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Over a period of three hydrological years during which precipitation was highly variable, measurements of discharge, electrical conductivity, temperature and chemical components of the water at the Cañamero spring (southern Spain) were taken in order to characterise the hydrogeological functioning of the karst aquifer that it drains. The results obtained from analysis of the frequency distribution of electrical conductivity data revealed histograms with a plurimodal morphology (up to 5 modes) and a range of variation that increased with greater pluviometry during the study period. The discharge from this spring increased sharply a few days after major rainfall episodes and, when the discharge reached a value of approximately 3.73 m3/s, an overflow spring started to function. During high-water periods, there were sudden and large falls in EC, temperature and all the chemical components dissolved in the water. This high variability reflects the predominance of groundwater flow through karst drains, a typical feature of conduit flow systems. The considerable hydrochemical heterogeneity observed is caused by the mobilisation of important volumes of recharge waters from shallow areas of the aquifer (soil, epikarst) towards the discharge point, with greater participation of the unsaturated zone during high-water conditions, and a more active role played by the saturated zone during low-water conditions. In karst systems such as the one drained by the Cañamero spring, it is important to monitor several responses (hydrodynamic, hydrothermal, hydrochemical, etc.), with an appropriate sampling frequency and under different hydrometeorological conditions, in order to achieve an adequate hydrological characterisation. This is fundamental for planning, management and protection of groundwater in karst aquifers.  相似文献   

Urban karst systems are typically considered more vulnerable to contamination and excess storm discharge because of potential source areas, increased sediment loading, and focusing of water from impervious surfaces. However, urban hydrology can lead to unexpected patterns, such as pirating of recharge into man-made storm systems. Valley Creek Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania, presents such an urban karst system. Four springs were monitored for suspended sediment, water chemistry, and storm response for an 18-month period. The baseflow suspended sediment concentrations were low, less than 4.0 mg/l. Furthermore, trace metal analysis of baseflow water samples and spring mouth sediment showed only low concentrations. The response to storms within the system was rapid, on the order of 1–3 h. The maximum water stage increases at the urban springs were typically less than 15 cm, with springs from more commercialized areas showing <2 cm increase. A nearby retention basin, in contrast, had water level rises of 100 cm, suggesting that pirating of recharge into stormwater systems occurs. Thus, the concept of an urban karst system as a contaminant conduit is not the only one that applies. In Valley Creek Basin, reduced infiltration due to paving led to smaller storm response and less contaminant input, and the smaller capture area due to diversion of stormwater led to short flow paths and rapid storm response. Although contaminant levels have not increased due to urbanization, the springs may be at risk for future contamination. Short flow paths may reduce flushing, which means that the system will not cleanse itself if contamination occurs.  相似文献   

Reproduction of hydrographs at karst springs has been an approach of understanding the karst aquifer, which normally acts as drains for the groundwater flow. However, its numerical modeling is difficult since factors for the internal geometry and connectedness are unknown and hard to quantify. Hydrographs of the karst aquifer with well-developed conduits in Shuifang spring catchment were obtained from the automatic gauging station at the spring orifice. Data as to the conduit system were also obtained based on results and analyses of tracer tests. With these data, the hydrological responses of Shuifang spring to storm events were simulated by storm water management model (SWMM) developed by USA EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies are used to compare the computed flow to the observed, which are 0.95 and 0.92 for calibration and validation. SWMM was verified and applicable in karst conduit drainage system. The model illustrated correctly quick recharge through conduits and slow and low inflow from the fissured aquifer matrix. The SCS-CN (soil conservation service-curve number) infiltration method was used for computation of losses and runoff. Field tests indicated that permeability was extremely high but different in karst area, which was less sensitive to the computed runoff when exceeded the common value provided by SWMM. Therefore, an improved quantitative infiltration model for karst area will make SWMM possible to be a useful tool for assessing and reproducing spring hydrographs.  相似文献   

The concurrent use of karst aquifers as drinking water resources and receptors of combined sewer overflow lacking appropriate pre-treatment may cause conflicts between drinking water supply and storm water management. A storm water tank (SWT) for combined wastewater is identified as the source of sporadic contamination of a karst spring (Gallusquelle, “Schwäbische Alb”, SW Germany) used for public water supply. Spring water quality was examined by routine and event sampling and by evaluating physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The total number of microbial colonies growing at 20°C and the number of Escherichia coli colonies rose to values up to four orders of magnitude higher than background, 2–5 days after overflow of the SWT. High concentrations of chloride, sodium, and total organic carbon (TOC) and high values of turbidity coincide with this increase. However, high bacterial contamination is also observed while turbidity and TOC are low. Several wastewater-related organic micro-pollutants such as chlorinated and non-chlorinated organophosphates were detected in the SWT and, depending on their Kow values and their biodegradability, in lower concentrations at the spring.  相似文献   

In order to study the function, hydrodynamic behavior, and hydraulic properties of the karst aquifers in Izeh, southwest Iran, time series analysis was applied to the precipitation, spring discharge, and piezometric head data of two representative karst systems of Zagros (Ilam-Sarvak and Asmari Formations). Time series analysis was applied to two karst aquifers, those of Asmari and Ilam-Sarvak Formations. The daily precipitations of anticlines were estimated based on the precipitation–elevation function which was applied on digital elevation model (DEM) of the area. The mean estimated daily precipitations were considered in bivariate time series analysis as input data of each karst system. The total length of time series was about 2.7 years, extending from May 2007 to December 2009. During the research, several one-parameter probe data loggers were installed, which daily measure the water surfaces in karst aquifers. Time series analysis was applied for describing Izeh karst aquifers with a focus on both univariate (autocorrelation and spectral analysis) and bivariate (cross-correlation, gain function, and coherency function) methods. The results show that Asmari karst aquifer in Kamarderaz Anticline has a large storage capacity. Because of lacking a well-organized karst network, in the Asmari karst aquifer, baseflow dominates with low contribution of quick-flow. In the Ilam-Sarvak karst aquifer (Shavish and Tanush Anticlines), the karstification occurred in fractures and small diameter conduits, which caused to quick-flow between dense limestone. The Ilam-Sarvak karst aquifer could be regarded as a transition between two extreme types of karst, e.g., highly karstified system and in the opposite, extremely diffused one. The analysis of well hydrograph in Ilam-Sarvak karst aquifer shows that the karst aquifer has a low storage capacity. Unlike Asmari karst aquifer, the fractures and small diameter conduits in Ilam-Sarvak karst aquifer are more enhanced, producing a better developed karst network. Contrary to the typical karst systems, however, diffuse flow and conduit flow coexist in the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

In northern Puerto Rico (USA), subsurface conduit networks with unknown characteristics, and surface features such as springs, rivers, lagoons and wetlands, drain the coastal karst aquifers. In this study, drain lines connecting sinkholes and springs are used to improve the developed regional model by simulating the drainage effects of conduit networks. Implemented in an equivalent porous media (EPM) approach, the model with drains is able to roughly reproduce the spring discharge hydrographs in response to rainfall. Hydraulic conductivities are found to be scale dependent and significantly increase with higher test radius, indicating scale dependency of the EPM approach. Similar to other karst regions in the world, hydraulic gradients are steeper where the transmissivity is lower approaching the coastline. This study enhances current understanding of the complex flow patterns in karst aquifers and suggests that using a drainage feature improves modeling results where available data on conduit characteristics are minimal.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow in a well-developed karst aquifer dominantly occurs through bedding planes, fractures, conduits, and caves created by and/or enlarged by dissolution. Conventional groundwater modeling methods assume that groundwater flow is described by Darcian principles where primary porosity (i.e. matrix porosity) and laminar flow are dominant. However, in well-developed karst aquifers, the assumption of Darcian flow can be questionable. While Darcian flow generally occurs in the matrix portion of the karst aquifer, flow through conduits can be non-laminar where the relation between specific discharge and hydraulic gradient is non-linear. MODFLOW-CFP is a relatively new modeling program that accounts for non-laminar and laminar flow in pipes, like karst caves, within an aquifer. In this study, results from MODFLOW-CFP are compared to those from MODFLOW-2000/2005, a numerical code based on Darcy’s law, to evaluate the accuracy that CFP can achieve when modeling flows in karst aquifers at laboratory and sub-regional (Woodville Karst Plain, Florida, USA) scales. In comparison with laboratory experiments, simulation results by MODFLOW-CFP are more accurate than MODFLOW 2005. At the sub-regional scale, MODFLOW-CFP was more accurate than MODFLOW-2000 for simulating field measurements of peak flow at one spring and total discharges at two springs for an observed storm event.  相似文献   

This study documents variations in calcium and nitrate concentrations that suggest changes in recharge pathways in a karst spring. The nitrate concentrations increased at the end of the growing season, showing the importance of the soil zone in the recharge pathway. The increase occurred over just a few days, which may be indicative of a change in contribution of baseflow in different seasons from deep to shallow groundwater. The calcium concentrations decreased several days after storm events. A change in the carbonate equilibrium is hypothesized because chloride was not diluted during these events. The decrease in calcium could be due to outgassing and calcite precipitation in the recharge area when older, higher ionic strength matrix water mixes with stormwater in open conduits. The use of geochemical indicators to better understand recharge pathways benefited from long-term monitoring and periods of daily sampling.  相似文献   

The recession hydrographs of karst springs provide important information about aquifer characteristics such as storage properties and drainage potential, karstification degree, and other hydrological features. The Faresban, Famaasb, Gonbad-e-Kabood, and Gian springs are the important karst springs which drain main karst aquifers in west of Iran. In this study, we evaluate hydrological characteristics of these four karst springs using different analytic equations. Almost, all the recession curves were well fitted by a function that consists of three main exponential terms. The initial portion of the recession curve represents the fast drainage of large fractures and conduits, ending with the slowly decreasing curve, where the drainage of rock matrix and small fissures or baseflow is dominant. The Gian spring has the largest storage volume but the lowest drained water (7%). Using Mangin’s equation, it is apparent that the baseflow supplies over 85% of the total drained water to the Gian spring, while a small quantity of total outflow is made up of quickflow periods. Of the water available to the Famaasb, Faresban, and Gonbad-e-Kabood springs, 85, 80, and 70% are drained during period of baseflow, respectively, whereas the quickflow periods have minor importance in some springs. Based on the Coutagne’s equation results, it can be concluded that the catchment of the Famaasb and Gonbad-e-Kabood springs have a karstified saturation zone with drainage channels that provide a rapid discharge with little storage capacity. At Gian catchment area, the initial discharge is not as rapid as karstification but is fairly homogeneous throughout the aquifer.  相似文献   

Epigenic karst systems exhibit strong connectivity to surface recharge. In land use dominated by extensive agriculture and farming, epigenic karst aquifers are highly vulnerable to surface contaminants from point and nonpoint sources. Currently, the karstic landscapes of the southeastern Kentucky platform (USA) are impacted by agriculture and the rapid proliferation of concentrated-animal-feeding operations. Analysis of karst aquifer responses to storm events provides qualitative information regarding aquifer–recharge flow paths and groundwater residence time, and knowledge of spatial and temporal variations in recharge and flow is crucial to the understanding of the fate of surface contaminants. Time-series correlation analyses on long-term physicochemical data recorded at the outlet of Grayson Gunnar Cave, an epigenic karst system located along the Cumberland escarpment in southeastern Kentucky, revealed the existence of two separate conduit branches responding 4–8 h apart from each other. Recorded storm response times range from 4 h for flushing and dilution to 7 h for recovery. An estimated 6 million L of stored groundwater is discharged from both branches during major storms, and the fastest responding branch accounts for the majority (80%) of the groundwater reserve being discharged through the spring. As evidenced by groundwater residence time (7 days), recharge is likely characterized by localized infiltration of rain water from subsurface sinkholes to the conduit branches with no contribution of regional or lateral groundwater flow.  相似文献   

Karst aquifer studies often focus on allogenic water inputs and large conduit flow. However, diffuse recharge can be significant, particularly in unconfined eogenetic karst aquifers that retain high matrix permeability. This study examines an unconfined region of the upper Floridan aquifer (USA) that hosts a sinking stream, its resurgence, and a large conduit system. Daily diffuse recharge was approximated using a water-budget method and ranged from 17% of precipitation during a low precipitation year to >53% during the highest precipitation year, illustrating the highly variable nature of diffuse recharge in this region. The total allogenic input via the sinking stream over the 5 years of the study was significantly larger than the volume of diffuse recharge. However, only about 2% of the allogenic recharge flows from the conduit into the surrounding aquifer. That flow is restricted to storm events when hydraulic heads in the conduits exceed those in the surrounding aquifer. The estimated volume of dissolution is similar for allogenic recharge and diffuse recharge to the unconfined region surrounding the conduits, but dissolution from the diffuse recharge is distributed over a larger area than dissolution from allogenic recharge. These results exemplify how recharge type impacts flow and water–rock interactions in eogenetic karst aquifers.  相似文献   

The hydraulic behaviour of the karst aquifer in the Hubelj spring catchment area (SW Slovenia) was studied by using an indirect research method based on natural tracers. The variations of natural tracers (in precipitation and in groundwater) during the storm event made possible the separation of the Hubelj spring storm hydrograph by the three-component separation technique. The results produced information on the aquifer recharge, storage and discharge processes, as well as on the mechanisms that affected them. They verified the so-called epikarst hypothesis presuming that an important part of a karst aquifer recharge reaches rapidly and intensively from the epikarst zone. It was demonstrated that epikarst water could occupy up to 50% of the spring discharge during precipitation events. This phenomenon could have important consequences on protection and management of the problems of karst aquifers, including engineering problems in karst areas. With this respect the results could give way to new engineering ideas.  相似文献   

Presence of springs in karst terranes provides a unique opportunity to study the rather complex, multi-porosity, and multi-permeability system. When springs are used to evaluate the integrity of storage facilities for hazardous materials or waste disposal facilities constructed in karst areas, the spatial heterogeneity of karst aquifers makes intra-spring comparisons preferred statistical tests. One of the commonly used statistical tests is water quality control procedure such as Shewhart-CUSUM control charts. Appropriate application of the water quality control procedure to intra-spring monitoring depends on whether the assumptions can be justified about the aquifer that drains to the spring and the dataset collected at the spring. Violation of the assumptions would render the statistical tests invalid, which may result in a failure of the groundwater monitoring program. In intra-spring monitoring, it is the temporal variations of water quality at a karst spring need to be addressed, whereas the water quality at the spring is closely associated with the characteristics of the aquifer. The example datasets presented in the paper indicate that both false negative and false positive detections can occur if the temporal variation is not well characterized.  相似文献   

Well-developed karst aquifers tend to be heterogeneous and consist of variable porosities. Groundwater monitoring and the associated data interpretations in such aquifers are often more complicated than porous medium aquifers. Collection of representative data in karst aquifers often requires monitoring at appropriately located wells and/or springs that are proven to connect to the groundwater system. Water samples are to be collected under different flow conditions, including base flow, high-flow, and low-flow. The sampling frequencies may vary from several months for base flows to minutes in response to recharge events. The groundwater monitoring program presented in this paper is for a cement kiln dust mono-fill site in a karst area of southern Indiana. Following dye tracing and extensive geophysical investigations, one spring was selected as a monitoring location. A second spring should be used as a monitoring location when the last cell of the mono-fill begins receiving the wastes. The paper discusses results from the first spring, at which nine background sampling events were completed to evaluate the natural variations of the water quality. Based on the background data, a statistical evaluation plan was developed for 12 water-quality parameters to determine the integrity of the landfill. The statistical power of the statistical analyses was evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

极端降水条件下北京西山黑龙关泉响应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2012年7月21日,北京房山区发生特大暴雨,暴雨从21日10时开始到22日2时结束。总降雨量达228mm,是北京60年一遇暴雨。暴雨后,黑龙关泉域岩溶水系统内的各种水资源要素都对其形成积极响应。依据岩溶地下水位统测、区域地质构造以及地貌条件综合分析黑龙关泉地下水系统补、径、排。研究黑龙关泉地下水系统对7.21洪水响应。从地下水位、地表河流、泉水水量、岩溶地下水化学分析7.21洪水前后变化情况。降水后,大石河流量最大达221m~3/s,水化学类型中带硫酸根离子的样品数显著增加。7月15日,实测黑龙关泉水流量为0.31m~3/s,7月21日上午实测为0.30m~3/s,25日分别对大石河的黑龙关泉口上、下游进行实测,获得泉水流量为3.47m~3/s,到29日降至2.34m~3/s,流量变化较为剧烈,与大石河水对岩溶水的补给密切相关。为进一步研究北京黑龙关泉域岩溶水的变化规律和岩溶水资源评价及合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The Gihon Spring, Jerusalem, is important for the major monotheistic religions. Its hydrogeology and hydrochemistry is studied here in order to understand urbanization effects on karst groundwater resources, and promote better water management. High-resolution monitoring of the spring discharge, temperature and electrical conductivity, was performed, together with chemical and bacterial analysis. All these demonstrate a rapid response of the spring to rainfall events and human impact. A complex karst system is inferred, including conduit flow, fissure flow and diffuse flow. Electrical conductivity, Na+ and K+ values (2.0 mS/cm, 130 and 50 mg/l respectively) are very high compared to other nearby springs located at the town margins (0.6 mS/cm, 15 and <1 mg/l respectively), indicating considerable urban pollution in the Gihon area. The previously cited pulsating nature of the spring was not detected during the present high-resolution monitoring. This phenomenon may have ceased due to additional water sources from urban leakage and irrigation feeding the spring. The urbanization of the recharge catchment thus affects the spring water dramatically, both chemically and hydrologically. Appropriate measures should therefore be undertaken to protect the Gihon Spring and other karst aquifers threatened by rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

The relation between rainfall and the discharge from two springs, located at the base of different karst massifs in southern Italy, is investigated by cross-correlation analyses. Data are derived from a continuous time window of 13 years. The input signal involves multiple rainfall time series (cumulative rainfall over varying time windows), while the time series of daily spring discharges are used as the output signal. Analyses were first conducted on the unprocessed data and then on data for which linear trends and seasonal components had been removed, the latter by a spectral analysis. Analyses contributed to the investigation of the time required for water to flow through the karst aquifers at the two sites. Long time intervals of the cumulative rainfall (>60 days) appear to be the main component affecting the spring discharge hydrographs; shorter time intervals seem to be related to quick-flow paths. Some statistics about the linear regression and the meaning of the cross-correlation analysis are discussed. Cross-correlation analysis can provide strong support for identification of the main rainfall contribution and the travel time through the main infiltration pathways in aquifers.  相似文献   

Human activities in the karst Ozark Plateaus can impact water quality of springs where surface water is rapidly transferred to subsurface conduits. Bennett Spring, in southern Missouri, is the fourth largest spring in the state and supports local tourism activities. Questions regarding poorly functioning on-site wastewater systems (OWS) have raised concerns over the long-term water quality of the spring. This study reports the results of a surface water quality monitoring program in the recharge area where monthly samples were collected at base flow to identify potential pollution sources to the spring. Base flow hydrology of the recharge area was highly variable over the study period, which was drier than normal, causing an incomplete sampling record due to no flow conditions at some sites. For most of the year, nutrient levels were less than the eutrophic threshold (ET) of 0.075 mg/l total phosphorus (TP) and 1.5 mg/l total nitrogen (TN). Sites that consistently displayed concentrations of TP and TN higher than the ET were influenced by wastewater treatment plants (WTP) or OWS. Sites with nutrient concentrations above the ET were likely influenced by the re-release of nonpoint source related TP and TN delivered to streams during storm events. Water quality and discharge at the spring outlet remained consistent over the sampling period suggesting diffuse recharge from a deep aquifer source is able to dilute shallow ground water sources carrying nonpoint pollutants at base flow. Historical and regional data comparisons show these trends have been consistent over at least the last two decades.  相似文献   

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