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The water ice and silicate dust bands centered at about 3 and 10 μm, respectively, are simultaneously observed in the spectra of several objects. So far the wavelength dependence of the polarization in both bands has been modeled using two-layer spheroids, with the shape of the silicate core being confocal to that of the ice mantle. We show that nonconfocality of the spheroidal core and mantle boundaries changes fundamentally the wavelength dependence of the polarization within the 10-μm silicate band and affects significantly the polarization within the 3-μm water ice band, while the extinction profiles of these bands remain essentially unchanged. Since the results have been obtained for a theoretical model, we discuss their applicability and significance for cosmic dust grains. Original Russian Text ? M.S. Prokopjeva, V.B. Il’in, 2007, published in Pis’ma v Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 784–791.  相似文献   

More than 400 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images of dust storm events were collected and analyzed, and individual events were tracked back to their origins. Dust tracks were determined from color composite images, brightness temperature difference (BTD) and the NOAA Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model. The results showed that five regions (sandy lands in central Inner Mongolia and the adjacent area of Mongolia; the Gobi Desert in Xinjiang and Gansu provinces, western Inner Mongolia, and the adjacent southwestern area of Mongolia; the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia and the adjoining area of northern Inner Mongolia; sandy lands and deserts around the middle reaches of the Yellow River; and the area rimming the Taklimakan Desert) were the main contributors to long-lived mineral dusts in northern China and Mongolia. Of these dust production areas, sandy lands and stony deserts, rather than the sandy deserts of Inner Mongolia and Mongolia, were found to be the dominant dust sources, accounting for more than 75% of regional dust emission events. Dust events in the Taklimakan Desert were often local phenomena, although they could also be transported eastward if they were uplifted high enough to escape the enclosing topographic highs. Dust sources in northwestern China are mainly alluvial fans and dry lake and river beds. Success in identifying the sources and trajectories of Asian dust storms would guide future ground-based research and steppe degradation countermeasures and help reduce the uncertainties in modern modeling of Asian dust.  相似文献   

An integrated dust storm modeling system is developed for the prediction of dust storms. The system couples a wind erosion scheme, a dust transportation model and the Penn State/UCAR modeling system (MM5) with a geographic information database. The system can be used for the prediction of dust emission rate and dust concentration associated with individual dust storm events. Two severe dust storm events occurred in spring 2002, one on the 19th–22nd of March and the other on the 6th–9th of April. The integrated modeling system is used to simulate the two events. The numerical results are compared with surface weather records and satellite images and good agreement is found between the model results and observation in dust concentration distribution and evolutions. The Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia and the Badain Jaran Desert, Tengger Desert and Hunshandake sandy land in Inner Mongolia (China) are identified to be the dust sources for the two events. The dominant modes of dust particles over western Inner Mongolia and Mongolia are from 2 to 11 μm in size, and 2 to 22 μm over Beijing and its surrounding area. The emission of particles in the 2–11 μm size range is found to be most important for Northeast Asian dust storms.  相似文献   

A review on East Asian dust storm climate, modelling and monitoring   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
In arid and semi-arid area of Asia, dust storms occur frequently. Asian dust storms have a major impact on the air quality of the densely populated areas of China, Korea and Japan, and are important to the global dust cycle. In extreme cases, they result in the loss of human lives and disruptions of social and economic activities. In recent years, systematic research on Asian dust storms has been carried out. Much progress has been made in the development of integrated dust storm monitoring and modeling systems by making use of advanced numerical models, satellite remote sensing and GIS data. In this paper, we summarize the recent achievements in Asian dust storm research with an emphasis on dust climatology, modeling and satellite monitoring. The concept of integrated dust storm monitoring and modeling system is described and a summary of the developments in key research areas is given, including new dust models and techniques in satellite remote sensing and system integration. We then discuss the current research frontiers and the challenges for future studies.  相似文献   

Observations from 560 weather stations in China show that sand–dust storms occur most frequently in April in north China. The region consists of Sub-dry Mid Temperate, Dry Mid Temperate, Sub-dry South Temperate and Dry South Temperate Zones and much of the land surface is desert or semi-desert: it is relatively dry with minimal rainfall and a high annual mean temperature. In most regions of China, the annual mean frequency of sand–dust events decreased sharply between 1980 and 1997 and then increased from 1997 to 2000. Statistical analyses demonstrate that the frequency of sand–dust storms correlates highly with wind speed, which in turn is strongly related to land surface features; on the other hand, a significant correlation between storm events and other atmospheric quantities such as precipitation and temperature was not observed. Accordingly, land surface cover characteristics (vegetation, snowfall and soil texture) may play a significant role in determining the occurrence of sand–dust storms in China. Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Empirical Orthogonal Function show that since 1995 surface vegetation cover in large areas of Northern China has significantly deteriorated. Moreover, a high correlation is shown to exist among the annual occurrence of sand–dust storms, surface vegetation cover and snowfall. This suggests that the deterioration of surface vegetation cover may strongly influence the occurrence of sand–dust storms in China. Soils with coarse and medium textures are found to be more associated with sand–dust storms than other soils.  相似文献   

Observations of the solar eclipse on March 29, 2006, at the Laboratory of Radio Astronomy of the CrAO showed that the radio radius of the Sun at a wavelength of 1 m in the direction of the first contact was R d = 1.12 R during solar activity minimum between cycles 23 and 24. The brightness temperature of the undisturbed Sun was T d = (0.6 ± 0.06) × 106 K. There was a noise storm source above the sunspot group NOAA 0865 whose bright nucleus had a size of 1′.3 and a brightness temperature T b = 16 × 106 K. The noise storm bursts were emitted from the region of the bright nucleus above the group NOAA 0865 and were absent during its covering by the disk of the Moon. Thermal radiation from a coronal condensation with a brightness temperature of (1?2) × 106 K extending out from the visible solar disk to 2′.7 was observed during the eclipse above the eastern limb sunspot group NOAA 0866. The bright nucleus in this limb source appeared 42 min after eclipse termination and persisted in the ensuing days. This may be indicative of the time of its emergence from behind the radio horizon formed by regular refraction of radio waves in the corona. The refractive displacement was measured by comparison with the eclipse observations at a shorter wavelength of 12 cm. Its value of 0′.96 is close to the calculated value of 0′.8.  相似文献   

Mongolian cyclones are important to the outbreaks of severe dust storms in Northeast Asia. In this paper, we conduct a diagnostic study and a numerical simulation of a rapidly developing Mongolian cyclone that produced the April 5 to 7, 2000 severe dust storm in East Asia. The surface pressure of the cyclone decreased rapidly on April 5 to 6 causing strong surface winds. The diagnosis shows that the cyclone was a “dry cyclone”, as the convergence of moisture flux was weak and the baroclinic forcing was strong. The analysis of the Q vectors also reveals that ageostrophic wind was significant in the middle and upper part of the cyclone, resulting in strong vertical motion in the lower part. The three-dimensional structure of the cyclone is characterized by an ascending southern warm current and a descending northern cold current. This structure is favorable to the release of available potential energy and the intensification of the cyclone. In the second part of this study, we develop a coupled system of a dust emission scheme and a mesoscale numerical model (MM5V3) and applied the system to the simulation of the Mongolian cyclone. The main features of the cyclone identified from the diagnostic analysis are successfully reproduced. The predicted dust storm-affected area is found to be consistent with the meteorological observations and satellite remote sensing. It is shown that the coupled system is capable of predicting the spatial and temporal variations of the dust storm.  相似文献   

Determining temperatures in molecular clouds from ratios of CO rotational lines or from ratios of continuum emission in different wavelength bands suffers from reduced temperature sensitivity in the high-temperature limit. In theory, the ratio of far-infrared (FIR), submillimetre or millimetre continuum to that of a 13CO (or C18O) rotational line can place reliable upper limits on the temperature of the dust and molecular gas. Consequently, FIR continuum data from the COBE /Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) instrument and Nagoya 4-m  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line data were used to plot  240 μm/13CO  J = 1 → 0  intensity ratios against 140/240 μm dust colour temperatures, allowing us to constrain the multiparsec-scale physical conditions in the Orion A and B molecular clouds.
The best-fitting models to the Orion clouds consist of two components: a component near the surface of the clouds that is heated primarily by a very large scale (i.e. ∼1 kpc) interstellar radiation field and a component deeper within the clouds. The former has a fixed temperature and the latter has a range of temperatures that vary from one sightline to another. The models require a dust–gas temperature difference of 0 ± 2 K and suggest that 40–50 per cent of the Orion clouds are in the form of dust and gas with temperatures between 3 and 10 K. The implications are discussed in detail in later papers and include stronger dust–gas thermal coupling and higher Galactic-scale molecular gas temperatures than are usually accepted, and an improved explanation for the N (H2)/ I (CO) conversion factor. It is emphasized that these results are preliminary and require confirmation by independent observations and methods.  相似文献   

The reliability of modelling the far-infrared continuum to  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line ratios applied to the Orion clouds (see previous paper in the series) on the scales of several parsecs (i.e. ∼7 pc) is tested by applying the models to simulated data. The two-component models are found to give the dust–gas temperature difference,  Δ T   , to within 1 or 2 K. However, other parameters like the column density per velocity interval and the gas density can be wrong by an order of magnitude or more. In particular, the density can be systematically underestimated by an order of magnitude or more. The overall mass of the clouds is estimated correctly to within a few per cent.
These results may permit us to reliably constrain estimates of the Orion clouds' physical parameters, based on the real observations of the far-infrared continuum and  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line. Nevertheless, other systematics must be treated first. These include the effects of background/foreground subtraction, effects of the H  i component of the interstellar medium, and others. These will be discussed in a future paper.  相似文献   

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