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A land-process scheme has been incorporated in a vertical one-dimensional time-dependent atmospheric modeland numerical experiments have been performed with the coupled model to examine influences of soil wetness and vege-tation on climate changes associated to thermal forcing.It is showed that response of land-surface temperature to thethermal forcing becomes small with increase of soil water content and vegetation cover.Furthermore,the response ismore obvious in arid climate region than in humid one.The result also shows that there exist two patterns of corre-sponding relation between variations in air temperature and humidity on the land surface in response to hydrologic andthermal focing.  相似文献   

利用地气耦合区域气候模式研究了我国华北和西北部分地区土壤类型变化的区域气候效应,着重分析了土壤类型变化对海平面气压场、近地层气温和湿度、土壤温度、边界层风速、垂直运动以及地面能量平衡和转换关系的影响,所得结果可为我国北方干旱半干旱地区土地资源的合理开发和利用提供一定的气候依据。  相似文献   

A numerical model has been developed for simulating land-surface processes and atmosphericboundary layer climate of vegetation and desert in semi-arid region.Dynamically,thermal andhydrological processes take place in the atmospheric boundary layer.Vegetation and surface layerof soil are included in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere coupled system,in which,vegetation isconsidered as a horizontally uniform layer,soil is divided into 13 layers and the horizontaldifferences of variables in the system are neglected.The influence of local boundary layer climateby vegetation cover factor is simulated with the coupled model in the semi-arid region of NorthwestChina (around 38°N,105°E).Results indicate that due to significant differences of water andenergy budgets in vegetation and desert region,the air is colder and wetter over the vegetation andcorrespondingly an obvious local circulation in the lower atmosphere is formed.Simulating results also show that maximum updraft and downdraft occur around thevegetation-desert marginal area,where the dynamical and thermodynamical properties of PBL(Planetary Boundary Layer) are uncontinuous.It is stronger at daytime,weaker and reverse atnighttime.In the simulation,the moisture inversion phenomena are analyzed.Finally.theinfluences of vegetation cover factor exchange on local boundary layer climate are simulated.Thesimulating results bring to light that water may be conserved and improved by developing treeplanting and afforestation,and improving cover factor of vegetation in local ecoenvironment,andthis is an important way of transforming local climate in arid and semi-arid area.Results indicatethat the coupled model can be used to study the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction and localboundary layer climate.  相似文献   

The atmospheric general circulation model coupled to the mixed layer ocean model has been used to simulate thechanges of the global soil moisture.Comparing the simulated results with observations,it is shown that the model is ca-pable of doing sensitive experiments about the carbon dioxide change.The 2×CO_2/1×CO_2 comparison shows that there are the obvious changes of the soil moisture in the global forfour seasons.There are the wet soil moisture in the lower latitudes of both hemispheres and dry soil moisture in the mid-dle latitudes of both hemispheres for four seasons.The dry soil moisture in summer and wet in other seasons are foundin the northern higher latitudes.The analyses of the physical feedbacks responsible for the CO_2-induced changes of soil moisture show that the bud-gets of the surface water and heat are the important factors.  相似文献   

为深入研究土壤类型和土壤湿度对雷电电磁场传播效应的影响,首次将工程勘察领域研究得出的土壤湿度和电导率计算关系应用到雷电电磁场模拟计算中.基于Heidler雷电通道基电流函数模型和MTLL回击模型,在Mur一阶边界条件下,利用2D-FDTD计算粘土、粉土和砂土这三种具有代表性土壤在不同土壤湿度和观测距离下的雷电电磁场.研...  相似文献   

A primitive equation model with a zonal domain and a p-σ incorporated vertical coordinate system is used to study the effects of the envelope degree of orography on the simulated properties of both winter and summer climates.Results show that the orography with a larger envelope degree can improve the simulations to certain extent,especially in winter.It is found that the simulated properties of climate are mainly determined by the co-effects of the land-sea and the orographic distributions,and the envelope degree of orography has a secondary effect.However it should be taken properly in order to improve simulations:otherwise,it would be harmful.Different envelope degrees of orography can be adopted in different areas.  相似文献   

土壤湿度和地表反射率变化对中国北方气候影响的数值研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
本文利用OSU两层大气环流模式来考察土壤湿度和地表反射率变化对中国北方气候的影响。在(30—46°N,90—120°E)的区域上进行了3个试验,结果表明干土壤对我国东部季风区和西部非季风区有不同的影响特征。高反射率造成降水减少。并指出地表过程的作用可能是经常发生在华北的春夏连旱现象的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

利用一个二维大气模式,研究粗糙冷岛宽度与布局对局地气候的影响问题。结果表明:粗糙冷岛激发的局地环流随其宽度的变化表现出3种流型-单环流型,双上升单下沉型,双环流型。存在40-50km左右的临界宽度dc,当粗糙冷岛宽度d〈dc时,粗糙冷岛激发的局地环流随d的增加而明显增强;而d〉dc时,局地环流随d的增国变化不大,甚至趋向准定常。  相似文献   

In this paper,experiment results about East Asia climate from five CGCMs are described.The ability of the models to simulate present climate and the simulated response to increased carbon dioxide are both covered.The results indicate that all models show substantial changes in climate when carbon dioxide concentrations are doubled.In particular,the strong surface warming at high latitudes in winter and the significant increase of summer precipitation in the monsoon area are produced by all models.Regional evaluation results show that these five CGCMs are particularly good in simulating spatial distribution of present climate.The main characteristics of the seasonal mean H500,SAT,MSLP field can be simulated by most CGCMs.But there are significant systematic errors in SAT,MSLP,HS00 fields in most models.On the whole,DKRZ OPYC is the best in simulating the present climate in East Asia.  相似文献   

植被变化对中国区域气候影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
用高分辨率区域气候模式(RegCM-NCC)模拟了中国区域植被发生改变后引起的局地或区域气候变化。结果表明:大范围区域植被变化对区域降水、温度的影响非常显著,内蒙古地区土地荒漠化可导致中国北方大部分地区降水减少,尤其加剧了华北、西北地区的干旱,西北地区绿化有利于黄河流域降水增加,而长江流域和江南地区降水却有不同程度的减少,因此可在一定程度上减少这里的洪涝灾害;气温的变化比降水更显著,植被退化使当地气温明显升高,使中、低层大气变得干燥,近地层风速加大,而植树造林却使当地及周围地区冬偏暖、夏偏凉,大气变得湿润,近地层风速减小,有利于在一定程度上减少沙尘暴的发生。另外,植被变化对东亚冬、夏季风强度也有一定程度的影响,从而影响到中国东部地区降水的分布和冬季低温、冷害事件发生的强度。  相似文献   

By using a beta-plane quasigeostrophic barotropic model,four numerical experiments with integration time more than five days are performed.Results show that the vorticity advection term and beta term are two basic factors significantly affecting tropical cyclone structure and motion.  相似文献   

China is a monsoon country.The most rainfalls in China concentrate on the summer seasons.More frequent floods or droughts occur in some parts of China.Therefore,the prediction of summer rainfall in China is a significant issue.As we know,the obvious impacts of the sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA)on the summer rainfall over China have been noticed.The predictions of the SSTA have been involved in the research.The key project on short-term climate modeling prediction system has been finished in 2000.The system included an atmospheric general circulation model named AGCM95,a coupled atmospheric-oceanic general circulation model named AOGCM95,a regional climate model over China named RegCM95,a high-resolution Indian-Pacific OGCM named IPOGCM95,and a simplified atmosphere-ocean dynamic model system named SAOMS95.They became the operational prediction models of National Climate Center(NCC).Extra-seasonal predictions in 2001 have been conducted by several climate models,which were the AGCM95,AOGCM95,RegCM95,IPOGCM95,AIPOGCM95,OSU/NCC,SAOMS95,IAP APOGCM and CAMS/ZS.All of those models predicted the summer precipitation over China and/or the annual SSTA over the tropical Pacific Ocean in the Modeling Prediction Workshop held in March 2001.The assessments have shown that the most models predicted the distributions of main rain belt over Huanan and parts of Jiangnan and droughts over Huabei-Hetao and Huaihe River Valley reasonably.The most models predicted successfully that a weaker cold phase of the SSTA over the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean would continue in 2001.The evaluations of extra-seasonal predictions have also indicated that the models had a certain capability of predicting the SSTA over the tropical Pacific Ocean and the summer rainfall over China.The assessment also showed that multi-model ensemble(super ensembles)predictions provided the better forecasts for both SSTA and summer rainfall in 2001,compared with the single model.It is a preliminary assessment for the extra-seasonal predictions by the climate models.The further investigations will be carried out.The model system should be developed and improved.  相似文献   

To build land surface dataset for climate model,with application of remote sensing technique as well as the Geographic Information System(GIS),the data of surface type,roughness and albedo over China in 1997 were retrieved,resolutions being 10 km×10 km.Based on these data,an analysis is conducted on the geographic distributions and seasonal variations of surface vegetation cover and roughness as well as albedo over China.Results show that surface vegetation cover is mainly located to the south of Yangtze River,in Southwest and Northeast China andsparse vegetation cover is in the Northwest.The variation of land surface cover affects the variations of land surface roughness and albedo.High albedo occurred in the north of Xinjiang Autonomous Region,the north of Northeast China and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in winter,in correspondence with the location of snow cover.For most part of China,surface roughness decreases and albedo increases in winter,while the roughness increases and the albedo decreases in summer,which could mainly result from land surface cover(snow cover and vegetation cover)and soil moisture changes.This shows that the geographic distribution and seasonal variation of the albedo are almost opposite to those of the roughness,in agreement with theoretical results.Temporally,the amplitude of surface roughness change is quite small in comparison with the roughness itself.  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the analysis of the variation of effective accumulated temperature and precipita-tion in the last 100 years,together with the potential impacts of greenhouse effects on the climate in Chinasimulated with the current major climatic models(GFDL,GISS,NCAR,OSU and UKMO),the impacts ofclimate change on rice in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River and winter wheat production on theHuang-Huai-Hai Plain~* are simulated with the available weather-yield statistic models on the assumption that te-mperature variation ranges 1—4℃ and precipitation variation ranges ±10—20%.The result is that under thecurrent planting systems and agrotechniques,the impact of climate change on wheat production is more signifi-cant than that on rice;the climatic conditions of agricultural production in the north of China will become morefavourable while those in the south of the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River remain the same;butthose in the southern part of North China and the basins between Changjiang River and Haihe River are ratherunstable.In general,it is difficult to reach the conclusion that advantages or disadvantages dominate in suchclimate changes because of uncertainties.  相似文献   

Treatments of the boundary layer in a five-layer primitive equation model with mixed P-σ coordinates are improved by incorporating similarity theory,which is widely used at present.Two kinds of parameterization schemes of the boundary layer are designed,and static test and numerical simulation are performed.It is found that the iterative scheme can fairly improve the simulation of the mean climate field in July.The abnormally strong heat low over the Tibetan Plateau is weakened to some extent.  相似文献   

土壤温湿异常对短期气候影响的数值模拟试验   总被引:24,自引:10,他引:24  
王万秋 《大气科学》1991,15(5):115-123
本文介绍了用IAP气候模式进行关于土壤温度异常和土壤湿度异常的敏感性试验研究,异常区域都取在中国范围内。其中关于土壤温度异常的影响,我们进行了初值异常和固定异常两种试验,而对土壤湿度异常的影响则进行了初始异常的试验。结果表明,土壤温度的初始异常一天以后基本消失,而固定的土壤温度异常和土壤湿度的初始异常对短期(一个月左右)气候有明显影响。土壤温度的影响主要在异常区内及其南部相邻区域,土壤湿度异常的影响则可以以长波波列形式向外传播到很远距离处。  相似文献   

By employing the improved T42L9 spectral model introduced by NMC (Beijing) from ECMWF and utilizing the FGGE-IIIb data covering the period of 14-19 June 1979, the atmospheric responses to the abnormal soil moisture during the medium-range period have been studied numerically. According to the initial field at 12 GMT 14 June, a five-day numerical experiment under different conditions of the soil moisture has been carried out respectively. The monthly mean climatological soil moisture for June has been used in the control experiment in the initial time and it changes with time according to the moisture budget equation at the land surface. Comparing with the experiments with dry or wet soil. one can conclude that: 1) Source of precipitation over continents in summer consists of the land-surface evaporation and the moisture transfer from oceans. Their intensities are comparable during the medium-range time scale when the soil evaporates its moisture sufficiently. Therefore, the soil moisture can influence the global precipitation and the general circulation significantly; 2) By influencing the thermodynamic difference between land and sea,the soil moisture can change the intensity of monsoon and precipitation distribution; 3) The response of the atmosphere to the abnormal soil moisture has the characteristics of geographical distribution and nonlinear interactions; 4) Human activities on the world can influence the environment greatly.  相似文献   

本文利用全球三维大气耦合混合层海洋环流模式模拟大气中二氧化碳浓度增加对土壤湿度的影响。敏感试验(2×CO_2)与控制试验(1×CO_2)对照表明,当大气中二氧化碳浓度增加时,全球土壤湿度在各季发生明显变化。其中两半球低纬度地区在冬季土壤温度变温,两半球中纬度地区则在各季土壤湿度变干,北半球高纬度地区土壤湿度在夏季变干,其余各季变温。分析大气中二氧化碳浓度增加造成土壤温度全球变化的可能物理机制表明,地面水循环和热量循环是重要的因素。  相似文献   

The Meiyu front heavy rain process in 1-3 June 2000 is numerically simulated in this paper, and results are then analyzed to show the effects of geostrophic balance collapse,unbalanced flow occurrence,low level jet (LLJ) development,and gravity waves genesis and propagation on the rainstorm.Analyses indicate that the sudden northwest movement of subtropical high may destruct the local geostrophic balance,leading to an increase in the local pressure gradient and the occurrence of ageostrophic flow,and meanwhile the adjustment of circulation starts to build a new balance.During the process,an LLJ and gravity waves appear correspondingly.The dispersion of unbalanced energy through the divergence/convergence of the geostrophic departure winds, promotes the propagation of strong wind cores along the LLJ,and the dispersion direction is influenced by the steering flow and the moisture concentration area.The development of LLJ is one of important conditions,which induces the heavy rain especially in the left front part of the jet where the convergence and shear of winds occur.It is also found that the genesis of disturbance, meso-vortex,and meso-convective system provides a favorable condition for the rainstorm.The above results are clearly illustrated by the high spatial and temporal resolution simulation data from a mesoscale numerical model.  相似文献   

利用钱永甫有地形5层原始方程模式,与颜宏等复杂地形条件下有限区域细网格模式进行单向嵌套,即初始场采用前者计算5d后,得到各特征等压面上的高度场和湿度场,向后者每24h输送一次边界值。地-气模式采用经Deardorf植被参数化修正的地面热量平衡方程进行耦合。在此基础上进行了夏季(7月)有植被和无植被两种情况的数值试验。有植被情况模拟的高度场、温度场与实测场的相关系数高于无植被的情况。试验发现,有植被比无植被情况的海平面气压场、低层高度场、潜热输送、整层大气湿度和降水量有所增加,而温度场和大陆热低压强度有所降低。  相似文献   

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