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The transports of dust are calculated using 3-dimensional(3-D)trajectory method for three cases of duststorms inthe terrain-following coordinate system,and the synoptic processes are also discussed for each case.The case of 17—20April 1980,a severe duststorm was associated with the rapid development of a cyclone over the Mongolia Plateau.Thedust moved from west to east across several deserts,formed a typical dust path in spring.The other two were weaker andthe dust was triggered by the strong wind behind the cold front from northwest or north.Because the vertical velocity isconsidered in 3-D trajectory analysis,trajectories calculated should better reveal the transport rule of the dust particlesand the results seem to be more consistent with the synoptic processes.The trajectory analysis on the 2-D isobaric sur-faces is simpler but can be used only in the conditions with weak vertical wind shear and weak vertical velocity.The dif-ference of trajectories at lower levels between two methods may be caused by the different treatment of orography.  相似文献   

Using daily observational rainfall data covered 194 stations of China from 1961 to 1995 and NCEP model analyzed pentad precipitation data of global grid point from 1979 to 1997,the distribution of onset date of rainy season over Asian area from spring to summer is studied in this paper.The analyzed results show that there exist two stages of rainy season onset over East Asian region from spring to summer rainy season onset accompanying subtropical monsoon and tropical monsoon respectively.The former rain belt is mainly formed by the convergence of cold air and the recurred southwesterly flow from western part of subtropical high and westerly flow from the so-called western trough of subtropical region occurring during winter to spring over South Asia.The latter is formed in the process of subtropical monsoon rain belt over inshore regions of South China Sea originally coming from south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin advancing with northward shift of subtropical high after the onset of tropical monsoon over South China Sea.The pre-flood rainy season over South China region then came into mature period and the second peak of rainfall appeared.Meiyu,the rainy season over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin and North China then formed consequently.The process of summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea in 1998 is also discussed in this paper.It indicated that the monsoon during summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea is the result of the westerly flow over middle part of South China Sea,which is from the new generated cyclone formed in north subtropical high entering into South China Sea,converged with the tropical southwesterly flow recurred by the intensified cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the dynamical mechanism of error growth in the numerical weather prediction.The error is defined in the sense of generalized energy,simply called energy error.From the spectral form of the primitive equations,we have derived the evolution equations of error in detail.The analyses of these equations have shown that the error growth rate is determined by the tangent linear equations.The nonlinear advection caused by the error perturbation itself contributes nothing to the error growth rate,and only redistributes the error.Furthermore,an approach to calculation of the error growth rate has been developed,which can also be used to study the local instability of time-independent basic state as well as time-dependence basic state.This approach is applied to well-known Lorenz's system,and the results are indicative of the correctness and significance of the theoretical analyses.  相似文献   

Based on the 1958-1999 monthly averaged NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the REOF analysis is applied to obtain the main spatial modes of normalized atmospheric heating source over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) in July.Results show that the four leading modes are located over the northeast TP,southwest TP.Kashmir and southeast TP respectively,and the cumulative variances are no more than one third of the total.It indicates that the heating source distribution is very complicated over the TP in July.In other words.it is difficult to depict the heating spatial distribution with a few modes.By using wavelet analysis,a 2-4-year variation period is identified in these modes.Moreover,correlation coefficients between each RPC and zonal wind U, meridional wind V.zonal moisture flux Qv,meridional moisture flux Qv,and precipitation rate over East Asia are calculated to construct correlation fields,Results show that different heating modes over the TP correspond to different circulation,moisture flux as well as precipitation patterns,Precipitation over North China(or Kashmir) is negatively(or positively) correlated with REOF1.Similarly.notable negative(or positive) correlation can be found between the rainfall over south part of Southwest China.South China,and the Philippines(or Japan) and the REOF3. Due to high localization of diabatic heating over the TP.it is not enough to study the influence of TP thermal forcing on the climate with an area averaged heating index.  相似文献   

Based on a zonally non-uniform mean circulation in summer simulated by numerical modelling,perturbation heatings ever South Asia and a perturbation cooling over Northwest Australia were incorporated in a numerical model to discuss their effects on summer monsoon over Asia and the structure of flow disturbance.  相似文献   

In this paper,experiment results about East Asia climate from five CGCMs are described.The ability of the models to simulate present climate and the simulated response to increased carbon dioxide are both covered.The results indicate that all models show substantial changes in climate when carbon dioxide concentrations are doubled.In particular,the strong surface warming at high latitudes in winter and the significant increase of summer precipitation in the monsoon area are produced by all models.Regional evaluation results show that these five CGCMs are particularly good in simulating spatial distribution of present climate.The main characteristics of the seasonal mean H500,SAT,MSLP field can be simulated by most CGCMs.But there are significant systematic errors in SAT,MSLP,HS00 fields in most models.On the whole,DKRZ OPYC is the best in simulating the present climate in East Asia.  相似文献   

位势场中槽脊的分布、遥相关型的形态和准定常波的传播路径是1月份500hPa月平均高度场的重要特征。通过资料分析和数值试验,本文证明此三者之间是彼此关联的整体,它们与青藏高原和落基山的强迫作用有关。东亚大槽和北美大槽的强度在中高纬度上存在显著的负相关。这种负相关和槽前急流强度的年际变化导致北美和东亚存在相似的相关型分布,准定常波在两大地形下游传播的不同则导致两区域相关波链形态的明显差异。  相似文献   

The transport of air pollutants from several big cities in the north of China and the neighboring countries is researched by using the isentropic trajectory model. The trajectories are calculated twice daily for the cities in January, April. July and October for the period of 1992-1994. The statistical method has been used to deal with trajectory dots at intervals of 30 min forthe for ward and backward trajectories during 0-24 h and 24-48 h. The probability distribution diagrams of trajectory show clearly the ensemble properties of isentropic trajectories for each city and the dominant transport directions of pollutants. They possess notable seasonal variations. The forward trajectory areas of the Ulaan Baatar in Mongolia can spread over North China. and those of the Chita in Russia can influence Northeast China except in summer. In July the forward trajectory of Pyongyang and Seoul can extend northward to the boundaries of China.  相似文献   

In this paper,the frontogenesis forced by dust radiative heating and the radiative effects of an isolated duststorrn on a frontal circulation system are examined by means of two-and three-dimensional numerical models.Results indicate that as a duststorm breaks out,frontogenesis is caused in by dust radiative heating in the lower atmosphere.A marked isentropic potential temperature layer is formed in the middle troposphere.The low-level convergence occurs along the direction of the front movement.Atnight,dust radiative cooling results in frontolysis in the lower atmosphere.An obvious vertical circulation is forced by radiative heating of an isolated duststorm along the direction of the prevailing wind.It is stronger at day,weaker and reverse at night.The response of the horizontal wind field to dust radiative forcing is different at different levels.  相似文献   

In the context of measurements from all the thermal balance stations over China,two methods of calculating surface latent heat for its climatic features are proposed through experiments with a range of schemes,one being the empirical type based on the relationship between ground latent heat and vapor pressure,and the other upon the Bowen ratio parameterization.Either of them has its unique merits so that they can be considered in specific case to have higher accuracy.On this basis,investigation is done of the feature of geographic distribution and annual variability of the heat across the country.  相似文献   

The paper computed the spectra of velocity and temperature,and the cospectra of velocity and temperature by the observational data of July,1990 in the suburbs of Tianjin.The results show that the characteristics of the atmospheric turbulence spectra over the suburbs are basically in accordance with some typical results over the flat terrain.But the scale,on which turbulence can satisfy the isotropic condition,over the suburbs is larger than over the flat terrain.The spectrum peak frequency range is a bit narrower.The feature of the spectrum range in low frequency(LF) is out of accordance with that of the flat terrain either.  相似文献   

There is a close relationship between variation of middle latitude synoptic system over the Tibetan Plateau and movement of typhoon over the Northwest Pacific.This paper tries to discuss the mechanism of it through the numerical simulation and dynamic diagnosis.25-year statistical results during the period from 1970 to 1995 indicate that the relationship between middle latitude circulation over the Plateau and the track of typhoon over the Northwest Pacific are as follows.When longwave trough in 500 hPa isobaric surface over the Plateau.it is favourable to typhoon's westward movement:on the contrary,large scale anticyclone over the Plateau is favourable to typhoon's recurvature.We simulated the typhoon under these two flow patterns with MM5 model.Numerical simulation results showed that:(a)Longwave trough on 500 hPa surface over the Plateau makes subtropical high extended westward so as to typhoon south to high moves westward in easterly steering flow.(b)Anticyclone over the Plateau will bring about the longwave trough developing along the east coast of Asia,it'will usually cause typhoon recurring in front of the developed trough.In addition,the results of dynamic diagnosis show the physical mechanism on impact of synoptic system over the Plateau on the downstream synoptic system,that is,the transport of disturbance kinetic energy over the upstream Plateau makes the downstream trough developed.And then it affects the steering flow of typhoon.Because of existence of the high ridge over the Plateau.the energy transport channel moves to north.On the contrary,the trough exists over the Plateau,the energy transport channel moves to south.The southerly in front of trough over the Plateau and the southerly in the east part of typhoon transport low potential vorticity of low latitude into subtropical high.That is beneficial to development of subtropical high and affects typhoon's movement.These results fully reflect the impact of interaction between mid-latitude and low latitude on synoptic system.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of Ertel potential vorticity,the isentropic potential vorticity maps and vertical profiles of potential vorticity for two summer cyclones over the Changjiang-Huaihe Valley are analysed.After discussing a possible mechanism for the genesis and development of such systems and their differences from typical extratropical cyclones,a conceptual model for their activities is proposed:A weak disturbance in the midlevel of troposphere originated from around the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau may cause heavy precipitation under favourable conditions and latent heat release in the mid-troposphere leads to downward extension of cyclonic circulation and a wave on the quasi-stationary front.This weak cyclone can develop substantially and become a typical extratropical cyclone only when air from the lower stratosphere flows downslope along isentropic surfaces into the region of interest.  相似文献   

Based on yearly precipitation and Φ20 evaporation pan data during 1951 to 1999 of 295 stations,the aridity index is calculated in this paper.According to the aridity index,the climatic regions in China are divided into three types:the arid zone,the semi-arid zone and the humid zone. Isoline 0.20 is the boundary between arid and semi-arid zones.Isoline 0.50 is the boundary between semi-arid and humid zones.The fluctuations of dry and wet climate boundaries are very substantial,have greatly regional difference,and have the features of the whole shifting along the same direction and of the opposite moving along the contrary direction over the past 50 years.The semi-arid zone is a transitional zone between humid and arid zones,a border belt of monsoon,and a susceptible zone of environmental evolution in China. In the period of the late 1960s to the early 1970s,remarkable change had occurred for dry and wet climate in China.It manifests significantly that climate is from wetter into drought in most regions of northern China.Moreover,drought has an increasing trend.The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the dry and wet variations in climate have substantial inter-decadal features. The main factors affecting the dry and wet climate boundary fluctuations and the dry and wet variations of climate in China are East Asian summer monsoon,Indian Monsoon,plateau monsoon in the Tibetan Plateau,westerly circulation,and West Pacific subtropical high.The different types of circulations and the strong and weak combinations of these circulations result in the regional differences of dry and wet climate changes in China.Inter-decadal variations of the dry and wet climate boundary fluctuations and of the arid and humid climate result from the inter-decadal changes of East Asian summer monsoon,Indian Monsoon,plateau monsoon,westerly circulation, and West Pacific subtropical high.The anomalous general atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere during the late 1960s to the early 1970s is the causes of arid and humid climate remarkable change in China.  相似文献   

In this paper,TOVS satellite data are used through variational method on the data-sparse plateau area.Diagnoses are carried out to find a way to solve the large error problem of model initial field.It is put forward that TOVS retrieval data can be used to improve the initial field of numerical prediction model on Tibetan Plateau area.Through variational method,TOVS data are processed and the liability of the initial information on the plateau is improved.Diagnostic results confirm further that the application of TOVS retrieval data can improve our capability to describe the dynamic system features on the plateau and the objectivity of related initial information such as the distribution of water vapor channel and stratification stability.  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the data at 70 stations selected evenly over China for 31 years from 1961-1991.three methods to estimate climatic noise have been discussed and then the climatic noise and potential predictability of monthly precipitation(January.July.April and October)have been examined.The estimating of climatic noise is based on the method of Madden and improved methods of Trenberth and Yamamoto et al.(1985).The potential predictability is approximated by the ratio of the estimated interannual variation to the natural variation.Generally.the climatic noise of monthly precipitation over China has obvious seasonal variation and it is greater in summer than in winter,a bit greater in autumn than in spring.In most areas,the climatic noise is prominently decreasing from south to north and from coast to inland.The potential predictability of monthly precipitation also has obvious seasonal and regional difference,but the potential predictability is greater in winter than in summer in most parts of China.Whereas the comparison of spring and autumn is not obvious.Comparing with the method of Madden,the estimated values of climatic noise based on the improved methods of Trenberth and Yamamoto et al.are relatively lower.  相似文献   

Synthesis analysis and singular value decomposition (SVD) methods were used to study the impact of surface air temperature (SAT) over Asian-Pacific region on the summertime northeastern Asian blocking high (NABH) with NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data.The results showed that 500 hPa geopotential height and SAT fields over Asian-Pacific region shared the similar pattern of East Asian Pacific (EAP) wave train;there was steady remote response relationship between the EAP wave train in summer and the "+-+" pattern of tropical SAT in zonal direction from former winter to summer;there were two relative negative(positive) Walker circulations over the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific when being more(less) summertime NABH. The influence of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) on the summertime NABH was possibly as follows.The special distribution of SSTA in tropical zonal direction continuously forced the tropical convection and zonal circulation from former winter to summer,and led them to act anomaly.Finally the abnormal conditions were transported to middle-high latitudes through EAP wave train and yielded the advantageous or disadvantageous atmospheric circulation background for the summertime NABH.  相似文献   

Described in this paper is an experiment on atmosphere-surface turbulent exchange and boundary layer turbulence properties conducted in July 1994 over the Kerqin Grassland,Jilin,China.The characteristics of the turbulent spectrum,and the relationships of the standard deviation of the turbulent velocity components and sensible heat flux with the atmospheric stability are studied using data from a sonic anemometer and a fast-response platinum resistance thermometer mounted on a 100 m tower.The results show that in the surface layer over a flat,uniform and open grassland,for a broad stability range(-22.12≤ZiL≤17.98),the velocity spectra obey the-2/3 power law in the inertial subrange,and 1 power law at low frequencies.Under near neutral stratification,σu/u*=1.20,σv/u*=1.23 and σw/u*=1.02.For Zi/L≤-0.2,the standard deviations of the turbulent velocity components follow a 1/3 power law.For Zi/L≤-0.1,the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations follows a-1/3 power law,and as Zi/L≤-0.08,it exhibits nonlinear behavior.Sensible heat flux is well correlated to the stability parameter.  相似文献   

Investigated are effects of the total cloudiness and other factors on earth-atmosphere net radiation(EANR) and analyzed is its relation to other components and ground surface net radiation in the context of ERBE and ISCCP.Evidence suggests that planetary scale albedo and earth-atmosphere short wave absorption radiation have maximum effect on the net radiation under study,with the influence of cloud and latitude displayed predominantly through the two factors;OLR has relatively weak effect;the earth-atmosphere net radiation is well correlated with surface net radiation.Analysis is also performed of the geographic distribution of the earth-atmosphere net radiation throughout China,and the annual curve of the net radiation on a local basis is marked by high(low) value in summer(winter) with the impact of factors.including total cloudiness responsible largely for the shift of the months with maximum.  相似文献   

A global two-dimensional chemistry model is developed to study long-term trends of CH4 since industrial revolution.The sources of CH4,CO and NOx are parameterized as functions of latitude and time.With two long-term emission scenarios,long-term trends of CH4 are simulated.The results have a good agreement with observation from ice cores.The modeled CH4 increased from 760 ppbv in 1840 to 1611.9 ppbv in 1991, while the modeled number concentration of tropospheric OH decreased from 7.17×105 cm-3 in 1840 to 5.79×105 cm-3 in 1991.The increase of atmospheric CH4 can be explained by the increase of emission of CH4 and build-up because of decrease of OH radicals that remove CH4 from the atmosphere.The model is also used to simulate the distribution of CH4.Comparisons between the model results and observations show that the model can simulate both latitudinal distribution and seasonal variation of CH4 well.  相似文献   

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