 m) profile of 3He/4He ratios at ST-1 located Northwestern Pacific Ocean east of Japan (Off Joban; 37°00′ N, 142°40′ E) is significantly different from that at ST-2 of the Northern Philippine Sea south of Japan (Nankai Trough; 33°07′ N, 139°59′ E), suggesting that these waters were separated by a topographic barrier, the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. Taking 3He/4He data of the Geosecs expeditions in the western North Pacific, an extensive plume of 15% excess 3He relative to the air may be traced at ST-1 over 12,000 kilometers to the northwest of the East Pacific Rise where the mantle helium may originate. The 20% excess found at ST-2 may be attributable to the additional source of the subduction-type mantle helium in the Okinawa Trough. A 15% excess of 3He has also been discovered at a depth of about 1000∼1500 m at ST-3 adjacent to Miyakejima Island (33°57′ N, 139°22′ E) and ST-4 of Sagami Bay (35°00′ N, 139°22′ E). It is confirmed that mid-depth all over the western North Pacific water is affected by the mantle helium with a high 3He/4He ratio. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):392-410
Project monitoring is now a standard requirement in natural resource management programs, bringing opportunities for greater accountability, adaptive management and social learning. While considerable effort has gone into designing appropriate monitoring frameworks and indicators for marine and coastal management, there has been less sharing of the mechanics of approaches that maximise collaboration and learning by multiple stakeholders. This paper outlines the project monitoring approach developed in the Pacific Islands International Waters Project (IWP), a project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) involving 14 Pacific Island Countries. We find that a monitoring approach based on indicators to assess supportive processes, behavioural change and human–environmental conditions is useful for monitoring the long- and short-term impacts associated with integrated coastal management programs. Giving project staff the lead in indicator development has supported more strategic project planning and improved the relevance and value of the indicators developed. However, successful implementation of monitoring programs calls for ongoing collaboration, technical support and capacity building amongst key stakeholders.  相似文献   

青岛近海许氏平鲉年龄与生长特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年3月—2005年1月逐月在青岛近海采集许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegelii)样本共计147尾,以矢耳石为年龄鉴定材料对其年龄和生长特性进行了研究。耳石边缘增长率分析表明,许氏平鲉耳石年轮形成的周期为1年,6~7月是年轮形成高峰期。协方差分析和残差平方和分析表明,许氏平鲉的体长与体重、年龄与生长关系在雌雄性别间无显著性差异(P0.05),其体长(L)与体重(W)的关系式为W=1.750×10-5×L3.084(r2=0.990,P0.05);使用年龄和体长的实测值拟合其生长,Von-Bertalanffy体长生长方程为Lt=367.211×(1-e-0.576×(t-0.399))(r2=0.943,P0.05)。分析表明,在耳石形态与重量各测量参数中,耳石重量(Wotolith)与年龄(t)的线性相关性最密切(r2=0.942),其关系式为Wotolith=-0.023+0.035 t。平均百分比误差指数(IAPE)结果显示,耳石重量可以作为青岛近海许氏平鲉年龄鉴定的有力手段(IAPE=8.3%)。与1980年代相比,青岛近海许氏平鲉生长加快,显示出资源进一步衰退的迹象。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters of the Pacific Ocean during October–November, 1995, were determined using a high-temperature combustion method. The DOC in the surface mixed-layer was approximately homogeneous with a concentration between 55 and 89 μmol C l−1. This homogeneity indicates that there is a strong control of the vertical distribution of DOC by mixing processes. The DOC concentrations in the mixed-layer in the subtropical region were up to 27 μmol C l−1 higher than in the tropical region. This difference reflects the subtropical accumulation and the tropical export of DOC. There is a significant positive correlation between DOC and chlorophyll a concentrations in the mixed-layer of the North Pacific subtropical region, suggesting that phytoplankton is the primary source of DOC accumulated in this region. Calculations using simple box models suggest that DOC export in the tropical region (0–50 m depth, 10°N-10°S, along 160°W) occurs primarily by poleward advection at a rate of 0.5–3 mmol C m−2day−1. A comparison with estimates of the export rate of particulate organic carbon published in previous studies leads us to conclude that DOC export may contribute less to the carbon budget in the tropical region than has recently been supposed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

南海珊瑚礁周围过渡性水域主要鱼类食性与食物的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对路氏双髻鲨Sphyrna lewini、侧条真鲨Carcharhinus limbatus、大眼六鳃鲨Hexanchus vituius、灰六鳃鲨Hex-anchus griseus、及达尖犁头Rhynchobatus djiddensis、灰三齿鲨Triaenodon obesus、裸狐鲣Gymnosarda unicolor、扁舵鲣Auxis thazard、黄斑胡椒鲷Plectorhynchus flavomaculatus、密点胡椒鲷Plectorhynchus gaterinus、尖嘴Dasyatis zugei、星点Caranx stellatus、黑Caranx lugubrisr等13种南海主要珊瑚礁周围过渡性水域鱼类进行食性分析,根据其胃含物中饵料生物的重量组成和出现频率,分为4种食性类型。同时还分析了13种鱼的食物关系和营养级,为该海域渔场生态系食物网的研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a of total and particles retained on 30 μm mesh plankton net were both determined in surface waters along two cruise tracks ranging from the Subtropical water to the marginal ice zone in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean in austral summer. Total surface chlorophyll a in the study area was mostly less than 1 μg chl a 1−1, and showed distributions with no obvious trend associated with different waters masses of the Antarctic and the Subantarctic, although total chlorophyll a concentrations changed greatly within each water mass. Particularly low concentrations of chlorophyll a were detected in the marginal ice zone. Chlorophyll a contained in 30 μm netplankton made up 5∼60% of total chlorophyll a: large near the marginal ice zone and becoming small with travel towards the north. High percentage shares of netplankton chlorophyll a were confirmed even in low total chlorophyll a concentrations in summer in the Southern Ocean. A positive relation was observed between the percentage of 30 μm netplankton and the “average total chlorophyll a”, although there was great scatter. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

三倍体牡蛎在繁殖季节的生长研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了在繁殖季节内三倍体太平洋牡蛎的生长情况。结果表明 ,三倍体牡蛎比二倍体对照组具有明显的生长优势。在整个繁殖期间 ,三倍体的体重明显高于二倍体。三倍体的生长速度较均匀 ,而二倍体变化较大。在集中排放前体重增长较快 ,集中排放后体重增长明显减慢。三倍体的平均体重在排放前比二倍体高 17%左右 ,在排放后则高达 30 %以上。集中排放前 ,二倍体的软体重增长很快并超过了三倍体 ,其出肉率比三倍体高 2 6 .4 8%。排放后二倍体的软体重明显降低 (降低 4 8% ) ,出肉率降低 4 0 .0 % ,而三倍体变化不明显 ,出肉率仅降低 5 .79%。繁殖高峰后三倍体的软体重比二倍体高 4 1.2 2 %。三倍体牡蛎较低但稳定的出肉率表明三倍体太平洋牡蛎具有高度的不育性 ,但三倍体的不育性并不是引起三倍体生长优势的主要原因  相似文献   

本文以中国太平洋牡蛎二倍体自交作为对照,比较了诱导三倍体群体及其杂交三倍体的早期表型性状.通过对各试验组卵径、卵裂率、D幼率、D形幼虫大小、生长、存活率和倍性等指标进行测定,进一步评估了2种诱导方法的有效性.结果表明:与诱导三倍体群体相比,杂交三倍体表现出明显优势,D幼率、D形幼虫大小均大于诱导三倍体群体,且差异显著(P<0.05);稚贝期壳长和壳高生长也显著快于诱导三倍体群体(P<0.05).至附着,杂交三倍体的存活率很高,显著优于诱导三倍体群体.就三倍体率而言,杂交三倍体达到100%,而诱导三倍体群体仅为51.00%士11.79%.由上得知,杂交三倍体更适合应用于大规模生产.  相似文献   

本文以中国太平洋牡蛎二倍体自交作为对照,比较了诱导三倍体群体及其杂交三倍体的早期表型性状。通过对各试验组卵径、卵裂率、D幼率、D形幼虫大小、生长、存活率和倍性等指标进行测定,进一步评估了2种诱导方法的有效性。结果表明:与诱导三倍体群体相比,杂交三倍体表现出明显优势,D幼率、D形幼虫大小均大于诱导三倍体群体,且差异显著(P<0.05);稚贝期壳长和壳高生长也显著快于诱导三倍体群体(P<0.05)。至附着,杂交三倍体的存活率很高,显著优于诱导三倍体群体。就三倍体率而言,杂交三倍体达到100%,而诱导三倍体群体仅为51.00%±11.79%。由上得知,杂交三倍体更适合应用于大规模生产。  相似文献   

黑潮-亲潮交汇区普遍存在的涡旋运动,可通过物质输运和再分配调控叶绿素浓度的时空演变,进而影响该海域的海洋生态环境。基于卫星高度计资料和叶绿素再分析数据,利用流矢量、归一化复合分析等方法,构建不同类型涡旋的各个演变阶段、不同水平尺度范围内,对应的叶绿素浓度三维结构,分析探讨黑潮-亲潮交汇区涡旋运动对叶绿素浓度时空演变的调控作用。结果表明,冷涡区(300 m以浅,3倍半径范围)的叶绿素浓度高值区,自下而上,逐渐扩展至涡心西北方向,且随着深度的增加,叶绿素浓度先增后减。随着气旋涡的演变,各水层叶绿素浓度高值由外向内,逐渐向涡心扩展,而平均半径内的叶绿素浓度输运总量在其稳定期达到最高。暖涡影响范围内的叶绿素浓度总体比冷涡区稍高,其垂向大致呈递减趋势,由上而下,叶绿素浓度低值大致由涡心东南向西北扩展,且随着反气旋涡的演变,叶绿素浓度高值逐渐向涡旋边缘聚集。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a concentrations of net (retained on 30 m mesh net) and total plankton in surface waters were determined along cruise tracks in an area of the northern North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska from summer to autumn. Total chlorophyll a concentrations were high with a great areal and temporal variations in the western northern North Pacific compared to the eastern part. Chlorophyll a concentrations of netplankton varied from 0.001 to 0.230 g chl a l–1 (average, 0.029 ± 0.040 g chl a l–1), and showed a positive relation but a weak regression coefficient (r 2 = 0.551) against the "average total chlorophyll a" (average of total chlorophyll a at the beginning and at the end during sampling of netplankton). However there were several data points showing high "average total chlorophyll a" but low netplankton and vice versa. Average percentage share of netplankton in the total chlorophyll a was estimated to be as large as 4.26%.  相似文献   

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